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Pickles Aplenty

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Posts posted by Pickles Aplenty

  1. My thoughts, season by season...

    Season 1

    Since season 1 is basically the show trying to establish things and find its stride, I can't say it's one of my favorites.  I think it's okay, but not particularly re-watchable.  Except for "Hot Girl".  Pam breaks my heart in that episode, and Mindy Kaling did a fabulous job.  I think every woman has felt like she couldn't compete with another woman at some point in her life, so it really rings true.  Best episode of season 1, IMHO.

    Season 2

    One of the best seasons of the show's run, and for good reason- John Krasinski acted the hell out of Jim Halpert.  "Booze Cruise" was the first episode I ever saw, and it's still one of my favorites.  I also love Jim and Pam's argument over Pam's future in "Boys and Girls", and "Casino Night" is perfect from start to finish.  Season 2 is where the show really started to come into its own and not be an imitation of the UK version, and I think they pulled it off beautifully.

    Season 3

    This is my favorite season, hands down.  As much as I love Jim, I felt more watching things through Pam's eyes, and I was behind her evolution every step of the way.  I also like Karen, and I love the fact that the writers gave Jim a girlfriend that wasn't a shrill harpy, the way a lesser show would have.  Seeing Pam make a play for Jim while Karen was a likable, cool chick made it all very messy and real.  I also liked watching Dwight and Angela's relationship progress, and Michael's arc with Jan was at its funniest in seasons 3 and 4.  This is the season I rewatch the most, because it has so many great moments.

    Season 4

    The last season I liked from start to finish.  It was nice seeing Jim and Pam finally get together, and since Michael was also one of my favorite characters, I liked seeing things through his POV.  "Dinner Party" and "Night Out" are my two favorite episodes, and I confess that I am a sucker for the Toby/Pam crush.  I know some people don't care for it, but I always thought it was sad and sweet.

    Season 5

    Some good episodes, some bad...season 5 was the first season that was uneven for me.  I liked the Michael Scott Paper Company arc, but I didn't care about Pam going to art school because I felt it was a contrived way to drive J&P apart after they finally got together.  I also didn't care about Pam being pregnant, so it ended on a "meh" note for me.  If I had made the decision, I would have married J&P in season 5 and pulled the plug, because...

    Season 6

    ...I think season 6 is awful.  The only episode I liked was "Scott's Tots", which I know is an unpopular opinion, but it is what it is.  Everything else was boring with a capital "B"; Pam's neverending pregnancy, the ridiculous wedding episode (I know it's a favorite, but I hated it when it aired and I still hate it now, especially that terrible YouTube dance), Michael having an affair with a married woman, Michael dating Pam's mom, Jim and Michael both being the boss...I just didn't care about any of it.  The show was way past its prime at this point, IMO.

    Season 7

    I only watched a handful of episodes from this season, so I can't give it a fair review, but most of what I saw was bad.  I did like "Counseling", "Classy Christmas", and "Goodbye, Michael", though.  I thought Michael's proposal to Holly was sweet, if a little overdone, but other than that?  Eh.  I had stopped watching regularly by season 7, and it was a sad, sad day.

    Season 8

    I made it as far as the premiere before I threw in the towel.  Didn't see any of it, so I have no opinion.

    Season 9

    I started tuning in again halfway through season 9 because I wanted to see how the show ended.  I came in on "Customer Loyalty", which has the big WHOA moment of Pam talking to the camera guy and the fourth wall being broken for the first time ever.  While I thought the Philadelphia/Jim's career/Brian storyline was contrived and a little lame, I was impressed with Jenna Fischer's acting this season, even though I wanted to smack Pam for being so damn stubborn.  I didn't care about any of the secondary characters, it was all about the J&P turbulence.  Actually, I take that back- I did care about Dwight and Angela getting back together.  Philip being Dwight's son was lame, but I really liked the moment where Angela breaks down in Oscar's car and confesses that she loves Dwight.  That was a huge turning-point for her character, and I actually felt sorry for Angela, which was a rarity.  So, yeah, that was definitely a highlight.

    I thought the finale was just okay.  It was sad, but I think it would have been more poignant if the show had gone out when it was still on top.  Pam giving herself that final push and agreeing to the Austin move was huge, and the final shot of Michael hanging Pam's drawing on the wall made me a little misty-eyed, but all-in-all I've seen much better finales.  I really, really want the orchestra version of "Sweet Child O' Mine" in my music collection, though.  Dwight has excellent taste in music.

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