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Posts posted by truthtalk2014

  1. It is going to be extremely difficult to find a helpmate for Jedidah Duggar .  He is about as dumb as Joy with the personality of a pickle.  

    Also, can someone tell me where the piano training was going on in the video?  Beginning- end?  It is quite possible I fell asleep during the lesson.  Thanks. 

    • Love 3
  2. Spurs is so adorable and happy.   Jessa and Bengermin must be doing something right.  He seems to be loving life.

    Jilly Muffin is an idiot.  Does anyone know what she said to Izzy when she corrected him?

    I wish BOYS only for all these girls.  

    Oh and not to sound too much like Kate plus 8- but that play palace gave me the creeps and there is no way I would have walked in there with bare feet.  

    • Love 5
  3. I sent my helpmate to his music room to sing some evil (Rolling stones, Bowie, etc.) music while I embarrassingly watched the  Duggs.  When he came down, I was asleep.  I think I made it to the first commercial.  You all will have to fill me in.  

    • Love 5
  4. 6 hours ago, Barb23 said:

    Why board shorts when kayaking? It wasn't like they were going swimming.  Why didn't the girls just wear a normal pair of ladie's capris, skorts or leggings with a long tunic top when they were kayaking? I thought sure they would just wear leggings under a skirt like Jill did  her birthday hike.  I guess this would have been over the top for them. Did they wear life jackets?  Don't even get me started if they didn't. Oops I forgot, they have a special God to protect & watch over them. 

    I always wear some type of swimwear or board shorts when kayaking.  Even if you don't fall in, you typically get some water on your shorts.  Board shorts dry quickly.   

    I never WEAR a life jacket when kayaking, paddle boarding, etc.  I do keep one on board because it is required.  However, I can swim.  I have no clue if these girls can swim or even tread water until their men could rescue them.  It doesn't seem as if they have had that much experience around water.  I was really surprised they could figure out how to kayak.  Maybe TLC gave them a crash course before filming. 

    2 hours ago, yogi2014L said:

    I think its a combination of not having those items on the trip and having to be all dramatic and wear their guys -clothing kind of like stealing a boys sweatshirt when you are in 7th grade LOL (IMO)

    I was happy they did because they looked so awkward wearing those skirts go karting at least they are finally learning

    I can;t believe I have watched every episode of this season...*hangs head in shame*

    I feel that Jessa borrows Bengermin's all the time.  I guess it's just too embarrassing for her to go out and buy her own.

    Jinge- however.  I guess she realized there was no way she could wear Babe's without them falling off her tiny body.  She probably ordered online.  Can't have people seeing her in public buying shorts!  Oh the horror.  

    • Love 3
  5. I really think Jinge is over the top happy.  First of all, she has a guy - but more importantly, she finally has someone paying attention to HER.  When you think about it, she has had no attention from her parents her whole life and no real friends outside of her siblings.  

    Now, she gets a guy that is showing her lots of attention and a new family that thinks she is it on a stick.  Attention, attention, attention for Jinge.  She definitely deserves it after spending all these years organizing clothes and taking care of her siblings.  

    • Love 13
  6. 5 hours ago, IndianPaintbrush said:

    I guess Jinger's so in love that she forgot how to use a hairbrush. Girl, pull that shizz back when you're making meatballs!

    Did you notice the grandmother pull Jingers hair back when she was making the sauce.  I thought she was going to put it in a holder or something appropriate like that. 

    • Love 13
  7. Why did MEchelle tag along?  Why?  I thought it was funny when Jeremy's Mom was holding Spurgeon and playing with him while MEchelle was not seen holding him one time on the trip.  

    Why do they have to redecorate for Jill and Derrick?  Why can't they do it when they get there.  Don't these people ever want to pick out their own furniture, wall color and decorations?

    The grandmother was just so adorable.  I wonder what MEchelle was doing while Jing was in the kitchen learning to make sauce.  I loved that they had real food.  I can't remember if they had real dishes as well.  

    I don't know why Jeremy wore sneakers for  the proposal.  A nice pair of loafers would have looked so much better. 

    I was actually surprised they put the proposal in this episode.  I just knew they were going to cut right before going on the roof.   Guess they got the message with that crap of repeats they had on last week. 

    And finally, Jing is so ready to have sex with Babe.

    • Love 9
  8. I am not sure if this is the correct forum but Boob is doing a good job of marrying off his virgin daughters.  He seems to have a problem with the sons.  

    Duggar dollars to Krispy Kreme donuts- all the daughters (over 18 years) will be gone before he finds a helpmate for a son.   Poor Anna was just a lucky strike.  

    • Love 2
  9. 17 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

    Jana's garden is really pretty and I'm glad she has something of her own to be proud of.

    If Jana grew this garden, I would believe in Santa coming to my house on the 24th.  This is a TLC FU internet moment.  Jana is too busy cooking and cleaning to tend a garden like that. 

    • Love 22
  10. This episode made Boob even more of an ass than ever before.  He needs to STFU about everything. He made fun of the size of the apartment.   Maybe he doesn't remember stuffing a dozen or so kids in his 1100 sq. ft. house and leaving them to fantasize about cooking rice that was an adornment.  

    Going in the closet was way out of line. 

    Sorry- but if I were the mother of the groom, I would have slapped some sense into Boob and told him that the thrift store daughter can get a JOB in a thrift store. The guy should be running at top speed from this crazy lunatic. 

    Joy was annoying and needs to take a refresher course in speaking English. 

    Guess the Josh kids and Anna had to hide during the party.  

    • Love 23
  11. Why did they have Big White Baby in shoes and a flotation device if both parents were passing him back and forth and teaching him to swim?  After all, he was within the WALL of the hotel night that was 'gifted' to them.  

    I literally am sick of Jill and Derrick using the term GIFTED.  Geez!  Just say that someone gave it to you.  They used the same word about the air conditioning unit in Danger America that Ma and Pa Duggar bought for them with TLC money.  

    Spurg is absolutely freaking adorable.  His laugh cracks me up.  Bengermin and Jessa did one thing right.  

    • Love 6
  12. I would have paid someone to torch the RV, hot dogs and cell phones so they would actually have to survive one night.  

    I never saw a bear in the stock footage.  Did you guys?

    Wow! Just wow.  I am embarrassed for all of them.  Can someone explain to me why they got patches at the end?  Maybe Jinge can have Jenny sew her survival patch to her Jer pillow.

    • Love 5
  13. Did I hear them say they bought take out for the dinner with Jeremy?  What happened to saving the difference and that big kitchen?  They can't even throw the frozen lasagna trays in the oven now?  I am going to be really embarrassed when Jinge has to introduce her family to Jeremy's.  Actually, I am going to LMAO at the nasty meal the Dugs will serve.  

    Oh really!  Survival training?  JD talked about it preparing one for being dropped off in the middle of nowhere.  Well most people don't get dropped off with hot dogs, buns, all you need for smores, and a motel on wheels. 

    The girls should be slapped silly for the flip flops and skirts.  In real life they would have been eaten alive by mosquitoes, chiggers, etc.  

    The boys were more than annoying the entire episode.  They will NEVER find a help mate.  I can't even imagine fundie girls that can tolerate their stupidity. 

    • Love 18
  14. Feral Josie makes a grand return eating lasagna with her fingers.  I was happy that Jessa called her out on it. But, she continued anyway.  How old is she anyway?  Still being carried!  WTF?  

    • Love 24
  15. On August 4, 2016 at 7:06 PM, Churchhoney said:

    Given what she's said about wanting a guy who works with his hands, I wonder if she's scoped out all the guys so far and decided that for her taste they didn't seem interested enough in doing real everyday work. I expect I'm giving her too much credit. But I still do wonder whether picking up an "I really want to be a missionary/pastor" vibe tells Cinderella that these aren't the guys for her, the ultimate worker bee.

    Maybe Jana just doesn't want a guy at all.  If she has to look at Boob as an example, she will probably stay single forever.

    The chart is really creepy.  Imagine living in that three bedroom house and knowing that on a particular day your parents were having sex.  There would not be enough cotton balls (to stuff in your ears) in Aldi to not imagine what was going on.  

    • Love 11
  16. 17 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

    For fucks sake they're not fooling anyone with that Norman Rockwell bullshit... they are the antithesis of a Norman Rockwell painting ...there is nothing wholesome about Creeper

    Maybe they are closer to Normal Rockwell than we ever imagined. If you look up the true story of NR, it is quite creepy - considering the paintings of a happy home.  

    From a book about NR. http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702304073204579168093680881748  "Her book's theory: Repressed sexuality, fear of women and fascination with manhood made Rockwell's art brilliant and his personal relationships troubled."    He was married three times and suffered from depression.  

    Duggar Rockwell?

    • Love 3
  17. Honestly, when I first saw the Happy Mothers day photo, I assumed someone had photoshopped Derrick as Zoolander.  Seriously.  It was only when I went back and watched the video that I realized it was him.

    I'm with all that thinks he looks a thousand times better than the Grizzly Adams look on the last episode.  I hope some locals have introduced him to a peace pipe or two.  I hope Jill gets high from the second hand smoke.  LOL

    Jill and Derrick getting high.  Now that would be a show to get some numbers.  They already have the little Danger American girl to watch Izzy while they trip on the totally awesome view from the guest room. 

    • Love 6
  18. 2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    That's a good point. IIRC, Jill and Jana did the cooking, Jinger the laundry and Jessa the homefoolin/packing. None of them were ever taught to multi-task. I'm surprised Jill hasn't recruited some girls out of the orphanage to act as Sister-Moms.

    What really got me was not putting sheets on the mattresses in the guest bedrooms. It's just so tacky. If you know you're going to have a revolving door of houseguests, buy some extra sheet sets.

    I noticed a little girl- maybe 10 years old that was around during the arrival of the family.  I'm thinking she might be the sister mom to Izzy.  

    Another note, when Derrick was driving them from the airport, did anyone notice the three joggers on the right?  I'm not sure if they were American - but definitely not Danger American.  Didn't seem as if they were that concerned for their safety while taking a jog.  

    On the way to the house, I noticed nicely manicured shrubbery for such a danger zone.  

    ETA:  This was funny to me.  When Derrick was talking about their wedding and seeing Jill walk down the aisle- he said something  like  " When I first saw Jill coming down the aisle, I can't even describe the emotions I felt but I  just kinda came to climax."    I'm going to the prayer closet now.

    • Love 13
  19. 2 minutes ago, riverblue22 said:

    My guess is that they brought sleeping bags and the boys ended up on the floor.  With all these SOS folks missioncationing together there would never be enough beds.  Sleeping bags were probably included in that huge pile of luggage that they brought.  Too bad they couldn't have brought something nice for the ladies and children that came to the "conference."

    Didn't you notice that nice bowl of potpourri in the center of each table?  Oh, and they got to hear the Duggar girls sing. 

    • Love 4
  20. I found it hilarious that Izzy seemed fixated on Jessa's boobs.  He couldn't keep his hands off them. lol I would love to see the uncut footage of that scene.  

    Did anyone notice that when the family arrived and Jill was showing Jessa around the house - the guest room in particular- (where Jill said the girls would be sleeping) there were no sheets on the beds?  I saw one comforter on the top bunk- no sheets!!!  I'm sorry, but you have family coming in and you don't bother to make the bed?  Did they even get sheets?  Or, another thought.  Did they even stay with J&D?  Or did they stay at a more comfy hotel nearby?  I find it almost impossible to believe that princess Jessa slept in the third bedroom with no bedding on a blow up mattress.  And where did the boys sleep?  Again, I call BS on this and know they shelled out some dollars on the nicest hotel TLC money could buy in the area. 

    • Love 5
  21. 10 hours ago, drafan said:

    I'm not watching this, but from the previews (which are constant and sickening), JB is getting his wish....people believing that somebody is courting....he knows that's the stuff that ratings are made of. I actually feel sorry for Jinger.

    This ^^^^^ is funny. That seems to be the whole take-away from this show. Kinda sad, really.

    Still not gonna watch it tho....can piece enough together from the previews on TLC and the snark here to know it would bore me to tears.

    Awwww.... come on!  You don't have four free minutes in your day to watch the most boring reality show on the planet?  ;)

    • Love 7
  22. A couple of episodes ago- when the four girls were sitting on the beds in the bedroom- I noticed that the bed on the right had no sheets (not even a mattress cover).  There was just a comforter pulled up over.  Once again - gross.  You are filming.  Maybe you are planning on putting sheets on later (doubt it) but still.  

    I'm sure that most of the bad skin in that family is a direct result of the food they eat.  They could be allergic to processed foods (90% of their diet) or dairy.  Not to mention, clean sheets can do wonders.  

    • Love 2
  23. Awesome 4 minutes of new footage for the show. Thank goodness for fast forward.  TLC is so desperate now.  They advertise the previews of the next scene in the show (which is a scene from another show) and then they play the played before scene again.  How many times can you show the same crap???

    Spurg is ADORABLE.  I have to give Jessa credit for one thing.  She has a very happy baby.  I don't think she passes him off to others that often and is really into him.  And he seems extremely content and happy.  I think he was really amused by his uncle Bigfoot.  I don't think Jessa will let MEchelle butcher his hair.  

    Other than that- you have my recap of the 4 minutes of new footage. 

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