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  1. When they got rid of Teddy and then Emilio, the season took a nosedive from which it didn't recover. The only dances I watched over and over were their duo, and the last group routine w/the top 10 and the all stars. All the rest were yawn fests, even Sonya's. There was way too much Travis Wall: he choreographs the same dance over and over and over. it's made me hate contemporary. And judging by comments here, I guess I didn't miss much by fast forwarding through everything but the dance routines. Other seasons, I could see a real learning curve w/the dancers, but not this one--they all seemed to pretty much maintain what they came with. I dunno, there was just some spark missing this season. The only other season that was more disappointing was the one where Mia Michaels whinged through her entire judging duties, to the point I got so fed up I didn't even finish watching it. They wisely got rid of her next season.I enjoyed when they used to have a constantly rotating roster of judges who were also dancers; I don't care what second rate actors have to say about anything. As for this season's top 4...really? Really? Valerie runner up? I just hope next season they bring back the personality and spark and diversity that used to make this show so good.
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