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Posts posted by kingshearte

  1. On 9/12/2017 at 1:42 AM, UsernameFatigue said:

    I thought it was odd that Jack Stone just wanted to continue to get to know Christen and she thought leaving hand in hand was a big deal. She didn't seem all that bright to me, so in the end I think she did Jack a favour. I would love it if he was the next bachelor. Smart, nice and good looking. What's not to like? 

    I liked Taylor's ring - not ridiculously over sized like so many of them are. Very pretty. 

    I would definitely be up for Jack Stone as bachelor.

    I didn't even notice the ring, but I love that it wasn't enormous. That, along with the fact that we never saw any Neil Lane bling-picking scene almost makes me wonder if he actually sprung for something himself.

    On 9/12/2017 at 7:43 AM, mertensia said:

    I just gotta ask, and I do mean this seriously: how does parading her virginity around help Christen's brand? I mean, conservative Christian types aren't likely to approve her teensy bikini or her appearing on the franchise.

    Although it's true that she did mention it (and in the context of brand at least once), I feel like I actually heard way more about Christen's virginity from Jasmine than from Christen. Jasmine was very weirdly fixated on it.

    On 9/12/2017 at 9:38 AM, MMLEsq said:

    Well, to be fair to them, they live thousands of miles apart (Lacey in NY, Daniel in Vancouver), so this might have been the most logical way to spend some concentrated time together to see where things might go.  

    I was going to point this out, too. While there's certainly no rule against any of these people dating outside of the shows, working that out would be very difficult. They might see each other occasionally at Bachelor Nation events, but to actually get enough real time together to know whether there's something worth pursuing, someone would have to go visit someone else for a fairly solid period of time, and that requires both parties to agree that that would be a worthwhile use of their time and money. So logistically, this actually makes a lot of sense.

    On 9/12/2017 at 0:01 PM, ljenkins782 said:

    Except that she has no personality and no variance in her emotions. She thinks Robbie cheated on her and her response was kinda "well, I guess that's okay." That would never fly on a Housewife show, lol. 

    I think you have to actually be into someone to truly care if they cheat on you...

    The break-ups were a bit odd to watch, as so many of them seemed to basically blindside the person getting dumped. The Jack and Christen one was possibly the weirdest, though. He's all "I would like to date you." And she's all "Wait, what? Date? I thought we were just friends. If that." Which is particularly weird because she goes on to point out that friends don't run around holding hands... but apparently they do make out?

    And Dean. Oh Dean. I think this finale kind of bore out what I've figured to be the case with him, which is that he genuinely does like Kristina, but he's not yet ready for an actual committed relationship and/or doesn't yet have the emotional maturity to understand that even when you are really into someone, you might still find yourself attracted to other people, but that doesn't mean you have to act on those feelings just because you have them. And I gotta say, I felt for Danielle. It's gotta at least sting a little to watch someone be all "Kristina is smart, and funny, and great to spend time with, etc. etc., but Danielle is hawt!" If you didn't already have a suspicion that he's into very little more about you than your physical assets, that ought to confirm it.

    And Daniel. Oh Daniel, you disappointed me so hard. I mean, he came in fully acknowledging that he just wanted to have some fun, and good for him for having it, I guess, but dude. I was actually really kind of shipping those two weirdoes, and thought that the fact that we got very little Daniel-brand insane conversation meant he was actually hitting it off quietly with Lacey, so to find that he basically straight up played her is very disappointing. Have a fling, whatever; I'm not here to slut shame anyone. But be above-board with it.

    And finally, all I can say about Corinne and DeMario being dragged out yet again is that at least their bit this ep was mercifully brief.

    • Love 12
  2. Also agree. Best thing that ever happened was to separate them the way Ben did. We actually got to know Emily (I guess it was) a little bit, and I kinda liked her then. I got the sense that if they'd just met under regular circumstances, she and Ben could even have dated for a while and hit it off pretty well. But as a pair, they're just such a cliché, and a forced one at that, which makes it a lot less fun for me. I didn't even hate them last season on BIP. Drunk whichever-one-of-them-is-a-raging-lightweight was actually pretty hilarious, as I recall. But I did not enjoy them here at all. If they come back, I'd actually much prefer that only one of them come back. One at a time, they might actually be people. As a set, they're just a caricature.

    • Love 4
  3. Oh man, that bug challenge was rough. I said to my husband while we were watching that if it were me in the box, there would be so, so much crying. And then Bert went in the box and it was like witnessing myself in there, and it was borderline traumatic. I don't think I have ever cried watching this show, but I was decidedly teary by the time he got out, and I was legit full-on crying right along with him after it was all over. I do not ever want to watch another challenge like that.

    And while those two were my least favourite remaining team, I was sorry to see that horror be what took them out. And I have to say that I appreciate Karen's supportiveness through that whole thing on Bert's behalf. She easily could have pointed out that it would be much easier for her to count them accurately if he would stop twitching and flailing. But she recognized that he wasn't doing it voluntarily, that he was legit terrified in there, and didn't snap at him once. It was lovely.

    But seriously, Amazing Races of all flavours, can we never do that again?

    • Love 3
  4. On 9/7/2017 at 6:22 PM, Kktjones said:

    The more I think about S7, the more surprised I am with the direction they decided on. When I initially heard “reboot” the first thing I thought was that they would go younger – maybe do a second generation thing with a grown up Neal, Robin, Gideon, & CS child all in their late teens/early 20s (and maybe add an older Henry in there for good measure). The old cast could still appear here and there in flashbacks or even in modern day. Or they even could have made it center around Henry, but make him 22, just out of college and off to see the world. Seems like either one of those options would be more appealing to new viewers and have less chance of alienating old viewers by splitting up couples/families and ruining happy endings.

    I'm not a huge fan of "next generation" shows (with one notable exception — ST:TNG 4eva!), but this is such a better idea than whatever the hell they are doing.

    • Love 2
  5. No idea. I am disturbed every time I see the opening credits, where they make a joke of her choking some poor camera dude. You're absolutely right that no one would find that or her constant threats of violence remotely funny if she were a dude, and the fact that she isn't doesn't make it any better.

    • Love 4
  6. On 9/6/2017 at 1:55 PM, thesupremediva1 said:

    As much as I wanted the twins to torpedo the D-Low/Deanie Baby relationship, my love for them quickly faded when they decided to mean-girl Tickle Monster and Jack Stone.

    I get being annoyed with Jack's indecision, but he made his case clearly, calmly, and respectfully. I love him and Christen together! I can really root for them as two sweet, normal people who were teased mercilessly by people who are far below them in class and dignity in the "real world." 

    I was disgusted by the twins' nastiness as they proclaimed that Tickle Monster and Jack Stone were basically pity dates who were lucky to get to spend time with the twins. These men have real careers and have demonstrated nothing but genuine kindness for their fellow BiP-ers. They gracefully accepted the fact that they were second/third choices for the twins. They did not deserve to have such bratty behavior thrown their way.

    This just boils down to two girls who think they're the hottest creatures in any room (or on any beach) and can't imagine ever being turned down for someone who might be "less hot" on the surface, but - wonder of wonders - could actually have a brighter personality or more in common with the man in question. It's so entitled and "high school" that they just can't see anything below the surface. I can tell D-Low thinks that way and is used to getting any man she wants, but she's at least aware enough not to say it out loud or make it so obvious. If only she'd been rejected in such grand and public fashion. I admit I was rooting for Dean to take the date.

    That was one hour? It felt like 3. Thank heavens this is almost over. None of these people are ending up together except maybe Derek and Taylor. She needs to lead a man around and he needs someone who wants that type of semi-codependent, constantly-in-each-other's-faces relationship. 

    Less Raven was a good thing, but I missed Kristina. :(

    Yes to everything you said.

    On 9/6/2017 at 6:33 PM, Jaclyn88 said:

    Yea but I don't even think between both Bach in paradise seasons , that there's been any guy who's been interested in the twins . I really don't care if they are or aren't really THAT dumb because anyone who's willing to play the part that they are is that dumb 

    There was that one guy they pulled a switcheroo on last season, and dumped him when he failed to notice. He seemed like he might have been genuinely into whichever one he was supposed to be on the date with.

    I have previously been at least somewhat amused by them, despite their dumbness and occasional mean girling. But this year they seem to have pushed all of that so far that they've become caricatures of themselves, and it's not fun anymore. And their attacking Jack when he bailed on them? Yikes. If I believed that his rejection had genuinely hurt their feelings, I could forgive a little lashing out. But that wasn't anything more than stung pride, and they were definitely aiming to wound him — and Tickle, who didn't even reject them — with the way they dissed both of them. Yuck. I was hoping their appearance would at least be kinda fun. That wasn't fun.

    • Love 3
  7. OK, I did not see Emily's season, so I have not seen this wall kissing thing, and I hadn't even seen what this guy looked like before now either. I've just heard how hot the kiss was and how hot the dude is. So I just googled him, and... really? He looks kinda doofy to me. Not a troll or anything, but hardly swoon-inducing. Of course, my opinion on hotness rarely seems to align very well with the majority, but still. I can usually at least see why one might find some of these guys attractive, even I don't. But this guy? I don't see it. Shrug.

    • Love 5
  8. 19 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    In what world does Jack Stone get more action than Ben Z.?

    My world. I love me some Jack Stone. Although I happened to be looking down at the moment of the Robby punch, so I have no idea what that was about.

    4 hours ago, saber5055 said:

    I did like Dean's explanation for making out (or ... forking) Danielle in the pool because it was so typically a man answer: What? You SAW us? I NEVER would have done it if I knew you could see us. Meaning: He'd do it again in a heartbeat if he could cheat around and not get busted. And his "I hate myself" is such mindless word crap. I, too, wish Cristina had given her rose to Blake or Fred just so they could hang around.

    I know, right? What the hell? I mean, yes, the fact that he did it right in front of her made it worse, but it's not like it would have been all a-ok if he'd done it behind her back. So glad that that part of the Dead saga, at least, is over.

    4 hours ago, saber5055 said:

    Me as Cristina at the rose ceremony: Me: "Dean is an ass and I'm not giving this rose to him or to anyone. I'm leaving. 'Bye." Dean: "Can I walk you out?" Me: "HELL no. Go eff yourself, then drop dead and rot." end of scene

    Again, seriously. "Walk me out? F no. We're done."

    So badly wanted Danielle to pick someone else, and for just a spark of a moment, I thought there was hope. He said something about them continuing to have "fun" together, and when she echoed that at the end of the conversation, there was a certain tinge to the way she said "fun" that almost made me think that she's not actually totally OK with being just the hot chick he wants to bang. But sadly, if she did in fact pick up on that implication, she has evidently decided that it was, I don't know, just a slip of his tongue or something, and that he really does want to pursue a real relationship with her.

    Can't decide if I'm kind of looking forward to the twins or not. Because on one hand, while I agree with Raven that we need to stop blaming women for "leading men astray" (although, come on, girlfriend, time and place), on the other, it's hard to argue that it's not pretty low to not only knowingly insert yourself into an established relationship, but basically flaunt it. True, Dean basically told her that he wasn't committed, but still, it was pretty clear that it was more than nothing, so I wouldn't count her 100% blameless. But I gotta be honest: it would not make me sad if the twins came in, torpedoed that relationship, and flounced off, leaving the wreckage of Dean in their wake.

    • Love 8
  9. On 8/30/2017 at 8:48 AM, SomeTameGazelle said:

    I was amazed by how successful Karen and Bert's shortcut was -- it completely insulated them from the impact of the speed bump. They still would have been in trouble if it hadn't been for the U-turn sending Sam & Paul and Adam & Andrea back.

    Seriously. When does "I know a shortcut" ever end well? The fact that theirs did might have actually been the most shocking moment on this show ever.

    I did get the sense that the detours didn't turn out quite the way they perhaps did when tried by the play testers. The descriptions definitely made it sound like the auction thing would be much harder, and that the canola thing would be physically demanding (shovelling 1000 lbs of anything is a lot) but not hard to figure out. But then the canola teams were delayed by trying to find a switch, and perhaps the auction judge was more lenient than expected.

    Regardless of whether the tasks are harder, one thing I have found consistent on TARC so far vs. TAR is the waaaaaaay lower number of truly objectionable teams. I don't necessarily love all the teams, but I don't think I can think of any Canadian teams that I have actively loathed, while regular TAR usually has enough of them that the odds of the last few episodes consisting entirely of such teams are quite decent. I was a little sad to see Adam and Andrea go, but I would have been a little sad to see pretty much any of them go (although Sam and Paul have turned out to be my favourites, so their elimination would make me noticeably sadder).

    • Love 1
  10. I'm still fairly certain that it's a holdover from way back when, when we were kids and said stuff like "Me and Bobby are going to the park," and were corrected that, no, it should be "Bobby and I are going to the park." Somehow that seems to have translated into many people's brains as meaning that any time you refer to yourself and another person, the correct construction is "Other Person and I," regardless of context.

    Except in cases where somehow, "I" seems so egregiously wrong that people substitute in "myself," which actually annoys me even more than misused "I"s...

    "Me" is not a dirty word, people!

    • Love 9
  11. 20 hours ago, backformore said:

    Since Taylor isn't saying it - I will.   Having women woken up by men in costumes and masks has the risk of being very "emotionally triggering".   

    Seriously, they are away from home, and bad things happen in paradise-like places.  Not a good idea to pull a prank that could traumatize someone.  I know it would have me crying and cowering in the corner.   (I hate masks)  

    Agreed. That would have freaked me the hell out.

    8 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

    I think Daniel very much meant to say the leftovers crack. It wasn't his mouth working faster than his brain. He knew what he was doing and wanted to see her reaction. I know a guy like him. Likes to push buttons. He might not necessarily mean what he says but says things for affect. I think Lacey was smart to kind of roll with it. That's the kind of girl he's looking for. Can you imagine if he'd said that to Taylor? She would have gone ballistic about repressed memories and deep emotional wounds and he would have gotten up and walked away. lol

    I agree that he says the things he says quite deliberately, as bizarre and incomprehensible as they often are. I still don't know quite what to make of him, but despite his going a bit too far sometimes (I did not so much dig his calling all the women leftover scraps), I still feel like he really might be a decent guy under all the weird. Don't know if I'd want to spend time with him in real life, but I continue to enjoy watching him on my TV.

    What I do not enjoy watching is Wells and his puppets. WTF is up with that? It's not funny or charmingly snarky; it's irritating and just plain mean much of the time. Please make it stop.

    And Kristina, for the love of whatever, walk. the fuck. away. I don't know that I'd say that Dean will always be a cheater, but certainly right now, he is clearly not interested in a monogamous relationship. To be fair, he's even kind of awkwardly and unclearly said as much. I think part of the problem is that he's not saying "I want to date both you and D-Lo;" he's saying "I think she's super hot and I kinda want to spend some time with her, but you have nothing to worry about," which makes it almost sound like the D-Lo thing is just a harmless crush. We all have those from time to time, no matter how in love we are. But if that's what Kristina thinks he's saying, she needs to stop listening to his words and start listening to his actions, because they are providing the real story. It's not even that he's just not that into you — I think he is into Kristina. He's just also into D-Lo and not into choosing. If that's not what she wants, she needs to walk away. I've been sympathetic, but at a certain point, you are doing this to yourself.

    • Love 7
  12. 21 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

    Why is handsome Ben Z ignored?

    Maybe he really does talk about his dog as much as the editors imply he does?

    2 hours ago, leighdear said:

    I'm withholding judgement about how "entertaining" Daniel is actually going to be until we see him in action.  He could quickly becomes as tiresome, annoying and disgusting as some of the other folks we thought would definitely bring the fun.  Like Jasmine.  And Wells.   In fact, the funny bits Daniel contributed during JoJo's season were pretty much in the outtakes and interacting with the other guys.  Like we need MORE bromances.  

    Last season, he treated us to some truly inscrutable conversations with some of the women, and watching their faces as they tried to figure out just what the holy hell he was talking about were definite season highlights for me. I'm looking forward to whatever he'll bring this season.

    • Love 7
  13. On 8/22/2017 at 10:03 PM, saber5055 said:

    Although I wish Raven would have been "bleeped" on that after-credits segment. Some things are better left unsaid. (And unheard.)

    Seriously. How horny would one have to be to find a come on like that remotely enticing? That was among the grossest things I've ever heard, and certainly the grossest way I've ever heard sex referred to (BTW, if anyone has a grosser one, I don't need to hear it). Ick.

    Had to laugh at Sarah's calling BS on everyone trying to sell her on Ben. That was not subtle, and kudos to her for basically ignoring it and making her own decision.

    Poor Lacey. She seems nice enough, and I think she's pretty, but good grief.

    And Taylor? Yep, the mean girl is back. I was finding her surprisingly delightful with her adorable canoodling with Derek. And then there was this episode. Not nice. I don't even object to her suggesting that Dominique get with Diggy, even though he was Lacey's soulmate or whatever. If you really believe they'll be good together (and they certainly seem to be — all Lacey has to do is watch that footage to know that Taylor didn't screw up your relationship with Diggy; he was just waaaaaaay more into Dominique than he was into you), then by all means. But something about the way she went to "comfort" Lacey after, and the subsequent talking head segment just seemed... almost gleeful about Lacey being hurt.

    Oh, and that date with Jorge? Weird and awkward. Jorge's awesome and all, but something about that date was a bit creepy. All his talk about how romantic it was, and then talking about how it was special to him because he was conceived there (!), and then just sitting there staring expectantly? It was almost like he was waiting for someone to propose a threesome. I have to admit that I giggled at "Jorge's Tour-heys" or however that would be spelled.

    • Love 3
  14. Finally found the time to watch this. Oh man. Dean was wishy-washy for most of it, and Kristina probably should have clued in by then, although he does throw her just enough bones to keep her on the hook. But that bit with the cake? Yikes, man, that was cooooooold. Even if you're not into someone and can't be enough of a grown up to say so explicitly, to dis her like that in front of everyone? Either he's completely clueless about how that came across or he's a 100% raging asshole. Neither are good qualities in a partner, and Kristina should move the hell on. She deserves better. Anyone deserves better.

    Also, I still don't know how anyone can look at him and not see David Silver.

    The guys angling for roses was hilarious. You ignore the women for days to bro out with each other, and then, suddenly, at the pre-ceremony "cocktail party" (isn't this whole experience basically just a giant cocktail party?), you want to tell them how much they mean to you and how amazing they are and what a great connection you think you can have? The bemused looks on pretty much all the women's faces through this were truly comedy gold. And I totally agree with whoever said that Iggy's Jewish blessing thing was... dubious, at best. I feel like you really need to know someone better and know more about what their relationship with their religion is before you do something like that. And maybe never do it in such an obvious ploy to try and wheedle something out of them.

    Am I the only one kind of shipping Jack Stone and Alexis? I love her, and I feel like there's maybe a little more of him than we got to see on Rachel's season. There, he was dull dull dull, but here it seems that he's at least self aware enough to poke fun at himself coming across a little as a serial killer and whatnot. I think there might be some underlying quirk there. I want to see more of them together.

    • Love 4
  15. 1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

    Thanks Kingshearte!  I should have know I couldn't correctly remember that far back, I can't remember what I had for dinner.

    Heh. I'm not sure if I should be pleased with myself or horrified that I do remember.

    • Love 4
  16. 18 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

    I'm not surprised you called Alex "Evan."  Last year it was Evan who was following Amanda around, asking her on dates and doing the  stupid, "May I steal you for a minute," while she was in the middle of making out with Josh. Funny how that was all forgotten in the romantic love story of Carly and Evan where it's tactfully omitted  that she was clearly his second or third choice.

    I could be remembering entirely wrongly, but I thought it was Carly first, then when she gave him the "just friends" brush off, he inexplicably decided to try for Amanda, and then came to his senses (didn't really seem sensible at the time, but since she eventually came around and now they're married, I guess it was) and re-focused on winning Carly back. I think I remember him being pretty Carly-focused except for that brief weird Amanda interlude.

    • Love 4
  17. 1 hour ago, Stan39 said:

    I don't understand what Alexis is doing on the show, she seems completely uninterested in doing anything but provide snarky comments.

    Could we put her behind the bar with Wells? I would be perfectly happy to have her around for snark without worrying about whether or not she's getting a rose. In fact, I don't really care one way or the other if Wells is there, but if we could have Alexis and Daniel as bartenders, that would totally work for me.

    • Love 4
  18. This leg was interesting, in that it seemed like it should offer plenty of opportunity for placement shuffling, but I'm not sure it actually did. I think the order teams made it out of the airport was pretty much the order they finished in, which is normally boring, but it didn't feel that way watching it.

    I had to laugh at the "rowing" performed by several of the teams. From the Giver boys paddling to Korey & Ivana each facing a different way, it was all just funny. I was especially amused when Ivana said something about having figured it out — except that I'm pretty sure she was facing forward at the time, which is not in fact how rowing works.

    • Love 1
  19. On 8/16/2017 at 8:08 AM, DEL901 said:

    And I liked how Evan's kids weren't shown much and when one did wander into the frame, their faces were blurred.  According to news reports, they were part of the ceremony but good that was not broadcast.  They are kids.  Let's not show their faces on BiP.

    I was glad to read this, actually. I didn't notice them there at all, and I couldn't decide whether to be more dismayed that his kids didn't appear to be at his wedding or happy that they weren't being paraded around in front of the cameras.

    22 hours ago, CalamityBoPeep said:

    I thought Jorge's career-change might have more to do with the Corrine-Demario thing. Presumably he's a local that took on a seemingly fun job, and got noticed during his first 3 seasons. Then suddenly, that fun job has him trying to limit Corrine's alcohol intake, taking her tantrums for it, then having to go through the production shut-down with generalized talk of litigation coming from Corrine's corner. Who can blame him for taking a powder on this shit-show? I doubt he signed on to be their alcohol monitor, and I seriously doubt he signed on thinking that some overly litigious princess might drag him into the mess the producers made. Better to quietly go to ground, and hope the storm clouds pass.

    As noted, his departure was known well before that, but regarding the bolded part, I'd give some pretty serious side-eye to anyone who signed on to be a bartender for anything but didn't think they were also signing on to be alcohol monitor. That's part of the job. Hell, although many of these people are clearly being overserved, the fact that we have yet to see any cases of full-on alcohol poisoning suggests that he has been doing some monitoring/limiting of their intake.

    Alex can go die in a fire. I was already not a big fan from JoJo's season, but yeah. His "nice guy" remarks are beyond gross. Being nice was not "the wrong move" — being nice shouldn't be a "move" at all — she's just not that into you, and you are not entitled to her affections simply because you've decided you want them. Can't wait for him to be gone from my screen.

    • Love 4
  20. On 8/8/2017 at 9:43 PM, Rachel RSL said:

    That guy randomly spotting his brother in the middle of downtown Ottawa might be my favourite TAR moment of all time.

    Me too! I loved that. It's very Ottawa, though. I haven't really lived anywhere else to compare, but I know several people who have lived elsewhere who have observed that you really do seem to run into people you know a lot in this town.

    I did enjoy just watching them run around Ottawa, though. It's fun when you recognize stuff. My work was actually quite visible from the tulip task, and my office is on that side of the building, too. If I'd known exactly when it was, I totally could have seen them running around down there from my window.

    • Love 3
  21. What a weird and unsatisfying finale. In general, I'm not a believer in the idea of soulmates, and I understand that the reality is that settling down does mean settling in some areas, because no one is perfect. And I think that, if Peter never existed, the relationship between Rachel and Bryan looks as legit and workable as any.

    But that was possibly the hardest proposal to watch ever. I get that the lead has to string the F2 along, at least a little, and it's always going to look a little awkward that they were ostensibly still potentially into one person the day before they chose another. But that break-up with Peter? Yowch. I truly do not know how, if you're Bryan, you look at that and not feel like you really were the second choice, picked because you were prepared to offer a ring. Despite my cynicism, I usually get a little swept up in the proposals at the end of these things, but this one just left me feeling mildly ill.

    Ultimately, I really do think this show would work better if we can get to the point where a woman proposing to a man is a perfectly acceptable and unremarkable thing. Because to have one person do the choosing, and the other do the proposing really sets up this situation. It's one thing to ask someone if they would be willing to accept a proposal if you offered one, because being proposed to means being chosen. But to insist that someone be prepared to propose when they don't even have any kind of assurance that they've been chosen just seems really screwed up to me.

    I have so much more to say, but it'll probably get ranty, so I'll just leave it there.

    • Love 19
  22. I didn't particularly care for the leg design on this one, at least the first half of it. The episode was almost 20 minutes in before any tasks (other than the FF) appeared that were more than "go here." Hard on the racers, I'm sure, especially with no pit stop, but pretty dull to watch.

    The fatigue must have played a role in Zed and Shabbir's massive brain fart. I can understand missing a subtle nuance in a clue (although as Rachel RSL says, after a few times of screwing up, reread the thing really carefully), but that don't talk instruction was set off in its own paragraph, with bold, italic, capitalized text. There is NO excuse for missing that. Especially for 8 tries of something.

    And man, Korey and Ivana have clearly seriously pissed off the taxi gods. I don't think any season that I've watched has had a team have such consistently awful results with cabs. They are seriously lucky Z&S were as far behind as they were. They've done impressively well, though, considering their terrible cab luck, so I suspect they'd be a real force to be reckoned with if they could solve that issue. Especially if she can get her back to cooperate. As it is, between the taxi luck and her back, it kind of feels like they're on borrowed time.

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