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Posts posted by RedHawk

  1. It's too funny. That Daily Mail article has a quote "People claimed that Kim had been planning to split from Kroy for 'a long time,' and did not tell anyone, not even family or friends."

    How does People magazine know Kim's thoughts when it claims she "did not tell anyone"? LOL! Did she tell their reporter? Well, maybe she did, they seem to do a lot of Kim and Kroy stories.

    • Like 1
    • LOL 2
  2. If Aidan is smoking it's more likely to be weed than tobacco! And given how prevalent it is on the streets where I live, I can imagine free-and-easy Aidan on Carrie's stoop with a spliff. Didn't Miranda almost get arrested for smoking on the street once, in the episode where she went out dancing in her pre-Brady blue jeans? How times have changed! Maybe Aidan will wind up with Carrie's downstairs neighbor Lisette, also a more likely scenario.

    • Like 1
    • LOL 1

    On 1/4/2023 at 5:32 AM, Asp Burger said:

    Last month, I watched all of And Just Like That... season 1 after watching the six seasons of Sex and the City and the two movies. 

    I feel it's...a mixed bag. I do think it's better than the movies, which IMHO are the nadir of the franchise so far. The second one is flat-out terrible (Samantha's demeaning storyline, "Abu Dhabi Doo!", Aidan's uncharacteristic disregard for his wife, the Islamic women with designer outfits under their burkas...everything), but the first one is not good either. MPK showed no ability to shape the show's format into feature films, so both movies were like five subpar episodes of Sex and the City slapped together. Or, together, a season 7 that would make you wish the show had stopped at six.  


    I like everything you wrote, summed it up so well. I did enjoy most of the new characters (though not Che) and will watch hoping for more and better storylines from them. The positives you wrote about did keep me watching. 

    Regarding the bolded part above, my aunt lived with her Iranian husband in Tehran for a few years and it's true that under the burkas many women dress very fashionably.

    • Like 3
  4. Yes, I'd love a mention of Trey. NYC is a big city but can be a small town if you're in certain circles. Charlotte bumping into him wouldn't be impossible, would love to see them chat over coffee, as former spouses sometimes do. They didn't hate each other. Or like my old boyfriend and I (broke up 20 years ago) exchange e-mails occasionally.

    The Aidan storyline could be a huge disappointment and that's what I'm expecting. If they have some love story bloom between them I'm not buying it and will be annoyed. The old bf referenced above was my Aidan. He loved me, was wonderful in many ways, but as much as I tried he was never right *for me* just as Aidan was not the right guy for Carrie.

    I'm tired of this show ignoring character history. Rather than creating some new love story for them it would be so much more interesting and REAL for them to have a couple of meetups where they discuss who they were then, what has happened since, and where they are now, happy apart and maybe able to agree that despite the hurt it was all for the best. A lot of room there for bittersweet memories and important realizations. I'd love to see these mature adults act like mature adults, but so far that doesn't happen often on this show.

    • Like 3
  5. They also (or I think it's just Kim) owe over $1 million to the IRS for taxes, which apparently include back taxes so there will be penalties and interest. 

    I can see Kroy finally getting tired of her waste of money to her gambling addiction and then being really upset to find she was so in debt to the IRS. Getting the feeling (with zero evidence of course, just a hunch) that she wasn't telling him the whole truth about her "empire" and was making huge financial mistakes (like not paying correct taxes) that he now is also on the hook for. I always felt he had some sense when it came to money management, even though it didn't often look that way on the show. 

    I wonder if either of them will be able to keep the house. Sad that as much money as they had, they didn't pay off the house and are still under a mortgage. (I don't care about tax savings, secure the roof over your head when you can.) What is Kroy's source of income?

    I've always said that likely those kids will one day as young adults watch the old episodes to see where all the money went. They won't like what they see. 

    • Like 8
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  6. To wrap up "Sanditon" I went back and rewatched Season 1. Enjoyed it very much and prefer to have that (specifically Theo James and the Esther/Babington story) as my last memory of the show. 

    • Like 5
  7. On 3/9/2023 at 10:18 AM, MissLucas said:

    Why is Beverley the one clocking in on the regularity of the pattern? This is supposed to be a science vessel full of folks looking out for exactly things like this.

    Ok I get that a doctor would start to count and uncover a pattern similar to "contractions", but why was everyone else (who are scientists!) standing around while she counted down many times and not recognizing there was a pattern, asking her what it might mean, etc. I knew they were going with the Kon-Tiki "13th wave" solution to somehow ride out of the gravity well.

    On 3/9/2023 at 11:30 PM, rtms77 said:

    If Jack is or was hijacked while at school, Beverly is one cold mother who can’t tell. There was that scene in the first ep where she locked him away which is weird if he’s been galavanting around the galaxy smuggling and helping people. Something doesn’t add up about those 2. If he’s been replaced by a changling it’s a new hybrid where they can possess a person? Same with Vadic, I’m not sure if she’s a full changling or hybrid. She was seriously frightened by that thing. 

    Emphasis mine. I also remember the first scenes in the first episode where she had him locked out. Ok sure, she was protecting him, but he's a 3523-year-old man who apparently is used to dealing with Big Trouble. Why not let him help? I believe she knows why he's wanted. He doesn't. There's more to her story than "I couldn't protect the son of JLP".

    On 3/10/2023 at 1:19 AM, Chyromaniac said:

    Overall, I’m enjoying this season, and I think this was the strongest episode yet.  I liked that basically everything was focused on the Titan, and the impact of the danger they were all facing.  Lots of great performances, particularly from Stashwick, Stewart, and as mentioned above, Frakes.  I enjoyed the escape from the nebula, and appreciated the payback of the tractor beam attack.  And I thought the jellies at the end were cool looking.  Tbh, the only real issue I had was that what I felt was the metaphor of “find the pot,” turned out to be a literal pot.

    I laughed out loud! It was an actual pot, even looked like the one in the photo!

    On 3/10/2023 at 9:33 AM, marinw said:

    The whole baldness thing: It may be hereditary (unlike British accents) yet there must be an easy cure by the TNG era. I've always assumed Jean-Luc's staying blad was a cosmetic choice. It makes sence, I've seen Patrick Stewart wearing wigs for various roles and he looks so much better bald.

    I also had read Gene Roddenberry's explanation some time ago that in the future baldness can be "cured" but some men just choose not to fix it, and thought that was great. So now we go backward to baldness jokes -- cute in X-Men, tired now.

    Yes, I've seen photos, perhaps of the one they wanted him to use when first cast as Picard. Stewart in a wig is dreadful! In 1997 I saw him play Othello at the Shakespeare Theatre in Washington, DC, and he/the character had a large tattoo on one side of his head. An interesting choice, just right for a military man.

    On 3/11/2023 at 1:37 PM, Tyro49 said:

    Did you notice how Jack looked older and older as the episode progressed? By the end he almost looked like an old man! Also, there's something in his head! Something is very not right here. The other characters act like they don't notice his appearance.

    Also, for all the speculation that Jack might actually be a changeling or something worse, what if Beverly isn't Beverly! Has anyone else thought of that, or thought to have her checked out? That might account for her odd behavior.

    I felt he looked older, too (those forehead lines!) and I'm ready to believe anything now. Something is very not right here, although as others have said, it may just be the writing.

    • Like 1
  8. On 3/4/2023 at 6:00 PM, ML89 said:

    Last week, I was so tired of Raffi and now this week, her storyline is so much better - thank you, Worf. 

    Anyone else think when Crusher said “Dominion War” to Seven that Seven was thinking “who in the what now?” Voyager was gone during all that.  

    Indeed, thank you Worf and Michael Dorn. Saved the day in more ways than one. I liked the character of Raffi in the previous seasons but I was finding her tedious this go-round until she and Worf paired up. Their unintentionally falling into "bad cop, good cop" was a treat

    I have never gotten around to watching Voyager and have only seen a few episodes of DS9 so at times I'm "who in the what now?" about many plot points that reference characters and events from those series. It's never been a big problem for me because usually in context everything is understandable enough or someone here will explain the references and back story. And at times I'm glad I'm not so aware of those shows and the entire canon so can just take each episode/season of Picard as it comes. 

    On 3/30/2023 at 10:55 AM, Francie said:

    When they titled this episode 17 Seconds, I didn't realize that would also correspond with the length of the entirety of Deanna Troi's screen time in the first seven episodes. 

    LOL, very true. I thought it was a tribute to The Cure.

    • Like 2
  9. 21 hours ago, paigow said:

    This happened in Picard S2 Finale

    Everything else did not happen on-screen... The most recent canon evidence of Wesley returning [off-screen] to the Prime!Timeline is ST: Nemesis as a wedding guest...

    Now I'm recalling this, thank you. Probably should watch the S2 finale again but doubt I could sit through the entire season again. I thought it was ok but not memorable.

  10. On 2/23/2023 at 6:05 AM, starri said:

    Well, we know Klingons age more slowly than humans.  Kor, Kang, and Koloth were all still pretty intimidating after 100 years on DS9. 

    I guess Terry Matalas is going to be hiring a lot of people from 12 Monkeys.  I did not recognize Aaron Stanford at all as Sneed; I kept thinking it was perennial Trek guest star Clint Howard.

    I also thought at first it was Clint Howard. Would have been great if it were. Maybe he was busy filming Ron Howard's next movie. 

    On 2/24/2023 at 10:00 PM, dwmarch said:

    Picard and Beverly shared a look that told Jean Luc everything he needed to know about Jack. Picard issued "Admiral's orders" to belay handing over Jack because "he's my son". Capt. Shaw said god damn it, the Titan fired a few torpedoes at the Shrike and ran for the nebula. Vadic gleefully ordered her crew to follow them and she cackles maniacally as the episode ends.

    So maybe the look was actually "Hey, run with this and I'll explain later." ? Kinda hoping it was but previous comments lead me to think we've got another "he's your secret son!" plot. No way to make that not annoying, to me at least.

  11. On 2/18/2023 at 12:33 PM, paigow said:


    Memory Alpha:

    In the years that followed, Crusher rejoined with the Travelers, and at one point, during a visitation with the past, Wesley had made a joke that had inadvertently changed a century's worth of history. Following that incident, he endeavored to never be misunderstood again. Wesley and the other Travelers were also responsible for dispatching the various supervisors responsible for ensuring the proper flow of time.

    Following the success of the Europa Mission and the foiling of Adam Soong's plot to create the Confederation of Earth timeline, Wesley approached Kore Soong and offered her a choice: she could continue to lead an ordinary life, or she could take a different path that would lead to "everything else", though Wesley could not guarantee Kore's safety. Conceding that she had never been safe, Kore accepted Wesley's offer and they were teleported away.

    In which series did these events happen? I have only watched ST, STNG, and Picard -- none of the above makes sense to me. Kore accepted Wesley's offer to take the different path?

    I have hope that this season will settle down and be satisfying, but so far I'm really annoyed that this Jack who looks over 30 may supposedly be Picard's 20-year-old secret son. Please don't go in that direction, Show. It's so lame and uncreative, and actually, expected from these writers.

  12. 1 hour ago, Doublemint said:

    Someone mentioned the Parker children above - I thought it odd that they were completely absent during all of the scenes of Mary's illness.  Where were they?  Makes no sense.

    I know, they were mostly absent this season then turned up at the end. At least the kid actors got a day's pay! 

    • Useful 1
  13. On 4/24/2023 at 8:51 AM, smartymarty said:

    I was okay with the happy ending. The show is over; let's let all plots tie up pleasantly.

    Agree about Otis though -- we barely saw him to understand that there was still True Love there. (I can't remember now what the falling out with him was about in season one? Was he redeemed only by finding G's mother?)

    And so tired of Charlotte. Didn't care for the Surprise! Lydia likes someone else! pulled out of a hat. Glad only for Colbourne to be happy. (Better would have been he marries Lydia and Charlotte becomes the spinster teacher.)

    Really was just rooting for Lady Susan and the minister's sister.

    WTF was that with Mr. Parker leaving his dying wife's bedside to visit Old Town??? Why couldn't he wait? Fortunately for him, she was Not Dead Yet when he returned. (I never understood this plot -- does he somehow own the land that Old Town sits on? That's why he could evict everyone?)

    I was ok with Happily Ever After as well, although bummed we didn't see Lydia's beau sitting smiling beside her at the wedding. 

    I did think for the briefest moment that we'd get the unexpected ending of Charlotte choosing to be a spinster school teacher after Colbourne and Lydia truly fell in love and got married. Knew it would never happen though.

    Yeah, WTF with Tom running off to Old Town as his wife lay dying?! I had to laugh, he's never going to change. 

    20 hours ago, One4Sorrow2TooBad said:

    Leonora was my favorite character, always seemed to bring everything together. 

    The character and actress grew on me so that I enjoyed her very much at the end. 

    I also liked the few glimpses we got of the Parker children in the finale. The actress playing the older Parker girl was in "The Holiday" with Cameron Diaz and Jude Law when she was younger and she was so cute in it. Fun to see her again.

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  14. 5 hours ago, Daff said:

    I highly doubt he’d try that seeing as she could simply open her mouth and ruin him. I think she would be amenable to helping shore up his dwindled property (just to keep the MIL happy). 

    Yes, and it would be HER home and property as well. I imagine it's a fine estate, though some upkeep is surely needed. I guess she'd have to put up with the Dowager Duchess living there as well, although maybe she'd have her own house on the estate like Old Lady Grantham in "Downton Abbey". They could escape to London often of course. I do think Georgiana and her SIL would develop a pleasant friendship.

    • Like 4
  15. On 4/9/2023 at 11:48 PM, magdalene said:

    500 a year was about 42,000 in that period. 5000 a year means Augusta is filthy rich.

    To compare....

    “The Writer's Guide to Everyday Life in Regency and Victorian London,” Kristine Hughes says that a maid of all works would typically receive 6-8 pounds annually plus an allowance; a lady's maid would receive 12-15 pounds + an allowance; a valet would receive 25-50 pounds + an allowance"


    For comparison in "Sense and Sensibility" the Dashwood ladies have only 500 pounds a year among the four of them. They had to move to a small cottage and set a strict budget.

    On 4/10/2023 at 3:51 PM, Daff said:

    Was it silly for me to think that the marriage was the best thing for the 3 of them, and it would provide the perfect societal foil? Jolly has already declared himself as “confirmed bachelor”, and was practically inseparable from Georgiana in season 1. That alone, would ensure his frequent presence in their household wouldn’t be questioned. Was he so naïve to his own feelings not to have known what that implied? It pains me to see how hurt he is, especially after he talked it out with the Duke. He’s not thinking clearly, to be jealous of her.

    Why should Georgiana give up hope of a true marriage with a man who wanted to have sex with her? Of course we can say she could have affairs, but that would also cause "talk" just among the upper crust rather than in the newspapers. Yet even then there were gossip pages in newspapers so if she had children it might be hinted that they were not the Duke's. 

    2 hours ago, Haleth said:

    It seems so.  Just as Mr Bingley had no title.

    Nor did Mr. Darcy, who had an enormous house and income.

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  16. 18 hours ago, gingerella said:

    My gut tells me that Charlotte and Ralph will have a reckoning where it comes to light that Ralph is really in love with Charlotte's sister, et voila! All is righted and Char can go off with Xander. However this will never be as satisfying as if she'd actually been with Sidney...Theo James is so damn handsome.

    Out of 12 children there just has to be another Heywood sister for Ralph, right? 

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  17. On 4/3/2023 at 3:19 PM, quarks said:

    Not going to lie: as of right now, I'm mostly here for Arthur and the Duke, hoping that these two crazy guys can get past the pheasant metaphors and go live happily ever after in the Duke's castle, preferably with only limited visits from the Duke's mother.

    Since the script has already wandered beyond early 19th century norms, and this is the last season of Sanditon, I wouldn't mind a spinoff featuring Arthur and the Duke. They could move to London and solve crimes! ;-)

    I like the Duke's sister and his mother is entertaining so they could be recurring characters. The Tom Parkers could make an occasional cameo appearance. A happily married Georgiana and Otis (I'm sure this is where the show is going) would often drop in for tea.

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  18. On 3/29/2023 at 4:33 PM, Haleth said:

    Regarding the duke being poor, I’m guessing he is heavily in debt due to living beyond his means. Sure, he collects rents from his family’s properties, but if he and his family live lavishly he might have had to borrow a lot of money to do so. That wasn’t uncommon. Plus their estates would be extremely expensive to maintain. 

    I don't think the current Duke is the reason the family is cash poor. I'm guessing it was the father who was the problem. I imagine that there was enough money that the Duke and his sister were raised with wealth but then poor money management, bad speculation, and/or lavish spending habits meant that all the late Duke passed down was a title and a large property in heavy debt. (It could have been a couple generations or more of lavish spending and living above their means eroded the original wealth and land holdings.) The great house (like the family manor house in "Persuasion") might be currently rented out so that the widow and children are able to rent fancy digs and live well in Sanditon (as the Elliots did in Bath) but the Duke can't continue to live in and maintain the great house life without acquiring a wealthy wife.

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  19. On 3/28/2023 at 8:18 PM, Tanukisan said:

    Like a stunned haddock at the wrong end of a ten pound test line, these comments are about an "episode" that was more bait than hook.

    It was sad to see this so-called "tribute" to Captain Lee.  He deserved much better.  There were a couple of good moments -- like seeing Kate and Ben again.  But then there were the tasteless and idiotic appearances of people like the "Queen of Versailles" barmaid and the random/irrelevant guest who sat in live.

    It would have been appropriate to see more clips of the highlights and lowlights of what actually occurred during the 10 season run, instead of some of the vacuous and non sequitur statements from people who often looked like they were rehearsing a scripted phrase rather than anything truly meaningful or from the heart.

    But it was nice to see Captain Lee, who looked a bit better than his appearance in the previous actual episode.  I wish him fair winds and calm seas.  

    I found the most ironic and tasteless moment at the very end, when the person in the shark suit came out to serve shots on a ski.  But then again, after all, if it weren't for alcohol, there'd be no "Below Deck" in the first place -- perhaps no BRAVO at all!  (:

    And then the the random/irrelevant guest who sat in live didn't get to take a shot from the shotski! So weird. 

    Yes, Captain Lee deserved a better "tribute" show. It does seem like he's getting a gentle push down the gangplank. He loves his job and has made a lot of money late in life (and has used his celebrity for good), so it's too bad if Bravo wants to sail on without him. I think he has the stamina to continue but for the production company his uncertain health is a problem and could cost them money when there's a shooting schedule to stick to. I do feel that his funny phrases that once were delivered naturally because it was his real persona now come across as forced, and the show overall is getting stale. I don't watch the other Below Deck spinoffs and if Captain Lee is out this was my last season watching BD original. I'm ready to let it go.

  20. 23 hours ago, norcalgal said:

    wonder what the story is with the Colbourne brothers.  Hopefully, Show will explain soon. 

    There seemed to be some hints in the recent episode's dialogue. I got the impression that Sam and Zander hadn't seen each other in years. 

    Also, if he argues cases, isn't he a barrister rather than a "lawyer"? In England I believe you're a barrister if you argue or present cases in court and a solicitor if you do legal paperwork like wills and deeds. I think they changed the term to "lawyer" for the U.S. audience.

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  21. On 3/21/2023 at 11:18 AM, iMonrey said:

    Hayley and Tyler were on WWHL. Andy asked Tyler how it went coming out to his mother, Tyler said "it could have gone better" but they are still talking. Hayley was asked what surprised her the most, she said it was that they actually had to do the work. It appears these people come aboard thinking it's all play-acting for the cameras and someone else behind the scenes does the actual work, but in reality they do have to do those jobs.

    Like many I first thought Hayley would be a huge drunken mess (due to previews of the one time she was a huge drunken mess) and then she turned out to be the most consistently hard-working, get it done member of the crew. She never shirked, she usually didn't choose sides in the petty interactions, and she stayed even keel, pleasant, and funny. By the episode of the huge drunken mess, I was surprised she would act that way, but hey, she was lit and that's what can happen. Looks like that particular evening many of them were over-served. It didn't change how much I liked her.

    Hayley and Katie were good workers and made progress, and were commended for it. I would much rather watch a basically well-functioning crew (as this group finally became) than the type of behavior we usually have to sit through.

    On 3/21/2023 at 7:02 PM, MyMaui said:

    I hope Tyler wasn't pressured to come out on the show. If he wanted to then I am happy but I makes me wonder.

    I was worried about that from the beginning. Coming out is serious and frightening even if your parents are liberal and accepting. Hayley was urging him, and said something like [paraphrase], "You tell them, they still love you, and it's over." Nope, not how it goes at all, many times. I was so concerned that he would be pushed to make that call on camera.

    Maybe Hayley wasn't that aware of his family story, that his father was conservative religious and his mother was similar and the family was raised that way. It was a setup by production and I was relieved when his mother was visiting his grandmother and wasn't in a place to take a "serious" call. Very glad that none of the real conversation happened on camera and I do believe that it didn't go so well, to Tyler's heartbreak.

    Maybe families don't throw their kids on the streets anymore when they come out, as happened to my friend when he was a teenager in the mid 80s, but my cousin came out about 10 years ago when she was in college and her parents did not handle it well, even joined a "pray the gay away" support group despite not being very church-oriented religious before. They still do not discuss her partner of 8 years other than to refer to her as "a friend" of their daughter. 

    On 3/22/2023 at 3:52 PM, gaPeach said:

    I am pretty sure it was discussed when they went over the clients' requests at the pre-charter meeting.  I thought they said the clients wanted a competition with the crew, which I thought was dumb.  Apparently, the clients wanted the crew to compete against each other.  And why did Tony not win?  He works out every morning and looked the most ripped of all the crew.  The fix was in............... :-)

    I couldn't believe Tony didn't win. Ross? He has a nice body but not a sculpted one. Tony seemed surprised and unhappy that he didn't win but only showed it for a moment, then just shrugged it off. Probably also knew the fix was in!

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  22. 38 minutes ago, valen said:

    In the first season, Charlotte is shown hunting rabbit with a shot gun. I think the definitely work their own land.

    I didn't recall that until reading your post! I think I thought, "Oh she's an early 1800s Katniss Everdene."

    Even if her father doesn't work his land it might be a small property and there are 12 children to feed and clothe! An occasional rabbit would be welcome on the table though that sort of hunting is not usually the sort of skill one would imagine a young lady had acquired. Maybe she enjoyed hunting with her brothers.

    I was startled when Charlotte mentioned 12 children. My mom is one of 12 so the size isn't unrealistic, I just had thought we learned before that she was the eldest (or eldest girl) of 5 or 6.  

    • Like 1
  23. 14 hours ago, Doublemint said:

    Yes, I realize all of that, but Charlotte's Father was never referred to as a "gentleman" or "gentleman farmer"  - does that mean Ralph is a gentleman too?   And, yes, the show takes lots of liberties in behaviors for the time period. Remember Miss Smith from Emma?  She married a farmer too - he was not a gentleman, just a regular type farmer, but Miss Smith was not an heiress, like Augusta.

    My understanding is that a "gentleman" farmer is a man owns the land and does not have to personally "work" it. He can live off what it yields (and any other income like inheritance). Mr. Bennett does not work his land and I don't think Charlotte's father does, nor does Ralph, so society would consider them gentlemen on the lower rungs of the gentry.

    Miss Smith's farmer husband in "Emma" might be more the sort of small farmer that Mr. Hayter is in "Persuasion". Sufficient acreage and income to be considered a gentleman but not enough to live the country lifestyle of the Musgroves. 

    I don't think Charlotte marrying Ralph would change her relationship with the Parkers, although yes, she would not be seeing them as much. They don't snub Ralph now. Emma was puffing up her importance in being appalled at Harriet marrying the farmer in the same way that Mary Elliot Musgrove refused to visit her husband's cousins because she thought herself too far above them socially. Ralph does seem to be saying there won't be a lot of visits to Sanditon in Charlotte's married future, likely because they wouldn't have a lot of extra money to throw around on "vacations" -- not because they would be socially inferior to the Parkers and no longer welcome in their circle. 

    And what is it Austen wrote about seaside resorts? One of her snobby characters made some remark about the social classes mixed there as they would never do "in town".

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  24. 10 hours ago, Doublemint said:

    To those who think Augusta and Ralph should be a couple - he's a farmer, therefore, unsuitable for her.  Whereas Charlotte is the daughter of a farmer, so it is expected.  For Charlotte to rise in society and marry a Colborne type would rarely happen.  This show ignores all of that and has very modern sensibilities.

    Remember that this show is based on a fragment of a Jane Austen novel that she never finished. In "Pride and Prejudice" Mr. Bennet is a gentleman farmer with five daughters and little money. I would say Charlotte's father is the same social status as Mr. Bennett so it wouldn't be unusual in Jane Austen's fictitious world for Charlotte to marry the much-wealthier Colbourne, who isn't nearly as wealthy as Mr. Darcy. 

    And remember Elizabeth's famous words to Lady Catherine : "He is a gentleman; I am a gentleman’s daughter; so far we are equal."

    5 hours ago, valen said:

    The entire season is available on PBS Passport for anyone that would like to binge. It is $5 a month or $60 for the year. 

    I was going to post this also. And if you get Passport ALL episodes are available now. Just remember please, no spoilers! 

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