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Posts posted by Darian

  1. I have one positive comment about this season (other than that I thought all the actors were great): I have pretty bad memory damage. I have trouble even when binging shows remembering things, especially when there are multiple timelines and such. If there's too much time between seasons, I either have to rewatch the last one or read a summary or be lost and bail. I couldn't remember a ton about the first season and didn't want to rewatch, so I gave it a chance. And that was an excellent recap of what happened in season one. It all came back and I wasn't confused. And that's really rare.  

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  2. 2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I hate to mention physical attributes and I rarely do….but Autumn’s upper tooth line is so distracting.  Is is a prosthetic?  She’s a very lovely girl, but that feature just keeps me staring at her teeth? Lol

    You got me curious so I searched for images of the actor, Imogene Poots, as herself and compared them to pics of her in this show. I'll give you a couple of links to compare, if you feel like clicking. 


    Imogene Poots

    If the actor, who I've liked in other things, is going for a weird blend of annoying, friendly menace, she's knocking it out of the park. 


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  3. On 3/19/2022 at 7:05 PM, DoctorAtomic said:

    This popped up when I logged in to HBO Max, and I didn't have anything going on so I hit play. I was intrigued when the boyfriend make the crack about Joyce choosing because, no, and the cut to him driving away was funny. I think I'm going to give this a run after the porn guy didn't even take a beat "Do people enjoy your company?" "No." He reminds me of the porn guy on The Deuce. 

    I actually remember when the Burt Reynolds centerfold came out. I think he was on Phil Donahue to promote it.

    I remember that centerfold, too. I was 11 and my mom bought that Cosmo and let me and my older sisters look at it. She thought it was funny and you couldn't see anything objectionable anyway. I'm sure my older sisters, on of whom got hold of and let me read The Happy Hooker a year or so later, would have brought it home if she hadn't. 

    I'm loving this show. Watching one a night to make it last. Clever, well-paced, and interesting characters. Plus, I remember that time pretty well. I laughed so hard at the fireman asking what to do with his dick at the actual photoshoot. Putting his penis directly next to an actual thick, hard pole was not the most inspired choice. I hope the end result was better. 

  4. The Easter show was good, since my favorite won!

    There were two things I really enjoyed about the regular show:

    1: Watching pretty much everyone laugh in Molly's face about how stupid the whole idea was, plus her pride and excitement about it. Just because you have to make a lot of elements and put them together doesn't mean what you're putting in all that effort for is a good idea. Good on the bakers for making more of it than what Molly showed (and could probably create. 

    2: Seeing ads for Stephanie Boswell's new show. That's not saying much for this show, but I like her and will be happy to watch! 

    Blech. I'll probably see it to the end, because there are still bakers I like, but if they bring this or any competition back with Molly involved, not even starting it.     

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  5. I'll pretty much watch any skills/talent-based competition show, especially baking, but I wasn't sure from the opening if Rosanna was going to be too much. Nope. I don't care if she's wearing a mesh scrubbies dress or food-themed shoes. She's fun and a good judge and more appealing than I'd ever have guessed. I've seen Donal Skehan years ago and had a general idea he would be good and had the cred, but it's Timbo who's comments I am always waiting for. He's so good! I'd love to see him helm a show that uses the host as a kind of mentor, like School of Chocolate. I always like when Donal and Rossana get silly and he's like the tolerate, but more serious older brother. One episode when he said something like, "I hate that I laughed at that," it cracked me up. He's no sourpuss, but he's just so focused. 

    I'm probably two-thirds through and have enjoyed every episode so far.     

  6. I read Little Women for the first time just after my beloved eldest sister was diagnosed with a disease we know would (and did) significantly shorten her life, though she lived to be older than Beth. She was my lifelong best friend, and I remember her trying to gently prepare me for Beth's death without giving it away (my family did not want a repeat of me locked in the bathroom sobbing for hours after Charlotte's Web). I watched the movie today, and lately I've been grieving and missing my sister even more. I can't ever take any book, tv show, or movie where anyone loses a sister, but I've never not completely lost it when Beth dies until this movie. 

    I don't know what it was, but I didn't consistently connect with the movie, though I do like some of Gerwig's choices (her talent, imo, is undeniable) and the ending gave it a twist I loved. I tend to be a hardass when people use non-linear storytelling unless there's reason and it works, and here, I feel there were hits and misses. I liked the novel writing and selling as a frame, but certain time-jump juxtapositions diluted rather than enhanced the emotional impact. Overall, I'm glad I watched and Pugh was good enough as adult Amy that I can forgive that she looked like an adult the whole time. I've been to Orchard House, have read a lot of other works by Alcott and books that have some of her letters and journals, so seeing Jo and Louisa blur a bit was kind of nice. 

    Very late to the thread, didn't take enough time to "like" posts but I enjoyed the movie all the more for the commentary here. 

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  7. 2 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

    It is pudding with cookies not salad. I get people might enjoy it but this is a baking show. 

    Totally agree. When I hear of a food and it reminds me of something my friends and I would have concocted when we'd smoked a bunch of weed in college, it's not something I want to see on a baking show, especially when they talk about "elevating" desserts. And I know there's a "high" and "elevating" joke in there, but this season has annoyed me too much to make it. 

    I can take some changes. I like the judges sitting. I like Kardea. Molly might be ok-ish if the whole thing weren't now about her and her brand. Nancy is Nancy, and she'll always annoy me.       

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  8. Ramsey is better with kids than adults, but he was so rude. A'Dan was making a face and said he ate something he didn't like, I think after Ramsey called him out. But it looked to me like A'Dan was still trying to figure out what it was when Ivy, meaning well I think, said there was a napkin if he wanted it, and Ramsey and his ego (how dare anyone not like something that came off his plate) snapped "That's it. Teach him some manners." Asshat. A'Dan's manners are fine. Ramsey's not so much.

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  9. Elizabeth Faulkner can feel really about coming that close to taking down Jet Tila. Glad to see her do so well, because she can have rough competitions. Much preferred Shirley over Joe, so happy about that. Love Amanda and Tiffani, so happy and sad. Has the Randomizer ever been worse than for Eric and Maneet? I'm not surprised their scores were so low; they were high for that combination. I like them both so would have been happy either way. 

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  10. I'm in agreement with most of the comments here. I like the vibe from contestants that do something they genuinely love and probably never thought would get them on a network series, like Lego Masters. And they all cheer for each other. So far, I've agreed with the judges and I like them, but I agree we don't get enough of the whys and hows. As someone said, you don't necessarily want to watch someone do a bunch of math but there is so much room to explain the physics better. A show that has the same vibe of everyone cheering for everyone, I think one of the best balances I've seen is on Baking Impossible on Netflix, where they paired a baker with an engineer to make things like edible boats that had to sail, etc. The judges were a baker who did this type of thing (had been on GBBO), a regular baker, and an engineer. You got to see just enough of the competitors talking about making the two parts work together, and the engineer was incredible at explaining in a clear manner who something would or wouldn't/did or didn't work. If they used a bit more of that format, and imo they easily could, I think this would be much more enjoyable.  

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  11. I realize I'm desensitized by often visiting my nana who lived over an Irish funeral home and we had to enter through the place (being very quiet when there was a wake, though not always since not all the Irish wakes were solemn) and when we and some of the neighborhood kids were playing in the back we were really looking down into the basement, where all the embalming, etc, took place. Then I dealt with funeral homes, having lost my entire family by the time I was 38 and then being a nurse, including a few years in home hospice but I am weirdly unsentimental about remains. And I'm terminal, made my own cremation arrangements and howled at the oven on high joke.

    Plus, our first house was way beyond (like twice) our price range (actually, our second, too) because it was a fixer-upper that was in perfect condition outside (thanks to strict HOA rules), built to much-better-than-code, but was so filthy and cramped with possessions inside that most people waked out. We spent a couple of weeks cleaning, bought a five gallon bucket of off-white paint and painted every room so it felt clean, pulled up the carpets, and took our time making cosmetic changes. It wasn't a flip but by doing that and selling it later, we made our financial future much brighter. I can't stand seeing people I still actually root hard for, despite their bad decisions, keep making worse ones. I kept looking at that house and just seeing potential. If Dan's able to help, and it's gloomy put in a damn skylight, knock down a wall or something. Gah! But they're grieving, I guess, so....but a teaer-down? Dan building a house? Stupid.  

    I had the same idea that Louise and Dan should move there and take their time to fix it up together. I've done it twice with my spouse and the first time, people warned me it would make or break us, but we loved it and had fun both times, and I bet they would, too. But that makes  too much sense.  

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  12. Knocks Me Off My Feet is one of my favorite songs. I'm old, grew up on Motown, and have loved Stevie Wonder my whole life. I listen to that song several times a week and I'm a hardass about covers, especially songs by one of my idols. Tobias had me cheering. He was fabulous. I couldn't stand the rest of the episode because the judges were harder on him than some who were nothing special. Maybe it's because they see more potential, but I don't know. 

    And every time Luke Bryant sings, I wonder how he makes a living at it. I don't like country music, but I appreciate good singers of any genre. Is he worse or has he always sounded terrible without a lot of technical help?  

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  13. Watched four last night and Justin and Steve were each funny and talented in their own way. Justin is a just a ray of pure sunshine. The talent level is so strong and I do enjoy seeing how they work, 

    I also did some soul-searching about why I don't like Andrew, because I figured it was from a Food Network appearance, but I couldn't remember specifics and am NEVER the one saying someone's hair and dress are a call for attention or wrong for their age or whatever. I am the most "Let people like things" and "Wear what makes you happy" person you could ever meet. But he reminded me. When Johnny I think it was called out that he wanted Steve to make his wedding cake Andrew was all "Hey, what about me?" (and that's consistently been him. He was that way about not getting the steak, too. And he at times seemed to pull back from trash-talking, but enough got out that you could see it a little. He backed off on something with Justin, because imo he didn't want to look like he was kicking a puppy. Anyway, I feel reassured that someone could have wilder hair and personal style and I'd like them, but boo on Anthony. Yet, I still cheered when he got the right cash register (which I immediately thought was the cake, but still, they looked similar). He's talented and I don't mind seeing that rewarded. 

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  14. Still hate that Molly's name is part of the show title, that it's her "barn," etc, but she's good with the bakers when she walks around. I especially liked how she was with Tom's drag queen reveal and Dennis' coming out. I don't know if he planned it or it was just something he felt in the moment. I appreciate Molly's response. 

    Still want a Duff, Kardea, Lorraine panel. Or almost anyone but Nancy. Some strong bakers left. I have favorites based on personality but at this point, they're all brining it enough that I think there are frontrunners, but it's a pleasure to see what they're producing and unless someone really biffs it a few times, I feel like I'll be good with any winner. 

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  15. I went back and watched. Madison burnt his hands getting the meat on the plates, and he did plate over time, but he was disqualified for not getting required elements on the plate. Guy didn't say it was for continuing to plate or give any other reason than not getting all the Randomizer elements on the plate. Now, the judging might have been humiliating with almost nothing on the plates, but it doesn't sit right with me that Madison is to date the only chef ever to be DQ'd and it was so hyped and it's a distinction I am sure he didn't want and no one (supposedly, but Guy, it's your damn show) wanted him to go out like that. I checked Twitter and he's ok (people were worried about him and his health) and upbeat, but if the rule that you miss an element and you're out, it should be consistent. 

    I have a pretty strong aversion to any abundance of facial hair while cooking but I still like Michael Psilakis, who, yep, I remember as bald and shaven. 

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  16. I'm only on three, but I came here knowing I'd be spoiled, and kind of wanting to because the only baker I can't stand I was afraid would win and I wanted to be emotionally prepared (ok, I'm not taking it that seriously but I love all the other bakers). And last night was Andrew's shell, so that truly was impressive, so he's got the skills. Nina's clutch purse the night before, though, was a revelation. I recognized Hemu and Andrew, but I also think a few of the other bakers look familiar, maybe from one offs, like one of Food Network's cookie or other shows where they use different bakers each episode. Too lazy too look it up, but I can't wait for tonight to see that adorable teen finally bake! 

    Mikey Day is fun in this! I didn't know if I'd like him in this role, but yep, he makes it even more fun. 

    I will watch pretty much any skills/talent-based competition show, and Netflix is becoming my go-to. This one feels like they threw it together pretty quickly. I feel like there were already adjustments from episode one to two, like how they taste the cake(s), but it's fun and I like that the bakers got together to prank Mikey about tiltscape being a baking word. They're a fun crew.      

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  17. 10 hours ago, possibilities said:

    I hope Pete saw this. 

    I checked Twitter and he and Chasten have both been sent pics and pics. Delightful! 

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  18. As a season it was disappointing (and I get why) but there were enough good moments and I care enough about the characters to want more. I do love that they got on the train back to NYC at "Buttigieg Station."

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  19. Chef Kwame Onwuachi's New Nail Polish Can Stand the Heat of the Kitchen



    For Onwuachi, it all started with his nieces. “I was taking care of my nieces and they begged me to get their nails done,” he remembers. “I got my nails done alongside them. I got all black and afterward I thought, Okay this is pretty cool—it fits my vibe. I just never stopped getting them painted.”


    There’s more to these polishes than just the colors. If you’ve ever cooked with nail polish, you know there’s no faster way to chip a fresh coat of paint. To offset that, Onwuachi chose to release his collaborative polishes in Orly’s Breathable formula, which is water and oxygen permeable. “The main reason why your nail polish chips is because water gets under there and has nowhere to go but through it,” he says. This formula prevents chipping and peeling by keeping the polish from getting waterlogged. “You can definitely cook with it,” he confirms.

    The first three colors to drop are pretty, and I might have to give them a try as I love Kwame, cooking, and nail polish!

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  20. I almost deleted after the first guy. The WGWG is going to "bring back soul?" I can't take seriously anyone who says they want to bring back something that is doing fine and judges who don't call him on not knowing his supposed genre. The second song he did proved the point that not one person on that stage, not even Lionel, brought up. Blech. 

    Spouse still interested so I did get to hear some good singing that didn't want to make be beat someone with a guitar.  

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  21. 8 hours ago, Melina22 said:

    I wish this was true, but I've always been under the impression that the families have zero control over what true crime entertainment is made from their tragedy, and get absolutely no remuneration, whether from books, podcasts, shows or movies. 

    Maybe I'm mistaken in this belief. I just know that when watching Dateline or similar shows, I often think how much I'd hate it if someone made this kind of show about someone I know.

    I actually do know some people who were murdered or involved in murders, I'm shocked to think of how many. A friend was murdered. My dentist was murdered. I'm suddenly getting chills remembering sitting at a pleasant dinner in my apartment years ago with a seemingly normal man who later killed himself and his family. How would I feel if they were the subjects of a TV show, with all their family's dirty laundry being aired? 

    I do think very worst of all would be a comedy made from the murder. But at least the victim here and her children aren't being mocked. So far they've made her seem like a good person with a nice family. Only Pam is being made fun of. 

    Sigh. Watching true crime is such a guilty pleasure for me. So many mixed feelings about it. 


    I have the same feeling and I'm so sorry for the amount of times your life has been touched by murder. I've had two friends' stories featured on true crime shows. A friend and her family appeared on a Dateline about their murdered brother/son. It had happened decades before and before I met her. They felt the show had done a good job and treated them with care and respect. The other was a friend, not close but still a friend from high school, who was murdered after she graduated (I was a year behind her) in 1979 by someone else I barely knew, but not well, and not through school.  They were from totally different worlds and she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Both shows were very well done and I was especially appreciated how my high school friend, such a kind person, was depicted. 

    I, too, am torn over my watching and reading true crime. I mostly do it because I love getting inside people's heads, but sometimes it's just, "I can't believe that killer got caught because they were so stupid." For me, though, you make good points about how the victim and family are being treated, but I think I'm still out. The tone isn't working for me and and I'd somehow not known about the fat suit controversy, so since I've got so many other series to catch up on, I think I'll drop it. 

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  22. Such a good episode. I was waiting for someone to reveal they were an alien or knew Harry was, which the show didn't seem to hide, but still liked how it happened. Anytime Asta has more to do, I'm good. Her reactions are the best. I love the actor. And the evil real Harry plot could be interesting. 

    I don't want more interactions between the mayor and Darcy, but I'm glad she apologized for kissing him and seemed to mean it. She did just seem to want to be his friend. He's not happy in his marriage, and at first I thought Darcy shouldn't have encouraged him to put up the wall hanging (I get why Kate didn't want it up, but then, I have a University of Florida gator figurine on my mantel, which is otherwise decorated with items that work together and have a certain feel to them). But then I realized if I were talking to a longtime friend and they told me about the wall-hanging, etc, I'd probably say, "Screw that. Hang it!" I want Darcy to get it together and I hope this closed a chapter and they're just friends in the town who run into each other sometimes, and Kate and Ben work out or don't on their own. 

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