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Posts posted by mscav

  1. 17 hours ago, nightmeri said:

    Y’all I hate Sobbin Robin with the intensity of a thousand burning suns and I love nothing more than the theory of her stealthily uprooting an entire family for Dayton but I also worked as a higher ed admin for twenty years. It is entirely possibly that Dayton applied to several schools in the early fall, submitted a FAFSA in January or February which included several schools and even deposited to UNLV and one or more other schools in May and then finally decided on Flagstaff in July. Happens all the time 

    #dontshootthemessenger #tryingtolivemybestlife #nocluewhyIhaveashittogiveaboutthesegrifters

    I'm with you. I detest Robyn but this is not unrealistic at all. My middle son was dead set on where he wanted to go to school. Applied, accepted, deposit, dorm deposit etc and changed his mind at the end of April. He then decided he wanted to go to very popular SEC school. I told him that since he missed all the deadlines and didn't even list them on his FASFA that he would have to wait a year. He agreed and went on a tour in August so he would be ready to go the next year. Long story short, he started 2 weeks later. I doubt they moved to Flagstaff for Dayton's school ( I still think it was the balloon payments and some shady financing in Flagstaff), but I 100% believe Robyn made him change schools at the last minute to be close to her.

    • Love 4
  2. 3 hours ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

    Sorry 'bout that!  Look, I understand and emphasize with your pain, but I'm trying to keep them Brownies as far away from the South as possible.  We southerners already have more than our fair share of cray-cray down heah! Why, it runs like a river down the streets and through our neighborhoods.  Sheesh, we even put our folks out on the front porch to air out, and to wave at the passersby.  That's the real reason why we all have those large, wraparound porches.  😜😒🤪

    Thank you! I thought I saw those grifters out and about one day here and sure enough, Jenelle posts a pic next to my office and the next morning they were on Pickler & Ben. Stay away Browns. Stay away...

    • LOL 1
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  3. On 2/27/2019 at 1:42 PM, DangerousMinds said:

    Regarding driving someone else' seems car - does anyone know any men whose girlfriends drive their cars instead of them? I sure don't. Just seems very sexist to me to step aside and let your bf drive your own car,

    I think this is also a regional thing. I live in the south and growing up we were taught that it was a sign of respect for the boyfriend/husband to drive. Normally in his own car, but in Leah's case I can see it being easier to take hers with all of the girls stuff already in it. I live in a city in the south with a lot of transplants and it is funny to see how we view the world differently in someways. For instance myself and another female co-worker from the south were going to lunch and there was a man going thru the door the same time as us. He went ahead of us and didn't hold the door. Both of us felt that was rude. The next day going to lunch with a female co-worker from the northeast. Same situation but this time the man stops, holds the door open and says, "Good Afternoon".  To me this is normal. My co-worker was very offended and found it sexist. Now, if I wanted to drive and he insisted he was going to, that would be another story.

    • Love 4
  4. 2 hours ago, BARISTA said:

    I was wondering if Javi was throwing shade at Kail here, if Kail didn’t work out during her pregnancy. Wouldn’t surprise me he is so sneaky 

    Actually, if I am rembering correctly Javi blamed Kail doing crossfit while pregnant for causing her miscarriage. 

    • Love 1
  5. On 2/2/2019 at 11:48 AM, ginger90 said:


    One of those pics is the view from my office.  Please stay away from us Janelle. Also,  I am not in the best shape myself and a heart condition is keeping me from being able to exercise but even I can walk around Centennial Park and the touristy area of downtown just fine. All that walking is nothing to brag about. 

    • Love 7
  6. 4 hours ago, esco1822 said:

    The scenario i'm rooting for is a Banoney win, Tony gets voted MVP and chooses to keep all the money. Johnny and Tony become vendettas again and Sarah gets a good laugh out of karma coming back to bite Johnny.   

    This!!! I hate Johnny, but damn if this season isn't filled with people I hate just as much. I still have a soft spot for CaraMarie after enduring years of bullying but I can't stand Marie. Cam is growingon me and I'm indifferent on her partner. The other girls are bullies and a box of rocks may have a higher IQ then the rest of the guys put togeather. Tony for the win. No money for you Johnny....or any of these other idiots.

    • Love 3
  7. Quote

    Lastly, I have a pretty good gag reflex. It takes a lot to make me nauseous, but watching NuMatt change a freakin poopy diaper on the kitchen counter had me reaching for my waste basket, just in case. I really thought I was going to vomit. WHO does that?!?! To me, it was the equivalent of those who allow their cats to walk all over kitchen counters. Food prep areas have to be clean & hygienic for a reason. They prob don’t even cook in the kitchen at all, but it doesn’t matter. That was one of the most disturbing scenes I’ve seen in a long time

    I haven't watched this season but this is Amber. I'll never forget when Leah was a baby and she changed her poopy diaper on a restaurant table. 

    • Love 4
  8. On 10/6/2018 at 3:28 PM, christie said:

    I don't know if they're famewhores or not since I haven't watched it in years but my first thought was damage control for Ryan, something along the lines of telling Ryan's part of the story  to counteract anything that Maci may say about him.. 

    I don't think they're 100% famewhores. I think they are trying to clear Ryan's name and giving him the money they are getting. I have a brother whos an even bigger screwup then Ryan and my mother is just as enabling if not more so then Jen and that is exactly what she would do.  At this point my sister and I have nothing to do with either of them. 

    • Love 9
  9. On 10/4/2018 at 1:39 AM, Mainer said:

    My aunt lives in Knoxville and she had told me something about Tennessee not having property taxes maybe that’s changed or I’m confused

    We have property taxes.  We don't have income taxes. 

    • Love 4
  10. 1 hour ago, Marisagf said:

    She would have been a better addition to the cast.

    I actually may have watched this season if they had. She seemed like a good fit for the show. I didn't watch the meet the moms special as I am already familiar with both girls and don't want to waste a minute watching either of them. I'll stick with Unexpected. If they merge the 2 shows and drop the 2 new ones, Janelle and Brianna I might watch again.

    • Love 3
  11. First, it's a pet peeve of mine when people refer to saying GD as taking the lords name in vain. I grew up going to Catholic school and we were taught that GD was a curse word and disrespectful but not taking the lords name in vain. Taking the lords name in vain meant that you were using the lords name to push a personal agenda such as, "The lord says you should vote for me" or "The lord says you should turn over all your assets to me", etc. 

    Regarding molestation allegations it would not surprise me in the least. I have always wondered about that with Marissa. It's not so much anything I have seen happen on the show or posted on social media but just a feeling I have had when they are on screen together. I don't know how to put it in words but she just seems so uncomfortable around him in a different way then the boys. 

    • Love 12
  12. 1 hour ago, HeySandyStrange said:

    Do we know that members of the Simms family never go to appointments, though? We just see the appointments that are filmed for the show, and I wouldn't be surprised if most of Corey's family would rather not be filmed, especially Miranda, considering how badly she was vilified by Leah and her fans just a few years ago. We don't know how much they do medically behind the scenes for Ali and just don't make a big deal about it. Or what they may offer to do that Leah rejects. Leah is better then she used to be, but she also has a bit of a martyr complex and still seems to like to present herself as this #doingitherself #singlesupermom.

    I think it's a safe bet to say they do not go.  Leah used to complain a lot about Corey not going to the doctors appointments and most reactions were she needed to grow up and get over it because he had to work.  I never agreed with that.  These appointments are scheduled very far in advance and are very important.  I'm sure Corey could schedule PTO to be there but he chooses not to. I know after he married Miranda he seemed to start going to the appointments more but I think that was because Leah was seriously abusing her pillses at that time.  Now that she's better I think everyone in their circle,  Leah included to a degree,  think this is mom's job and dad doesn't really need to be there. 

    • Love 4
  13. On 8/3/2018 at 12:46 PM, TheRealT said:

    Without the money, Jenelle's appeal will wear off very quickly. She'll be freaking out about the downgrade in their lifestyle and she'll become increasingly difficult to manage. He might be able to get a job, but it's unlikely that Jenelle will. So he'll be going to some crappy job where he has to fight the urge to beat the shit out of his boss all day, then come home to a filthy house, screaming kids, and Jenelle crying over some bullshit and demanding his attention and service.

    THAT'S when he'll figure that he should cut his losses and dump her before all of their money and property is gone. He'll find another woman who "appreciates" him the way Jenelle appreciated him when they first got together (unlike his bitch of an ex, who was keeping his son from him and trying to get him sent to prison).

    I think that's when he'll come home, beat the shit out of her and the kids and eventually kill one or all of them. 

    • Love 12
  14. 15 minutes ago, toodywoody said:

    soooooo just because someone is a mom, that means people aren't suppose to drive badly in front or back of you?


    She forgot to hang her sign letting all the other drivers to only drive badly around others.

    • Love 15
  15. Quote

    So Janelle has offers from Netflix and amazon? Sure, Janelle. Good luck on all your amazing amazon and Netflix endeavors

    Well,  I think they both play Discovery ID shows.  Maybe they want the rights to it early. 

    • Love 21
  16. On 7/24/2018 at 1:06 AM, Bridget said:

    Hearing the following words come out of Nathan’s mouth was SO worth watching this filler crap fest of a show:



    “Body modification” (instead of plastic surgery)


    Hands down, those were the best moments, along with Ryan saying “These girls need help!”

    Nathan all but said “steroids are normal and I take them too” during the segment about Adumb’s physique. 

    Adele, please hook Babs up with some free tickets and a meet & greet pass!

    Yes and it was implied he's friends with Adumb. He's a moron. And a roid raging asshole. And a woman beater. And he's still better then Jenelle regarding Kaiser.  That poor, poor baby.  I hope his grandma can get custody. Barb may not be perfect by any stretch of the imagination but Jace really lucked out compared to his little brother. 

    • Love 5
  17. So Sam put them up not only because she thinks they're sluts but because she wants Fessy for herself.  So Sam what is it when you are rolling around under the cover with a poor innocent young man in the house? Let me guess innocent fun if you do it.  

    • Love 20
  18. Poor Jace. He was all ready to defend Janelle with his Nerf Gun and that bitch could care less about him.


    Just saw the end of the previews. I love the editors. Teen Mom ends with a producer saying David is here we have to shut it down to immediately showing a punched wall on Floribama Shore.

    • Love 21
  19. Sam is an idiot. First, there was no reason whatsoever for her to even want HOH this week. She is the only person in the house that knows 100% that whoever is voted out this week has a damn good chance of walking right back in. I know she told a few people but they only have her word on that. She should have given it to Tyler. Then she ostracizes both sides of the house by not allowing anyone to talk to her about nominations even though she's not even in an alliance. Then she slut shames her two nominees in front of the entire house knowing that they and all of their friend will now come after her (guessing it may make some of the other women in the house upset as well). And once again, she makes sure to completely offend two people who she knows will most likely not be going anywhere.  

    • Love 19
  20. 3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    The issue is the why - Kaiser was expressing that he had to go potty. David told him no. Then spanked him when he peed. That's some fucked up shit right there. 

    This exactly! This shows that he's not just a routine spanker but a true abuser. He set him up for failure and then hit him.  From what they've shown on the show this seems to be a regular occurrence. 

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