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10 Good
  1. I think the idea behind the primetime move would be to bury it on Saturday nights, which is historically the lowest rated of the week. Then the suits could say something like, we tried to keep it alive but the ratings don't support that and kill it that way. All I know is that I'm barely watching these days. And I know a bunch of longtime viewers who feel the same way. I DVR'd the show last week because of reading this board and saw a glimmer the show I grew up watching and loving. At the end of the day as great as last week was, we all know Sonny is never going to jail, Carly is never going to lose anything and Kiki is the worst. These are the reasons GH may need to be euthanized once and for all.
  2. Hi there. Lurker here...just chiming in to say that a friend of a friend knows people VERY close to the situation with ABC. She told me there had been discussions in the not so distant past at the network about making GH a weekly show, airing probably on Saturday nights in prime time and adding another hour of GMA or more hourlong game shows like CBS Daytime, for example an expanded Millionaire. The talks have been shelved for now but are still not entirely dead. If it weren't for Shonda Rhimes, Once Upon a Time and DWTS making bank, Port Charles would be in our rearview mirrors with a quickness.
  3. Hi y'all. Longtime lurker and occasional poster over at TWOP. My soap was OLTL and man alive I miss that show. Have watched GH on and off for like 20+ years. I started watching back when Frisco was hero not a deadbeat dad and keep up thru all of your amazing posts. Don't Ron and Frank realize that Franco was created by James FRANCO as part of a THESIS project for his acting PhD at Yale? I love Roger Howarth with all of his weirdness and varying hair lengths and colors, but I can't stomach him in this part. He is capable of great stuff (see any scene he ever had with Erika Slezak and Kassie dePaiva on OLTL or his work on ATWT when Paul was with his family) and here it's like you can see him adding up his bank balance in his head because there's no other reason he took this gig. Or he's trolling us. I can't make heads or tails of why Franco exists and when the actor looks the same way, it ain't right. Sonny is so going to get away with murdering AJ, isn't he? Le Sigh.
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