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  1. Where did he manipulate for a male contemporary winner? Don't you think Nigel would have preferred a tapper this season? Nigel is a tapper, loves tap, and there was On The Town. Jeanine Mason is also Cuban :) Eliana's twitter bio reads "Italian girl with a Jewish fro" https://twitter.com/Dance9Eliana
  2. I've noticed Ricky having a little difficulty with lifts in past episodes but not in the finale, and Valerie is not tiny. I also think he morphed into different styles incredibly well, both hip hips and cha cha (and jazz with Lauren + jazz with Jessica) were impressive, but he messed up both hip hops in the finale (seems like he was either going too fast or forgot parts), he did them a lot better the first time. I didn't see any self-conscious prettiness in any of his dancing, and actually no prettiness at all in anything that wasn't contemporary or waltz. I also only noticed the annoying home alone face one time the whole episode, during the scary dance themes montage. Wikipedia lists him in 4th place and Jessica in 3rd. I'm pretty sure they were eliminated in order.
  3. Thank you. I don't know how much is really appropriate to talk about here, but as somebody who has dealt just about as closely as you can with suicide/attempts, I thought Nigel's words were (as typical) badly articulated but I understood his intention and was touched by it. I feel nothing but frustration with the people jumping in to criticize him so harshly (how dare someone call suicide stupid!..... what?) and have to wonder if they have dealt with the huge devastation that suicide leaves with the survivors. Nigel said he lost two people close to him, and I 100 percent understand the emotions that were coming through in his words. I feel bad that he's getting attacked for it. Yes, he could have phrased it better. Like how you did, for instance.
  4. So did anyone notice that evil hated Tyce is the choreographer for the Taylor Swift video? So that explains why there are so many SYTYCD dancers in it! He hired them.
  5. Lol why does everyone assume this! No, we wouldn't necessarily have heard by now and I'm pretty sure they announced it was renewed at the finale last year.
  6. Ricky is already out, he has pictures of his boyfriend all over his instagram. And if anybody would have outed him it would have been Jessica in this interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYjoJ83xrwA
  7. I thought the episode was good, I even really liked one of the tap routines which I usually don't like at all (Valerie and Aaron's). I think what makes me like it is the song and costumes and the demeanor of the dancers and also the choreography. I don't know enough (anything) about tap to enjoy it normally, but all those factors together made that routine really enjoyable for me. Ricky and Kathryn routine was so beautiful, I liked it more than the other contemporaries of the night. And it is my favorite contemporary of his from the season by far. I loved the hip-hop too. I thought in general (VERY uninformed opinion is coming) Zack seemed to hit the moves (?) with more authority when the movements were smaller/more precise but that Ricky really killed it when they were bigger (and seemed to have the style much better in those moments), i.e. all the dramatic moments in the routine so I was watching him for most of it. There wasn't a routine that I disliked, there were quite a few that were forgettable but they were still enjoyable to watch. I also agree with another poster who said that Ricky took to the versatility challenge of the show like a fish to water. He really did. He did everything so well.
  8. I don't really think they are engineering a Ricky win. They know that praising people causes a large part of the audience to hate them, and for them to lose (at least if they are male). I think Nigel does like Jessica and I think he would like a tapper to win as well. Not saying he doesn't like Ricky. I don't really blame them though if they want what they consider to be the best dancer to win. And I think Ricky has actually been pretty challenged throughout the season.
  9. I don't think it's certain or even likely that the show will not have a next season. Every single show I watch, for some reason, every season everybody acts like the show will be cancelled the next season and it never is.
  10. Ok so I have to ask if anyone else hated the Zack and Fik-Shun routine? I am so confused right now, I've never been in a situation where I absolutely hated a dance that is getting what seems like rave reviews across the board. For example, I didn't love Ricky and Jessica's Sonya piece, I liked it but I didn't think it was anything remarkable and I like other dances Ricky has done since a lot more, even ones not in his style. But I didn't HATE it. Like I hear people saying Zack is good at hip hop and I'm legitimately so confused because he seems really weak to me? Did anybody else not like it? I've literally watched it probably ten times now trying to understand. I'm wondering if it could be because I'm never taking my eyes off Zack because I'm trying to judge his performance. The last time I watched it I watched Fik-Shun and it was a lot better but I still didn't like it so I think at least part of my problem is the choreography.
  11. I knew that Nick, Blake, and Danny are all the same age (Travis a few years younger) and were all on the competition circuit as kids so I always kind of wondered about it. And who is beFree is that Brian Friedman? Cuz yeah I heard those rumors but I could never tell if they were true or not.
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