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Everything posted by Fafolguy

  1. As much as I love Hot Potato, this GameTime is my all time favorite. Well done!
  2. You guys, Tara's Dome rage is a bright spot on my week, every week.
  3. This has been an...interesting week for the minis.
  4. "Pepsi is not OK" is my new mantra.
  5. Whoever was singing the whistle song from Hanna during game time is my favorite person of the day!
  6. Once the topic was explained I immediately thought of Veronica Mars too.
  7. OMG I loved Rags to Riches! My sister and I used to recreate the musical numbers from each week's episodes. Ah good times...
  8. Is it weird that I immediately thought of Oliver Threadson's house from American Horror Story: Asylum? I mean, without all the human skin lampshades and skull candy dishes. That basement could be the best rumpus room ever! That furniture, that fireplace!
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