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  1. I just love all of the comments and analyses. Only watched one time... but I believe the weather was clear in part 1 and stormy in part 2 which coincides with what we know about that night.
  2. Just wanted to say that your words were so beautiful.. It made me tear up.
  3. Wow... I’m glad she didn’t kill herself. I didn’t believe that she did. She seemed like she was on the path to healing. I hope that psychopathic asshole is caught quickly. Poor poor Alison. I am just so sad. I kinda wish part 1 was true even though he did lie about his wife. They seem to really get each other but it was all a hallucination. I think we always want happy endings... we want to see redemption but sometimes life just sucks and then you die. Another beautiful episode IMO. Gut-wrenching.
  4. Oh my goodness... I totally forgot about this! Just after six weeks mind you.. insane. He and Alison were not even a couple... they barely knew each other really.
  5. To be honest I’ve never really understood the whole guardian thing with Luisa (I mean, even with Alison gone, Joanie still has her father, grandparents, uncles, etc.). Why would that make a difference in Luisa’s immigration status. She isn’t even the biological mother and she is not related to Joanie except through marriage. Aren’t undocumented biological parents deported all the time in the US?
  6. Wanted to add that thinking that Alison wouldn’t kill herself because of Joanie is a perfectly valid viewpoint. Yes we know that there are countless people who kill themselves even with young children BUT I am sure there are others who do hold on because of their kids and family. I just happen to think that Alison is one of those people. I could be wrong, of course.
  7. Just wanted to say one of the best lines was Cole’s “Let me guess, you’re fucking his mother.” So funny and so very true. Typical Noah behavior. Another kinda funny moment was the lady asking which one of them was the closest relative and the ensuing awkwardness. Also how did Alison’d dad know about her disappearances or much about her at all from just one short conversation. Kinda odd.
  8. If she doesn’t leave a suicide note then I’ll think she was murdered because I just can’t see her not leaving one for Cole and Joanie. I would think she would want them to understand and to ensure they didn’t blame themselves.
  9. Why??? I don’t understand why she would do this? I am beyond shocked and saddened. Truly didn’t see this coming. I just can’t see her doing that to Joanie. I watched the ep right before bed and wished I hadn’t cause it messed me up emotionally. i had truly hoped that Cole and Alison would be endgame.
  10. Yes I found this interesting... there were several cookbooks by famous folks on her counter, I think. I did find that kind of odd.
  11. I actually commend Noah for trying and fighting to stay in his kids’ lives. Yes he fucked up when he left Helen the way that he did but I don’t think he ever turned his back on his kids (at least I don’t think he did). I also don’t think it’s right to try to exclude him from the kids’ lives... I think it is best for the kids to have a healthy relationship with their father. All that anger is no good for anybody.
  12. So Helen doesn’t know she’s approaching menopause? I found that hard to believe. The first thing she does is run go get a pregnancy test? Okay Helen. I’m glad she and Vic actually seem to have connected again. Again Noah’s kids are just little assholes. I swear.
  13. I find it hard to believe that Noah would ever want to be with Helen again but I guess anything is possible. She just doesn’t come across as a very pleasant person to be around. Of course, Noah is no peach himself. I truly hope that ship has sailed.
  14. Yep Noah’s son was incredibly disrespectful. I’m glad that Noah is trying to be in his kids lives though. Helen almost seems to love the kids turning on Noah. She also should have called Trevor on the disrespect and not enable it. Also wanted to add that driving to someone’s office... someone you barely know is kinda crazy to me. Doesn’t Alison have other people she can turn to. She seems to have latched on to Ben rather quickly.
  15. I think Noah was so wrong for sharing the essay with the principal. He should have suggested that Antoine share it with his mom instead. Noah is just way out of line. Are there not rules about principals fraternizing with teachers? Seems really murky to me.
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