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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Long time lurker, first time poster..... I really hope that Andy and his producers read this site because I'm beyond disgusted with Tamra and Heather. I will not be watching this show any longer. What I don't get is Tamra whining about her court battles regarding the kids. She says she's a great mother, her therapist says she a great mother. She knows the courts are watching her and what does she do.....she asks Danielle if she does Anal!! What therapist or judge in their right mind would think that the kids would not be negatively influenced by this. Wouldn't you be on your best behavior?? I believe Tamra thinks she is untouchable. She is not only mean to the rest of the cast, but she is so mean to the viewers. The viewers are the ones who made her rich. Now Eddie is being mean to Yelp reviewers. Customer Service 101 Eddie...the customer is always right (even if they're not).
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