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Posts posted by coppersin

  1. On 8/27/2022 at 10:45 AM, BooBear said:

    I am dragon. 

    It is a Russian Movie. So you may get subtitles. The dubbed version I think is free on You Tube.

    It is a crazy romantic movie. With a good story.

    Basically for years this village lived in terror of a dragon. They used to give the dragon a female sacrifice to keep the dragon happy for a generation. Finally a hunter killed the dragon. Years later the village is celebrating the marriage of a princess to the grandson of the person who slayed the dragon. The grandson decides to sing the song they used to use to summon the dragon as a tribute to his grandfather. Everyone thinks the dragon is dead... but... the dragon shows up and snatches the princess.

    And we go from there.

    Great music and great effects. 

    Thank you for recommending this! I finally got around to watching (and was able to find subbed instead of dubbed, which is always a bonus) and really enjoyed it. Lovely movie, good chemistry, definitely worth a rewatch at some point.

    • Love 1
  2. 8 hours ago, Bastet said:

    Tonight was one of those crap, I need to go shopping tomorrow, but first need to throw something together, especially combining all the stuff that's about to spoil, tonight meals that came out well.  I'd somehow managed to be down to only a little bit of chicken and shrimp (two things I normally have a good supply of in the freezer) and another small bit of andouille sausage so made a "Cajun Cream" sauce with paprika, cayenne, garlic, and oregano, to go over the three meats and zucchini and asparagus with the same flavors and some whole wheat penne pasta.

    The results of your "crap I need to go shopping" sound much more cohesive and tasty than mine ever are.

  3. On 12/15/2021 at 1:50 PM, isalicat said:

    I have a generous amount of smoked salmon (still sealed and in the refrigerator) and need to make two different appetizers for a Christmas dinner. Of course I can put some on top of cream cheese (mixed with chives or onion) on top of some interesting kind of crackers, but if any of you have any other ideas, please let me know. There is plenty of time to go get ingredients!

    If you're willing to do some last-minute prep instead of make-ahead, blinis would be yummy.

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  4. On 11/14/2021 at 1:23 AM, bunnyblue said:

    Am I to understand that Laszlo drank alcohol? I thought consuming any kind of food or drink resulted in a vampire becoming violently ill? I seem to recall the Baron and Nadja both projectile vomiting when when they had food/drink. But Laz just seemed to be regular drunk and not sick at all.

    They don't drink alcohol, they can drink blood from people who have consumed alcohol though. Same concept as the drugs in season 1 IIRC. I haven't seen this episode since it aired, but didn't Sean say something like some drunk people left and Laszlo followed and came back drunk. I think Sean assumed they'd gone barhopping together but Laszlo just fed from them.

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  5. On 10/23/2021 at 8:12 PM, Eliza422 said:

    On a different note, I felt like David Cross was channeling Billy Crystal a bit, especially from The Princess Bride.

    This works with the idea that a super slumber is basically "not dead, just mostly dead"

    I love this show. I am not ready for the season so end.

    • Love 10
  6. This movie, you guys. So good. I'm glad my first time back in theaters was experiencing this gorgeous film rather than two hours of getting right back into the superhero groove.

    To anyone on the fence about seeing this: See it. You won't regret it, and I'll wager you'll love it. And if seeing it in a theatre is an option for you, I strongly encourage you to do so rather than waiting to stream it. The visuals are gorgeous, and I can think of at least two shots that really make a difference when seen on a large scale.

    I'm not normally fussed about awards season, but this had better get some wins. I loved the visuals, I loved the music, I think every single actor was well-cast. I really hope this film gets the recognition it deserves.

    • Like 1
  7. The Magnus Archives was recommended to me last year and I'm kicking myself for not trying it sooner, because I'm really loving it. The bright side is that I now have a ton of episodes to enjoy (I think the current count is 172). I am, however, listening while I work and thus burning through them at an alarming rate, so I'll be going through withdrawal soon enough. It's basically the same cycle I went through with Welcome To Night Vale. I am curious whether the creator of Magnus Archives has a full storyline with a definite ending already planned, or if it'll be seemingly endless like WtNV - both shows have characters that I love and want around as long possible, but I really want to know how everything wraps up.

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  8. I just found out that Stanley Tucci and Colin Firth will be playing a couple in Supernova, and I can't decide whether to be thrilled that two of my long-term crushes will be partners, or bummed that it's in a movie about dementia (which I tend to avoid due to family experience).

    • Love 6
  9. 16 hours ago, topanga said:

    I just watched Grosse Pointe Blank for like the 10th time. Never gets old for me. Great soundtrack, great performances. John Cusack as a neurotic professional assassin with sister Joan as his trusty assistant is priceless. And Minnie Driver is always a delight to watch. 

    "You can never go home again... but you can shop there." Aaand it's going on my rewatch list, love that movie.

    • LOL 2
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  10. On 12/29/2019 at 1:47 AM, justmehere said:

    Side note: while I enjoyed the shirtlessness at the various times, hearing Henry Cavill explain what it takes on Graham Norton (about 8 minutes into the video) - basically dehydrating for a few days, which sounds terribly dangerous - made me feel a little guilty. I had no idea.

    No wonder Geralt is so grumpy all the time.

    12 hours ago, nodorothyparker said:

    So a whole boatload of mages head out to man a castle and none of them think to dress for it?  I get that they're the most special of special magical unicorns and have to look the part, but the amount of cleavage and flowing gowns on the battlefield was making me laugh when that clearly wasn't what the show was going for.  There was plenty about the battle that was entertaining, like the Nilfgaardians creating portals to fire arrows through or the spell that basically had the soldiers tripping balls marching over a field of magically growing mushrooms, but some of it felt fairly muddled too.  So are we to think most of the mages live on to fight another day or are most of them dead, because it wasn't looking good for them by the end.  

    I liked how this was all set up, because it does a good job of frequently reminding us that that the mages are outsiders here. Vilgefortz is the only dressed appropriately for battle because he's the only one with military experience (and I really hope he had an earworm and isn't actually evil). The mages are clearly all talented badasses in their own way, but applying those skills in the middle of a large-scale fight is tricky. Trying to apply spells they probably knew before like exploding potions and poisonous mushrooms to massive amounts of people was interesting, as well as the challenge of conserving your energy vs. being effective immediately (like Coral (I think?) snapping all those necks at once).

    Fringilla on the other hand seems to be much more successful at war-like use of magic, like using fellow mages as collateral to create those giant fireballs and using portals to shoot arrows. Much more straightfoward. I'm curious if she has a talent for battle or if she's benefiting from Nilfgaard's military advisors.


    Overall I agree with others that the show is okay; it's much better if I treat season 1 as just the prologue to the rest of the story that we'll presumably get now that everyone is in the same timeline and in close proximity.

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