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Posts posted by coppersin

  1. 13 hours ago, pezgirl7 said:

    Then I discovered that he was in a music video with Heidi Klum to promote her lingerie line, and holy smokes 🔥🔥🔥. How am I suppose to continue watching The Mandalorian knowing that's what is under all the armor?! lol Also, it gave me ideas on what might happen if he ever takes the armor off, which made me wish for once that this show was on HBO instead of Disney. 😁 Watch at your own risk.

    I mean, I just woke up. But I can already say that music video is the highlight of my day, so thank you.

    • LOL 1
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  2. 13 hours ago, Shannon L. said:

    However, when I went to see Titanic in a crowded theater, a bunch of tweens would scream every time Leo was on screen and I couldn't hear whatever was being said at that moment.  I don't enjoy that kind of thing (it was cute at first, but when the did it through most of the movie, it got old fast).

    The absolute best part of seeing Titanic for me was the audience, because everyone was so quiet throughout except when a crewman tried to tell Molly Brown (Kathy Bates) what to do in the lifeboat and some guy in the back row shouted, "Oh shit, dude, you've pissed her off now!" and the entire theater laughed. It was a nice pressure release during some tense/sad scenes. And then we all went back to quiet and well-behaved. Even the tweens.

    • Love 2
  3. Did a mini-binge and have come to two important conclusions:

    1) Friday needs to get here stat because there is just too much sad baby Yoda on tumblr

    2) I'm all for merch but what I realllly want Disney to do is a life-size animatronic baby Yoda at Disneyworld, complete with floating stroller. That should be manageable with magnets or a hidden propeller or something, yeah? I'm gonna miss that stroller.

    • Love 6
  4. Do we know anything about The Child's background/lineage that I missed? Because I'm getting super attached to Mando & Baby Yoda as an adoptive family and I need to curb my expectations now if the season ends with Mando delivering the baby back to his birth family/home planet.

    • Love 4
  5. I'm amused that the trailer mentioned Endgame, since Magicians and Avengers teamed up with GOT to be my triple-gut-punch of entertainment disappointment this year. Seriously. At this point I'm worried that Disney of things will kill off adorable baby NotYoda just to be edgy.

    Interesting that the trailer didn't show much of what the actual non-grief storylines will be this year. There's a lot to cover.

    • Love 3
  6. 15 hours ago, Crs97 said:

    The most romantic moment of Notting Hill was when the woman in the wheelchair was sending them off to help Hugh’s character because she thought she would slow them down.  Her husband refused to leave her behind.  That was a gorgeous moment.  The rest of the movie did nothing for me.

    For me it was when he carried her up the stairs after dinner. A beautiful everyday experience and them just gazing at each other.

    I don't actually mind Hugh and Julia in that film, I just kept wishing we could get back to everyone else.

    • Love 6
  7. I realize it's a bit dated and over-used but I just knew that someone would post an Oprah-esque "and you get a show! and you get a show!" and tumblr did not disappoint. You could probably count the delay in minutes.

    So much info to digest. And I love all of it. (Well, most of it. I want the Jane!Thor storyline but I don't want Portman doing it, so I'll need to hype myself a bit for that.)

    But mostly I just watched the SDCC footage for the pretty. Just... so so many attractive and talented people. Marvel's casting dept basically has the best job in the world.

  8. I've known about this film for a while and was already sold just because of the cast. But wow is the trailer fun. Should make it easier to drag friends along to this rather than whatever blockbusters are coming out around then.

    • Love 2
  9. I'm thrilled that Avengers is doing so well but I'm also sorta amused that they even bother calculating the tally at this point. Just release a gif of Scrooge McDuck swimming in gold coins and be done with it.

    • LOL 9
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  10. Can someone please explain how past!Thanos et al got to the present-day Avengers compound? I was in an emotional haze for the entire three hours so I probably just missed an explanation, but... that's a lot of tech for them to conveniently have, yes? Even if they got the coordinates from current!Nebula (which I think is what happened?) wouldn't they still need Pym particles and a time machine of some sort? It's not even regular time travel because they're coming from an alternate timeline, correct?

    Also, out of the many questions (and rage headaches) I've had re: Steve's ending, there's one detail I'm not clear on that can probably be explained easily: when he went to the alternate timeline to be with Peggy, was that the alternate timeline he and Tony created by going back for the stone and particles? Or did he create another new alt timeline? Because if so, that's bugging me. A lot. He's essentially creating/cloning a familiar world knowing that alt!Bucky is currently captured and being tortured and Hydra is just being its usual horrific self. Even if he and Peggy and Bucky team up to take down Hydra and clean up history, that's still a lot of pain and unhappiness to knowingly start up again, and it's unlikely that they'll have a 100% success rate so there's a whole new timeline of people getting killed or hurt.

    We know so few solid details about the infinity stones (in the movie universe, at least) that the writers could make just about anything possible. If they were determined to give Steve a sentimental ending with Peggy, I wish they had just handwaved something using one of the stones instead of mucking around with time travel again.

  11. I'm so focused on how the characters cope post-Snap and how they untangle this mess that I keep forgetting that they'll actually need to face Thanos at some point. You'd think a giant purple dude would stick out in my mind more.

    21 hours ago, SimoneS said:

    Peggy's voice over. Steve crying at her funeral. I have always thought he would stay in the past to stay with her and have that life he always wanted. 

    Must we add yet another layer of awkwardness to the Sharon debacle by retroactively turning him into Uncle Steve?

    • LOL 6
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  12. 22 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

    Halle Berry fit in well in Gotham she has the right amount of personality that KR and for that matter John Wick just lack to counter balance the movie. 

    Halle Berry wasn't on Gotham, you may be thinking of Jada Pinkett Smith?

    • Love 4
  13. On ‎2‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 5:41 PM, xaxat said:

    PTSD. He's at the support group Sam introduced him to in Winter Soldier (or one like it). He didn't need it then, but he does now. You can also see his hand shake when he tightens the strap on his shield.

    God I hope so; I hope it isn't just an editing trick. Ideally we'd be seeing Tony get genuine professional help because the movies have been pretty upfront about his compounding PTSD over the years without helping him much (understandable from a storytelling perspective, but oy). But I'll certainly take Steve, who I firmly believe has also had PTSD since his first movie though less overtly. Though honestly there's a solid case for any of the Avengers at this point. Showing one of them at least trying to manage it would mean a lot to me.

    • Love 4
  14. The circumstances may suck, but it was so good to see Eliot leaning against Quentin. That would make a nice little tumblr pic... y'know, without the blood spatter and knowledge of the actual storyline. I just love my boys and miss their relationship, okay?

    Unless I missed something, Julia's lucky that her plan didn't permanently kill her, because she doesn't know why she didn't stay dead. We don't even know why. So if it's spell-related, then she's purposely taking away that spell's energy knowing full well that magic stops on campus after 11pm. There was zero guarantee that the battery would weaken rather than kill her and then just burn out.

    • Love 1
  15. I don't think this film will win given the long list of contenders this year, but at least one Oscar nom would be a nice nod. It really does deserve something.

    14 hours ago, nicepebbles said:

    The unanswered questions didn't help matters (what was on the tape? what was in those blankets Darlene had?). 

    Saw this in theater months ago so we may be talking about two different things, but if you're talking about the blanket bundles she pulled from the trunk of her car, there wasn't anything in them. She was pinning blankets to the walls of her room to muffle her singing (presumably so she wouldn't disturb her neighbors).

    • Love 1
  16. 1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

    Yep, already crying after just a trailer. I am gonna be SUCH a mess in this movie y’all. 

    Before we got the official title, I was referring to this movie as Avengers: Hold Me While I Cry. I suspect many of us will be a mess. Hell, I'll probably still be a blubbering mess on my third viewing.

    • Love 18
  17. Despite my growing frustration (and common sense re: this show) I'm officially crossing my fingers for a cliffhanger. I'd rather be a little annoyed that we're getting consecutive seasons on an anthology series than very annoyed that they botched the apocalypse season of a show with "horror" right there in the title. We need to get back to the present of this timeline stat, even though I know we still have much that could/should be covered beforehand. I wanna see all the truly creepy things that one would expect from the end of the world. I wanna see plenty of Michael once he has come into his own. I want the actual apocalypse that we've been promised so I can at least be a little invested when the witches inevitably reverse it.

    I wonder if this season was going to happen later but then Ryan Murphy worked with Cody Fern and knew he'd found his Michael and just couldn't wait?

    As for the actual episode: the Satanist church was a wasted opportunity to go darker than this season has been but it was actually kind of amusing to see how normal and bland it was, mostly because of Michael's reaction. He was so uninspired. Poor kid is lost and looking for guidance and look where he winds up. Then he meets the tech guys and it's more of the same. You could tell he was constantly eyerolling and thinking, "JFC, Dad, I ask for a sign and this is what you give me?" Probably also explains why Michael isn't traveling with an entourage during the apocalypse. His people are so lame.

    • Love 8
  18. The house's stab-happy instincts and its less than stellar history regarding children mean that Tate probably never had a chance. Between his parents and then his mother's remarriage he presumably spent some/most of his formative years on a hellmouth. Putting aside the psychological damage of whatever messed-up ghosts he probably saw wandering about as a kid, the evil in that place probably soaked into him like radiation. Did he have issues? Sure. But my impression from the first season was that he wasn't the kind of guy that would burn his stepfather and mass-murder his peers. As always, YMMV.

    • Love 1
  19. I'm amused that the show seems as disinterested in Supreme!Mallory as I am. Her active involvement in this episode was less than five minutes and her reveal as the next Supreme was practically a throwaway moment.

    My (cracky, probably 100% wrong) theory is that Coco isn't just around for comic relief. Her developing powers are essentially seeing what something's made of. So if she can eventually see what makes up people as well, she can also see what's missing, such as Mallory's soul if the plot twist is that she's actually evil. (Which is problematic for me, because I love my villains and she would pale in comparison to Fern and Bates.)

    Ryan Murphy knows we only have three episodes left, right? These flashbacks have been taking forever. I want to get back to the current storyline with the post-apocalyptic showdown and Michael's luscious locks.

    • Love 9
  20. "I'm bored." Darlene's speech to Billy in a calm, even, I am done wasting my emotions on men's bullshit tone was perfection. I'm not familiar with Cynthia Erivo but she sold that scene. And her singing was gorgeous. I'm not usually a fan of singing in non-musicals because to me it tends to feel indulgent or shoehorned in, but every time she sang it was perfection.

    Really, the entire cast was excellent. And the set, too.

    • Love 10
  21. 52 minutes ago, TinkerPig said:

    I really need help here, at the beginning of the movie when you see the movie making companies logos, after the Lionsgate logo, there's a logo of a company that I just loved. It's an image of Alice hiding the garden scissors behind her back. I just CAN'T REMEMBER the company name. Please help me and earn heaven. 

    I haven't seen this movie yet but I think you're referring to the Feigco logo:


  22. I don't want to get too attached to Misty and Queenie because if Cordelia fixes this apocalypse mess by turning back time, then both ladies go back to unhappy eternities that she can't save them from. (And Madison too, but meh.) It was really good to see Misty Day again, though.

    I am enjoying this season; I'd bingewatch the rest if it was an option. But this season could easily be 7-8 episodes and still cover everything.

    I also think it may have been a mistake to have this season be the supposed end of the world. If all the seasons are connected, then the apocalypse doesn't hold much concern for the viewer when we already know that additional seasons are coming. And it would've been nice to spend the final season seeing our favorite characters again.

    And to end on a positive note: MURDER HOUSE!!! Finally, finally, it's here. We only got, like, a five second glimpse this week and I still did a happy dance. Next week is gonna be great.

    • Love 7
  23. 24 minutes ago, mansfolly said:

    I've read most of the comments...

    When Michael was in jail...I was like - Couldn't he have willed the jail cell door open? He willed 5 or so knives into the body of that butcher.

    Why did he need that warlock to get him out of prison.

    He didn't break out of jail because he didn't want to. The entire scenario was bait for the warlocks. Something big enough and weird enough that 1) the warlocks would hear about it and 2) think 'fellow warlock' instead of 'psycho killer.' It's a wolf in sheep's clothing kind of deal. Actually having to kill someone to accomplish it was just a bonus.

    The result is him in a secure location, possibly improving his abilities (not clear how much they actually need to teach him), and definitely surrounding himself with a herd of followers that consider him the Chosen One.

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