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Everything posted by angelasum

  1. apologies @RealityGal, I had not meant at all you were unsympathetic and that you were made feel like I intruded. I felt like I might have intruded on my own. The sympathetic part was about myself, not you. Sorry. @RealityGal @AKraven I see what you mean with the 'buts'. I didn't realize it comes off as gathering sympathy, I didn't mean to do that. I usually give two sides of the story. Apologies. You are right, I didn't handle it well getting called out. I am emotional. I didn't do that well either design-wise. I wasn't exactly proud of my work. Again, feel free to ask for my opinion or thoughts via fb page messaging. Thx for inviting me to share my thoughts here, but I think for me, it'd be best I don't post directly here. thx, angela
  2. @RealityGal I don't know what to say about defensive, i'm sharing what i honestly think and know and feel. I tell you I am new to social media--my instagram has 64 posts, most of which started after PR. I haven't tweeted except since i did a competition in 2012 when it was encouraged. I haven't went on a blog like this before. I'm a techie cuz i code for work, i'm not into gadgets or new stuff. I'm not trying to defend myself telling you this, cause it's not really important.. I'm just responding cause you made a reference to it. I only blogged actually after friends that do more social media encouraged me to as a way to connect. I don't deny wanting to share my point of view.. I said at the start. it started there.. but now it doesnt have to be anymore. (I also believe in connecting with people, my pastor has always taught me that. So if i can open more doors to connect, even just a little, its a positive thing to me, even tho i'm naturally an introvert). There's always two sides to a coin and I'm just trying to share that. Maybe I am generally a sympathetic person, i like to consider both sides of things, not condemn it one way or not. I'm sorry if it seemed like I was trying to gather sympathy. You make a good point... I do feel like any comments i make, even not about me, someone can always roll their eyes and assume I am not being genuine with my thoughts, and i have some ulterior motives, like I want ppl to change their views on me--tv me or real me. And I see what you are saying about the forum tho. That's why I apologized and said I didn't mean to intrude, i meant that and wasn't going to say more til others encouraged. but again, I understand what you are saying too ...so I won't intrude. I hope I have not disrespected the forum here, if I did, I didn't mean to, sorry. (at least now you will start a new one for next episode) How about this.. if you have questions.. feel free to msg me on my fb page. some ppl have done that about various fashion/pr stuff, I'll answer you if i can. i can only share what i can. (not production details~) Enjoy the rest of the season ;) --And yes, Fade is really a cool person... I've never met someone like him before. He's quiet and thoughtful in a way, but also really funny and dramatic in another. He's a fun person to be around. He's such a cool character.
  3. @ThatsDarling I heard Zac was tough on other designers at the audition. All 3 of them had a lot of nice things to say at my audition, other than i needed to pump up the volume at the end for tv (vs. boutique)--which was very valid constructive criticism, not at all hurtful. So getting to the first round in bottom 3, with the 'slut' slits comments and such really threw me (as you all saw). At the moment, in the intensity, the little sleep, it was harsh, but in hind sight, its a tv show. I don't know how many moments I LOL'd to MK's comments. There's truth to their critiques.. like the last one with the flight attendant comment--i agreed. So I'd say its exaggerated, funny-harsh criticism. it's not the way teachers would give constructive criticism I think, but thinking about it a bit, I'm sure the newspapers and fashion blogs could be just as harsh. Like movie reviews, or restaurant reviews (see 'Chef'--great movie). They actually said nicer things too that weren't shown to try to encourage me, like we really liked what you showed at the audition, what you are wearing (they knew I made), the environment perhaps wasn't right for me--what i mean is they were trying to encourage me to go forward as a designer despite all the harsh comments, they weren't telling me to quit or something. I felt they were very intentionally encouraging me forward, they didn't have to do that. The team challenge when I got called out, which I really didn't expect (I thought we were safe, did well)--like I saw how they did that again to Amanda, so had I seen that I'd probably taken it less hard. Tim's comment didn't really bother me at all..it didnt even register... so.. it was only after that others pointed it out that i even knew. I don't know.. doesn't he just say things in a certain way.. like certain words he use? I didnt think i did that great (the whole cast is quite competent--its the third challenge and most of us had a 2-3 piece outfit.. in the past I feel like designers don't do that till later episodes). So they can euthanize it ;P I didn't really get to know him so I can't comment on much. One of the reasons I wanted to try PR was the desire for that mentor-student relationship; I always loved my FIT professors. I recalled designers had really special teary moments at the reunion with Tim, but perhaps its cause those designers got a lot further. I didn't really get to know or talk to him much, but my stay was short. I appreciated his encouragements at the audition though. (I think how i got to this forum was actually seeing some threads about Tim on UTG.. cant comment on that tho)
  4. again, no worries about the negative comments. You are all watching tv, I signed up for this. If anything, i'm growing thicker skin ;)
  5. thx for the kindness. @KimberStormer I can't share so much about what happens after i'm auf'd or production of it. But truly tho, they were gracious and considerate. (not sure about past seasons). I'm not saying that cuz of any contract or i'm trying to suck up to anyone, I truly felt that. I'm sure others felt the same too. @Oholibamah Personality-wise... everyone is in a certain box. Some are luckier and get to be in the more positive lighting, others less. (I wish i could filter out my odd nerves some what.. like my habit of playing wiht my hair when i talk.. lol). I'm very surprised when ppl can pick up on certain things.. like somethings said in the TLO blogs. Cant agree w all of them. Like for example, Korina was very quickly to be described as bitchy--I think maybe she appears strong and confident, but I would more so say she's sweeter than she may appear. i'm not particularly close to her, this is just truly what I think.
  6. hey.. sorry if it bothered anyone i intruded here. i was working late and stumbled here.. i really wasn't digging, and then thought i could move on or respond. Thought responding might make me a few new friends ;) These forums are new to me. social media is new to me :P I thought i could 'engage'... The self-glorfying parts--i didnt meant to be that way, but i went on determined to not let the intense competitive environment turn me ugly, turn me into someone i'd regret. I am kinda awkward, it comes off nervous or stressed or not confident.. and so it bugged me that's all they focused on*. So was trying to share in response to that. (*of course, i should know that going into a reality show...) Sorry anything i say about myself can pretty much seem defensive. what can i say. At least now i can just watch and discuss/share and leave myself out of the discussion :P If my comments are unwelcomed.. that's fine.. hate to have intruded.
  7. Awww, thanks guys, I really appreciate you guys coming over and reading my thoughts, my side of the story. Keep sharing my blog, I'd love to share more, be it PR, my passion, or fashion stuff. No worries on any comments, there's always 2 sides to every story. I'm glad I was able to share mine with the few of you ;) Defn follow me on fb/twitter/instagram for updates '@byangelasum'. I actually jsut added a second part to my afterthoughts blog, had a few things more I wanted to say. Feel free to comment, ask questions--I might not b able to answer tho but I'll try to b honest and objective. PR didnt work out so well for me, not really one side's fault, it happened that way. But without it I wouldn't be able to say.. share stuff with like you guys and such ;) Passion is there to connect people. Never did I realize there's so many passionate PR fans ;D
  8. Hi PR fans, I'm angela sum. Sorry it was so hard to watch me, it was hard for me too! I don't get to control how i'm portrayed. :P I more so just have some awkward mannerisms being an introvert, I guess it doesn't come well on tv. There's a lot of times tho I'm not as stressed as i appeared, words were cut or facial expressions that didnt follow. I am a bit emotional I admit, but I was also continually pushed in the bottom, which confused me. (To be fair, Alex cried too the first time he was on the bottom, and I had to deal with this over and over again. It's intense and we don't get much time to heal.) I can't say all my work is the best either but I had ideas and took risks (the lapel blazer thing was an idea i was excited to try.. probably normally i'd not have done a suit with a skirt.. but maybe an outfit with pair of jeans...). I'm emo but never was I gonna have a nervous breakdown. And I did work on wall street, I'm usually the only girl techie amongst a lot of strong men--trust me I voice out strongly and objectively (You have to find the fine line between being called 'aggressive' and 'stepped over'--I'm defn not that, but I've learned to be objective over appearing too aggressive.) Now i'm blabbling :P Anyways, not here to defend myself or argue, I put myself up for display, so...,But PR gets to share their story, why don't i share my side? ;) Pls check out my blog www.angelasum.com/blog, there's more to what it seams! lol anyways, i'm just an artist, nerd, not an actress. I was very sincere, raw, and I didn't filter, so i guess i gave them a lot, too much, material to use. I'm going to keep blogging the episodes there, watching out for things that aren't so apparent ;)
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