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Posts posted by Mitch

  1. 5 hours ago, CCTC said:

    I am not sure Once is aware same-sex couples can be male.  Have they even implied a minor male character is gay?

    This is.."Icky" to these two dumbos but lesbians are "hot" I am sure.

    An evil twin Charming and his longtime on again off again partner Whook would be kinda interesting.  (Hook does love the mascara and the leather...and Prince Charming looks even more pretty when he wears the mascara to be evil...) I thought they should have never had gay characters like Mulan and Dorothy (blink and you missed them) in their goofy world as they should have stuck that everyone has a very tightly defined role...hero and villain and twu wuv is male female...and people don't have free will to change. So then it would have been cool to just make Henry..born and raised on reality.. gay..(he was raised by Queen Diva) and then he goes to their world and falls in love with a male character who begins to feel the same way.. I would make it that Henry falls for a bad buy...(what a kick in the ass for his stupid hero fetish..) and the bad guy reforms because of him..etc. At least it would be a little fresh..(and also explain how Henry, who is confused about his sexuality would want to get away from people who just naturally assume he is going to be straight as there was no gay in their world.so he goes realm hoping.

    • Love 2
  2. They should have read up on Stephen King's Dark Tower series. Most of it takes place in a realm that has traces of magic and also technology..the latest book takes place mostly in "our world" ..New York and Maine actually (as King lives there) and has characters from King's other books  (i.e the priest from Salem's Lot) who are interested to find they are characters in books in another realm.  King himself is a character much like the Author on Once...but he is simply a conduit to telling the stories of another world, but the characters from the world of his books are convinced that they need him to keep writing so they can find the "Dark Tower." Because of these characters coming to our world the fabric of reality starts to tear or get convoluted and creatures roam King's neighborhood, etc.

    I don't think the writers ever said  definitively what the hell the Author is or what he does. Originally it was just to observe and report but then whathisface went rogue and started making the characters do stuff but what he made them do or what Snow and Regina would do on their own have never been explained. And then DimmieHenry is the author who now can make stuff up and if he writes it with the dumb pen (which I thought was destroyed but was in Hades...because....?????) it becomes real...because... So Dumb Henry wants to be a "hero" (go feed the poor you doufus..) and jump into other books..but...how can he do that as if the book was written all the events transpired already...right???Or he could just pick up that goofy pen and write that he can fly and lift cars up and be a superhero..right???

    Anywho..King does it better.

    • Love 2
  3. 16 hours ago, KingOfHearts said:

    I really liked Frankenstein's World Without Color, the Mr. Darcy cameo in OUATIW, and the concept of the Land of Untold Stories. I just wish they did more with these things.

    Darcy made a cameo? When was that!! If only Rochester (why Boring Hood, what fun it would be to see Regina terrorized by Bertha...she could show her how to be a REAL crazy bitch)or Heathcliff would have been regular characters....

    The Land of Untold Stories...(which was stupidly named...why does every realm need a name...or at least called Steampunk world) should have been explored more I agree... It just been a world full of literary /gothic characters..where there is a little magic..but not like all the rest of the goofy "fairy tale" worlds. 

    It became increasingly clear that the show wasnt going to be Meta and take on the world of alternate realities of fiction, but a platform to whore out Disney products and characters, and the show suffered from that more each year.

    • Love 1
  4. I was watching the "Librarians" last night...(don't judge...apparently I have a fondness for TV shows with bad special effects..) Anyway, some of them get sucked into a movie screen and are stuck in different genre movies..etc, and the rest of the gang has to free them. Not much different then Once (except this was one episode as opposed to a whole arc of going to the Underworld.) and I was thinking this would have been fun for Once to do, especially since the premise seems to be that all fiction is a reality somewhere.  I was also thinking that for being a town created by a curse and now the only place in the LWOM ....with magic....Storybrooke was pretty damn boring. Sure we had the clock tower and Regina's crypt and the Sorcerers mansion, but shouldn't the town been full of weird things..like a multiplex that would suck the characters into the movie's world or since they love whoring Disney stuff, an actual Haunted Mansion???(would love it to be haunted by all of Rump's and Regina's victims but we know they would never do that...) Since magic was trapped in such a small space it should have been going bonkers...with Regina's  trees grabbing people as the walk under them, etc. 

    • Love 5
  5. 16 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Oh please! Like Jacinda is selfless enough to do that! 

    But god, no way do I believe they'll go down that route. The show may be trying to pretend that Jacinda and Henry are like Snow and Charming, but with the negative backlash on Jacinda in general, I really believe they might find some other way. Maybe they won't kill Jacinda off, to our disappointment, but maybe they'll just literally switch Henry's heart with someone else's. 

    Because, according to Regina, "we obviously can't go to Storybrooke." Is that not reason enough? No? Really? You don't believe A&E when they say they got a plan and are the most awesome writers to ever have written? Huh. 

    The thing is that the town still being shielded would be a somewhat decent excuse....especially if we learn that Emma and the other fairies decided to use their magic to shield it from Regina and Rumple in order to ensure the town remains happy and safe. But I doubt this reason was ever thought of while creating the season. 

    But why don't people leave Storybrooke? Emma and Hook or Snow and Charms NEVER want to take a vacation or a trip somewhere (yes, Henry, you idiot, there is a whole world where you could be a" hero" on your own by I don't know, helping Hurricane victims, feeding the poor, starting a school in Africa...) You want to be stuck with the same people..which seems to be about 30 residents...forever? You never get sick of eating/drinking/celebrating at Granny's or the Rabbit Hole???

    Drizella doesn't think that Emma and Hook might not want to visit Seattle or San Francisco...and with the past history of all the fairy tale characters bumping into each other in the "real" world....( Emma and Neal literally...) why is that not happening now?

    • Love 2
  6. 19 hours ago, Kktjones said:

    This is totally random, but my mind was wandering while on a conference call today, and I was thinking of a missed opportunity on this show (I know, right?). I'm really surprised they didn't have a good guy/hero fall in love with a bad guy/villain while both were cursed. It could definitely have made for some interesting drama when the curse broke and both people realized who they really were. I've seen it done in fan fiction where Hook was in S1 Storybrooke and he and Emma had a relationship. This actually seems like something right up their alley, and yet they didn't use it in S1 or S7.  

    Because that would break from their formula and it would take creativity and be interesting..so..there you have it.

    One of the many problems with this show is that that they can't get away from their formula ...a formula that worked in S1 and was okay through S3 but began to slow the story momentum since that time and is just a mess right now. Part of that formula is the ridiculous "heroes" and "villains" thing they lurve like a teddy bear.  Hinted at in S1 was that the characters could break free from their "role" once they were transported to his world..where fate had no control over them. Once the curse broke it was up to Regina and Rump to decided if they wanted to continue on their ways and Snow and the others theirs and outside of their goofy CGI world people could be a little of both a hero and a villain. They had a great opp with Driz to have a grey character to be in love with Henry, and how fitting that Henry, born in this world, but more wedded to the childish "hero" and "villain" label then even the fairytale people were...despite now being a supposed adult...would fall in love with someone he would consider a "villain." It would be a great chance for the character of Henry to grow the freak up and for the show to do so and ultimately to fulfill the promise of S1 where fairy tale characters break free from the page and screen and come to the "real" world. Driz would get her redemption through Henry and she would help him realize that he is living in the real world and despite its problems and complications,  it is "better" then a silly fantasy realm of magic and predestination.

    • Love 7
  7. Not bad episodes...I know its not popular here but I like Hook (I know he is not the same Hook) and the actor when he is not made to have lovey scenes with Emma and play some kind of Harlequin romance version of a pirate. I think the actor does a really good job of playing regret and a bit of sadness (things that Parrilla should have played with Regina since s2..) and I like that his relationship is going to be with his daughter. Agreed that Ivy would work much better as a grey character but A & E don't know how to write that..your either a "HERO" or a "VILLAIN"  even though the whole concept of this show really is crying out for a exploration of redemption and choices and how everyone is good and bad. Hopefully Gothal will be the real big bad because even though I like Ivy.. her snippy Millennial does not hold a candle to Mayor Mills.  Gothal is kind of scary and I am just thinking how well she and the actress would have worked as the Big Bad last season...(they find out Rump had her chained up in the tunnels under SB and don't believe him that she is the mother of all evil as she plays them..)

    I am liking this season in the LWOM that the villains have to play everyone instead of standing in Main Street and practically doing a Power Point on what exactly they are going to do and gloating about it. There is an air of mystery like S1 and there is a more..gothic feel this season which is a nice break from the blandy Disney airy fairy magic is great stuff we have had previously. 

    But still, they stakes aren't that high..if Regina and Henry can just leave the hood to go find Zelena...why not just leave the hood? Its not like the Curse of S1...its just like everyone needs their memories back..Why can't they go to SB? Why can't they call SB? Why doesnt Regina go to SB and get her magical stuff from her crypt to fight Ivy?

    I don't want to be mean but the Cinderella actress looks old in the close ups and the Henry actor is just not magnetic enough to build a show around.

    • Love 3
  8. 21 hours ago, Noneofyourbusiness said:

    "There's infinite realms, infinite possibilities."

    So if, as it looks, these flashbacks in "Eloise Gardener" are going to show Wish Hook being sent by Wish Evil Queen to the tower in the past of the New Enchanted Forest (the same tower we saw in a ruined state in "Wake Up Call"), where he meets New Rapunzel, then the Wish Realm already existed before Serum Evil Queen made her wish. So Regina really killed King Charming and Queen Snow. And Emma hi-jacked Princess Emma's body. And Sir Henry was named Henry why?


    Oh my God, I just realized there's three of her.

    AND in that one post you thought this out more then A & E and their stable of writers and producers have bothered to.

    I always thought the original wish should have sent Emma to a real alternate world where things had turned out different (i.e. Snow and Charming rubbed two brain cells together and defeated and imprisoned or killed Regina..) and that Emma's spirit just inhabited WishEmma for a bit..(or more fun..Wishworld Emma is zapped to Storybrooke while Emma Prime is in WW) but that's not how it played out especially with Regina killing the witless duo. Have they ever mentioned that in interviews?

    • Love 4
  9. 9 hours ago, Noneofyourbusiness said:

    It was disappointing sometimes how similar the forests and villages in Once Upon a Time in Wonderland were to the Enchanted Forest.

    That was always so schlocky.. I never knew why they even filmed in real forests for the Fairybacks...they should have all been freaked out looking CGI sets that looked surreal and a counterpoint to solid "real" Storybrooke. Everything should have looked "off" like twisted trees and weird flowers, etc. It never looked right that you would step out of the EQ's castle into a real forest.Plus the budget would have made them use the Fairybacks less and only for important stuff.

    9 hours ago, Camera One said:

    Oh boy, I didn't even think about *that*... realm hopping is sure confusing.  "Darn it... just wasted a magic bean.  I didn't mean to go to THIS Wonderland... I meant to go to Wonderland #5983!"

    They should have just skipped more fairytales...they have done them to death and its not only boring but confusing..how do these worlds exist and why did realm hopping Rump and Regina never wander into one? Since they introduced it they should have focused on other literature..I would rather see a neighborhood full of Gothic world, with Dr. Whale and his monster and Dracula and the Wolf Man, they could have saved Dr. Jekyl for this years big bad instead of wasting him.. Henry could have been in love with Jane Eyre (though there is no way he could have competed with Rochester who I wanted to bang like a screen door...uh, sorry...) or Catherine from Wuthering Heights...(ha, ha, boring douche Henry competing with Heathcliff!!)

    I know Disney wants to pump the well but how close is this Cinders to theirs? I also know that the viewing public unfortuately would probably not know other characters. 

    • Love 1
  10. 19 hours ago, KingOfHearts said:

    This episode did nothing for Regina. It basically confirmed she's been up to nothing for the past three years. It's disappointing that this was her big centric. While Hook is an expectant father, Rumple lived a lifetime and lost Belle, and Henry's on his asinine Jacinda quest, Regina is just... there. Her character used to drive a lot of the story in a good way. Now she's just an accessory. It's sad. Even a random love interest would benefit her at this point, and that would just be a Robin retread.

    Yea, its weird..I can see that Regina can't live like a normal person, and she always needs a project...like killing Snow or casting the curse or making everyone miserable or protecting the curse or doing battle with every big bad cackling their way down Main Street but Henry should have had a different reaction to that..like "Uh, Mom, can I do something myself...and its weird, why don't you get a hobby?"  Regina has a big ass beautiful house, and a job back in SB..and there has to be some guys around to have fun,,whatever you think about her, she's hot...isn't poor pouty perty as can be Jefferson around? They had chemistry and he might not want to have a go with her with all she has done, but Storybrookers seem to have..(along with a short fuse and propensity to start a mob scenes, ) very short memories...(maybe its all the Curses...) Regina, driving home from work, "Hey Jefferson, sorry for like stranding you in Wonderland, and cursing you for 28 years to be miserable and watch your kid live without you...but wanna get a drink sometime?" Tho Bat Shit Crazy Ex Girlfriend Zelena might have made it to the sack with him and you know she would still be calling his house and hanging up...Why does a show about the everyday going ons in Storybrooke, without any villains still sound like more fun then what is happening now???

    And has anyone is SB thought about moving someplace else in the LWOM..why does everyone want to move to another realm? A bored Regina might want to go to visit Spain or France or something...but then, I never understood why dipshit Henry thought he had to be a "hero" instead of going to college and getting away from his insane freak show of a family.

    • Love 2
  11. 11 hours ago, KAOS Agent said:

    However, Henry/Cinderella has largely fizzled with the audience and Cinderella is widely disliked, so why not introduce something new and set up a hot male villain and have him hook up with Ivy for a villainous power couple? Or add a gray character who works in the police department with Weaver & Rogers. Bring back the S1 mystery aspect and let the audience try to figure out if he's a fairy tale character or not and if he is, which one he is. 


    That is what the show has always missed...a villain power couple..(no A & E...Rump and the EQ and their "Always had a thing" thing doesn't count..) I thought they were going to do that with the EQ and Hyde... and they dumped that.  If the villains team up its always a case where they end of trying to screw the other out...why not have a villain couple with the same agenda..who are really into each other? Why do the villains all have to be from their realm...why not have a bad guy from the LWOM who discovers Ivy's secret and he wants to bring magic here so he can harness it for his own evil ends...if they are going in a different direction..and I think it was time they did..lets really go balls out and do something different, no the same old same old in a "urban" hood this time. 

    Besides, I always thought Regina should find love with a no nonsense guy from this world, who isnt interested in telling her she is bold and audacious but is still into her. Maybe a cop who discovers something is amiss in his old neighborhood which he comes back to after a few years.

    • Love 1
  12. On 11/11/2017 at 6:51 PM, legaleagle53 said:

    Probably because like Drizella, Emma, and Zelena, she was born with magic.  Those who have innate magic retain it regardless of what realm they're in.

    Zelena could not work magic in the LWOM...Emma and the Dragon were the only ones so far..however..this is A & E who use magic as a convenient plot helper...

    • Love 1
  13. 5 hours ago, Noneofyourbusiness said:

    If this is true, then Drizella has the most well-thought-out and devastating version of the Dark Curse yet. One with a specific endgame plan behind it and no weaknesses like being straightforward to break or Snow not knowing what she's being punished for. I'm actually impressed by the thought the writers have put into this. Hopefully the payoff will be suitably effective. Like Victoria ends up causing her own worst nightmare/agony instead of resurrecting Anastasia when she thinks she's doing the latter.

    But then this is what always is stupid about the Dark Curse..why does it have to take place in the LWOM? Regina could have cast the curse in the EF and kept them all there, with her in power and them miserable...so we know why Rump wanted to get here so that made sense the she was manipulated into it, but why with would Drizella want to come here? Hopefully they will explain.

  14. 10 hours ago, cappoe said:

    If only Colin still didn't have a year left on his contract. He would have left no doubt about it.

    He's an actor, he has a family that he needs to feed, getting steady acting gigs are hard and he seems pretty easy going and likes what he is doing..why would he have left? I know he is a super big deal on here and I wish him all the success on earth but I really don't see him lighting the world on fire as much as others apparently do,  I like him but he is just another pretty face with an accent in HW so he went with the smart choice.

    I liked this episode as something finally happened..I think Regina's thing with Drizella would make more sense (I can see her relating what was happening to D to what happened with Cora) if as usual, they didn't rush things...they should have show Drizella trying to use her magic and it back firing, (trees or a hut catches on fire) so to keep her or anyone else from getting hurt she helps her control her powers. I think the dark heart thing is stupid...its not just commiting an actual murder that turns your heart dark, if your ready, willing and able to kill someone and your filled with anger and hate..your hearts already there.

    I liked Regina waking up and her dilemma though again I wanted more of Roni being freaked out she killed hundreds of people in the past...Roni looks like she would be all Greenpeace/BLM and she should have more of a freaked out transition...I would if I woke up and found out I was Snidely Whiplash or something...I liked Rump and his deal making. Funny how the two vet actors can make this work with their back history but the rest of the show is unglued.  I like that we don't really know what Drizella is up to, there is mystery there and its nice to not have a villain MWHAHAHAing on Main Street and telling everyone their evil plan, which of course would be "Taking over Storybrooke.!!!"

  15. 12 hours ago, Noneofyourbusiness said:

    I'm not sure even that would be necessary. Are people going to ask to see his records?

    Yea, when he goes to school..doctor, etc. If not the adoption records he needs a social security number. I am willing to suspend disbelief, but the audience already did that by going with Snow White and the Evil Queen being real people and in our world. The writers need to respect that by being as "realistic" as they can with the details, especially our world..(it reminds me, when Rump sent Belle out to see the world..my partner doesn't even watch the show (its crap he says, and for once, I cant argue, even as I watch ) but he saw that and said..."Does she even have a SSN? How is she going to get a job? Where is her money coming from???!)

  16. 8 minutes ago, Camera One said:

    don't know if it was general disinterest in worldbuilding, or disinterest in writing for an elderly female, or what.  I mean, several shows I've enjoyed have had a strong elderly female character.  Granny could have become mayor.  She could have found love with Gepetto.  There was a lot they could have done.  Heck, they couldn't even give her an episode (or a scene!) with Red for "Ruby Slippers" or leading up to it so it actually felt more organic?  

    I don't even think she needs a "centric,"  (I wish they would get rid of the centrics...lazy writing...) or a sub plot..she should have always been the tough old no nonsense woman to gie everyone a kick in the ass. I would have loved her to become Regina's and Zelena's "sponsor" especially with all the Mommy issues they have..she and Zelena would have been hilarious together.."I swear..if that old bird yells at me one more time I shall turn her into a real prune!"  Ganny..."Zelena, get over and clean up this mess" Zelena..."Yes Ma'am!"


    11 minutes ago, Camera One said:

    itto for the Blue Fairy.  They could have used a wise "good" force.  She could have had an edge (she kind of already did), like Giles on "Buffy" or Gandalf or Dumbledore.  A strict sense of morality would have created conflict with so many ex-villains running around.

    Now this broad was long overdue for  a Centric...and it should have been both her and Rump a Dump to put an end to Fiona...(that stupid wand was too easy...) especially since she was the one to whip up the Restore Memory Potion she should have taken it and both she and Rump could have played the BF.

  17. 16 hours ago, CCTC said:

    I like Zelina, and think Bex does a nice acting job with the part, but I also think the character works best when she shows up from time to time to cause trouble in a wicked witch sort of way rather than someone who is going to be working out angsty sister issues and now most likely mother-daughter issues. 

    Lana and Bex are both good actors, and with good writing, they could have done a lot with that relationship, but instead they just bring out each other's annoying whining side.

    I think they did a fairly good job with Zelena's redemption..at the end of last season she was what Regina should have been, redeemed when it comes down to it but not above serving her own selfish needs and actually thinking most of the "heroes" are a bunch of dorks. Zelena makes a good supporting character/greek chorus rolling her eyes at the things going on around her. This season needs some humor..and I am okay with Zelena being the sarcastic thorn in Grumpy Regina's side, but I don't want a reshash of sister angst.

    • Love 2
  18. On 11/4/2017 at 6:11 PM, tennisgurl said:

    would be alright with this world being a weird mashup of cultures and folklore and Disney and history, and culture, that actually sounds interesting, but for that to work, they would need to commit to the rules of the universe, and they clearly have no interest in that, so it just comes across as a mess.

    That is why I think they should have just said that the Black Fairy actually did destroy realms...and when Emma' s sacrifice restored them they eventually collapsed into one world..so this world we are looking at is a mash up of all the worlds with new backstories,  part of it stories from a whacked out New Orleans..(I would rather visit that then another Disney kingdom..)  etc.  By collapsing all the worlds into one it  would also allow them to play with the formula a bit, and we could be saved from the ridiculous "It is almost impossible to get from realm to realm...oh there is my bus to Oz..."

    • Love 2
  19. 1 hour ago, Rumsy4 said:

    Nah. The writers will never let Regina get there.

    I know... I thought with the trip to Hades Regina would be confronted by all her victims "You left my children motherless you BITCH!" and have to see how, individually and personally she ruined lives for her selfish anger..that would really have taken her one step closer to a real redemption..(especially if by taking on the murdered souls pain she allows them to move on..) Again, a great scene for Parrilla to play.  And then I thought having the EQ unfettered by "Regina," would be fun and allow LP to play her more like S1, where she could be more subtle and show the pain and anger then just the camp gruffness...but no....so, yea, a great opp for these writers gets a big old "Lets Pass!"

    • Love 5
  20. 7 hours ago, KingOfHearts said:


    *slowly raises hand* 

    At least Regina finally gets something to do that's actually about herself.

    Me too and I want to see an awake, non magic Regina using her head and her old bag of sneaky tricks to take on the villain. 

    Also, I am hoping we actually get a scene where Roni wakes up and remembers who she is and is appalled at all the death and destruction she caused in the past...even a reformed villain should always have their past haunting them and Parrilla could actually sink her teeth into that.

    • Love 1
  21. I actually liked this one a lot better..

    Good points-on the episode...the villain in the NuEF was cool and I liked that he wasn't the usual super powered magic user who knocks a hero out or stangles them in mid air until something convenient happens to save so called "hero" She  fought him and beat him on  her own merits,by being quicker and smarter then he..which is how it should have been all along. Can we now dispense with the ultra powerful villain and the hapless "hero" and have the scales more even? I liked this actress she had charm and energy and I usually hate princess characters but I liked hers.  I liked that she didnt need a prince and I liked the frog thing too...(though ripped from a Bewitched episode..) but I did think the Prince's frog was going to be a guy. I liked the twist at the end..so finally we might actually have a good stealth villain..(I know someone thinks this is too soon but it is needed..Victoria aint cutting it...)

    Bad points- its sad when the plot and actions in the EF are more realistic then in the "Real World."  How can someone close a shop and take it over and explain why there are no receipts for the weekend? Did they dismiss the staff so they didnt get paid? Are there no security cameras in place..no customers expecting their old tacos...(I hate on TV shows when someone wants to make something and start a business and it automatically takes off) the owner has no friends or family checking out the place, no customers who would complain on Monday? The cops were looking for the reason the fire broke out, they are spending the money on themselves and not the guy who owns the place...(Oh I know, hes a mean boss so its okay...) If you are making a show where one half is supposed to take place in our world, you need to make it as real as possible especially since the other half is frogs and princesses. Lazy, lazy writers. 

    Jacinda stinks, the actress and the characters and the kid still is one note and grates.  Ronis place is too big and polished and corporate then what they presumably are going for. There is no way Roni could afford the rent on that place, especially with no customers.  Ronis looks like a place Mayor Mills would go to plot an evil scheme not a place Roni would run. Roni's should be dive..which would have 90s grunge bands playing..it should be small and dark and not only be more realistic, but stuffing with a few extras would make the place seem more crowded. Roni should be wearing a Green Day (get it..ha ha) t-shirt and she should be drinking a lot and sleeping with the younger guys in the place..which would make it so much more fun when everyone wakes up and Henry has to deal with his Mom and her "zest for life"  Everything about this neighborhood is off and not in the way SB was...its like some middle aged geeks from LA were dreaming up a hip Seattle neighborhood...oh....ah yes, okay I get it.

    • Love 5
  22. On 10/29/2017 at 2:59 PM, Camera One said:

    Unfortunately, during their travels, Rumbelle made the mistake of visiting The Soap Opera Land where unpredictable SORAS occurs (Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome).

    LOL...In the past, when the show was still entertaining...(really, really dumb but entertaining,) I had wanted them to have Henry fall into a portal, SORAS him and spit him out as an adult! Little did I know they would take me up on that..

    • Love 4
  23. 7 minutes ago, CCTC said:

    The problem with their epic love is that this is exactly what it seems like. - nothing deeper than a crush on an attractive woman he just met.  You don't get the impression that he has deep feelings that he not sure where they came from that you did with MM and David.  Although I am not sure you even get the vibe that Jacinda even has a crush on Henry.   Her reactions remind me of someone thinking - he is a nice guy - would be someone that would be good with Lucy -someone I should date but not sure I really feel that way about him.

    And that's okay..that's real as opposed to Zelena and Hades and Dorothy and Red..I can kinda/sorta buy Charms and Snow (but they still had more time to develop) as that should be a "once in a lifetime" couple..not everyone falling head over heels at the first cute meet.   But they just need to quit talking about them as "epic" and we might buy it...(plus, this show has no budget for epic so lets bring it down to earth a bit..)

  24. Well, I am just glad the freak show that is Rumpbelle is over..to preserve my sanity I don't pay attention to the time lines so I just took it that Belle and Rump lived in that odd ball place for 40 something years and Belle died happy, which yes is the best we could ask for all of us...(I don't pay attention to anything on this show about that damn dagger or another stupid prophesy attached to it or Rump...) I thought that this did bring back something that could be potentially interesting..being immortal and seeing everyone you love die before you...at last we have a good and emotional motive for Rump..he wants to end the curse so he can die in peace...and it might stick this time as the show wont last another year.

    I liked the Alice girl and I am happy to see any female character who isnt afraid/and/or wanting to screw Rump. The just didnt do enough with him and Emma...Emma should have been as powerful as him and not take his crap but they just didnt have those two together much and last year when he had to save the Savior from that spider (Gah)  Lets keep Rump on task and not have him sideline betraying the good guys...I though RC did some of his best work since S1..he really does well as the tired, sad, angry man who screws himself over..much better then being the Invincible Bastard Rump...The urban setting worked for the show this time.

    The rest...boring. Victoria is the dullest villain ever on this show ..I miss sneaky, bitchy Mayor Mills. Victoria comes off as an Uber Bitch from a bad soap like Passions. Next week looks interesting and it would be interesting if the witch screwed with Vickie and worked some loops into her curse...like Alice waking up and putting a picture of Regina and Henry where they could find it. That would make more sense then the Goofy Book appearing on its own, etc.

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