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Posts posted by Desiree

  1. So everyone in the federal government (with the possible exception of VP Susan Ross) is hiding some horrible secret that the delivery of an envelope can cause them to stop what they are doing. What a cynical view of politics, Shonda!


    I am more and more convinced that this is all going to be like the movie Sliding Doors and, just when the Olivia and Fitz are dying in each other's arms, we will be sent back to that fateful moment when Liv is asked if she is the President's mistress and this time she will answer an emphatic NO.

    Everyone has secrets, maybe not murder or rape or child porn, but everyone has something they don't want to get out. And I think part of it is, how do they impeach the President when they have secrets of their own that the American public would frown upon. Very hypocritical. 


    I agree with the poster above who said that Olivia is supposed to be this badass fixer, who knows or can find out, anything about everybody, yet she needs daddy to fix this for her. After Rowen was released from prison, I zoned out. The B613 storyline didn't bother me so much last season but this time around it's just tired. 

    • Love 4
  2. I was so beyond excited that this show was back last night and over the moon to see Jill Hennessy. I really hope she's a recurring character, I'd even love to see Dr. Captain Arm Candy introduce her to Elizabeth. As ludicrous as that would be, I really want to see Tea and Jill play opposite each other. 


    I love the way Elizabeth got her dig into Russell at the end of her presidential "term". Her, almost softly spoken, "the president can do whatever she wants to do" in relation to the pardon, but definitely meant as an FU to Russell with regards to his response to why he didn't try to get the president to consult her on the appointment. Using his owns words against him, it was fantastic! Russell needs to be put in his place, but Elizabeth shouldn't need the president to do that for her. She just needs to assert herself and little things like what she did last night are a nice start. 

    • Love 3
  3. Sadly, Tatiana didn't win, but I guess there are worst things then losing to someone like Viola Davis.  I just hope she gets nominated again.


    That was a big disappointment. She was in the category with some power houses, however, though Viola Davis (and I say this with an abundance of respect because I love her) is a power house, I am really disappointed that Tatiana lost to her. I watch How to Get Away with Murder, and of course Viola puts in a solid performance, the role isn't much of a stretch for her enormous talent. The only one I would have been satisfied with Tat losing to would have been Taraji P Henson. I don't watch Empire, but from everything I've heard from critics and every day people who watch the show, she is amazing in it. 


    However, I am very hopeful, with another season of Orphan Black, Tatiana will have another shot at not only a nomination, but at a win next year. 

    • Love 3
  4. I'm trying, really trying to like this show. But it's just the same old boring that Walking Dead has done, without the compelling characters. I realized tonight just how much this show has lost me, when Alicia was reading the letter from Susan, when the voiceover called out to Patrick, I actually said out loud "who the hell is Patrick, I thought her boyfriends name was Matt?" Shame, I do like Kim Dickens, since her Friday Night Lights days, but I'm really underwhelmed with her and the show.

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  5. That's what I hate about both WD shows, when it comes to stuff like this.  We're always left holding the bag, as in not knowing what the hell happened and how.  Without re-watching the scene; did he get bit, or shot or stabbed?  I know there was no blood - other than some wipe-age - on the front side, but I don't recall seeing a tear in the shirt to indicate a bite wound.  If he got bit, where's the other walker?  And if it was a walker/bite, why just the one bite and didn't keep eating??  If the Principal "killed" the walker after getting bit, why didn't Madison & Tobias come across the body?!


    And to add to the above, was the whoever setting off the metal detector the zombie!principal?  The dead person who bit him??  The live person who stabbed/shot him?!   ARGH!  *pulls at hair*


    ETA:  I'm assuming the walker that M/T listened to, over the PA system thingy, was the principal (referenced by his carrying it & speaking into it before his 'death').  But I liked how that walkie talkie/radio stayed 'keyed on' even without a finger or hand on it to do so, and laying discarded on the floor.  Pretty convenient, that.

    Walkies can and frequently key without someone having their hand on it. I work with walkies and quite often we have to say over them that someone is keying. They get stuck and you can hear everything going on in the person's vicinity who's walkie is keying. 

    • Love 2
  6. For pete's sake, show.  What a hole you've dug yourself into.  


    My attention wandered some; what was with the ring on the floor after Fitz left?  Was that the same thing Huck gave her?  What was it?  Why do I care??

    That was the ring they found in the old lady's apartment that tipped them off that Liv was there. Apparently she never takes it off. Except to throw at the President of the United States. Though who can blame her. He's a putz. But as to the significance of the ring between Liv and Fitz, I'm not sure. Maybe he gave it to her in an episode that I zoned out during. That seems to happen a lot to me during this show. 


    CIA lady is blood thirsty. Just like any good CIA official should be. I like her. 

    • Love 4

    Why wouldn't she open the window in one bathroom visit and flee in another, why would she drop the gun,

    The slide was back on the gun I believe, which indicates that it's empty. Which begs the question, why does the bad guy have only ONE bullet in his gun????? Was he out target shooting and then remembered that he needed to bring Olivia to the bathroom and figured he didn't need to re-load????? Did they figure that Olivia wouldn't dare try to grab their guns to try for a daring escape????? Is the bad guy just an idiot???

    • Love 1
  8.  And I can't find any of these people hot because I just keep thinking how awful they must all smell.  


    This show makes me obsess over such weird things.

    You're not the only one. Couple weeks ago I was watching and text my best friend that no one showers in the Zombie Apocalypse and I'd probably put a bullet in my head for the smell of it. I get personal hygiene is probably the last thing on anyone's mind when the dead are literally trying to eat you, however how many times have they been looting some house, or how about the church, the executive office that Carol and Daryl were in (which probably had a fully functioning shower), and no one wistfully says they would love to take a hot shower and put on a change of clothes? Geez, I would have been right in the middle of the power wash Eugene gave the Walkers, just to freshen up a bit! 


    I didn't hate Beth. I wasn't a fan, she was just another character who was there. I was surprised by her demise and did tear up at the end when Daryl was carrying her out and Maggie started to cry. Would have been nice if she'd had more of a storyline then the last two-three episodes.

    • Love 1
  9. I really enjoyed it. The show had me watching it as opposed to listening to it while surfing the web and every so often looking at the screen. Which for me now a days, says a lot. Yes, it has some kinks, but I like Tea Leoni so I'm willing to give it a few episodes to work those out. I think a lot of the missteps come with trying to convey that Leoni's character is not a politician. She's a former spy and therefor very unsure of her place and how to proceed. In the real world of politics, she would be eaten alive. The most unrealistic part of this for me is that the characters in positions of power aren't doing that just yet. She knew that the only way to get those kids out of Syria was the way she wanted to proceed, but politically she was unsure of how to convey that, so she watched the plan the CoS laid out go forward without really objecting to it. In the end, we see because of her former position, she was correct in her assessment of the situation. 

    • Love 3
  10. I just rewatched The Supremes. That must be one of the most prescient television episodes ever written. The background talk literally predicted the future. They were worried about corporations gaining rights, DOMA needing to be struck down, the narrowing of Roe v. Wade, the dismantling of affirmative action. All the things they thought a conservative court would do, has happened. That is one brilliant episode and this is one brilliant series. Curse my soul for signing up for NetFlix again. House of Cards to the back burner, I like my politicians with at least some semblance of decency.

    I was struck when watching the episode where Bartlett was putting his first judge on the bench, Mendoza, when Sam was a ranting about the first choice because of the Unsigned Brief I think it was called. He was ranting about the next 20 years, how it was about personal privacy, about the internet. The last year or so we've been really looking at how much privacy we are going to lose due to freedom of the internet. I was stuck by how much of what was written into the series seemed to almost be a prediction of what is going on now. 

    • Love 3
  11. Next to President Barlet, CJ was my favorite character. Some of the best moments were CJ's. Condemning the Saudi's when the girls school was on fire and they let the girls burn, telling Leo she needed to know what was going on with Kumar because she could help and she was the press secretary, not his daughter. Kissing the President when he asked her to weigh in on the inauguration speech. Telling Sam she was his first call if there was a picture of him and a call girl. Her prank feud with Charlie, asking Zoey why she lied and protecting her, the list goes on. I didn't even mind when she became Chief of Staff, as impossible as that would have been. I think the only episode that I didn't like her in, and it's because I hated the episode, was The Long Goodbye. I even liked the silly one where she was followed around having a piece done on her. Alison Janney had such a presence on that show and yes chemistry with every single character that she had a scene with. she is largely why I enjoyed the show as much as I did. 

    • Love 3
  12. She's been on in previous seasons. Last time I can recall seeing her had to do with Pam, but I'm sure there are other incidents I can't remember off the top of my head.

    She also helped Sookie when she was attacked by Marianne as the maenad. She pulled a claw (?) out of her back to help heal her. 


    Yes, most of this episode was just ridiculous, and the episode crawled. One of the more ridiculous things was when Andy asked Holly whose pick up was there and she said it was he ex-husbands, indicating that Adilyn and the boy (who's name I can't remember) drove to Fort Bellfleur in it (otherwise why would it be there). Then Holly remembers her ex-husband has a cabin in Oklahoma City and they decide that they kids must have gone there. I know they are worried and not thinking clearly, but how the hell do they think the kids got there WITHOUT taking the damn pickup truck. Did they walk from Louisiana to Oklahoma City? It's a 6 hour drive! 


    • Love 7
  13. I have to say while watching this episode, with Linden throwing the cellphone in the lake, RIGHT after she text Skinners daughter that he was sorry and just clearing his head, I just kept shaking my head saying "Worst cops EVER! How effin stupid could they be!" I get that with the pressure of Riddick looking into things closer than Linden and Holder wanted, they are going to panic and make mistakes, but REALLY???? You go back to the scene of the crime and toss into the lake a DIRECT link to the missing and you and the crime???? AFTER finding out that Riddick is questioning Skinner's widow about that night and finds out that you may have known and gone to, the lake house??? At that point, as much as I love Linden and Holden (which is the only reason I kept watching this show after season 2) I wanted them arrested for stupidity more than anything else!

  14. Yes I have to admit

    I was surprised to find that Kyle was the one who killed his family. I too had pegged Colonel Rainne as being involved somehow, but not Kyle. Those boys broke him.


    As for Linden and Holder

    I don't think they had crazy sex or have any kind of attraction to each other. I have never felt it and was dreading what I thought was going to be a kiss and confession from Holder. I do however believe they have a bond that only law enforcement partners can understand. They need each other, and maybe not in a healthy way, but I think they can work on that. I don't think they function well alone.

    • Love 3
  15. i have to confess, I watch this show primarily for the atmosphere, the bleak theme music and the interaction between Linden and Holder.   The cases themselves leave little or no impression.   Example: two minutes after I started watching this episode, I had to stop and Google "The Killing Season 3 recap" to remind myself who Skinner is/was.


    It's like comfort food.

    I have to admit, I had a hard time remembering Skinner and last years case. And who Adrian was. It came back quickly, but I completely flushed last season from my brain, even the cliff hanger ending. I am glad they started up at the point they did instead of days or weeks later. 


    2.  You know what they say about glass houses?  

    They have to have all white furniture? 

    • Love 1
  16. I finished watching this evening. I'll say I wasn't surprised by the wrap up of Linden and Holder's relationship. I was surprised by the wrap up to the case. I don't know how to hide spoilers so I'll just leave it at that. 

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