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Kiss my mutt

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Posts posted by Kiss my mutt

  1. Why is it we never hear about Meghan going to school? I thought she was studying for her master's? Maybe she should concentrate on that rather than moping about not being pregnant or not liking the way she looks.

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  2. So when does Josh graduate? He is interviewing for a residency? I think he said he would make $24,000? If Megan got a part time job I think they could get by. When I got married we were both grad students living off our stipends.

    I loved the "come to Jesus" moment Josh had when he realized his dad was cutting him off. It irritates me that he considered it a given that he could depend on it.

    Wonder how long it will take before Megan asks her daddy to supplement their income.

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  3. I wonder if Ryan living in his moms basement is for their benefit or his? His mom doesn't seem like she needs assistance. Does he have custody of his niece?

    I'm generally suspect of a man in his 30s still living at home.

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  4. I think if they matched the couples up by astrological signs or go by Suzanne White's east/west astrology compatibility book they could have done better. See which is more accurate.

    Not a fan of dr. C.

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  5. I don't know if this was in a preview but there was a scene where Ryan calls Jessica's tattoo and stud trashy. I'm surprised the experts didn't ask about that or he didn't mention that as something that would bother him that much. He's got a whole sleeve of tats.

    Yeah, I'm not digging this dude at all. He seems like a sadist.

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  6. I'm dying to know the deets. Hope they will be forthcoming about them. It does look like Jill is in a hospital bed. Maybe she or baby had complications after the birth.

    Not crazy about the name. Maybe they hope he'll bring peace to the Middle East.

  7. I'm confused by their hugging rules too. Michelle gave jessa a frontal hug that lasted a long time at her wedding but Jinger and Jessa did the awkward side hug. Most of the hugs outside of the immediate family seem to be frontal hugs and boy, howdy was Michelle glomming onto Ben.

  8. I don't know if dogs are like kids but when ever I dropped my kids off at school or daycare and they were anxious it made it worse to keep going back in and checking on them. I don't know if dogs would get anxious again when your broadcast ended or not.

    The 14 year old who presented this was so self-possessed and poised. Wish I had more of that!!

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