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Posts posted by Pi237

  1. Whit looked very pretty at the wedding. I loved all of the bridal party's dresses, but Hated that dark green jacket. It stuck out like a sore thumb amongst all those soft colors.  

    Seeing Bab's so fragile was tough. Its great she got to be there, of course. But this whole storyline is hard for me to watch. Its too real, I guess. 

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  2. Meredith got her boobs fixed, and will show them off any chance she gets. She's also going to milk her outrage over Lisa's rant for the entire season which is going to get boring fast.  These housewives don't want sincere apologies. They want groveling at their feet and blood sacrifices (& a storyline, obviously)

    Jen's victim act and fake tears will be hard to get through all season, as well.  Gotta love when rich people get called out for their scams. They act like someone did Them arong, and all their friends rally around them with sympathy. Gross.

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  3. Being so obnoxious about making sure everyone knew She was paying for the suit was just tacky. However, Lenny is always making "are you going to buy me that?" comments. So, he's pretty tacky himself.   I guess he figures, may as well get what I can before the show is canceled. It'll be interesting to see who sticks around after the money is gone.  Whitney's very condescending, and downright insulting, to her friends.  I'd love a show like this about an obese woman who wasn't so narcissitic.  Someone you can picture yourself hanging out with.  

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  4. I like that there doesn’t seem to be manufactured-for-drama incidents on this show. The times they’ve over baked or broken things seem genuine vs Halloween Wars, which I had to stop watching a few seasons ago because The Fake took over. Granted, they still have them doing stupid over-the-top reaction shots to every twist, etc but if it stays at this level… It won’t ruin the show for me. 

    The decorating is pretty bad this season, so far. I know the time constraints are part of the challenge, but I’d rather they get more time to finish the look of their bakes. That’s way more interesting to me than ‘oh no! It’s not baked through!’ 

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  5. 20 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

    She (Dorit) is such a poseur snob, really thinks her shit’s ice cream. Sometimes, it’s funny to watch her try hard antics, like a character in an SNL skit.  Her whole, “you know when my friend is hurting, I’m going to be there to support them” with all her hard pauses and over-emphasizing of certain words, working so hard to keep that accent coming out. Lmao 

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  6. 49 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

    Whitney yelling out Jessica doesn’t wear deodorant reminds me of her blurting out that Heather wears spanx. It was completely unnecessary.  She’s always trying to embarrass people.

    The women she’s always trying to embarrass in front of men. She’s so competitive with any female that might get attention. The men she embarrasses by hanging all over them and flirting then instant they meet.

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  7. Also, the dog trainer scene was disappointing because Whit mentioned recall-that she could let her dog off leash, but couldn't be sure that she'd return. I was interested to see how they train for that, but he just tested how willing the dog is lead while leashed, which wasn't a concern she had. 

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  8. 3 hours ago, ladle said:

    I mean, all of these people are awful so it’s hard to have a dog in any fight, but I was actually with Mo on this one. It’s rude to go into someone else’s house and ask that your food be cooked a different way. And it seemed like preparations were already being made for the corn to be boiled. Mo’s exasperated response also suggested to me that he’s used to these kinds of requests from Kathy. (Because I may or may not have used the same tone with certain relatives in the past…) 

    Agree about the napkins/silverware though! 

    Her tone, to me, came off entitled and critical, like she was chastising the staff.  Kathy just triggers me, I think lol. Even with her tequila presentation. They flashed back to her having done it before. Its no excuse for Kyle to be so rude, but I have a feeling theyve been audience to this sales pitch many times and were sick of it. Didn't Rinna say "Here we go, again!?"

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  9. Wow, Erika was slurring all over the place when getting out of the van. I bet she really regrets her booze & pills mix that night. Not that she'd ever admit it. Im Shocked she didn't do a 'run off to rehab' face saving move because there's no coming back from what she said.

    Also, weird to see grown women so obsessed with labels, looks,expensive possessions. I can see enjoying the finer things in life, but desperately clinging to them, like a barometer of someone's self-worth is just pathetic. Have to wear the right shoes, carry the right bags, etc.  They make being rich look exhausting and miserable.

    Loved "I was really looking forward to playing some shuffleboard"

    "Ain't happening"

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  10. 2 hours ago, suev3333 said:

     Why did he have to sit in the actual exam room with her?   Like .. who does that?   She can't even do that by herself.   But I'm sure the show had something to do with it

    And she made sure to make an inappropriate comment about him getting "quite the view" from where he was sitting.  Gross. But that's all of these shows. I'm always grossed out by how much penis, vagina, sex talk there is on reality tv-when in actual reality, I rarely hear anyone talk that way.

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  11. I did laugh at Whitney saying, 'Don't you know what happens when you let a drag queen rub your belly?!'.  I forget her name, but the drag queen seemed like a fun hang. Her makeup was awesome.  But yeah, it seemed like everyone just dropped by on their way home from running errands. 

    Jessica's wedding stress was annoying, and Heather's 'date' was also a waste of time,  but I did give her points for taking the charcuterie with her. 

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  12. I'm actually enjoying Lenny this season. He was such a blank first time around. Now, he's funny and seems cool. I felt bad for him when she kept making fun of his teeth. You could tell he's self conscious about them. Even though they look perfectly fine to me. 

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  13. On 9/1/2022 at 3:51 PM, heatherchandler said:

    HA!  She did look like an egg, puffy and fat.  I know it is fillers, but I cannot understand why people think puffy = good

    seriously, those enormously inflated lips just make them look like they're having a severe allergic reaction.

    'I make fruitcakes!' Was so random, I burst out laughing at how indignant she said that line.

    The Book of Lies is kind of hilarious, and needs to be posted in full somewhere. 

    It was weird how angry Ayan was at, seemingly, everyone.

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  14. 7 hours ago, Shannah Banana said:

    Kyle is showing her snakey side too.  I cannot tell that she likes Sutton.  She says she does, but she seems to be so hard on her, so often, and actually mean to her.  She's given me this impression since Sutton first started.  Why Sutton still tolerates this from Kyle is sad to behold.   

    Talk about a frenemy. I dont get it either. Kyle throws Sutton under every bus she sees. She's worse than Liplicker, in my opinion, because she pretends to be her friend , then cackles with glee & defends her abusers when Sutton gets picked on.

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  15. Whitney 'decorates' like a lot of tv people: stand back, telling everyone else what to do, while sighing like you're working hard.

    Im glad they touched a bit on how difficult it is to find help for older, ailing family members, but the reality for non-rich people is much bleaker. They're getting more help for Babs, than I've seen or experienced.  The hospital basically releases the person and says "good luck!"  While family members scatter in a game of 'not me!'.  It doesn't make for fun tv viewing for me. Just makes me stressed, but Of course I wish them the best.

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  16. 5 hours ago, LEILANI2 said:

    Yea that thing they made was ugly too, like send her some cookies or something.

    Lol It really was! Didn’t look like a group of adults made it. And the pictures hanging from the bottom, crammed next to each other...that drove me nuts. 

    Not that it was real, but I would’ve probably picked the guy who painted the whole canvas the same color. I lean toward guys with a sarcastic sense of humor.  

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