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Posts posted by Wowzer

  1. I can see this ending badly on multiple levels.  When they tried this with the Bachelor, weren't Byron and Jay fresh faces?  Kaitlyn and Britt both have had a season for people to get to know and like them.  

    I can see where Kaitlyn says this is less than ideal. It is! At first I thought they would have to spend months worrying about this, but luckily filming starts soon. It's going to be spoiled pretty quickly anyway. I would personally rather see Kaitlyn as B'ette, but might just sit this one out on principle.

    Based on his blog, it seemed Chris Harrison was really pulling for Britt to win and much of the viewing public wanted Kaitlynn. I think it's just a producer ploy to think that someone other than tptb determined it. Come on guys, go for personality!

    • Love 2
  2. I wanted to pop in to say one more thing about the housing market in the LA area. The vast majority of houses are not disgusting - they may be "well lived in" but the horrifying ones that you see on Flip or Flop and sometimes House Hunters are the extreme outliers.  There are houses sold as-is that are estate sales or are foreclosures. The economic downturn crushed the home values up until roughly this past year and sadly there were tons of foreclosures in the LA area. 


    I agree with aguabella that some of the homes may be fake outs and off the market by show time.  I do know that one of the houses on HH Renovations during season 1 was on the market because it was in a family member's neighborhood. The homebuyers didn't pick the house, but it was eventually flipped and sold.  I was so sad to hear that HH is fakey, but it makes sense given production time. 


    I saw the HH International episode last night where the couple moves from Chicago to San Paolo, Brazil.  They were a nice couple but kept talking about needing a space big enough for entertaining or that the kitchen wasn't good for entertaining. I don't know why you need a good entertaining kitchen. Well I do, but think that in the coming years people are going to be putting walls back up.

    I also go crazy when people go on about the size of a kitchen in historic houses. There was one HHI episode in France where there was a spectacular house and a tiny hidden kitchen. I think it was circa 19th C. The woman went on about how a grand house deserved a grand kitchen. I just shook my head and wanted to shout at the tv think who was doing all of the cooking and why it would be hidden. Back staircases weren't just a fun quirk.

    • Love 1
  3. I think Carly got a bad rap in terms of being the only backbiter and the shows only shit talker. 

    Britt had a number of detractors - including Kaitlyn who was strangely silent on it through the show and WTA.  I really wish they had emphasized more that Carly wasn't the only one who warned Chris. Jade and Ashley did too. I think that Chris trusted Carly and Jade the most. Plus, Britt wasn't innocent a complete innocent. She tried to throw Kaitlyn under the bus and then take credit for the Arlington trip. I would have liked Britt more if I didn't know she was trying to be an actress or if she outright said she disliked Carly and Kaitlyn. She is covertly passive aggressive with a veneer of cheer.


    Jillian raging against Carly was weird because she didn't call out anyone else for saying she was a man/had masculine qualities.  Carly's unseen joke was a crass and mean thing to do in front of Chris and the other women, but Chris was around Jillian and got to see how competitive she was. Her dinner conversation sent her home, not someone suggesting she was manly.  I do feel bad for Jillian because production did edit her that way, with her help.  Like others have said, she would constantly flex and then, at the farm, she ran into frame and growled. Also, Jordan was the one who said she had a hairy ass and a dick to the camera. I felt bad for her edit because it was unfair that a woman who was competitive and muscular would be labeled a man, but Carly had nothing to do with that. 


     I think Carly kept her mouth shut about Jade simply because they were friends. I don't think Carly talked shit about those she was friends with. I don't remember her talking meanly about Kaitlyn, Becca, or Whitney.


    I also think that editing played a big role into our perception of Kelsey. I think she was manipulative and crazy, but the editing and music turned her into the show's sociopath. If they had liked her or there was someone even more over the top, she may have gotten a sympathetic edit.

    • Love 4
  4. I also wonder if he has issues with women.  Ken Corday made a comment about how in the end women like Sami, Kate, Nicole, Theresa should always lose.  That women like them don't deserve to be happy.  No comments about men like Stefano, Victor, EJ, etc.


    I know this quote is from a week ago, but I keep thinking about what TigerLynx posted about Corday's view towards women.  Sorry if this is a retread.  This disappoints me if Corday really thinks this. 

    I wonder if this thinking then extends to the writers room. The above women are the ones that have shown vulnerability, scrappyness, and have ultimately been the ones I want to come out on top. Maybe it's because they are good actresses and emote more than others in the goody-goody roles. I also wonder who determines the "bad" women since the majority of women on this show have done sketchy things.  

    I question then if Lexi was considered bad because she cheated on Abe, switched babies, and blackmailed people or is that the Dimera influence. I alternately hated and loved Lexi.

    Realistically, not everyone gets their happy ending. However, I don't want to continue watching if Theresa gets continually shit on.  We get to see that she cares about family, wants love and does try to extend concern to a few others. She just takes one step forward, three steps back. She can be a real bitch and destructive, Jen Lilley is just too good in this role for me to dislike her. Also, the writing does enough for me to want her to get her baby back, possibly coparent with Brady, and find a new guy who accepts her like EJ accepted Sami (minus their twisted, mutual destruction relationship). 

    Like you all have awesomely stated before, the writers can't tell us who to like or hate. Or at least not blatantly. It's just weird how some characters these massive take downs and others get coddled and protected. I'm still shaking my head at the treatment of Sami during her exit storyline.


    I'm interested in the whole Will, Paul, and Sonny triangle. I do think that Sonny straight up leaving town is OOC. In my mind, Sonny would have seen Ari, talked to Gabi, and squared away TBD. Also, I think that Will is being thrown under the bus with this storyline. IDK if it's to make him the male Sami or to prop Paul. It's weird they did it to a legacy character who we've seen grow up non-sorased or very close to it. It is short-sighted writing.   


    One thing that is strange to me is that Paul didn't look into Will's background pre-interview. A simple google search would reveal WIll's whole life. Did he really not look after Sonny over the past two years? He does seem calculating and is responding too maturely for the circumstances. He may be the real deal, but I agree that the story line thus far is only doing him favors.   

    Will needs to take responsibility for his actions. Thanks to those who pointed out this is the first time he's really had to answer for his actions. Even with the whole Ari reveal, he had backup and people to do his dirty work to ensure he had custody. I still like Will based on the past, but I would think he was the male Abigail if I tuned in within the past two years. 


    So Jordan is leaving to join a philanthropic organization? What happened to her being a physical trainer? You know, I care but I really don't. I started out disliking Jordan and just wanted to her to leave. Then I started to like Jordan after she broke up with Rafe after he cheated because she had self-respect and didn't put up with him being friendly with someone she knew was out to destroy her. I also liked that she continually told Rafe to back off and stay out of her life.  I liked her relationship with Chad and was sad that she broke up with him. Still, I will concede it was smart to do for her. I didn't appreciate her telling Chad to love himself more, though it's great advice if it would keep him away from Abifail. Just massive waste of screen time.

    • Love 4
  5. I agree with those who have said Jen has mixed motives. She even said that she found a way to hurt Eve, through Paige. The only thing Eve truly loves is Paige, even though she betrayed her on multiple levels.  I think that they started out with Eve having a semi-good reason to want Paige and JJ apart. Who would be ok with their kid forgoing Stanford to stay with their boyfriend of a few weeks? They are no Belle and Shawn D or Phillip and Chloe. 

    I agree Eve doesn't treat anyone well, even herself and I hate how she treats Theresa.

    I think Jennifer does want to see JJ happy, but it shouldn't be to the detriment of Paige. How can they have a true relationship with this mega secret?

    Jennifer is using this situation to get back at Eve for their past history. I do think she is coming from a place where she thinks she is in the right.  I'm annoyed with her because she is trying to put all blame on Eve for everything and get JJ to say Eve seduced him. Let him take responsibility. She enables her kids bad decisions and makes excuses. Abigail still thinks she did no wrong and just looks confused when people call her out.

    In my eyes, there is no protagonist in this story line. All come across as middling to pathetic.

    JJ is a flawed character and I still like him, but he should have the self-decency to back off.  


    Hopefully, next week we'll get more closure to Jordan's storyline. Was her talk with Clyde supposed to wrap up their relationship? There was a year spent on this and now we're stuck with Clyde and Ben.

    • Love 5
  6. No, Barry and Lainey stayed together.  They called out Erica for trying to break them up.  However, Erica and Lainey ended up going to the Heart Concert and Barry spent that night playing smash ball with the JTP.  

    My favorite part was when JTP tried to Say Anything Erica and one of the members used a radio stuck on Tejano music. 


    The cabbage patch kid black market was a good plot point. Having that be based in the real Adam Goldberg's childhood made it even better. I thought the whole scenario with Adam and Dayna fighting like a married couple was a little too much like other sitcoms, but I loved Beverly's interference. 

    • Love 2
  7. Ridiculous! Jennifer should want JJ and Paige as far away from each other as possible. He would still be in Eve's orbit. He may say that he hates Eve, but he sought her out and was an equal participant. Jennifer is doing this to get back at Eve and is overlooking the welfare of JJ and Paige. Can't wait for it to blow up in their faces.  Though Eve will still get all of the blame. 


    The only reason why she cares about JJ sleeping with Eve is because it negatively affected Jennifer. She didn't care about the "morality" of it when it was a nameless/faceless person.  She also didn't about Sami or EJ, so go for it Abs.  What Abifail did to Carrie and Austin is far worse than JJ's indiscretion, but that only got a shrug and "she said she was sorry." Jennifer is just happy to one-up Eve.

    Also, Jennifer does not need to pay more attention to JJ, she is so invasive that she caught him mid-sex.  Maybe if she was an actual parent when he was younger he would trust her and want to tell her things. 

    Jennifer can allude to JJ causing trouble in her and Dan's relationship as Dannifer's downfall, but they were too sanctimonious and self-absorbed to be a couple. Get over it Jennifer and move on with your life. The only reason I'm still holding out hope for JJ to continue being an interesting character is that story line. 

    I just continue to wonder, are we supposed to be supporting Jennifer in this? This is insane. Paige needs to turn and run. She is kind of pathetic if she jumps at the chance to get back with someone who has been breaking up with her longer than they were together. 


    Also, the whole Brady/Mel/Theresa triangle is whack. It seems like he is only mad at Melanie because he asked her to stay away from Theresa not because he has a vested interest in Theresa's well-being. Melanie needed to inform Theresa of what was going on with Clint or stay the hell out of her business. She's being nosy, not trying to be a friend.  

    I hate that Mel, Abigail, and Nicole ganged up on Theresa. Theresa and Melanie make sense as friends (well minus the whole Mel upholding the honor of Dan/Jen), they should be rolling their eyes at Abifail.  If Eric can overlook Daniel almost sleeping with Kristen and Daniel can seem friendly with Rafe covering for Gabby after she unknowingly facilitated and then knowingly covered up Mel's kidnapping, Mel can overlook Theresa's past relationship with Daniel. It's weird because they both seem to make moves towards being friendly or somewhat concerned about each other and then the other one blows it. 

    • Love 4
  8. I have mixed feelings about Eve. I could understand why she would be upset that Paige was giving up Stanford to stay in Salem with JJ. It was a guy Paige knew for a few months. I question whether Paige would have hesitated to go or worried about Eve paying for Sanford if JJ wasn't in the picture. 


    It was strange that Eve sent Paige to Salem without any adult supervision. Did the show ever say whether someone with ties to Shane was checking in on her?


    From the preview, it seems like Jennifer is taking sick pleasure in getting revenge on Eve through Paige finding out about Eve/JJ. I guess hurting Paige is worth it. I personally want Paige to find out so that she cuts ties permanently with JJ and then can tell off Eve for sleeping with her boyfriend multiple times. I wonder if the writers will have Eve tell Jennifer that one of her motives was to get back at Jennifer because I haven't really seen it so far.


    My problem with Paige's treatment of Eve has been that she didn't know the lengths Eve went to separate her and JJ, but treated her like she knew everything. Paige has called Eve a whore to at least Kayla and is all but estranged from her right now.  She only knows one small manipulation in the whole layer of Eve crazy. I agree that I would be more sympathetic if the Eve/JJ thing had happened that one time.

    • Love 5
  9. Gabby, the 19 y/o daughter was ridiculous. She has the worst case of vocal fry I've heard and there is a lot of vocal fry on the HH shows. I felt for the mom last night. I don't know if she was just giving in because they were on camera and needed drama or if she really lets her daughter dictate her life. My eyes were in permanent side eye when I heard the mom was going have a long commute and live on the coast after Sandy to appease Gabby. I wonder how they are faring this winter with all of the snow storms. 

    I'm glad that the mom stood her ground a little with the kitchen back splash and carbels. I didn't like them but am glad she did it. She should have been able to make it beige city, it was her house! 

    I thought that the baker from last week was too dominant with the kitchen, Gabby takes the prize. Her mom created her, but she was unreal.


    I was happy they didn't choose the 1930's house after Gabby said she wanted to paint the exposed wood white and black.  

    • Love 4
  10. They taped Sonny's departure when FS returned from Ohio after his accident. It appears they had to do a last-minute rewrite. Apparently, Sonny will be back onscreen towards the end of March.

    Ah, I forgot that real life could have an impact on the story line. I was so wrapped up in Sonny's motives that I forgot about Freddie's own health/legal issues.

    It would make more sense to have said he needed to visit a rehab facility, like Chad did after he got shot. Yes the story line is still ongoing and I'm interested to see how it develops. I'm looking forward to Sonny's return.


    I don't know if the whole town would turn against Will. He has the Bradys and Hortons. I think that at least the Kiriakis side will be furious and that the others will be disappointed in him. Abigail's reaction is what I'm waiting for. She dislikes Will because he inadvertently embarassed her, but she got down and dirty with EJ. The only thing she could say to get the upper hand on Will is state that he was the one that was married and she didn't have the same responsibility to the relationship. Total hypocritical move, but completely in Abifail's character. 


    A tabloid article on Will/Paul would make actual sense. Paul is a sports star and he slept with the journalist who wrote an article on him - scandal! I still can't believe what Will did to Sami with that article and the town's treatment of her after she covered for him time and time again.  If Sami was onscreen, her reaction and then seeing her and Kate trying to cover for Will would be something.

    • Love 4
  11. LA is a complete sellers market right now. In my area (northeast of downtown LA), you'll be lucky to find a house under $500,000 that doesn't need some renovation. Recently, I've found that the homes that are completely move-in ready start in the $600,000+ range. This is for roughly 2,000 sq ft! You're really buying the property rather than the house. Plus, the school districts vary so much in quality that it is thunderdome trying to find a semi-affordable home. Many of the houses were built in the 1950s-1970s and either haven't been renovated at all or have undergone partial kitchen renovations.  It's competitive for the everyday buyer because investors want to flip homes or there are international buyers who will pay all cash. 


      My pet peeve is people coming into recently renovated homes and saying they'll have to redo everything. Like replace newly done flooring or swap white granite for grey granite with sparkles. The seller might as well not invest in upgrades, though fingers-crossed the house hunter couples are not normal buyers.

    Also, when people come into homes with beautiful original features and want to strip them of all character. Don't ruin it, get a new build! 


    There was one episode where a mother of a toddler was upset that the master was on the bottom are two or three bedrooms were on the top floor. I don't understand why they couldn't sleep upstairs for one or two years and then move downstairs. Or baby monitors. 

    • Love 3
  12. Freddie leaving makes me feel like we're being punished and won't get a complete storyline. Where is the Kiriakis in him? There is the potential that we won't get the full follow through where the families react to Will cheating. Victor needs to take names! It doesn't seem like it can be fully developed in a week or two. Though the affair won't be known as widespread as the EJ/Abigail tryst, unless Zoey or another tabloid reports on it. That would be interesting. I would prefer for it to be more Sonny-centric. Hopefully, the writers will develop Will's motives/thought process more in depth. 


    Why couldn't Will leave and visit Sami and her kids to give Sonny time to physically heal with his doctors? Or have Sonny live with Uncle Victor. I could understand not wanting to be around Will, but he is losing out twice over being separated from Arianna and the affair. I think he loves Arianna too much to leave so soon after they got back from LA.  What happens to Club TBD? Sonny has tangible responsibilities in Salem, while Will is freelance. The only positive for me is that it might bring his brothers back.


    We also potentially lose out with Jordan leaving this week. It seems like she'll leave for a job rather than a reveal about her past. What a waste if we don't learn more about what happened with her, Clyde and her mom. She seemed like she was moving towards accepting Clyde in Ben's life, such BS. That was a thread that went nowhere. If she was so worried about Ben, she wouldn't leave him and his anger issues with Clyde who is a murderer and drug kingpin. She knows what he is too! From the spoilers, it sounds like Rafe is supportive of the opportunity - probably because he doesn't have a chance with her. 


    Too many storylines are ended without true payout. Ok, maybe the type of payout I want. But dammit, I want Clyde to go down from EJ and Sonny. How does Stefano not know it was him? He and Victor need to form an unholy alliance and get him out of Salem. It shouldn't be that difficult, he has one stringy haired henchman.

    • Love 4
  13. Does the show think that we should be on Abigail and Ben's "side?" Yeah Chad was a jerk for comparing Abigail and Jordan, but I don't see how that justification would mean anything in court. If I was the judge or on the jury and it was presented as evidence for why Ben beat Chad, I would roll my eyes and say "and?" Ben has free will - Chad didn't make him do anything. I am annoyed and blame Rafe for Jordan, Ben and Clyde coming to town. Why is the least annoying of the three leaving? 


    Chad should have sent the letter a long time before Rafe started going after him. He could have done it anonymously when Gabi was going down for Nick's murder. Rafe is shady and only upholds the law when he wants to. Why is Jordan et al acting like Chad ruined Rafe's career? He covered up several crimes and seemed to only do his job when a Dimera might have done something wrong. Ok my pro-Dimera bias is showing. It just seems like they are messing with the one Dimera who hasn't committed a crime.  The only one who he should have back away from was Sonny and even that free will was involved.


    I think that Eve is crazy and a horrible mother, but Paige needed to tone down how she is treating her. We know what Eve is doing with JJ and its a complete betrayal, but Paige has been treating her like shit for weeks and blaming her for their breakup. Yes, we know Eve is a crazy stalker, is the cause of their problems and manipulated the hell out of their break up, but Paige only knows that her mom made her go to CA during a shaky time in their relationship. Paige is treating her mom like she knows everything. The writers should have toned it down because now the only thing Paige can do is stop talking to Eve and she pretty much has stopped doing that.


    I don't know if the writer's think we should be championing Jennifer. She's shrill and borderline condescending to everyone around her who isn't a Horton. She's parallel in crazy to Eve and is trying to manipulate JJ and Paige to get back together. Plus she stole Eve's keys and might break into her apartment.  

    To the writers, please don't have Paige and JJ get back together. That ship sailed before they even met.  

    • Love 7
  14. I was glad to see Jana speak up about the dresses- she only spent a day wearing it, but it was going to be on tv and in magazines.  One of Ben's sisters wore her dress unaltered and it did look awkward. Jana did have a mini-fit and Jessa handled it better than many brides would. It was a little unfair to the bridesmaids because their dresses were online. If they could have tried it on in person, they may have been vetoed. At least Jana could alter them. 


    Does anyone know if Jessa or Ben had ties to the Bentonville Church? It seemed like they had just met the coordinators and chose it because it could handle 1k+ people.

  15. It's a good sign for Jana's future they "allowed" her to go to DC for an extended period of time. Crazy that a 24 year old would need permission, but at least she wasn't tied to the house while the other older girls were out of the house. Maybe it's to prepare the younger girls for a transition away from having sister-moms and Jana finally getting a life of her own. 


    Strange that Jana and Joy-Anna now seem like a pair.  Especially with Joy being a former member of Jill's buddy team. I think that Jana is unbelievably kind. She was supportive to Joy-Anna during the whole family showcase when Joy was unable to keep the little ones in check. She encouraged her during the talking heads and told her that she was doing well. It's amazing and sad to think of the amount of responsibility Jana had when she was Joy's age. 


    I agree that a lot of Jana's spunk has been sapped out of her over the years. I was watching season 2 or 3 on Netflix - she had sass in her during the episode when she had to have her wisdom teeth taken out. Also, she expressed a negative opinion of camping during the father/daughter camping episode. She backtracked a little about camping but actually had full smiles and light behind her eyes during the early years. I miss seeing a personality in her and many of the other J'kids.


    Hopefully, her time in DC is a nice break and she's not being treated as Josh and Anna's au pair. Fingers crossed for secret courtship. I don't know if Jim Bob and Michelle would let her. Maybe early stages they would leave her in peace, but the engagement and wedding I could see her being guilted into a tlc special. 

  16. I don't think that Marquel was trying to play the victim or that he enjoyed being one.  Prior to JJ bringing it up, race wasn't an issue in that house. He wasn't overtly looking to start drama and didn't want to come off as "that" guy even after the statements were brought to his attention. He even said he didn't want his race to be the main identifier about him while on the show. Yes, it's part of his identity, but his fashion choices and love of cookies were played up more than him being of African descent. He trusted JJ and believed JJ was his friend. That's why he truly believes Andrew said it. Either JJ made the whole thing up to create tension, which is really shady and on par with a racist saying it, or Andrew is a racist who said "blackies" or something similar. Either way, Marquel was compelled to respond because of a situation he was put into. I see it as the race issue coming to Marquel and him having to walk a fine line to avoid being seen as whining about racism or just brushing it off and being seen as condoning it.  I also think production pushed the issue. 

    I don't know what to believe - Andrew was right that it was a serious accusation and that it has long term consequences. I empathize with Andrew if  he didn't say it but understand where Marquel is coming from. 

    It has been a lackluster season.

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