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Posts posted by Wowzer

  1. I was speaking more towards what she could mention than what she actually knows about her child.  I hope she's noticed the little expressions and sparks of Israel's personality. I don't think that she'll know all of her children on that level if she becomes a baby mill.  Jill and Israel have a lot of alone time together in the coming weeks and months at least. That she is ready to pop out another one so soon makes me shake my head.  The one positive for the Dillard kids is that Jill knows her J-buddies pretty well. She knows their personalities better than Michelle (though that's not saying much).  Also, I think Anna knows her kids at that level so it can be done. While Jill is seeming more like Michelle every day, she is at least good with kids. 

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  2. I think that the article was an all-about-Jill piece because it was done right after he was born. Israel was less than a week old when they did the interview and photo shoot so his personality was just starting to peek through. Mentioning one or two little observations about Israel could have gone a long way in the article.  They could have talked about if any of his expressions are Duggar or Dillard-esque. Does he seem strong-willed or easy-going? Maybe how she enjoys night feedings with him or Derick likes bath time because it's his bonding time.  I made up the bath time scenario but in just a few days there are little things to notice that can be shared about a baby. 

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  3. I definitely agree that Jim Bob would step in if there was abuse in a relationship. Jill and Derick's covenant marriage provides divorce in the case of physical or sexual abuse. I'm in no way advocating continuing marriage where abuse(mental, sexual, or physical) or infidelity is present. Couples do naturally drift apart as well. I think that the couple should determine when they do separate. I just think that the Duggars were raised to believe that divorce (outside of abuse) is not an acceptable end to their marriage.

    All I meant was that I hope that all of the children choose the person that they marry because they love their chosen as well as like them as a person rather than use it as a way to get out of the house. 

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  4. The "stuck with me for life" is more of a joking way to say  "work with me, we're in this together for life."  It's not a I will never sign the paper but more of a we made this commitment for ourselves and before our family and community.  I don't know anyone who has covenant marriage but they're viewing it similar to that. It isn't even about not standing up for oneself. 


    Hopefully, the Duggar kids don't find themselves in a situation where they need a divorce. I hope that a many of the kids move away from Gothard and a Fundy lifestyle as want to. I agree only time will tell.  I think that Marjorie and Josiah have a chance to be Fundy-lite as long as he is really under apprenticeship with her father and can gain a skill set that sets him apart from Jim Bob.     

  5. I definitely think that you can be in love at 17 and develop that into a healthy strong marriage.  However, the Duggars don't get to actually explore their feelings without being forced to commit to a courtship.  Maybe the getting to know you period helps a little. IDK if it was a condition of courtship that Josiah and Marjorie had to make it public.  The internet community was buzzing that someone was courting before the announcement so it was going to come out soon and maybe they wanted to control speculation on who it was. 


    Oh, I know that once you're married you can choose whatever path you want take in your marriage. However, there are different levels of acceptability for divorce for a couple, family and community. I have friends who are as mainstream as it comes but continually say "divorce is not an option" or "you made your choice, you're stuck with me for life." The ones who say divorce is not an option are dead serious. To the Duggars, I'm guessing divorce is not an option for a couple unless there is abuse. I viewing it more as what they accept for themselves than imposed from outside.

  6. I think that Josiah and Marjorie are too young to be thinking about getting married. However, they are between a rock and a hard place since they aren't allowed date to see if there is something there. They have a spark and want to pursue it.  Hopefully, Jim Bob and Michelle can lighten up a little more like the Bates family shifted their view of courtship.  No more cookie cutter formula and actually allow Josiah and Marjorie to dictate how their relationship develops. The Bates family isn't perfect but is miles ahead of the Duggars. 


    I will say that while being together for a while before marriage is preferable, I've seen people who have dated for years break up within a year or two of marriage. One friend was engaged for 5 years and divorced within 18 months. The people who are together for 20+ years are also a shock to me. The Duggar kids don't have the option for divorce so I really wish for them that they look at whether they like their spouse as a person and not view them as simply a way out of the house.  


    I really feel for any Duggar kid who enters a courtship while the show is still on tv.  It would be hard enough to end a courtship without millions of people knowing that a Duggar had a failed relationship.   

  7. I was hoping that Lawson was serving as accountability partner for Tori and Joseph (John David didn't cross my mind). I guess that the Bates and Duggar families really are friends. 


    I hope that Jill and Derick are only hosting close friends for short visits rather than anyone coming into town. The baby is less than two weeks old. I really hope that they don't have to accommodate any out-of-town visitors so close to the baby's arrival. I can't remember how many bedrooms the house has.  I could see Jim Bob and Michelle still extending the house to guests traveling through.

  8. I think Jessa's lifestyle (food and exercise) has improved since marrying Ben. She is more fit rather than simply slender. I don't think the older Duggar kids had access to a lot of food growing up. I was surprised when Derick said that Jill would take her food and eat it in the bathroom. What was going on there? When Jessa was young it was probably due to their tight finances. Later, it was potentially extreme portion control to prevent weight gain. I'm happy for her that her whole disposition has changed. Her smiles are real.

    I think that the pressure to have children is on both Jessa and Ben. Jessa is probably getting hassled by her sisters while Jim Bob may be making gross comments to Ben. It would be irritating if Jim Bob was pointing out to Ben that Israel was a honeymoon baby and that Jessa wasn't expecting yet. I hope that Ben and Jessa have secretly decided to wait but the family definitely isn't making that easy.

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  9. Good question (Lawson's reason for being in AR). But that said, "meeting [Allie Jane] in stages" could also mean "fellowshipping" with Lawson and whatever sibling was his accountability partner on this trip (usually Carlin). That's just two. 


    I'm just flummoxed that they met the Leader of Siblings before their own flesh and blood. And Jill, what is it with the 10 day old in those shoes when you can't be bothered to wear them yourself? kthxbai! :D

    I agree it is weird that he would see the Dillards before his own sister. It sounds like Alyssa was pretty firm on her plan that she laid out on Bringing Up Bates. One of the Bates girls said that John and Alyssa couldn't keep her away from her niece, we'll probably see next season. From the looks of it, it seems like something her husband wanted.


    Maybe Joseph, Lawson, and Tori went to meet Israel together. I want to know more about what's going on with Joseph. 


    Ha, at Israel managing to wear shoes and yet Jill can't seem to put them on her own feet.

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  10. Alyssa said that she wanted to wait a few weeks before the whole family met her baby.  Bringing Up Bates, she said that she and her husband wanted the bonding time with the baby first before the huge influx of people.  They were ok with Gil and Kelly coming down but wanted to have the rest of the family meet the baby in stages.


    It's really in stark contrast to Jill and Derick. I wonder why he was in town?  

    • Love 3
  11. There were parts of the episode that I thought were interesting but it felt like this was way too soon to be doing a review of Duggar weddings - we've seen them over the past two seasons. I was most interested in Josh and Anna's commentary and completely fast forwarded Jim Bob and Michelle's vow renewal.  It was interesting to hear how Josh and Anna actually bought used and made a small budget go far. Anna's family was so resourceful. I thought that their wedding was nice and it seemed to have a similar budget as Jill and Jessa's weddings (even if the girls' weddings were hundreds more). I liked that Josh sang to Anna again.  It is semi-cringe worthy and I would never want my husband to serenade me but it was heartfelt.   


    I'm glad that they explained that Jill was more hands off because she was supporting Derick and his mom during Cathy's treatment. It seemed weird that she gave the work load to everyone else when she seemed so into weddings. I thought it was interesting that the narration said that the sisters were all involved in making the wedding the best it could be for Jill and Derick when the clips show that Jana was really the one that stepped up and did the work.    

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  12. I liked their announcement.  Marjorie seems bubbly and confident. I do think that the announcement came off rehearsed and that it had almost a Disney kid vibe from Marjorie. It makes sense since she's been in theater and probably wanted to make it perfect. I think that Josiah and the rest of the Duggar kids are so used to the cameras that it is almost like "meh, you again." 

    I would be worried if Marjorie had just shown up at the home church one weekend a few months ago. However, the families have known each other so long that it doesn't come off as Marjorie is using Josiah for fame.  Isn't she already pretty established in their circle?

    • Love 2
  13. I really hope that the buddy system during the early years was similar to pairing up in public or looking out for the younger kids while playing that many large families have. Not the full-on sister mom buddy system that we've witnessed from Jackson down.  Or at the very least Michelle waited for Jedidiah and Jeremiah to get older when Jessa and Jinger became their buddies.  Jinger is only five years older than Jedidiah. Disgraceful. Then Michelle added Johannah to the Jinger's team when Jinger was around 12. It's so sad to think that when the older girls were Justin's age they had such heavy childcare. Then on top of that they had jurisdictions.    


    I don't think that they would ever realize Jenny was gone unless they do a count off during Bible Study or Jenny's absence meant Jim Bob and Michelle had to do housework.  

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  14. I'm excited for their future that Derick is so involved.  Especially since Jill needs to focus on her recovery. However, there are photos on the Dillard's own website that show Joy is over at the house and pitching in. I'm thrilled that they have a support team to help with Israel. I just think that it sounds disingenuous to state that Derick is changing all of the diapers. It reminds me of Josh and Anna's RV trip to Chicago. Understandable to assert they are the new parents and bonding but at the same time acknowledge what you have in your sister support team.

    Thank God for hospitals, doctors and that the C-Section was available since the labor was difficult. The meconium while at home sounded especially troubling. 

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  15. I agree that Josiah seems metrosexual rather than gay - Joseph and a few of the younger Duggar boys have taken to wearing color as well. I haven't seen anything that blatantly shows that he is in any way gay other than he has shown himself to be a sensitive and caring young man who was used as the family's mouth piece pre-puberty.


    F gender norms and the assertion that because someone likes to dress a certain way or likes certain things they must be gay. If any of the Duggar kids are gay I truly hope that they are able to find a supportive base. I seems like it is difficult enough to come out in mainstream society without being in the Gothard mindset or being in the public eye.


    I don't think it's  a beard situation only because Josiah hasn't really been a Duggar in the public eye and there was little focus on him starting to court other than maybe he and Tori Bates would get together. Maybe there was internal pressure but it hasn't been shown in a public setting.  Really the pressure is on Jana and John-David. His news actually has brought more attention to the fact those two haven't started courting yet.  


    I'm hoping that since the Duggars have had regular contact with the Jacksons and seem to be friends that they can be respectful of Ana Lucia's heritage. There is hope for the younger ones since they've grown up learning Spanish, or at least had a few lessons.

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  16. I am happy for Josiah.  His is the only organic Duggar kid relationship so far. They have actually gotten to know each other over the years rather than through meeting at a Gothard event and talking on the phone or being set up by his dad.  It reminds me of Alyssa Bates and John Webster. They waited a little longer but were "special friends for years."

    The thing that stood out to me about Josh and Anna's engagement was that she didn't just look surprised to see Josh there but petrified as if he was a stranger.  They obviously love each other now but barely knew each other. I also can't get over Jim Bob moving Ben onto the property to speed things along. It was like the Duggars were taking custody of Ben. 

    In terms of Josiah being 18 and uneducated, so was Ben when he started the courtship with Jessa. Ben is pretty much doing what Josiah is now so it must seem normal to them. I'm not saying that this is ideal and hopefully Josiah can find a way to make his own money. Josiah has a great personality and is so outgoing. Hopefully he can use those people skills to his advantage to break away from Jim Bob and Michelle. I also hope it's a long engagement.  

    • Love 4
  17. Very true about the racial variations in Latin American countries and not falling into preconceived notions about what someone from Mexico, Brazil or Argentina should look like.  I think Days is playing into the stereotype though.  The show is so ambiguous about the Hernandez family and where Mama is that they can cast the darker hair, olive complexion actors of any descent without too much push back.


    I wonder if Higley will find a way put Rafe back on the police force.  I was thinking this morning that Hope should never have been on the force again after Nighttime Hope but she seems to be their main detective.  

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  18. What's crazy to me is that if the Hernandez family is of Mexican, Central, or South American descent, none of the actors fit into the category.  Galen Gering and Lindsay Hartley (Arianna and Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald on Passions) are both of European descent playing Hispanic characters.  Francisco San Martin (Dario) was born in Spain.  I think that Camilla Banus is of Spanish and Cuban descent.  I also don't necessarily think that actors should be strictly confined to playing characters of their nationality but it gets problematic when the majority of actors in a Latin American family are European.  NBC is under the same corporation as Univision and could have done some cross-promotion.     


    As for Zoe Saldana, it doesn't bother me that she is playing Black American characters. That she was cast as Nina Simone irritates me because they had to add a prosthetic nose and darken her skin.  There were plenty of women who could play that role as well or better without having to undergo such a transformation. Zoe Saldana is no Meryl Streep.  

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  19. The writers have destroyed Will for me.  In what world should he be calling his boss about his job?  All along he's been mixing journalism with his personal life and it's completely blown up in his face. He and Sonny would have been on their way to being solid if he just paid attention to Sonny and worked on their relationship.  Sami has always put her object of desire first in her schemes, she kept her eyes on the prize. I thought his conversation with Marlena was out of character as well.  

    John again on fire and perceptive about Sonny and Paul's connection. I liked when he had control of the Paul situation - first breaking up the PaulSon chemistry and then getting Paul to leave the town center. I'm looking forward to the paternity reveal - how soon with John change his opinion of Paul? 


    Lucas better watch his back! Victor was ready to fire him when Lucas just defended Will.  He gone from Mad World (and worse) when all comes out about him and Adrienne.


    I also call bs on Kate not knowing about Will and Sonny's anniversary.  She would have hosted an over-the-top party for them.

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  20. Wow! I guess that's why the writers had Chad go after Abigail instead of Melanie. Also, why Melanie seemed to be restricted to the Serena and Theresa/Brady story lines.

    Ugh about Freddie possibly leaving. He's been stellar since he was cast as Sonny. I hope they work it out, I can't imagine a different actor in the role. 

    Will Kate Mansi ever leave?!

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  21. The carnival scenes were great - nice to see everyone come together for something fun even if it's only for a today's episode.  John was my mvp - Drake Hogestyn has a great laugh and was on the good side of over the top cheese. 


    The actress playing Ciara has grown so much. She used to be so shy and mousy now I feel like she livens up the scenes she's in.  I laughed when she told Theo about Paul's career ending and it being tragic - the Horton gossip gene develops young and needs to be fine tuned so the target is out of earshot.   


    I can't believe it, I liked Ben today - he was laid back, didn't have a sourpuss expression, and no signs of temper.  It was the first time he was somewhat likable to me outside of his scenes with Jordan.  I wish someone would tape Abigail flirting with Chad so they could see that she is again a willing participant and this time while she's in a relationship.


    It isn't anyone's business why Will and Sonny are having problems.  Rafe can offer them support and should be part of Ariana Grace's life. However, I don't like that he is going to them and then other family members to find out what's going on and then threaten interference if things aren't going as he sees fit. 


    I loved Galen Gering as Louis Lopez-Fitzgerald.  Rafe I liked at first but then not so much - I disliked how he treated Ariana before she died, covered up Gabi and Sami's crimes, tried to keep EJ from his kids, and then cheated on Sami and Jordan. Jordan and Rafe weren't together but he knew that Kate had it in for Jordan and how much it would hurt her. Similarly, Carrie and Sami's history made that marital betrayal that much worse. I think he's at his best when with Nicole. I wish that he could be a nonjudgmental friend and they could work in investigative journalism together.  Galen is good with lighthearted material.   

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  22. I haven't had a chance to watch today's show, but yesterday Rafe told Sonny that Ariana seemed agitated when they were together and may be feeling any tension between Will and Sonny. He said that he saw it in Sydney and wished that he had done something. He doesn't really have a leg to stand on. The custody documents that Will and Gabi signed gave Rafe rights if something happened to them but I don't think that could be used to take her away from Will.    


    Could Gabi use Rafe as a proxy? It's interesting that there could be this outside influence. I can't remember when this happened in Salem before even with all of the marital drama going on. Grandma Caroline never threatened Bo and Hope and Kate was all up in Sami and Luca's custody but never wanted Will for herself.  

  23. I think that Abigail views herself as better than Ben. When she first dated him I remember her saying she was happy to be with him because he was uncomplicated. She basically called him simple and has tried to get him a job that is higher in status. 


    If Chad wasn't on the board at the hospital I don't think that she would even be talking to him. She masks it by talking about how much Chad loved Jack's book. Chad up talks her to board members and is now getting her help to run the charity. She's being coddled without having it come from the many family members that work there. She's golden as long as she flirts with him.  I think this story line makes her look worse than Chad.  She knows that Chad is manipulative, is being warned by her family members, and has a boyfriend. She's overlooking that Chad is obviously manipulative and using Jack's memory to get to her in favor of what he can do for her. Unfortunately, it's going to develop into poor Abigail's trusting nature succumbing to the evil Dimeras.


    Also, I like how the benefit brought all of the townspeople together in a believable way. 

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