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Posts posted by mrsh

  1. Kail's house was 215,000 dollars per www.realtor.com.

    Leah and Jeremy's house I'm not real sure but it was upper 100,000 to 200,000. I don't know when they bought it but it kept being delisted. I wonder what they made off of it, if anything. http://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/1742-New-Hope-Rd_Elkview_WV_25071_M49150-81626?row=10

    These girls living in 200,000 dollar homes is crazy to me.

    I usually think these girls make really dumb decisions, but for Kail and Javi I think the price od their house is reasonable if they paid 215, 000. That's what we paid for our house and we have a VA loan, our payment after taxes and insurance is $1, 219 a month which is reasonable. Of course, if they stopped wasting money on SUV's and Mercedes then they should have been able to pay cash with Kails teen mom money.

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  2. I love Eva, but I'm tired of seeing her be so weak when it comes to her family. She was afraid to let them meet her fiance, then afraid to tell them they eloped and now she's trying to convert Jonathan so her daddy can be happy. Worst part are her asshole brothers, I seriously can't stand when they talk. They give off vibes of being losers who live in their parents basement and are always giving Eva and her husband a hard time and making snide comments. Best part of this show are Trinity and Jon and Nikki.

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  3. Leah is a huge piece of shit, she's obviously high on something for her to fly off the handle at Cory like that. Germy needs to take several seats and stop talking crap about Cory, all the drama Cory is going through is what Germy will go through when he and Leah divorce in a couple of years.

    Kail was wrong to even ask Jo about the vacation, but this is Kail so I'm not surprised. She looked like she wanted to hulk smash Jo when he said no, but was trying hard to control herself. Javi is an ass, enough said.

    I want to adopt Jace and give him hugs and love and attention. My heart hurts for him, I really think he's a sweet kid but that's being stped out of him by the trio of idiots that are raising him. I hope CPS gets involved, and gets him out of there.

    Chelsea is doing great. Aubree is adorable, I love her husky voice.

    Adumb gets balder and more gross looking with every episode. His girlfriend looks rode hard and put away wet, like a huge walking STD.

    • Love 1
  4. I didn't think anything could be worse than that Paradise Island show (the one with couples? Can't remember what the point was but there was a lot of drunk drama?). Yes, I watched this. A&E has sunken to a new low. And it was fabulous! Billy puts the "B" in douche bag and Jeanne really needs to smarten up because this guy will never be marriage/monogamy material. Plus he is an incredible douche bag, if I didn't say it enough.

    I so agree. Billy had douchebag loser written all over him, he seemed to think of himself as hot stuff when in reality he's just gross. If a guy I barely met got all huffy with me for not kissing or sleeping with him the first day I met him, I would tell him to shove it.

    • Love 2
  5. I actually liked Tara and I don't think she deserved to die, and certainly not in such a brutal way. Even Stahl's death wasn't as brutal and she did more messed up stuff than Tara. I found her character believable becaise I think its definitely possible to struggle between your love for someone and doing what's right. Through the seasons you could see that she was aware that it was in her best interest to leave Charming, but she couldn't bring herself to leave Jax. She took over caring for Able and I'm sure didn't want to leave him, and after Thomas was born it just got harder and she desperately wanted her family together. Even in the end and after all the times Jax betrayed he, even when she was afraid Jax would kill her, she still was hesitant to take the deal.

    I actually find Jax to be a despicable character. He kbows that life isn't good for his boys, he repeatedly promises his wife that he's gonna get them out, and time after time fails to deliver. Did Jax ask Tara to talk to Otto while she was helping out at the prison? I might remember wrong, but if I have it right then he put her in the position that ended in her being arrested. Then instead of working to strengthen his marriage he hops into bed with the hooker madam. He's doing the same thing JT did, losing himself in a hooker instead of taking care of his family. The end result cost Tara her life.

    • Love 6
  6. So Adumb's douchebaggery is genetic. Shows how neither Adumb nor his parents think of Aubree as a valuable human being. Chelsea has every right to know about anything that might affect her child, so the trio of morons need to stop using Aubree or information concerning Aubree and her safety as a pawn to irritate Chelsea.

    Leah JR is really annoying. Leah and Germy need to stop talking crap about Corey and start disciplining that little terror. I know she's a child and its not her fault she's annoying, but no way would I allow my child to play with such an expensive piece of medical equipment. Especially one that my other child so desperately needs, as Leah likes to remind us every single episode.

    Jenelle and Nathan are a pair of losers. I pray Kaiser gets taken away from them before they hurt him or sell him for drugs. I wish Barbra would just realize that she's all Jace has and cut off all contact with Jenelle and her endless parade of losers.

    Kail, well I don't care for her. Shes a grifter and a crybaby. Jenelles signature line is "Leave me alooooooneeeee!", and Kails is " I'm just so frustrateeeeddd!" I have no pity for her at all.

    • Love 1
  7. I can see why you get that vibe from Logan, as he seems so decent and respectful, but I think it's hard for us (non-polygamous) to understand what it's like to grow up in a polygamous family. Not only are both his parents all in, but he was raised with those beliefs. That's a pretty strong foundation. Plus, he's a guy, so it's a pretty attractive lifestyle to think about, esp. if you weren't raised to think it was wrong or even weird.

    I hope I'm wrong, but I think the only way he'll NOT become polygamous is if he falls in love with someone who refuses and puts her foot down.

    That's a good point. The good thing about them moving to Vegas is that the kids are able to have friends raised in monogamous households. Hopefully Logan will meet a nice, strong woman who absolutely refuses to deal with the polygamy BS.

    • Love 2
  8. Woman? What if it's women, as in plural? He has said in the past that he's open to having more than one wife. Makes me like him less.

    The vibe I get from Logan is that he has no interest in polygamy, but is too respectful to jist come out and say it. That's why he leaves the door open just a bit, just my opinion on it.

    • Love 9
  9. I don't know how to quote here yet... so I'll just paste instead. :)

    "Also, the look Javi gave to Jo when Jo told Isaac "you want me to take mommy with us?" I think Javi knows there's still some feelings from Kail toward Jo or he's just very insecure in his marriage."

    I saw that differently. Jo said that he wanted to take Kail along *in the trunk*. I got the impression he was referencing knocking her out and throwing her in the trunk, and talking trash while intending it to go over Isaac's head. Kind of like in that Eminem song from way back. Jo does strike me as the kind of smug person to make little comments like that - just like the "hope your water breaks tonight" comment from last season. I'm pretty sure Javi took that as a veiled threat (or joking about it) to his wife. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I thought it was a little messed up too. I don't know if Kail took it the same way, but if she did she did a good job controlling her temper. Or maybe she was flattered because it went over her head too, and she thought it was an innocent comment about Jo wanting her to go with him. Again, I'm not sure how JO meant it, but I'm pretty sure that JAVI took it like that, so I understood his "wtf" look towards Jo.

    But he was a pretty big jerk the rest of the episode. And I'm usually a Javi fan... mostly.

    Also... more on the Javi thing... I love my husband but it wasn't until baby #3 came along that he was a "good" dad to a newborn. He loved the older two as well, but he just didn't *get* that he actually had to step up and take care of them, and how hard that was. He did one or two things, and in his mind he was done. In Javi's mind, it probably seemed fair. "Well, both of us had long days 'working', and now there's two kids to take care of, so it wouldn't be fair to Kail if she got to go alone and I had to take care of both her child and the new baby. It'll be more fair, and easier for both of us, if we each do one on one." When really... it doesn't work like that at all. If for NO OTHER REASON, it makes no sense to take an infant out in public during cold/flu season. If you have to, you have to, but why do that unnecessarily? And while working at a job is stressful, studies show that stay-at-home parents are MORE stressed and have LESS free time through the day than working parents. There is no mandated lunch break at home, and kids even follow you to the bathroom. I can't think of one "outside" job where you can't even use the facilities by yourself. Sometimes you just need that half hour break to refresh. Now my husband is great with sharing duties, but even he needed experience. This is Javi's first baby, and he's young, and he's probably honestly not mature enough to fully get it. I totally side with Kail, obviously, but Javi can still redeem himself. (Unless Kail kicks him to the curb like the previews hint at.)

    I don't think Jo meant it that way at all. It seems that Jo has matured since the beginning of this show, at first he would argue with Kail, call her names etc and now he seems like a conpletely different guy. He has Isaac's best interest at heart, he greeted Kail and Javi, politely asked about Lincoln, and said goodbye to everyone. I doubt Jo was referencing to kidnapping and possibly killing Kailyn like in the Eminem song and I don't believe for a second that Javi took it that way.

    I wonder if this was filmed after or before the reunion, where it came out that Kail has told Jo that she wants to divorce Javi and has asked Jo to go over to her house? It was denied by Kail, but based on her personality I believe it happened, Jo is so over her and Javi that I dont see any reason for him to make it up.If this was filmed after that, then it explains why Javi is so butt hurt around Jo.

    • Love 1
  10. I don't know how to quote here yet... so I'll just paste instead. :)

    "Also, the look Javi gave to Jo when Jo told Isaac "you want me to take mommy with us?" I think Javi knows there's still some feelings from Kail toward Jo or he's just very insecure in his marriage."

    I saw that differently. Jo said that he wanted to take Kail along *in the trunk*. I got the impression he was referencing knocking her out and throwing her in the trunk, and talking trash while intending it to go over Isaac's head. Kind of like in that Eminem song from way back. Jo does strike me as the kind of smug person to make little comments like that - just like the "hope your water breaks tonight" comment from last season. I'm pretty sure Javi took that as a veiled threat (or joking about it) to his wife. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I thought it was a little messed up too. I don't know if Kail took it the same way, but if she did she did a good job controlling her temper. Or maybe she was flattered because it went over her head too, and she thought it was an innocent comment about Jo wanting her to go with him. Again, I'm not sure how JO meant it, but I'm pretty sure that JAVI took it like that, so I understood his "wtf" look towards Jo.

    But he was a pretty big jerk the rest of the episode. And I'm usually a Javi fan... mostly.

    Also... more on the Javi thing... I love my husband but it wasn't until baby #3 came along that he was a "good" dad to a newborn. He loved the older two as well, but he just didn't *get* that he actually had to step up and take care of them, and how hard that was. He did one or two things, and in his mind he was done. In Javi's mind, it probably seemed fair. "Well, both of us had long days 'working', and now there's two kids to take care of, so it wouldn't be fair to Kail if she got to go alone and I had to take care of both her child and the new baby. It'll be more fair, and easier for both of us, if we each do one on one." When really... it doesn't work like that at all. If for NO OTHER REASON, it makes no sense to take an infant out in public during cold/flu season. If you have to, you have to, but why do that unnecessarily? And while working at a job is stressful, studies show that stay-at-home parents are MORE stressed and have LESS free time through the day than working parents. There is no mandated lunch break at home, and kids even follow you to the bathroom. I can't think of one "outside" job where you can't even use the facilities by yourself. Sometimes you just need that half hour break to refresh. Now my husband is great with sharing duties, but even he needed experience. This is Javi's first baby, and he's young, and he's probably honestly not mature enough to fully get it. I totally side with Kail, obviously, but Javi can still redeem himself. (Unless Kail kicks him to the curb like the previews hint at.)

  11. Javi comes off as a lazy parent if he won't even bother to watch his own child for an hour. I get that he's the youngest and maybe in his family the womenfolk were in charge of all child care, but that's no excuse. My husband's family is the same way and yet when our daughter was born he jumped in and helped with her as soon as she was born. As a man and a good father, that's what you do. Seems to me that Javi wanted to have a child with Kail to make his mark so he and Jo could be even. Now the baby is here and he doesn't want to do anything. I despise Kail but if she had gone hulk smash on Javi at that moment I would have cheered. Overall, they are both despicable people, I hope eventually Isaac is able to go live full time with Jo and escape that mess.

    • Love 3
  12. I'm a long time lurker from TWOP, and finally decided to register here. I have to say I can't stand Kail and for the most part consider her to be a whiny, bossy beast. I always felt sorry for Javi getting stuck with her when he seemed like such a nice guy, but this episode really showed that they're cut from the same cloth. Mighty Mouse is really rubbing me the wrong way with his smug little smile when Isaac was saying he didn't want to go with Jo. Obviously he doesn't realize that the handoffs might be hard on Isaac, instead he sits there looking triumphant and doesn't even have enough courtesy to at least say "Hey, come on in" to his step son's father. Also, the look Javi gave to Jo when Jo told Isaac "you want me to take mommy with us?" I think Javi knows there's still some feelings from Kail toward Jo or he's just very insecure in his marriage. I think in the end Kail and Javi will stay together, not because they have a healthy marriage but because they won't want to admit they rushed things and made a mistake.

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