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Posts posted by mrsh

  1. On 11/14/2019 at 9:17 PM, TheLotusFlower said:

    Oh my goodness!!  I couldn't remember for the life of me where I knew her from.  I loved Sadie on 11/22/63, but I hate Rita, so it's like my mind simply didn't want to connect the two.  I know I should feel sorry for Rita, but I don't.  I'm not very sympathetic toward people who have affairs with married folks. And it certainly works both ways, I can't stand Annie's father either.  I feel like he got what he deserved.

    Glad ita not just me who disliked Rita. The affair itself isn't what made me dislike her, but the fact that she knew Annie had issues and was working hard to overcome them. Then Rita comes in under the guise of helping her and instead she sleeps with her dad, gets pregnant which makes mom have a mental breakdown and kill herself and try to kill Annie and then seems shocked that Annie reacted badly about this ho basically destroying her life. No sympathy for Rita from me.

    • Love 4
  2. On 11/11/2019 at 7:41 PM, GuiltiestPleasures said:

    I certainly hope so but in the wake of Epstein, I don't think we can just accept that she was a (ostensibly) consenting adult when she was first trafficked for sex. I mean, she was only 20 when she met Michael and her passports already had "lots" of stamps in it from her jet-setting ways. So that couldn't have just happened over night.

    I also don't think that asking about working as a prostitute is on the standard ICE interview sheet (I've done some asylum work) but is probably something they include when there are suspicions. 

    But no matter when it started, I think piling on a super young, super poor girl for turning to sex work to support herself is kind of gross. Why is it always the prostitute who gets blamed and abused in these situations when really the focus should be on the Johns who exploited her.

    I applied for citizenship about 5 years ago and the question about being a prostitute in the past 10 years was on the questionnaire. I can assure you, I have not ever been a prostitute but it's a standard question for all, aling with questions on terrorism. Julianna was not being singled out, in my opinion she got butthurt over the question because she knows she's been paid for sex before. nothing wrong with that in my book as long as she was a consenting adult, but it hit a nerve for her. Michael was also butthurt because he knows and probably started the relationship by paying for sex. 

    • Useful 2
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  3. On 8/22/2019 at 6:26 PM, Mothra said:

    Yes!  And in so many variations, usually involving their children (whom they all Put First).  I haven't seen so many threats since we watched Father Libby say he was going to cut off Libby and Andale.  First rule of dealing with children and men who are interested only in sex:  Don't make empty threats.  If you say you're going to do it, you *must* by the power of Greyskull do it.

    I know the bolded was a typo but I almost choked on a potato chip. Andale 😂😂😂

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  4. On 7/25/2019 at 6:13 AM, cardigirl said:

    I will always love Michael (before this season) and Brett Dier's performance.  I'm really disappointed that the show decided to take the route it did with his character, but it is what it is.  

    I'm also disappointed with the way Rose went out, as I had hoped Michael might have a part to play in capturing her or removing her from Jane's life permanently.  

    I think all the actors are fine actors, and I have enjoyed this show a great deal, but I had hoped for a more complex ending than the HEA of Rafael and Jane. I know I am in the minority, but when Jane wed Michael, the creator of the show talked about marriage and what that meant as far as commitment and work and love and so did Gina, so I am very disappointed that they did what they did with the whole "back from the dead" plotline. 

    Anyway, one more episode, the narrator will be revealed, and it will be done.  Thanks for 4 good seasons, JTV!  And some amazing characters. 

    (sorry, I think I'm a bit bitter.) 

    I completely agree with everything you wrote. The first 4 seasons were so good and I guess I just hoped they would go out with a bang and have an amazing 5th season as well. Oh well, it is what it is but the actors are all amazing and I'm glad this show has introduced them to us. I'll remember the first 4 seasons fondly and most likely rewatch them in the future. 

    • Love 1
  5. I'm so happy Michael has his memories back. I yelled and started sobbing once the snow cane doelwn and all his memories flashed. Brett Dier is amazing at conveying his feelings with just his eyes. I can't see this not being a Jane/Michael endgame and I pray the writers won'tdl disappoint. I know the traditional telenovela ending would be Jane/Rafael, but that's predictable and writers have changed the ending gor American television, ie Ugly Betty. The love story between Jane/Michael is epic and meant to be, in a way that Jane/Rafael just isn't. 

    • Love 3
  6. I really enjoyed the episode. I stopped watching the show after Michael "died" because I was so devastated and couldn't imagine the show without him. Then when I heard he was back I watched all the episodes I missed and caught up. I'm glad we established that it's really Michael and not one of Rose's magical masks. I feel bad for Rafael because he has grown a lot and really been there for Jane but I cringe at then being endgame. For me, that would be the safe ending for the show. Jane and Rafael living happily ever after with Mateo, their biological son. Through the show Jane has felt she should give Rafael a chance because of Mateo and the thing is she never chose to get pregnant by Rafael. It was a circumstance that was forced on her because of the accidental insemination. Jane had plans to be with Michael and marry him and have a family. She was dragged into the Sin Rostro drama because she happened to be inseminated with Rafael's child. She always chose Michael in the end and for me, I would like to see Michael regain his memory and for them to end up together and have their child be the narrator. there were some hints thrown in by the narrator this episode that give me hope.

    • Love 11
  7. 17 hours ago, ChocolateAddict said:

    While the photos are absolutely horrifying and heartbreaking, I'm giving Nathan some serious side eye about choosing to put them on the internet. Putting them up the day after the episode airs says to me that he's wanting to "win" and show everyone that he was "right". 

    Kaiser might only be little but he has the right to privacy and that includes not having photos of his bottom put on the internet so that his dad can prove a point. If he really wanted to protect Kaiser he wouldn't put those very personal photos on the internet and would save them for court. There is no need for complete strangers on the internet no less to see Kaiser's privates. This will be on the internet for now and forever more whenever you search Kaiser's name. 

    Again, these photos show that Kaiser is being abused and should be taken a long long way from The Land and the Dumb Fucks who live on it. But I just question what Nathan's motives were for posting it on social media. I get he wants to counter all Jenelle's lies but take the high road and take it to court. Twitter doesn't decide custody cases. 


    I agree with you on Kaiser needing privacy and I'm also doubtful of Nathan's motives. At the same time, it seems to me that Child Services is asleep at the job here. Those bruises are not from a slip n slide, they are switch marks. David is violent and there is video of him and Jenelle threatening Kaiser on video, and poor Kaiser's terrified reaction. I fear for Kaiser because he's Nathan's twin and I can see David picturing getting even with Nathan through little Kai.Now, Nathan is not a model citizen either, so give custody to Doris. Jenelle can still see Kaiser, but not with UBT present. If Child Services isn't doing anything to keep Kaiser safe, I can see Nathan deciding to publish the photos in order to push them into taking some action. As dumb as Nathan is himself, I think even he can see the writing on the wall that his son os at risk for being either seriously injured or killed at the hands of David.

    Also have to say that I'm very disappointed in Babs. She is kissing Jenelle's ass at the expense of Kaiser's safety. I get that's her daughter, but she's also a sociopath and she's made her own bad choices, the only important ones are the Jace, Kai and Endtable who have no choice in being born to such a shit "mother". I can see David killing Kaiser and Jenelle helping cover it up, all while crying about how David is such a good man.

    • Love 20
  8. 7 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

    But would tou call Kail, Jenelle or Amber a hoodrat or or are they just trash? Get what I am saying?

    they're all hoodrats. As a Latina, I will say that being a hoodrat isn't about color, its about actions. Kail, Jenelle, Amber and yes Briana are all hoodrats

    • Love 22
  9. 15 minutes ago, KittyKat133 said:

    Also IMO there is nothing wrong with a father daughter dance. I have such fond memories of doing that with my brownie troop with my father. We don’t live in some po-dunk town either, I live on Long Island right outside NYC so it’s definitely not a mid-west red state kind of a thing. 

    I can’t even with the sexualing the relationship between father and daughter. I don’t understand at all how something as innocent as dancing with your father is interpreted that way. I’m sorry I think that’s just wrong. 

    I agree with you on the father daughter dance. I just don't get why people are looking at it as a creepy sexual thing and I don't get the attitude that because some girls don't have active fathers in their lives then the dances shouldn't be allowed. I do not have a father in my life and if my school had done this, I wouldn't have gone, which would have sucked. However, I dont see that as a reason to stop everyone else from having that nice memory. 

    I love in Southern California and my kids school has a father daughte and mother son dance every year. My girls look forward to it and love the buildup to it. We shop for their dresses. shoes and accessories. My husband orders corsages and they go out to dinner after the dance and some dads even rent limos. I dont see what is creepy about that, but YMMV

    • Love 10
  10. So I just started the episode and am only about 6 minutes in, but Briana is really an idiot. She started the whole mess with Bone ( Quail?? idk, Kail'l friends all have idiotic names). Bone wasn't really hostile that I could see, she was asking what happened and Briana decided she wanted to start talking crap because she had her baby to hide behind. Bone actually ignored her until Briana kept pushing and then of course Brittany aka Brianas pit bull cones running to wipe her sister's ass. Brittany is pathetic, you cant bitch about someone disrespecting your sister when your sister is the biggest ratchet ho around and the one who is starting all the drama. I kind of wish Bone had beat the crap out of Brittany, Shes a loud mouth but I'm sure if she were to really get hit, she would fold like a cheap suit. Poor Chelsea looked horrified at what was going on.

    Also. In the preview I saw Jenelle looks like Satan with her little horn braid hairstyle. I hate her and Lurch, I will comment more once I finish this episode 

    • Love 12
  11. 1 hour ago, mledawn said:

    What the everloving fuck. Basically nothing happened to any of the assholes in this show, and Tyler gets raped. I yelled out loud at that scene, it was horrible and unnecessary. Was that an "oh, boys get raped, too"? I don't even understand.

    If there's a S3, I'm sure I'll watch it, but it'll probably be a hate watch. 

    I feel ill.

    I'll work through the fallout of this season by reading others' comments on this board because right now...ugh.

    I agree with you so much. Watching Tyler get assaulted by that group of assholes left me feeling sick to my stomach. Honestly, U was annoyed all season long by the core group ignoring Tyler and making him seem like a monster. He was definitely wrong for spying on Hannah and taking the photo of her and Courtney but all of then were jerks to her in one way or another and were no better than Tyler. The whole season it hurt me to see him being rejected and abused. Like, did these kids (and adults) learn nothing from what happened with Hannah??? Watching him use his newfound coping skills when confronted with the jocks in the washroom only to be brutally assaulted had me sobbing. I dont know if I will watch season 3, I get its realistic that the jocks and especially Bryce with his money and privilege would walk free but it got too depressing for me.

    • Love 12
  12. On 5/15/2018 at 7:00 AM, jumper sage said:

    I will have to defend Kail in this one instance.  Just this once.

    We have to remember that Brianna would not allow her first daughter's father to take her to his mother's house because she doesn't know what will go down.  OK, now we have Javi being all shitty and not telling Kail and Jo what he is really doing.  I say no go.  He not only had his own son but had Jo's son too.  It was really between Kail and Javi and I don't know why Brianna is getting in the middle of it.  Kail even said it was about Javi.

    I see there is no separate thread for the after show.  Brianna was a bitch on that show.  Just saying.

    I have to agree with you. Most of the time Javi seems like a decent guy, but of course the famewhore within comes out and he decides to be sneaky about seeing Brianna and the Coven. If it had been only Lincoln with him, I might have let it slide, only because Fail was also bringing her random hookups into their house and around the boys and if it was ok for her to do it, then she has no right to complain when Javi does it too. The issue is that Javi also had Isaac, who is not his child. Jo seemed like he wasnt aware of Javi and Brianna's plans to spend the vacation together and that's not okay. Javi should treat any time with Isaac as precious because really he has no right to see him at all, its only happening because Jo is a real adult who wants his son to be happy.

    Regarding the balloon popping incident. I also was expecting it to be more dramatic, but also Lurch was drunk and he pulled that knife out so nonchalantly and lurched at the poor balloons as a cameraman? and other staff were standing right near the balloons. He easily could have accidentally stabbed a staff member in his drunken state instead of a balloon and then ot wouod have been a bigger deal. Aside from that, he is a clearly unstable man carrying a knife to filming, and is around Barb, a woman he hates. It's a recipe for disaster, and I dont blame any cast member for being afraid to be around him. 

    • Love 12
  13. 2 hours ago, Mkay said:


    On the first tweet, I read it quickly and was seriously confused about why Chris would be denying beating his Bowel Movement. Then I realized he meant Baby Mama in regards to Kanal, but also realized that it fits since Kanal os a giant turd either way. I need more sleep

    • Love 15
  14. Wow, looks to me that Serena Joy has suspicions about Nick and his relationship with June. In episode 4, she noticed the long glance June gave Nick when she saw him in the house, so makes sense that she would think something is up. Are they going to assign Nick a wife? I dont think Nick is selling out June at all, but he notices her personality change and knows something is wrong.

    • Love 5
  15. On 2/21/2018 at 12:55 PM, Gothish520 said:

    People seem to be on one of two sides of this coin: One side feels like you (and I) do, that family is family, you do for each other, and if circumstances require it or it just makes sense as far as the situation goes, then various family members living together well into adulthood is fine. As long as everyone is happy, or can deal with it for awhile if it's a temporary situation, then what's the big deal? In my own family, my sister got divorced a couple of years ago and moved in with me and my husband. We are happy to have her, and glad that we were able to give her a home. My brother moved back home after his divorce several years ago. He moved out a few times to live with other girlfriends, and moved home each time the relationships ended. Now my nephew lives there too. My father likes having his son and grandson with him, especially after my Mom passed two years ago.

    The other side of the coin often thinks that adults living with parents is something to be embarassed about. In this country, when you become an adult it is expected that you will go your own way, forge your own path, get a great-paying job, cars, your own place, etc. Especially if you are male. Caleb is admitting that he feels embarassed by this situation. The attitude is, he's a man and should be able to provide for his family. And I do get that, I really do. But if circumstances make a different arrangement necessary, IMO he should not feel embarassed or be made to feel bad about it. Crap happens. And it is not cheap to live on one's own. People get in debt up to their eyeballs trying to go it alone. And especially considering that they are both going to school - I believe it was Kody who said that this solution was the best way for them to stay in school. It's good that they feel that furthering their education is that important.

    Should Caleb have gone to college earlier? Maybe, but life doesn't always work out that way. Good on him for deciding to choose a different path and work towards a better future for him and his family. Positive steps should be encouraged.

    I have to agree with this. Wasnt Caleb helping out his brother's widow for awhile as well? Maybe he was in school and left because it got to be too much. I dobt follow these people too closely, and there is a lot to criticize them for, but I dont think this is one of those things. Not everyone has the chance to attend college right our of high school. My husband went started college last year, at 33 years old and with 4 kids and a wife at home. Sure he should have gone earlier, but life doesnt always go the way it should and due to a lot of reasons he couldn't. I thought it was sweet that Janelle was so concerned with Maddie and Caleb being comfortable in the house, usually she hardly shows any emotions. 

    • Love 10
  16. 1 hour ago, Pixiebomb said:

    Seriously, is that shirt supposed to be a joke?  A nod to us- saying she doesn't care what we call her?  Like when Kail calls herself Hulk?   I just don't get her. 

    it means she's going to bed now (insert cry laugh emojis)

    • Love 5
  17. On 12/19/2017 at 1:27 PM, GreatKazu said:

    I checked both episodes just to be sure. 

    Larry calling out Taylor was despicable.  

    Yes, Great Kazu you are my soul sister because you always mirror my feelings lol.

    Back to the show, even though it makes it slightly better that Larry didn't call Maci the C word. It still shows his immaturity that he called Taylor a c*********. Taylor has his flaws,  but he is there for Bentley as a father figure when Larry's son has failed. Ryan is the only person responsible for his bad decisions, and lets be real. Ryan has never really stepped up as a father, so he can take several seats with his speeches about how much he wants Bentley. Also, I don't fault Maci for trusting Jen and Larry, they are enablers and I have no doubt they would fold if Ryan insisted he wanted to take Bentley somewhere. 

    • Love 10
  18. 7 hours ago, FierceCritter said:

    Gotta get to work, but wanted to pop in and make a point, sorry if I'm reiterating something that's been said since I last checked posts last night.

    But with Carl dying, whether you liked him or not, he was the heart of the show. He was the reason Rick tried to be a good example and lead with mercy and understanding.

    Now, he has zero reason to not pull his punches. He can go totally batshit and rip the world to shreds. Judith can end up one of the baddies from Mad Max with Mad Rick as an example.

    I wanted the show to at least have heart. It obviously has none.

    I will probably find myself watching a few more episodes, and then letting it go. And I never thought I'd hear myself say that.

    Oh, and ditto-a-mundo to those who have complained about the bad plans going awry. I'm so sick of that. Sick of nothing ever working right except for the bad guys.

    And sick of Daryl being instrumental in deaths and failures. Could have had him be a smart good ol' boy. Nope. Gotta make him a half-cocked, self-important dipshit. They're making me hate him, too. "What stupid thing is Daryl going to do next?"

    And finally, someone spoke aloud my thoughts of how this compares to what I hate about Game of Thrones. Never-ending misery, with precious little to celebrate.

    Work calls. Ta.

    I absolutely agree. The future of this show will probably end up like the crap fest the last season of Sons of Anarchy was. Once they killed off Opie and Tara, Jax went mental and the show got progressively worse. The only good thing is at least SoA was in its final season while TWD is still poised to continue indefinitely.

    • Love 6
  19. These kids are dumber than a bag of rocks. The worst was that little asshole Shayden. I seriously wanted to reach through the screen and slap the pimples off his fugly face. That kid is an arrogant, ignorant piece of shit and I fully believe if left to his own devices we will hear of him on the news when he shakes that poor baby to death and lies to try to cover it up. Lexus is also an idiot who thinks she is so grown and mature but is just dumb, also can see her lying to cover up for Shayden abusing her and the baby. Im so annoyed and angry, I can't even continue writing. I want to drive over and get baby Scarlett and bring her home with me. I will cuddle her and hold her all she wants.

    • Love 13
  20. Regardless of what her reason is, whether cheapness, laziness or just sheer stupidity it's just another thing to snark on Maci for. Installing a car seat isn't rocket science and since these girls all drive newer model cars, its really easy to install them using LATCH, plus all the installation videos online. Theyre attached to SM all day, so I think they can take 15 minutes to check some installation videos to ensure their kids safety. Not only that, but the fire department usually does car seat checks for free as well. It just comes down to the fact that these girls have screwed up priorities, Maci is there babbling about the "safety of her child" while she put her own children's lives at risk with her texting and driving and to top it off she cant bother to get her kids in the correct car seats.

    Sorry to come off like a car seat nut, but I worked as an auto insurance adjuster for 10 years and Ive seen horrible car crash photos and handled claims with child fatalities and sometimes even the safests drivers find themselves in terrible situations.  As parents we can't control other people or drivers, but we can do our best to protect our kids in case of an accident.

    • Love 7
  21. On 11/30/2017 at 2:38 AM, Calm81 said:

    It’s making me post the quote twice. I’m sorry.


    I want to agree with your post, but there is nothing easy about carrying an infant car seat in and out of a car with a 1 year old in it lol. I pulled my back doing that. Now that all of my children use a convertible car seat life is easier. It’s still a pain in the ass to buckle all three of them in when it’s pouring rain outside and someone is inpatiently waiting for your parking spot. 

    I get what you're saying lol. My youngest is 22 months and has been in a convertible seat since he was 8 months old. I honestly think it was way easier when he was in an infant seat because I didnt have to wrestle him into his car seat multiple times or God forbid he fall asleep in his convertible seat and then I have to get him out and he wakes up. Infant carrier, although heavy is easy to pop in and out without disturbing the child in my opinion at least.

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  22. you're very welcome! lt really baffles me to see how none of these kids or parents/grandparents are worried at all. Especially Lexus' mother, as a teen mom it has been so important to me for my son to not become a teen father. I talk to him and he knows about birth control and how important condoms are. He also knows that he does not want a baby, right now he says he does not want children at all because he wants to travel and be free to just focus on himself. I just cant imagine being happy at your teenager becoming a parent.

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  23. I just got around to watching this show. I am always intrigued by shows about teen pregnancy, maybe because I was a teen mom myself. I had my son a month after graduating high school. I, like a lot of you am also shocked at these people throwing baby showers for the teen mom to be and paying for the teens to attend fancy dances. I admit, I went to prom, but it was before baby was born and I was very frugal about it.  I did not want a baby shower, simply because I was a bit embarassed that I had made a poor decision by getting pregnant. I love my son, but of course I wish I had had him a bit later in life so I could have given him more. Because of this, I cant imagine how these girls and their families seem so nonchalant.about their pregnancies. My family helped, but ultimately I was responsible for my son's care and as a result I strived to work, graduate college and I did not have anymore children until 9 years later after I got married. I suffered and missed out on things and I think I am beyyer because of it. These girls will end up pregnant again within a couple of years because their parents will enable them to keep making poor decisions.

    • Love 22
  24. 9 hours ago, Tatum said:

    You know what Maci? Sometimes other drivers will make mistakes and cause collisions that aren't your fault...and that is all the more fucking reason to keep your eyes on the road.

    Say someone whips out in front of you and causes a crash, which you don't do everything in your power to avoid because you're busy looking at your phone? Sure, witnesses may say it was the other guy's fault, and legally you may be off the hook, but tell that to your child who's in the hospital with broken bones. Maybe the car collision was unavoidable (for you), but had you been watching the road like you were supposed to, you might have braked half a second earlier, minimizing the velocity of the crash and therefore mitigating the damage to your passengers.

    The logic in your statement would go way over Maci's head. This episode showed that Maci has no concern for her children at all. If she did, then she would spend less money on cases of bud light and spend a couple hundred dollars on a convertible seat for her baby. With all the money she makes, there is no excuse for her not to have one. She is on her phone constantly l, she could order one online. My opinion is she is too lazy to get him in and out of the convertible seat, so she keeps him in the infant carrier, because then she can just take the entire seat in and out of her car with ease. No concern for her son and what would be safest for him , just looking out for her own convenience.

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