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Posts posted by Crucial

  1. I loved this episode especially for Dahlia. She is by far the best big bad I've seen and that's in large part to Claudia.  I want her to win and I want Klaus on her side when they kick Haley and Jackson's behind.  I don't care for either one so if it's a two for one sale on them dying so be it. Haley gets to take Hope away like that especially when they are the same awful people willing to die to protect Hope.  So once they do that you say bye-bye and not even to their face.  Isn't she this fearless hybrid queen who isn't afraid and you leave a message on the phone?  Jackson isn't the baby's father when the child has a father.  How can you protect when you couldn't even handle Klaus - Haley had to.  I know Klaus is all kinds of evil and wrong but he still loves his daughter and the way it's dismissed by Haley irritates me. 

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  2. I am a Joseph Morgan fan for how he portrays Klaus and so many times he deserves his fate.  This time no. He had every reason to believe Freya was not to be trusted.  They knew Klaus a 1000 years I don't get why they stake him for this (unless this was the plan he had but I wonder). Freya is a complete replica of Klaus and yet I find myself going toward him.  She's got a plan and it's not for the family.  Ahhh Dahlia, you are THE big bad.  Couldn't be better written because you are calm, calculated, and know where to hit.  This is where you need Klaus.  As much as I love Elijah, he is too "honor"" bound and not ready like Klaus.   I don't care if Davina is hurt what she did with Marcel was wrong. really hope now she can't get her boyfriend back now (even though I love the character).  Sorry but I want Klaus to be right.  Most importantly writers KILL off Haley.  This character sucks acting wise and cannot convince me she cares for a child.  Take the wolf pack leader too.

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  3. Yeah I'm afraid I won't get used to him no matter what he's on.  I think he's a good cook I just don't care for him at all.  He's the one chef I find so arrogant it doesn't matter what he does, I see him this way only.  There are other chefs on Food Network I don't understand why they need to bring him on to their network and show.  Again, that's just me and my dislike for him.  It would be a great show without him and have another chef take over.  Keep him on MasterChef and Bravo.

  4. Ugh so Curtis gets to pick the winner?  I feel like he's being forced on us with the shows.  I do not like him at all (he's horrible on the Master Chef show) because he's so arrogant  I wanted to root for Sharon but because she had Curtis I couldn't. I know that's wrong but I am so glad when he loses. I would really like this show if they don't have Curtis on there.

  5.  [url=]http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/kim-kardashian-carries-rob-kardashian-cut-out-in-armenia-photos-2015134[/url] Fame monger wanting people to think she cares about Rob with taking his "face on a stick" on her travels.  Nice to see the photo op has her side eye looking for the camera while the hand she carries the stick is facing the paps.  If it was important wouldn't this fame monger bring a pic instead of this show.   She is Gone Girl.  She is this calculated in all she does.

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  6. Aww I didn't want Mikael to die, darn.  Would have liked to see more of him and Klaus fight on the same side.  But it was nice that he kept to his true self of hating Klaus when Klaus asked him why and he said he didn't know why he hated him even as a young child.  I kinda like Dahlia and her wicked ways.  I did like Freya but I think somehow she betrayed the family so when the big bad goes (Dahlia) I hope she takes Freya too.   I like Freya but I hope she is a sacrifice and please take Jackson and Haley too with you.  I don't care for either and they add nothing to the storyline.

  7. I'm sorry but I am one of those people who think that she created that church for tax purposes.  She found A church just like L Ron Hubbard, I do not believe it to be an actual church but one only for tax reasons.  So I am one of those bitches who calls foul on her and her claims of it being real just like I did with Hubbard.  I'm betting that actual church of Kris the Kardashians are getting money back.  Again, I ask is it Kris's church or a church that isn't one belonging to a Kardashian. 

    • Love 10
  8. Is this Kris's church or an actual church they went to.  If this is a real church I cannot believe they let Kendall in wearing that outfit.  Here I was giving her credit for not being like her family and this happens.  Once again this family is nothing but tacky, trashy, and disgusting.

  9. I liked this episode because it focused on Sheldon and Leonard and their travels. Loved when Sheldon told Leonard the bright spots were his being tazored and Leonard smiling.  I liked the bonding they had, it was nice.  The ping pong was fun to watch, didn't think it would be but it was.  Poor Amy it didn't work out like she planned.  I really wanted to see it with Raj and have it go forward with him. Honestly Sheldon isn't getting into bed with Amy anytime soon and this was kind of a waste.  Penny was a waste - does nothing for the scene yet again.  It's amazing the actress gets a million an episode but isn't even a factor in so many episodes - thank you Mr Parsons and Mr Galecki for her payday.

  10. Loved Sutton on Bunheads. She is plays someone who passes themselves off as 26?  She doesn't look 26 or anywhere near 26 to pass herself off as that.  She looks good for her age but she looks late 30's so I just don't get the premise of the show. Using stupid stuff like twitter.  Really a Lena Dunham mention (like Bieber I don't get her attention - go away already and take Bieber too). I like Debi Mazur in this but Hillary is just like Haley - awful.  Oh well a show not meant for me.

  11. Terra and Joe - same opinion they are still the self centered ones.  Here's to me hoping they stay on their new show and don't come back.  With Brianna I guess I just don't understand how women like that think.  You mention the Bonnie and Clyde and wanting a bad boy.  You have a child and you are a grown woman that high school stuff needs to be behind you for the sake of your child.  I don't get how she called her ex for having a girlfriend but yours has many, many issues.  Doesn't matter if he met the daughter or not.  I would not be happy if I was the ex and this guy has anger issues, cheating, domestic issues, etc.  Your ride or die girl ended when you had your child.  She's doesn't have to live like a saint but a guy with several issues should be shown the door.  I know that's judgmental but when a young child is involved I don't get it at all.

    • Love 3
  12. I don't want to be Negative Nancy here but am I the only one who's thinking that this series is, well, boring?

    You aren't the only one. This series is boring, slow and kind of uninteresting. If they speed things up I think it might be better.

  13. North chewing on a bit of fur isn't going to kill her - kids pick up stuff and put it in their mouths all the time and most survive into adulthood just fine (my brother ate spiders, for example). 


    Well I don't put my kids in things that they can chew on like fur so maybe we differ on that.  Sure she probably will survive adulthood but I would never put my child in clothing they can choke on like the fur. I'm sure your brother wasn't dressed in spiders to eat, right? She's dressed in fur she can chew on. It would be the same with having buttons for her to chew on as well.  Don't dress a baby in clothes they can choke on is what I say. My opinion though. I'm probably wrong though. I grew up that way and my kids too so who knows.

    Not trying to be rude but I don't agree with kids picking up stuff compared to being dressed in stuff. It's two different things from what I see.

    • Love 1
  14. Poor Kimmy, they said no


    I wonder if they won't let her join, but they'll let her come in as a guest (I don't even know if they do allow guests), or if they won't let her in at all. I know Soho House is very big for celebrities who want some privacy, so except for the cool factor, why would Kim even want to go there?



    I love it.  They saw her for who she is.  No way she wants any part of her life private with the things she does for attention.  Glad they said no to her.

    • Love 4
  15. Little North West was named a fashion It Girl in this month's Vogue magazine. With a spread of the various black/furry/bullet proof things her parents put her in. Which, no. She's a baby. She didn't dress herself or choose those clothes. There is nothing aspirational or interesting there.


    Had they put this picture in it, however, I would've totally been on board. 



    Does Kim/Kanye have some photos/secret on Anna? She's named an It Girl and it's for the ugly, child friendless clothing they put her in.   Not only friendless the designs were ugly.   A child in fur that they can grab on to and chew on the fur (lets face it the dimwit mom won't watch her unless it's a photo op) or having your child in a bullet proof vest. Yes that's being It Girl worthy......Wow.   Vogue you  are beyond laughable now.

    • Love 2
  16. Todd wanted to apologize to Joe in New Orleans, but Terra and Joe didn't want to talk to Todd about it then . so too bad. They gave as good or better than what they got and they didn't apologize either. This hostess is so partisan to Terra that she must have gotten paid by her.

    Terra has the most foul mouth I have ever heard.

    I agree Terra gives as good as she gets.   She can say F U  but when someone calls her on it says it to her she cries foul. For me this is typical Terra though.  Christy is no angel but she didn't deserve the pile on she got. She's just as bad and because she is pregnant doesn't give her a free pass for her mouth.   Never was a fan of Joe and he proves he's the ass I thought he was.    I would be great to see how this show worked without Terra. I bet it would be enjoyable.


    This was one of the worst hosted reunion shows I have seen and I thought Mob Wives Reunion was bad.

    • Love 4
  17. Nice to see pink in North's wardrobe.  Bet that killed Kim/Kayne.  Would it kill Kim to put any photo equipment in her purse.  You are outside and don't need it put it in that huge purse. Worry about carrying who is in your arms.   Poor North looking for her nanny's when there seemed to be a frenzy.  I honestly think the child freaks out when no one she knows is around when there is a crowd. Crowded or not they were freaking out because someone was there. 


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  18. Listening to Reggie when he was in Detroit made me wonder what/why he was with Kim at all. He seemed like such a polar opposite of everything Kim is. He's not with Detroit not but still I don't get that connection at all - besides sex.


    That saying if Reggie wanted Kim back I wonder if she would.  She no doubt loved Reggie and you could see it when they were together. They've been a part for a while and I think her real true love is fame and attention. Reggie wouldn't give that to Kim now.  He's a fading RB now and not at an elite status.  He can't do anything for her.  Kim needs things who will do FOR her to bring her attention/fame. Kanye does this now (dumbass comments and all). She has North to add to her fame.  Reggie can't do that. I think Kayne/North gives her more fame/attention then leaving Reggie would. Kanye says/does so many dumbass things and Reggie couldn't keep up.

    • Love 4
  19. I would have eaten both places food, another episode where I wished they did two restaurants. They should do a viewers choice out of all the people who didn't get picked & give the top pick a chance.


    I like this idea because there are a few I would have liked to see how they made out. Maybe they will do this next season.


    I really would have liked to see how the chicken lady would have done.  Both teams food looked so good.

  20. I know we see what producers want us to see but they keep showing us that Brianna's daughter hasn't met Matt. This part confuses me.   You haven't let your daughter meet him yet you say yes to marrying him?  If one person had bad feeling on him the I can see her being defensive but this whole group and her family does.  Red flags all over. It seems, for me, it's not the long distance thing.  His record and listening to Brianna talk about him. It seems alcohol is a part of his life. Yes people have that for sure but if he "has to have a drink" to manage then that seems to be a problem. If his pain can't be fixed by medication and alcohol is used what happens to the next step when alcohol doesn't work.  I think this is the part we don't see.  If I found out the guy I was seeing had pain issues that prescribed drugs didn't work and he used alcohol to help I would see that as a red flag because of my daughter.  No way would I continue on.  What's the next step after alcohol?  Mean or not.  Again, we saw what production let us see but I think this was a red flag on him.



    I'm not one who believes in the tarot cards or any psychic but the girls should have just said No thank you Brianna, I don't believe in that.  No need for a scene to be made. Appreciate someone thinking of you and doing it but have the same appreciation in telling them no thank you for doing that.   Why is that so hard for some.

    • Love 3
  21. I don't think he's forcing her to do anything. I think the low IQ Kardashians really believe that Kanye is some kind of fashion genius, so they willingly go along with all his suggestions. 

    I said  he wasn't to blame.  I said it would be easy to blame him but she is a 30 something year old lady. He isn't forcing her to do anything.  May be whispering and suggesting she does and she follows but he isn't forcing anything.

  22. No, I wanted Beth to be hidden and not shown.  Make her not real :(.  I'm glad I heard Andy hear what Haley said.  I hope he picks her over Beth.  But if he picks her I don't want this show having Haley just be mean and kick him to the curb 2 episodes later.  I liked this episode with the interaction of the family.  Was nice to see for a change.

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