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  1. Right before Hanna told Ali she was going to help her run, I was sure she would suggest they run together. It's not that I don't believe they all don't really want her to be back (minus Emily right now), it's just that I don't understand how they can just see Toby's house blow up and don't expect the same to happen to theirs at any minute if they continue to don't say anything or just stay put in that town. I know they've been dealing with that crap for years now and that A has threatened them if they ran or moved to another town, but even then, I just got the feeling Hanna would suggest it at the time and then A would stop them somehow. I cracked that Emily spent the whole night awake to the sound of the lyrics "i'm a fool for you" or something like that. The soundtrack people attack again. I don't know what song that was to say that it was as perfect as "Every breath you Take" from last week and I realize that saying you're a fool for someone is normal in a love song, but I laughed anyway. The same lyrics repeated over and over. Poor girl.
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