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Posts posted by kayma

  1. I like everyone except Wanya because I really like him. It seems like everyone is working hardish to hard and all are trying to enjoy themselves. The next elimination is going to be hard since I don't think it was shaping up to be Doug.

    I think the producers are restraining themselves with the packages. No one is getting bad edits or ridiculously good edits. They all seem pretty normal.

    I really liked Ginger's dance. It was my favorite of the season so far, too. I do think it was heavy on production, but it was Disney night and they haven't overdone production so far.

    I also really liked Paige and Wanya. I think Wanya's packages are just charming, and I love him with Lindsay.

    I wish Peta would let Nyle's dances breathe a little. He's so capable, but I feel like it's all too hectic almost to the point of sloppy. I'm getting Riker vibes.

    I wish I liked Paige more than I do. She's a good dancer and fun to watch. I like what Mark is doing. Something's just not clicking for me.

    I think I'm hoping for a Wanya win, but I'd take just about any of them winning at this point. Probably not the football players, but I could make a case for the rest.

    • Love 2
  2. IMO I think most people who watch the show and don't go on forums, which is a much larger number than what is represented in forums about the show, are not going to be as upset about the cliffhanger. They're not as emotionally invested and therefore will not feel as "cheated"

    I check this forum once in a while, usually if something big happens. My parents and my sister do nothing but watch the show, though we do all discuss it with each other. None of us have read or will ever read the comics.

    We all hated this episode and the last one. It's not the cliffhanger because all TV shows love their cliffhangers. It was all the time wasting, meaningless talking, and the bad guys' apparent ability to foresee the future unless they just stand around at roadblocks on every road every day.

    While we're not as emotionally invested as those who put a lot more time and effort into the show, we all care about the characters and the story. The past couple episodes were just wasting time and laziness. Carol's inexplicably insane, the main characters all got stupid, and there's a convenient pregnancy in distress storyline.

    • Love 4
  3. I'm enjoying most of the celebrities and don't feel like anyone's being shoved down my throat. I think Wanya, Antonio,and Von are a fun combination of charming, adorkable, and funny. I'm so glad Lindsay is back. I like Ginger. I'm not sold on Nyle, yet, but am enjoying him. I'm surprised that I like Jodie as much as I do and am liking Keo with her.

    The pros all seem to be having fun and more relaxed than last season.

    I wish I liked Paige more than I do. I'm not even sure what it is, but something rubs me the wrong way with her. I'm excited to see what Mark does with her, though. Even if Mark can't dance, I'm sure he'll keep teaching and choreographing like Derek did with Nastia. It'd be a great learning experience for Alan, too.

    Aside from Mischa, it's shaping up nicely this season.

    • Love 1
  4. This is actually a good cast, in my opinion, and far better than last season. My tweeny heart had (has) a huge soft spot for Boyz II Men and Lindsay is back.

    I'm excited that Mark has someone with potential and no obvious baggage.

    I only know Ginger Zee from an episode of say yes to the dress, but she was charming. I'm hoping for good things from her and Val.

    I hope Keo gets a chance to shine (and actually does).

    I'm excited for Antonio simply because he seems so excited.

    3 active athletes and a few others with some dance experience should make for entertaining dances. No one stands out as being a sure disaster or a sure winner, and no one appears to be as awful to watch as Paula Deen.

    Here's hoping producers don't play too many games and let the cast speak and dance for themselves.

    • Love 2
  5. They will never make me like Gracie or Ashley. Both leave me cold and are too headcase-y for me to root for. I wish they'd find a new star to focus on.

    Sorry Polina didn't win; although, none of the ladies stack up next to the Russians.

    Really happy for the Shibutanis. I was hoping they'd fill the spot left by Davis/White. I find them very watchable and much more compelling than Chock/Bates, who really need to practice their happy to be here faces. I'm hoping this gives the Shibutanis the momentum they need to set up a great Olympics run.

    • Love 1
  6. I ff'ed through to see the actual dancing. I guess I'd be rooting for Alek if I could care enough. I'm guessing his votes are interfering with the planned top 2, hence the rumba. I thought Bindi's freestyle and quickstep were both pretty been there, done that. Same with Nick's freestyle. Alek is not the best dancer left, but I don't think any of them are that great (Bindi would be blown away in past seasons even as the best of this finale). Alek's personable and did something different for his freestyle. I guess that's good enough for this disappointing group.

    My issue with the portrayal of Bindi on the show is that it was never about Bindi. I have no idea who Bindi is. It was always media-savvy sound bites about rainbows and unicorns and emotional manipulation about her father. Who is Bindi? I get the impression (based on the first 5 or so episodes before I gave up this season and the little in this episode) that there's not a whole lot there as far as Bindi's personality, which is expected for homeschooled, media trained, child spokespeople. I hope she can capitalize on this and figure out who she is outside of the zoo and her dead father. I think she could be an amazing person when she's allowed to figure out who she is.

    The over the top praise for Bindi makes all the crying and praising of Amy Purdy seem moderate in hindsight.

    • Love 4
  7. This show is just not fun.

    They made me not like Bindi. That Argentine Tango was probably the best of the night but all the gushing and perfect scores was too much. That was definitely nowhere near Nastia's or Meryl/Val's and neither of those were considered perfect. The judges have no trouble harping on Alek's and Tamar's faces but nothing about the weird faces Bindi was making. I think Bindi is a great person and love her personality, but my goodness the show is annoying when it comes to her.

    And the weirdness during team judging where CAI blamed every woman except Bindi for being out of sync then praised Bindi for taking responsibilty. It was a team dance and wasn't the only point in which someone was out of sync. Why the need to specifically blame everyone else?

    I liked Tamar's package, but the judging and cutting her off mid-sentence during her interview (in which she was actually staying pretty positive until that point) was just mean. I thought it was a lovely dance with a little mistake at one point, but certainly nothing to warrant that beatdown during judging.

    Not that it matters now, but Hayes' judging was way harsher (more truthful) than Andy's who is basically at the same level. I mean: your top was weird, your bottom was weird, you didn't do any Spanish lines, and it didn't feel paso-y but we loved it vs you did heel leads so I guess that's something. What?

    I assume next week, they'll attack Alexa again for her every other week schedule. Tamar will be edited as angry and disconnected. Andy and Bindi will be perfect. Nick will be forgotten. Alexa will go home when it really should be Andy as far as dancing goes.

    The games are too much for me. I see enough of people being treated unfairly, beat down, or propped up in real life. I don't need it in my entertainment.

    I followed Meryl and Charlie here. I returned the next season for Val, then stayed because I love all the pros and Tom. I'll just have to look them up on social media and youtube once in a while instead.

    I hope the rest of you enjoy the rest of the season.

    • Love 11
  8. Overall, I liked it. The judges were terrible. I felt bad for the few that were actually judged while everyone else were thrown 10s. I thought both Alexa and Alek did better jobs than they gave them credit for and didn't think anyone was a perfect score. I wish they'd revamp the judging a little for next season.

    Bindi's rehearsal in the swamp was cute. I didn't care for Alexa's comment about Mark being more positive like Derek. I feel bad that Tamar isn't having a more positive experience. Alek is a great sport for owning the Elvis costume. Mark looked like Encino Man, though I'm actually liking the manbun. This was Allison's first dance that I really liked, and Andy seemed in his element, too.

    I know Alek's not the best dancer and he can be a little stiff. But, he's one of the few with a personality I enjoy this season, so I hope he sticks around.

    I think Nick had a difficult dance and committed to it. He just blends in for me. He doesn't stand out in either personality or ability. I hope he and Sharna do a troupe-less dance next week so he has to stand out.

    I hope this was a turning point for Tamar. I know her personality/editing are divisive, but I like her and think she's capable of the most dancing.

    • Love 3
  9. Is it just me, or did Val sound like he was giving an Oscar acceptance speech after tonight's performance? He kept thanking people til Tom cut him off.

    I'm guessing that was because the judges credited him with the original choreography. He had to fix that before the attacks started.

    • Love 4
  10. Bindi/Derek: OK, this was a tricky one for me. I love Bindi and she’s my horse this season for a win, but aside from the beginning 30 seconds of Rumba, the rest was easily more along the lines of Salsa/Mambo. Based on that along, I had issue with the perfect score. If we threw out the style it was perfection, but I don’t know why TPTB decided this was an appropriate Rumba. They pulled off the lift though and nice to see Jennifer Grey.

    I wouldn't say they pulled off the lift. Yes, he didn't drop her, but it didn't look graceful or steady. That lift's been done much better before on this show imo. I did think the recreated steps were enjoyable.

    The inclusion of lifts and limited rumba don't matter to me since it was the theme night. But, tbtp are really turning me against Bindi. I want to like her. I like that she's positive and happy and embracing this, but I just can't handle feeling like they're manipulating me with the scores and comments and packages and dance assignments, especially compared to the other women. I just want them to let Bindi be Bindi.

    • Love 5
  11. I like Tamar. I think she's working hard, putting in the effort, and gets along with Val. I do think she needs to work on making it look like she's having fun.

    I don't think TPTB are against anyone as much as they prop up people. That is, I don't think they are maliciously against Tamar but are focusing on the ones trending. Bindi must have a huge online following (artificial?) to get 7 million views on the official video of her dance. Hayes and Alek seem to be big in the social media side of fandom. I'd guess people are crazy over Nick, too. Tptb want ratings and buzz. They don't care who wins as long as they get ratings out of it.

    If her fans want better edits and dance placements, they need to become more vocal to offset the others. Tamar needs to promote it more herself. Her show doesn't even ask people to vote for her. They'll discuss it, but then no one says how to vote or when to vote. If her fans don't like the packages, they need to start complaining to official channels. Show up at the official twitter and ask for Tamar stuff. Nastia's fans complained so loudly after that package last season that the afterbuzz lady is still talking about it. Make your presence known.

    She needs to play the game better, like others said. I can't blame tptb for favoring ones who help promote the show and fan involvement, even if she is turning out to be the best dancer.

    I was a little put off when she missed that interview. Did she ever give a reason? That's an opportunity missed and then doubly missed when it was just dropped.

    • Love 1
  12. The team dances are coming soon, right? I'm guessing they went crazy on Carlos' and Alexa's scores to set up the team dance rivalry.

    I like Bindi so much more when the show lets her be her without the pushing and melodrama. That was a very cute cha cha and one of the few dances that the scores made sense to me.

    I vacilate on Tamar. She just doesn't put the fun into the dances. I do hope she makes it to the finals because I'm shallow and enjoy watching Val dance.

    I really like Alek. He has the right attitude, works hard, is watchable as a dancer, and is having fun. I can't ask for more.

    I felt bad for Mark. First, he gets stuck with Paula then his partner seems to prefer Derek. I give him a 10 for that milkman strut, though. He definitely committed to the hand he was dealt this week.

    I'm liking Derek a lot this season. He seemed to get Alexa and her issues that he could work on for Mark. I did think the tango was too heavy on production, though.

    I hope we get to keep Lindsay next season. Anna, too.

    Andy's dance is what I always hope to see from him. It showed how Allison just doesn't fit as a pro. She's a lovely person and seems well-liked, but they need to find a different way to utilize her talents. I actually thought Andy's not a cha cha from last week would have been a good start for a pro opening. She could work on those instead.

    I know the lie detectors were fake, but I loved them. And, of course Derek thinks Bruno is the sexiest judge. The only other judges are his sister and CAI.

    Maks' hair is awful, and he's looking ragged. I'm not sure if that's the right description and I only know him from Meryl's season, but I thought he was a little more pretty boy then. Surprisingly, I agreed with his comments quite a bit.

    • Love 3
  13. Crazy is crazy. So Val going off on his twitter is not going to change the minds or stop the shit that's said about him on Pure or wherever else.

    Guaranteed they're probably digging their heels even harder in their opinions and probably amused that they're clearly getting a rise out of him or affecting him. And all the people who say how awful the site is, they continue to feed the machine by visiting it. Because every visit, every click and comment, etc. gives them hits which continues to make them successful. Because guaranteed, how many idiots ran over there to see the drama or defend Val's honor when they read his rant. And the folks over there that run the blog can laugh their asses off with all the hits these people just gave them.


    So Val exerting all this time and energy on this is just a waste because he cannot win. They will not stop saying shit about him and making him out to be this arrogant, awful person much like the people who hate Derek won't stop saying all the awful things about him. Like do you dude and ignore the bullshit.

    I agree that the nonsense won't stop and Val's rant won't stop that particular brand of crazy. However, I do hope the show and certain media outlets see this and realize that they enable this atmosphere of attacking the pros and not just Val (the attacks on female pros are awful, too). Afterbuzz and Kristyn Burtt(?), in particular, seem to rely on them for a lot of fan input and give them validation.

    This attack over the past week, in my opinion, went way beyond the reasonable reasons not to like a pro and into serious accusations. I do hope Val bringing it to the forefront will force a little change in the "official" DWTS atmosphere.

    • Love 2
  14. I was tracking twitter quite a bit to see how the switch up pairings were going and I couldn't believe how crazy people are going for Alek..I mean I get it but he was getting even more traction than Nick

    Honestly, Alek's definitely in my top 3. I wouldn't mind at this point if he won the whole thing. No one's really standing out, and he seems to be working hard, enjoying the experience, and doing well enough. Of course, my mind can change as we see more, but I'm not surprised at the support.

    • Love 2
  15. I would really like to see Mark's dance done again with a pro. I really, really liked it; although, he could have dropped the umbrella a little earlier.

    I think Alexa and Tamar have opposite problems. Alexa has good connection with Mark during the dances but then, to me, kind of forgets about him the rest of the time. She basically ran up the stairs away from him last night. They don't seem to mesh really well - on both sides - outside of the dance. Mark seems kind of defeated. I had Alexa as a surprise win this season because I thought she'd be into the show and because Mark not only deserves it for what he's done in the past but that he'd earn it this season, too. With their odd partnership, I think she'll be out before the finals even. On the other hand, I think Tamar really likes and gets along with Val outside of the dances but hasn't figured out how to perform with a partner. I think if she works on her facial expressions, she'd resonate better. Unlike Alexa, I think Tamar still has a shot at the finals, but she needs to get the face down quickly.


    I very much dislike real contemporary but don't mind it, sparingly, on this show. This episode shows how difficult scoring the contemporary/jazz is compared to the ballroom and latin dances. Tamar did a lot of traditional dancing and she got 9s. Alek did a better than average but not great job at what looked like a very content-rich Paso. Nick did a jazz routine that was very boy band-ish and right in his wheelhouse. There wasn't a lot of technical dancing in it and he got 9s. Bindi did a contemporary with less dancing (but better executed) in it than Hayes did in his but got a 10. Bindi had some really pretty moments in her dance, but I don't think it was nearly as difficult as Tamar's (who by all accounts danced well) or Alek's (who wasn't great but was good). Nick's seemed to be more of a solo than a partner dance, but that didn't matter because it was jazz. I try not to put much stock in the judging since it's so inconsistent, but how do you compare all these wildly different styles?


    I thought this episode showed Bindi knows her story line on the show and is willing to go along with it, even if that means exaggerating her reactions. It all seemed calculated to me and not just by the producers either. I thought she was authentic (or as authentic as someone who grew up in public can be) in the other episodes, so I'm hoping she goes back to that now that this week, and hopefully her father story line, is over. I do wish they'd put her in more flattering costumes. I don't understand why they can't find a top that fits and flatters her. She's bigger on top than most younger contestants but the burger model had flattering tops in her couple episodes. Can't they adapt one of those? 


    Strangely, I thought they kind of buried Nick's dance. I was never a boyband fan, but that should have been a bigger moment, I think. I feel like it should have felt more like a big production. It would have been a great start to the show, fun and energetic. I probably would have opened with Bindi to tug at the heartstrings right away, really grabbing the audience, and saved Nick and his 300 fans on the floor for last to end the show with a big production number. 


    I got a good laugh out of the fact that I know as much cha cha as Allison, apparently. I recognized the one New Yorker they did from what I learned during last season's live streams. I wish they'd done the live rehearsals again. I still find Andy really likeable but figure he won't last much longer.


    I still don't think anyone's pulled away from the pack. No one's really had a breakout dance, yet. Isn't there usually someone who's had a real moment by now?

    • Love 1
  16. I thought Alfonso was spot on in his critiques, especially for Tamar and Alexa. I like him and don't mind seeing him on the show.

    I get the feeling that, aside from Gary, the stars aren't having a lot of fun. Alexa and Bindi are probably having the most fun, but even they don't seem to be throwing themselves into the dances. Alek seems to be enjoying the experience but it doesn't always come through in his dances. It's like a completely different vibe this season.

    Witney looked so good as an old lady.

    I thought the Mad Men tango needed a crescendo or something in the music. I liked the dance well enough and their costuming was perfect, but it just never seemed to go anywhere.

    Mark and Alexa danced. I don't know how you'd score that compared to everything else. I liked it OK.

    I still can't stand Paula. Sorry, Louis, but I fast forward every time you're on screen with her.

    I liked seeing Tony dance for once. I wouldn't mind a "full-length" pro dance in addition to the bumpers.

    Whenever Derek is shirtless, I want to pat him on the head and hand him a shirt. He's just not at all sexy or hot to me. Although, I thought he looked good in his suit. Obviously, others disagree.

    I agree with Miss Piggy. The men clean up nicely on this show.

    I'm not feeling Nick. That was a beautiful dance Sharna came up with but still just meh on him.

    I'm hoping Alek makes it to the finale. To think he and Lindsey almost weren't on the show and they're perfect for this season

    I, very uncharitably, thought it was a little early for the injury edit and the OMG change in plans edit. To have both together, knocked Bindi down a little for me. Also, I thought I read in one of her bios before the season that Bindi had a series of dance videos for kids. Certainly not earth shattering experience but the never danced before comment rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe next week will be better.

    I would have been fine with either of the bottom two leaving. I think it's sad that Andy ranks that low on my list when he's naturally so likeable. I take it Andy's not getting the votes.

    I agree on the female pro number. I know tptb think those numbers are empowering for women. I disagree. They are all hard working, strong willed, athletic women. Let's see a dance where they are powerful and strong and not nearly naked. For what it's worth, I'd like that for the men, too, over that male stripper number they did.

    • Love 2
  17. I am surprised by the edit she's getting simply because it doesn't seem to be going over well but tptb are staying the course.

    I feel like there's a whole lot of bland and paint by the numbers this season. Tamar brings some fun and packages that are different than the rest. Plus, she's, arguably, turning into the best dancer. That's good enough for me to hope she sticks around.

    • Love 4
  18. From the episode thread:

    I've absolutely no idea what to look for in contemporary and judge it basically on "Did I like it?" (far as I can see, the judges do the same...), but it looked pretty bad for me as well. I thought the scoring for that dance was very generous and made me scratch my head

    I only remember three things from their dance: 1)I really thought they were both going down on that botched lift, 2)Allison did that awful angsty reaching thing at the end that I hate, 3)The bizarre, over the top defense of what was clearly a mistake or, if truly intentional, incredibly bad choreography.

    Unfortunately, none of that made me vote for Andy and as much as I think he has the right attitude, works hard, and is nice and affable, I don't care if he stays past others. He should be one of the big gets in the cast this season since he's actually currently successful and relevant. He's had good songs, good dance assignments, good packages, good interviews, and is a decent enough dancer on his own. He's on a season where no one has really separated from the pack and, yet, he's not showcased in his own dances.

    I'm thinking he's going to be the first to go after the dead weight is gone.

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