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Posts posted by DrScottie

  1. 1 hour ago, cdnalor said:

    Wow, this show looks expensiiiiive!  So transporters are now small enough to be personal but hand weapons are the size of lanterns?  Cool disintegration effects, though.  Too bad you can't aim with those things judging by how the bad guys couldn't hit our heroes while they were running on a FLAT OPEN PLAIN!

    Maybe they trained at the Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy. 

    3 hours ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

    Happy to meet Book and Grudge!

    Book is essentially Han Solo, smuggler with a heart of gold, but that's fine. The two make a cute couple. I know some romantic comedies have meet cutes where the characters bump into each other on a sidewalk and end up starting a relationship, but I'm not sure about cars crashing into each other leading to it. 

    That's one big kitty. You'd think a thyroid condition would be easily treatable by the 32nd century. There's probably something special about that cat. 

    • Love 5
  2. 15 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    Considering how old Scrooge is, he is pretty dang spry. He doesent even need a fountain of youth, still adventuring while presumably at least over 100 years old. 

    He looks pretty good for someone hatched in 1867. 

    • Love 4
  3. I'm surprised the revised Halloween theme song had cut the "D-D-D-Danger lurks behind you. There's a stranger out to find you." lines. That's exactly what was happening in the episode. Maybe it was shortened for time as each episode is only 22 minutes and 30 seconds long. 

    10 hours ago, Dandesun said:

    Meanwhile... the kids. Huey has the plan laid out to get the best candy around the city and even takes in bathroom breaks at recently redone bathrooms because they're nicer. Louie wants the big score so they'll never have to trick or treat again. When Huey explains what it meant to him to go trick or treating on the houseboat and Louie realizes he was trying to take this thing away from Huey... oh... what a sweet brotherly moment.

    It most certainly was a nice brotherly moment.

    What I don't really get about that is that most candy will go bad after sometime. Why would you even want candy that's years old by this point? Would it even be safe to eat? I sort of expected them to find the candy and it being all rotten. 

    I've gone for candy at 2 am. Some convenience stores would qualify as 24 hour candy shops. 


    • Love 3
  4. 2 hours ago, Dandesun said:

    I suppose Gladstone was unnecessary to the over-all plot even if he was the breadcrumb that led to them discovering the Phantom Blot. I have to admit, though, it was kind of fun to have him a) detail all the ways the world caters to him and b) get the stuffing beat out of him throughout.

    But it was a lot of fun to have the girls take things on on their own. Hell, I loved that the show started in medias res with everyone tumbling out of the video game. (And of course it was Dewey who made the wish.) Actually, there were a lot of details I liked. The nephews reacting to Scrooge saying nothing good comes from magic with Huey and Dewey both trying to give him the 'no no wrong thing to say' gestures while Louie just facepalms.

    Magicka's hovel of misery loaded with Papa Swan's pizza boxes and talley marks of how long she's been without 'Dark Magycks.'

    Violet mentioning that they're statistically due to deal with vampires does make me wonder when we'll see them.

    Webby, Lena and Violet make a good team. That was a fun one!

    I'd trust the Senior Junior Woodchuck for that foreshadowing too. Given how much the writers / producers obviously love the video game, I wouldn't be surprised if the final boss, Dracula Duck, makes an appearance at some point. 

    Of course, there's the juxtaposition between no good things coming from magic with Lena becoming the clear exception to that. 

  5. In a cross promotion of other items under the Disney umbrella, Lena, who was once just a darkside manifestation of Magica, now looks like a Jedi. I'm sure her sister Violet Sabrewing could help craft her a lightsaber if they wanted to go that far.  

    I think they could have just removed Gladstone entirely. The only part that was good was when he was turned into Donald. 

    The voice actress for Mrs. Beakley was on last week's episode of Star Trek: Lower Decks. 


  6. Selene evidently believes in a solar system with 10 planets in it. That should be okay so long as Pluto is one of them and it was. 

    That was fun. It was so great seeing the gang back together. 

    2 hours ago, rwlevin said:

    The ending made me a little weepy eyed. It was nice to see Mary again. And now, I want to know what happened in Norway with the boys and Jules’s brother.

    That was the teaser at the end of the previous movie, you'd think there would be been more than a passing reference to it. I was expecting a flashback. 

    • Love 4
  7. I still think Rachel looks like Tina Fey. Unusual wager on her part so I suppose that's why it was chosen. Her only real hope is that Rosie was wrong;. No one in the lead wants to leave because they didn't beat enough so it's usually a bet to protect against the one in second place from going all-in.. Jeff couldn't catch her anyway. 

  8. I debated between Morrison and Angelou. I ended up with Morrison since her passing seemed more recent, but it's hard to tell these days.. 

    55 minutes ago, Katy M said:

    I have lost all concept of time.

    I suspect it's not just us either.

    I said mirrored sunglasses too. I'm guessing they would have accepted it.. 

    Got cyber, mixed metaphor, and lungs. 


    • Love 2
  9. With the Marie Kondo and the Joy Luck Club recent answers. I'm waiting for the Before and After of "The Spark Joy Luck Club" 

    3 hours ago, Katy M said:

    I got that from St Elmo's fire.

    I actually sang that as my response.

    Julius Caesar was my first thought and was right. To be fair, I had a Caesar salad for dinner so I guess the name was on my mind already.  

    That TV catchphrase category was painful. but I knew them.  


    • LOL 6
  10. They still have the Flokati rug up on the Big Board. Peter Tomarken and Rod Roddy would have been delighted, I'm sure. 

    It's such a great idea for the contestants to have a chance at things they would only dream about. I was very happy for her doing so well getting that premium Tesla along with enough cash to get her mother that accessible van.  

  11. 4 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

    Still this was a good episode. Love that Launchpad knew everything about pro wrestling. 

    And Huey knew nothing about it. I guess the old Junior Woodchuck's Guidebook didn't have a chapter on that. Huey had done a pretty good job covering golf on that course with the murder ponies. 

    32 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

    I was surprised that Launchpad landed the plane perfectly without crashing.

    I was a little surprised too. Maybe Della gave him a few pointers.

    I don't like waiting for another few months. Being a big fan of the original series, I'm loving this show.  


    • Love 2
  12. 5 hours ago, starri said:

    There was such a sweetness to BOYD that I wasn't expecting.  He reminded me of Data.

    Me too. When Commander Riker first met Data on the holodeck in the pilot episode of ST:TNG, he told him "Nice to meet you, Pinocchio." He too wanted to be human. 

  13. Just because your BFF has diplomatic immunity doesn't allow you to drive under the influence and to commit vehicular manslaughter. 

    I wonder how much of that 10 million is Taylor and her friend's children actually going to get? 

    • Love 1
  14. Interesting remake of Pinocchio for the 21st century. Instead of marionettes, it's robots.

    The younger intern Gyro or should I say Geppetto, in this case, looked quite a bit more like the Gyro from the 80s cartoon.  

    There's the dichotomy between Huey and B.O.Y.D. Huey is a boy wishing he were more of a robot to stand up to the bullies and B.O.Y.D. is a robot who wants more to be a boy.  Danny Pudi, the voice of Huey, played the autistic savant Abed Nadir in Community. Abed commented that people had regularly compared him to a robot and once fell in love with a computer program during an elaborate digital simulation.  

    • Love 3
  15. Eddie so wanted to keep the kid. That clerk hitting on Jamie was hilarious. Eddie is right there, but Jamie knows that the clerk is far more likely to tell him some info if she thinks she had a shot. 

    Joe seems like a good guy and a good detective. I'm sure his father would have been proud. 

    It was a good scene where Danny and Baez talk down Teddy by showing that lost their brothers too. Then he meets Joe's son. 

    It was a good finale.


    • Love 7
  16. 3 minutes ago, Katy M said:

    So, I guessed El Salvador, but I totally thought I was wrong.  I thought they spoke Spanish there. But, I couldn't think of any other countries with a Spanish article.

    Having taken Spanish and did a semester abroad in Spain, it was an instaget for me. 

    I was sad they didn't know Norman Lear. The man is a television legend. 

    1 minute ago, lurk3000 said:

    Nobody knew the San Diego Chicken!? We are truly lost.

    Not knowing the San Diego Chicken was bad (I did though), but it actually went better than most Jeopardy! sports categories.  

  17. 46 minutes ago, Dots And Stripes said:

    Bobby Newport was the perfect start and Dennis Feinstein had my fav commercial bit.

    Didn't he marry Shauna Malwae-Tweep at the end of the show? 

    Oh, it was good to see Derek from "The Good Place" again. 

    I expected Mona Lisa to show up somehow in the Jean-Ralphio segment too. 

    1 hour ago, Tdoc72 said:

    So good I gave a donation to Feeding America!

    So did I. 

    1 hour ago, thuganomics85 said:

    To be fair, I wouldn't be surprised if Rob Lowe's blood somehow was the solution to everything!

    That would...literally... be perfect. 

    • Love 8
  18. 24 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

    There was a discussion about that today on TheJeopardyFan.com. The majority decided that, while just writing the answer would be correct, few would have taken the chance and not written the "What is." Plus contestants are allowed to write "What" or "Who" before the clue is revealed. So there's that, too.

    28 minutes ago, dcalley said:

    Theoretically, yes. But I believe the contestants are instructed to write down the beginning of their question (and are thus told if it will be a who or a what) when they write down their wager, and everyone today wrote "What is," so the shortcut wouldn't work. Does that make sense?

    To be fair, I wouldn't have risked it either, but it was more of a thought question and I wanted to see if anyone had some insights about it.. Thank you both for your responses.


    • Love 1
  19. 50 minutes ago, Bastet said:

    Like everyone else, LOL at the Kit Carson clue; had a pTVer been in this game, that would not have been a TS.

    The Morse TS surprised me, as did rupture a bit.

    Of course, Carson is well known around these parts. 

    Interestingly, Morse code was a question on Celebrity Millionaire tonight. 

    As for FJ, I was thinking of any bank or credit card company with a question as a slogan. Then, Samuel L. Jackson and Jennifer Garner popped in my head and made me think of Capital One. I just wasn't sure they've been using it for 20 years, but I couldn't think of any other company so went with that.

    Could someone have just answered: "What's in your wallet?" as opposed to "What is What's in your wallet? as their response. The slogan begins with an interrogative pronoun. 

    • Love 2
  20. 18 hours ago, Vanderboom said:

    You're so right! Now that you mention it, I can't believe I missed that.

    Given that his bandmates are from Mexico and Brazil, I suppose it's not that surprising and maybe was intentional. Also, the Mexico Pavilion in Epcot in Disney World has a Gran Fiesta ride with "The Three Caballeros." It ends with a Day of the Dead celebration.    

  21. 7 minutes ago, M. Darcy said:

    Finally! My yearly watching of The Ten Commandments has paid off. 

    So let it be written, so let it be done. Moses. Moses, Moses. An instaget for me. 

    Like Groundhog Day, I watch every year. 

    10 minutes ago, Katy M said:

    I got the TS of muscles, Churchill Downs, OK Corrall, Lufthansa, Rastafarianism and 15th.

    Got those too. 

  22. With KETO-QUITO, I think he thought the Andean capital also had 4 letters. I almost did too. 

    For FJ I was thinking of Stonewall Jackson and then remembered that he was a Confederate general. McClellan didn't come to me. 

    1 hour ago, Browncoat said:

    And I laughed when the champ said Chaka Khan.  I get it -- mental flatulence, same thing that keeps me confused about Upton Sinclair and Sinclair Lewis -- but I still laughed.

    Chaka Khan, Chaka Khan, Chaka Zulu, Chaka Khan.  Chaka, when the walls fell.  



    • LOL 5
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  23. 56 minutes ago, Vanderboom said:

    The "Hear My Voice" scene was surprisingly touching. Daisy rules!

    There's something strange about Mark Beaks and his family. Remember when he turned up at that rich kid's (name escapes me) party with a son he built himself?

    Daisy does indeed rule. She and Donald are perfect together and I really hope she's back soon. Maybe it just me but I felt that "Hear My Voice" sounded similar to "Remember Me" from Coco.

    As for the rich kid, you are thinking of Doofus Drake who is totally different from his character in the original cartoon. 

  24. 38 minutes ago, starri said:

    Emma Glamour's name was originally Anna, but I guess that was too on-the-nose.

    True. They could have gotten sued by Vogue for that. They could have excluded Miranda also. Even if you didn't remember the name Anna Wintour specifically, had you seen "The Devil Wears Prada" you'd know she was a take on Meryl Streep's character in the movie. Otherwise, it's still obvious she's a rich elitist snob so it works anyway. 

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