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Everything posted by Skeksi

  1. Yeah, the same thought occured to me- great to have more Orphan Black news, but the cast does seem to be growing more overwhelmingly white. Tatiana Maslany playing most of the major characters can only be used as an excuse up to a certain point, there are several other actors listed in the main credits, and all but one are white now (not to mention most of the supporting cast). Given that it's set in what appears to be quite a large "Anycity", you would have thought there would be more ethnic diversity across the characters encountered. Also, damn, isn't that the guy out of the terrible Dragonball film? All the above said, however, I was very pleased about the inclusion of James Frain, I enjoyed him in The Tudors, and he's been pretty good in what I've seen of him since.
  2. My first post in this area of the board, my apologies if things get rambly. 1) Get some more information on Mrs S's backstory, definitely. I get that to an extent they want to keep us guessing what "side" Siobhan is on, and what her motivations are, but I think if they end up stretching it out another season without giving us much information, it's going to start getting annoying. 2) No more kidnapping Kira/ putting Kira in danger for plot reasons generally. I know she's very important to Sarah, and in many ways it is Kira's presence that gets Sarah as involved with the clone conspiracy as she is (in early S1 to pull together the money to start a new life with her daughter, in later S1 and S2, in order to protect her from DYAD), but I feel like now that Sarah has a closer relationship with the other clones she is "invested" enough in finding out more about their past and helping her sisters that Kira doesn't need to be constantly put in danger to motivate her. 3) Bring more of the characters into the "main plot"- particularly Art and Alison, they seemed to spend a lot of time drifting around in subplots towards the end of the season, would be nice to see them have a bit more to do in S3. 4) Perhaps a bit contrary to my post above, but for Delphine to get a storyline that's at least partially independent of Cosima. I mean, I'm rooting for them to stay together (provided that Delphine really does start to respect Cosima's wishes about her treatment and her illness more), and I know that Delphine doesn't really get on with, or get to interact much with the other characters, but it would be nice to see her getting to do some stuff on her own. Maybe we can get a couple of episodes of her staying in Frankfurt and looking for information on other clones in Europe, or even of her getting back to Canada using her own wits, whatever. Something. 5) This is more of a do not want than anything else, but please, no Sarah/ Cal/ Paul love triangles, and no trying to rekindle Sarah and Paul's relationship. It's not that I'm deeply invested in Sarah and Cal's relationship (honestly, I'm pretty apathetic towards it), but I really don't see this happening without seriously straining credulity. It's pretty well established that the most important people to Sarah are Kira, Felix and, now, her fellow clones. Paul has been directly involved in framing Felix for murder, and, though Sarah doesn't know it yet, with kidnapping Helena. He sided several times in S2 with an organisation (and a person, in the form of Rachel) responsibe for keeping Cosima sick, and attempting to kidnap Kira. Yes, I know that this was because he's undercover for Project Castor and doesn't want his position compromised, and he does try and help Sarah on occasion within those boundaries, but overall, he has caused or been involved with a fair bit of suffering to people Sarah cares about. She seems pretty happy with Cal in S2 and even if that collapses, as it very well might, I don't see her turning round and forgiving Paul for his actions to the extent that she rekindles her feelings for him. 6) Slightly linked to the above, have Paul be more of an antagonistic character this season- assuming they want to keep the actor around as they did for season 2, it would give him something to do other than just sort of hovering around and being either slightly conflicted or vaguely unpleasant. Personally, I found the somewhat creepy, unsettling and potentially dangerous Paul of early S1 more compelling than slightly creepy love interest Paul of later S1 anyway XD 7) If Rachel does come back in S3, and we explore more of her past at all, it would be nice to see her fleshed out a bit beyond "Wants babies and is driven to terrible acts because she can't have them", which is a bit of a tired stereotype.
  3. Hmmm, OK, unpopular opinions... Well... I love fantasy. Really, it's my favourite genre, as my bookshelves groaning under the weight of a few too many multi-tome series will testify to. And I have great respect for JRR Tolkein as one of the originators, if you will, of high fantasy in the form that we now know it. All that said, I find Lord of the Rings so, so dull. Book and film versions (which is a pity, because I also really, really like Ian McKellen).
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