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Posts posted by gator12

  1. 50 minutes ago, Court said:

    However, I still hate the Maggie/Jackson pairing. I see zero chemistry there nor do I see any evidence of either one liking the other. So I hope it doesn't happen . 



    Oh they are happening allright, the new showrunner said they will be funny and joyful.

    All I see is no chemistry, bad acting and bad story telling. 

    • Love 2
  2. 5 minutes ago, Dejana said:

    Oops, mixed up the officers, should have looked it up.

    I was listening to a podcast reviewing the movie and the hosts were debating whether Churchill's speech should have been included. One guy felt like it was too far removed from the immediacy of the beach and too Hollywood, the others disagreed and felt the movie needed to offer an optimistic ending after everything the characters had suffered. Yet I didn't view the ending as completely optimistic, but only up to a point. As the speech is narrated, we're shown Farrier being captured and Tommy looking pensive, as if he's understanding that there will be more battles to come, more suffering, more death, before it's all over. Yet it could have been a lot worse, so there's nothing wrong with the event becoming a rallying point, either.

    Do you remember the podcast?

  3. 46 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    he didn't say shit?

    I think everyone associated with this movie keep saying Zendaya wasn't the MJ, she was Michelle. It's just that no one believe them. lol


    47 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    I adore Tom Holland, and loved his appearance in Civil War, and I will see this movie. But

    I saw homecoming yesterday, I love it.  I need to see what else Tom Holland is in, he is a talented actor. Beside homecoming and civil war, I saw the film he was in with Naomi Wyatt. He really carried that film imo. 

  4. 2 hours ago, beautifulGA said:

    I don't even understand how people like Jackson smh

    He's a man. Its the women that get drag by fandom the majority of the time.

    Jackson is terrible

    If anything for the writers, Maggie is the second behind Meredith. She'll probably be stuck with Jackson awfulness forever or until the show is canceled. I don't like Maggie but she doesn't deserve that

    • Love 2
  5. 3 hours ago, flickers said:

    I feel like we're meant to love Maggie and I just..don't. Ever since her first centric, where she was shoved down our throats. It's too much! Now she needs her own love interest, so we'll be enduring this extremely forced pairing with Jackson. 

    Maggie had her first centric episode like her 2 or 3rd episode on the show. The writers want us to love her like we love the original gang.

    Me, I think this is my last episode of Grey's. I'm not here for Meredith and her sisters's anatomy. 

    • Love 9
  6. 2 hours ago, AzraelKay said:


    I think it works [as well as any thing does on this crazy timeline].  Assuming Mer graduated college at 21 [as I did], then took 5 years off, she could've started med school at 26.  Med school is 4 years, which would put her right at 30 when she started her residency and the show started with them all being interns [first year of residency].  How old that would Mer the character now, I've go no clue because I think the first 3 seasons were one year, but then after Derek died, there was a time jump ... I have NO idea how long it supposedly has been since their first year of residency. 

    The first three season was one year, season four and five was just one year. Every season after that was one year each. Than they did the time jump after Derek death.

    • Love 1
  7. Jackson wasn't a great boyfriend. That guy can't communicated for his life and than act like the women (all of them throughout the show) should have been able to read his mind. 

    Yes Jackson did go about business as usual, went back to work days after Samuel died and made the suggestion while April was catatonic from grief to try for another child.  

    And no, a woman who just gave birth and lost that child is not going to the same emotion as a man who lost a child. There different chemicals/hormone working there.

    • Love 2
  8. The hospital needs to lose their teaching hospital certificate or whatever it is that makes them a teacher hospital. Also, all these heads of these department needs to be fired, not suspended, b/c they aren't competent at doing their jobs. They just care about petty mean girls high school BS.

  9. 23 hours ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

     If true, so much for "...this wouldn't have happened without Nick."

    If Nick didn't bring her to the finale four and let her go the first night or week 2, than she wouldn't be the next lead, no matter why she was cast for.

    If it was Luke, she might not have went as far as she did, hence she wouldn't be the next lead. So the people who said it wouldn't happen without Nick are probably correct, that probably why the producers went with him instead of Luke b/c they knew Nick would date a WOC and she is Nick's "type"

    • Love 1
  10. 5 hours ago, allyw said:

    And I have to be honest but the first time I saw the news for the Bachelorette, my first thought was "why is this show still on?" But after digesting the fact that it really took them 33 seasons to have a Black lead in this franchise and no other POC throughout its run, I was reminded that a lot of "diversity" talk are just talk. And some of those very liberal people who loves to scream that they have Black friends and voted for Obama just don't get it nor do they try to.

    They did have Venezuelan Juan Pablo as the lead on the Bachelor, ABC claim to diversity. ABC now like to forget that he was ever on the show

    • Love 2
  11. 4 minutes ago, benson12 said:

    I didnt think I could like a character less than Penny, but I was wrong. Minnick is a disaster,  I cant wait for this storyline to wrap up. 

    Also, when did April pass her boards?

    Like episode 3 of season 10. 

    So timeline, a year after she failed her board, she re-took it and past it. 

    • Love 1
  12. Trauma surgeons are General Surgeons. I know Grey's does a bad job at showing this, but trauma surgeons are board certified as general surgeons, what make them trauma surgeons is the additional training in trauma. So April is every bit as qualified to be the Chief of General Surgery 

    • Love 16
  13. Rachel on Kimmel said they announce early b/c they start filming in a couple of week. Maybe she mispoke but it sounds like they film before the Bachelor stop airing.

    Also, there have been lead Bachelorette on the show where majority of the contestant were not attracted or interested in the lead. Ashlee for one (that was brutal). I don't think the producers care that much about the final product or a love story. 

  14. I think the girls form a clique looking at social media, her last friend Danielle M went home and it was Rachel, Raven, and Corrine vs Vanessa. With Kristina being in the middle.

    Earlier in the season, Rachel, Raven and Corrine was talking/being snarky about CFA on instagram. People on a Bach forum said it stood for Crying for Attention and that they were talking about Vanessa. Funny that Vanessa wasn't the only one who was crying doing the volleyball game.

  15. 1 hour ago, ByTor said:

    My 1st thought was that the ratings must have tanked.  Of course this is looking at it simplistically, but according to this article, they're better than last year: http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/14/entertainment/bachelorette-rachel-lindsay/ 

       Unless of course week to week the ratings are dropping.  I don't watch live TV, so I don't know what their Monday night competition is.

    This season of the Bachelor have been beating their Monday night competition http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/daily-ratings/monday-final-ratings-feb-6-2017/ and has been better in terms of demos compare to Ben's 

    I think the Bachelor rating are always higher than the Bachelorette

  16. 2 minutes ago, huahaha said:

    You think? Nick's girls really, really look like his type to me. He has a thing for dark brunettes with dark eyes and particular face shapes. In the beginning, it was hard to tell the women apart because they shared so many common features. I highly doubt that Luke and Chase have the same type.

    Well those two went on a season with Jojo season, plus how young most of the women this season are and also how Luke (and I think it was Chase, might have been Robbie that said the same thing on a podcast) had his bags pack and ready to go before ABC call them hours before getting on a plane to tell them nah, we are going with Nick.

    I think what they do is have a pool of contestant that they are going to cast for a season, sometime they pull from last year pool (Kaitlyn said she sign up for Juan Pablo season and they cast her for farmer Chris) and when they announce the lead, they might cast 5 people for the new applicant pool.

    I don't think they cast this show with the lead in mind at all, now with people saying that Rachel was cast this season to be the next Bachelorette while this season was filming, maybe they are casting age appropriate men with actual jobs (not jobs like Canadian), but judging from past season, I doubt it. 

    • Love 1
  17. 2 hours ago, Cecily said:

    I don't buy that they've finished casting. My guess is the early announcement is all about finding better contestants than the applicants they have lined up. Firstly, it's gonna look all kinds of bad if they don't cast at least 10-15 black men. Secondly, Rachel is what, 31? They may not have enough age appropriate men, let alone age appropriate black men in the bunch. 

    I would be surprise if they cast at least 10-15 black men.  It might be somewhat diverse like the contestant Nick had this year but I don't think ABC/producers cares about looking bad. They are producing trash tv, might not be the old VH1 dating show trash but still trash tv.

    And this show has proven that they don't care about age appropriate contestant. Brad was like 38, who did they cast for him, a bunch of 24 to 29 year old. It didn't look that bad with Kaitlyn when she was 29 and they cast 25 to 29 year old. 

    I don't trust ABC and these producers that what I'm saying

    I'm happy for Rachel, I like her, hope it last. lol

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