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Posts posted by fishsanwitt

  1. Not even five minutes in and I was yelling for MM to shut up! Lord.

    I forgot to say, I thought MM looked very pretty. Her hair and make-up were quite lovely.

    • Love 6
  2. I find it interesting re: the discussion of Senator Booker - his ambition, his closeness to Wall Street, etc. I don't find those qualities or issues unacceptable.  Personally, I liked what he had to say, but, I don't know very much about him.

    • Love 6
  3. I wish MM would actually *listen* to the conversations going on around her and not immediately think that someone was going to stab her in the back. It is exhausting to watch and listen to her. I will never be for the NRA - yet, every fucking day she says the *same* thing - "a proud member of the NRA" - OMG! I did not *know* that!!! 

    And the march is *not* about you, MM. 

    • Love 18
  4. I just wanted to pop back in and say that I, too, yelled at the tv - "Shut up!" while MM was screeching away. I was *very* grateful that she was not on for the last two portions.

    I also wanted to mention something that puzzled me - why is Meghan under the impression that she is there to fight and argue. I found that so strange. Who goes on a tv show to fight? She really is a moron.

    • Love 9
  5. The only virus that I can see is Meh-gan McCain! Jesus Christ - shut the fuck up! If you cannot articulate your point, clearly, then keep your yap closed.

    Sunny - assert yourself, girl! Don't let that ignoramus sitting next to you roll over you!!!

    • Love 15
  6. Shut up, Meh-gan. Condemn Betsy Wetsy as the uneducated a-hole that she is. Stop trying to co-opt the conversation and please, inform me as to exactly 'what' the conservative policy in education is. (Thank you, blondiec0332).

    • Love 19
  7. I haven't seen today's show yet (Friday), but I did want to comment on the hosts' outfits.

    My mother was trained as a couturier (in Vienna, in the 1940s) and she would always comment on women' clothing - what worked, what didn't. I wasn't a great student (I can barely sew) but I remember her criticisms, so, I, too, check out what the women are wearing and whether or not it suits them, in my opinion :)

    Sunny is *very* well put together - hair, make-up and clothes. Yes, the sleeves are weird a lot of times, but she has a very nice figure and shows it off.

    Joy is an older woman and wants to be comfortable. Most of the time, the blouses look nice on her. I love the way Sara dresses (and I'm very happy she's coming back).

    Paula is very pretty - I think she could dress better.

    Whoopi is a disaster. She needs to stand up straight and wear a bra!

    And MM has no idea what to wear. She has good posture and a good bra - I'd like to see her in something with a bit more cleavage and 'A'-line skirts/dresses. There's a reason they've worked all these years! She also seems to love those tiny braids - it seems to me she has to grow up - in many ways. She *is* 33 , after all, as she keeps reminding us.

    One last thing - doesn't anyone check to see that their colours don't clash? Sometimes it's so weird - the same primary colour, but all different shades... it's jarring.

    • Love 8
  8. I was quite amazed that such supposedly intelligent women (except for Joy) did not understand what the word 'feminist' means.

    It's about equality, not pro or con planned parenthood, hating men (!), not wanting to be treated politely. And young women, especially, shy away from that word, not realizing that the fruits of *our* labour (I grew up in the 60s) have helped give them the choices and opportunities they have today. I love the word. It doesn't evoke negative emotions when I hear it. I think 'strong', 'capable', 'intelligent' and I am PROUD to be a feminist!

    • Love 19
  9. On 3/2/2018 at 10:24 AM, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Hahahahaha. What I love about your posts? After snarking on Meghan (who so richly deserves it), it looks like you feel you need to say something nice after saying something mean/snarky!

    It sure seems that way :)  No, I really wanted to comment on how pretty she looked - it's just that the snark got there first - LOL!

    • Love 1
  10. OMG. MM went off like a spark over 'Awards Shows'! And she snuck in a few of her favourite lines, which Alexis2291 and Haleth just mentioned. I was watching Ana Navarro's face as this went down - just sitting there, with an indulgent look (and smile) on her face - it was *hilarious*!

    I will say that MM looked quite beautiful Her hair and make-up were gorgeous. And I liked the black with white trim on her, as well as Joy.

    • Love 9
  11. Well, today was entertaining. No horrible fighting. I loved MM's hair today - up and poufy - with the little braids down - and I liked her dress as well (don't hurt me!)

    She seemed to be in a *very* good mood. It helped that Joe Kennedy was on. He was fabulous. 

    I did love Joy correcting MM's word usage - I thought of this group immediately and laughed out loud. I have no idea who Tamar Braxton is - is she related to Toni Braxton?

    • Love 1
  12. OMG! It was hilarious watching Meh-gan huff and puff and drink her water. How many times did she try to cut in? I lost count. I saw the ladies try to speak, then give up - it was quite the sight.

    I actually yelled at the tv - more than once - telling Meh-gan to STFU! My God. 

    • Love 19
  13. MM may have helped the show get higher ratings, but I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that a lot of it is hate watching!

    I watch to see Joy, Sunny and Whoopi (once in a while) shut her down. 

    Her lack of knowledge, insolence, ignorance, stupidity and rudeness are off the charts.

    But she brings in viewers. 

    • Love 8
  14. The gun debate. So useless. Unless the government does something, it's, unfortunately, rinse and repeat. Very sad.

    I love Ronan Farrow. So nice to see him. He is doing such amazing work. 

    I think Paula was going on about Jen/Brad because Whoopi almost forgot to introduce her at the beginning of the show!

    • Love 12
  15. Today's show was... eclectic. First, MM apologizes to VP Pence for the show and all the hosts? Who does she think she is? Then, BabyAir, Whoopie's Shark Tank idea - I actually like it - but wouldn't it cost families a lot more? 

    • Love 4
  16. Go Joy! I'm so glad that Joy stood up to Meh-gan. It's taken a while. Joy is a consummate professional, so this must have *really* ticked her off.

    Anyone *not* Meh-gan could see that Joy was sticking it to Kelly. They'll never get rid of her. We can't stand MM but we keep watching. Sad, that. I'm in that boat as well.

    • Love 6
  17. And MM had a very *focused* look on her face, her eyes were narrowed as she *listened* to Valerie Jarrett. So, she listens with her eyes now? That would explain a lot! Take that stadium full of seats, Meh-ghan!

    • Love 16
  18. You are all hilarious! Meghan DID look pissed as she came out. I loved her hair and glasses. She looked so cute today! And I think, for the very first time, she actually got into the spirit of things - with her one tiny moment - when Joy asked if MM agreed with her - and MM sassily replied, "I disagreed with everything Joy just said." (My paraphrasing). It was a little bit snark, with humour underlining it. I thought it was hysterical. 

    And then things went back to normal - LOL!

    • Love 5
  19. I loved seeing Ana Navarro on the show and YNB! Such smart, insightful women. 

    Rose McGowan's interview was so hard to watch and listen to. She is so raw. I'm grateful Meghan wasn't there. This woman needed to be heard.

    Yay, Jimmy Kimmel. Sippy Cupp needs to hear the truth sometimes and not just from her panel of acolytes! Suck it up, Meghan - your BFF lies and conflates facts. I remember that, early in her career, her mentor was Glenn Beck. Just let *that* sink in.

    • Love 23
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