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le bordel chaud

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Posts posted by le bordel chaud

  1. I didn't like Quentin during his audition, but after last week he is the only guy I am invested in. He has a real gift for artistry and really brings the drama (in a good way) like no one since Adam Lambert. I literally cheered when he got that last spot. LOL.

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  2. I found this episode sort of disappointing. Vince was sure to provide the kind of entertainment you just can't script. I would have much preferred to see Will or Nina go. They don't amuse me nearly so much, and they are both pretty lousy players to boot.

    Unfortunately there is a dearth of likeable players this time around. I liked So, and she was promptly booted. The only ones I do like at this point are Mike and Joe. I like Survivor best when there are strong female players to root for, so hopefully one emerges in the next few weeks.

    • Love 2
  3. I agree that Korina is a horrible human being and she has made my blood boil since basically the premiere episode of this season.

    But this? Was all sorts of wrong.

    1. Char should have NEVER been saved. I thought the Tim Gunn Save was supposed to be based on talent as a fashion designer. You know, someone who got it wrong one challenge and merited a second chance. But I have seen nothing from Char outside of her being a great person. Her looks have been average to bottom. What that have to do with a design competition?

    2. The helper bullshit. Gee, that was totally fair. Sean sure was elated to not only help sew, but basically serve as co-designer for the weaker competition and use it to his advantage. Emily clearly is on the Tim Gunn philosophy that Project Runway is a humanitarian award.

    Again, I hate Korina but I can't help feeling she got robbed.

    • Love 22
  4. I like having an all newbie Blood vs. Water because it means there aren't any pesky pre-game alliances. However, I find the concept incredibly overwrought. I love my family but it's still just a game. The reward challenge was so heavy handed I thought Jeremy winning meant his wife Val was being sent to her death. Sheesh!

    I don't have any faves yet, but I am mostly pleased with the casting. Lots of colorful characters.

    I'm happy my favorite show is back but it seems to be getting more misogynistic every season and harder to enjoy. I think a lot of this has to do with Jeff Probst and he needs to get called out on it.

    • Love 3
  5. I knew Pharell would be amazing, and he has not disappointed. It's great to see talented singers picking him over The Three Stooges, cause it's a no brainer. His producing career makes him tailor made for this gig.

    I really do not like Gwen. She is barely doing better than her efforts as American Idol's worst mentor ever.

    I miss Christina desperately. No one brings the entertainment and unintentional comedy that she does.

    I feel sorry for the marginally talented singers who foolishly pick Adam. He's already plotting how he's going to pair them up with much better singers to get rid of them as the fodder he sees them as.

    • Love 2
  6. VERY pleasantly surprised with the outcome. I thought Chantelle's makeover was great, but her photos have not been impressive at all. On the other hand, Kari's makeover is a hot mess and I don't see how she can recover from it. Especially considering she didn't read as model to begin with. Tyra Tyra what is you thinking? That shit would be appropriate for America's Next Top Porn Star. :shudders:

    Continuing to love Matthew. I wish he would be bi-curious for me! The Romeo shit continues to be uninspired and offensive. And the fuck is Denzel's beard?? That managed to look cheap, fake, and fug at the same time!

    Absolutely loved Ben's photo. He could be a contender!

    • Love 6
  7. Yep that match was terrific! Kei had an advantage serving first in the fifth. Stan had been so good on serve in the fifth until the 4-5 game where he played a stinker. Too bad. Would have liked to see another tiebreak, although I was rooting for Nishikori.

  8. I actually kind of love this show, although I am admittedly Bravo's bitch. The way the singles (as well as their families and the people they're dating) get to watch the shows in real time makes it really interesting.

    I really love Ericka. She is reserved and hesitant, but at the same time she seems to be extremely open to putting herself out there and trying new things. I really want her to find love and happiness. I like her with Francesco. He seems like a good guy. I don't think he led Habsum on either, at least from what we saw.

    Speaking of Habsum, she is a bit of a mess. She seems quite dim and shallow. The fact that she's a doctor is rather surprising to me. The way her sister called her out was so bluntly delicious and satisfying. I almost felt bad for her, except her sister was 100% on point. And of course she wasn't into the guy her sister set her up with, but at least she wasn't an asshole about it.

    Joey, Joey, Joey. He is a hot mess. How much did I love Anthony showing up at the bar and calling him out? That was glorious! I would have had more respect for him if he just said on camera he wanted to have fun with Anthony but not pursue dating him. But the way he kept it on the downlow was pretty disingenuous and not cool. I love how he just ran away cause he knew he was totally guilty.

    I'm not really feeling Lee either and I'm glad Ericka turned him down. Kerry doesn't bother me too much; I recognize her sense of humor and I hope something good comes with this new guy. Brian seems to be doing this just for the experience more than anything else. He also seems pretty picky, but that's probably because he'll date just about anyone for the show.

    • Love 1
  9. I hated Derrick the first couple weeks, mostly because I didn't like how he thought he was running the house. Well, it soon became apparent that he was, in fact, running the house. I begrudingly had to respect him at that point but I've since come to admire him as well. I love this game too much not to and I think he's damn good at it.

    Has he said questionable things? Surely. But so did Janelle and she is actually one of my favorites. I don't think Derrick is that bad in the grand scheme of things or history of this show. I am a hardcore feminist but to be honest, most of the women cast this year kind of suck. Not sure I would have wanted to align with them either. Just my two cents.

    • Love 3
  10. I hope Caleb makes their lives miserable for blindsiding him like this. Maybe they'll realize you don't fuck with crazy. Honestly, I think Frankie is the worst. Amber is no threat to his game. This is going to come back to bite him big time. Couldn't happen to a more deserving "grieving child".

    • Love 5
  11. Will Caleb be smart enough to realize this was all planned out ahead of time and Amber was always the target? IMO the only good thing about Amber leaving is Caleb potentially having an epic meltdown and flipping the fuck out on everybody. Either that or he'll quit which will allow Amber to stay instead.

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  12. I think Amber is very striking in a modelesque way. She also has a way of looking completely different day to day, scene to scene. Sometimes she looks absolutely stunning. Other times, not so much.

    I do think she is a real sweetheart and one of my favorite houseguests this season, along with Zach and Jacosta.

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  13. I just hope Amber is safe this week.

    I was hating Derdick a couple weeks ago, but I've come to really respect his game. I don't like that he's running shit and even worse that everyone is letting him. But he's doing it and I have to give him his props. I think comparing him to Maggie, who I feel is underrated and one of the all-time greats, is spot on. Let's see if he can make it all the way to the end and get the win the way she did.

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