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Posts posted by RedInk

  1. 2 hours ago, ladle1 said:

    It's hard to maintain the fantasy that these women are not all completely awful people when they trot out their minor children to have sensitive, emotionally-charged conversations for all to see and to be immortalized on video. 

    Yes! They all lose me with this. Across all franchises, nothing is off the table - they discuss their children’s mental/physical illnesses, trauma, parental neglect, bullying - all of it, and sometimes (even more despicable) they act like it’s “awareness” instead of the obvious storyline fodder it is. I can’t think of a single housewife who doesn’t divulge sensitive information about her children. Maybe Marge (Jersey) and Dorinda (NY)? 

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  2. On 9/6/2024 at 8:19 AM, tired and hungry said:
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    Was it really necessary to kill Meritt? Benji says the trust fund would reset if there was another child younger than Will but in the final episode Will mentions his birthday is in August and since they're already in July he only has one month to go before he turns 18.. So what difference does it make if Meritt even kept the baby? They would all get the money when Will turned 18 the next month anyway. The baby wasnt going to be born anytime soon.

    Exactly. It’s ridiculous. Merritt had to keep the pregnancy secret for a month, and she was so recently-pregnant, she wouldn’t be showing. Who was going to report that to the trust? Youngest kid turns 18, money’s distributed, then announce. The trust isn’t taking the money back! 
    This was a 6-part tv movie with a better budget. I’ve never read anything by this author, and I definitely won’t now. 


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  3. The best thing I can say about these final episodes is that they made me a little less sad that the show has ended. If we hadn’t gotten a 4th season at all, I’d have been gutted, but these last installments were a slog to get through. I know they couldn’t just tie up all the loose threads in a story that was so beautifully constructed, but I thought the choices made were so awful: a destroyed Andy abandoned, Ben split apart from the group, (potentially) evil Timothy, and silenced Sister. 

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  4. 19 minutes ago, Zaffy said:

    I haven't really enjoyed the last 3 episodes... not sure why.. is it that I know this is the finale? maybe they are not so well made at least as good as the ones before them? There is something off with those.

    I agree, and this episode seemed like filler rather than a jumping-off point to a series finale. The entire mini season has had a distinct shift in tone, and I can’t imagine how any one of the mysteries could come to a satisfying conclusion. 
    I’m not sure why these were even tacked on. I think everyone is correct in assuming the deconsecration/sale of the church is a methaphor for Paramount canceling the show, but to me that’s more interesting for the producers than the viewers. I just hoped the story could play out as best it could in the limited time given. 

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  5. 12 hours ago, Wyndsong said:

    And then there's David. I'm sure temptation is part of being a priest. He seems so devoted to his faith. Can we please just let him stay that way? In case you can't tell, I hate, hate, hate the idea of David deserting the church for Kristen. 

    I really hate it too (caveat: I’m Christian, so it’s hard for me to turn that part of my brain off), but I’m not certain that will happen in the end. Especially after seeing this episode play out. I’m thinking Ellie isn’t a legit patient but a plant at the hospital who is intentionally manipulating both David and Kristen. And Kristen seemed a little more ambivalent about divorce by the end of the episode. 

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  6. On 7/24/2024 at 9:33 AM, ribboninthesky1 said:

    I assumed it was the daughter a couple of episodes back because she was the only family member that wasn't shown as "suspicious."  

    So did I, and for the same reasons. The writers worked so hard to make the the case that it could be literally everyone connected to the victim, and the daughter was the only throwaway character (but I did think it was the prosecutor who tied her up to frame Rusty). These people were so repulsive, and I suppose that was intentional, but why? Who likes a murder mystery where the accused, the accuser and the dead are all so gross? Even the wife was spineless and resolved to put her sociopath husband over her children. 


    Setting up the wife-as-killer reveal (following the movie), only to switch to the daughter must have seemed like a clever twist in the writer’s room, but it was lazy nonsense. 

    I wish Barbara had killed Rusty. I’d watch that sequel. 

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  7. 10 hours ago, Castiels Cat said:

    That is the second one he has killed.

    The therapist! Thank you! You’re right, and I’d totally forgotten. (Still, based on everyone’s response to him, I thought this manager would be a little more powerful than any other basic mortal being.)

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  8. 3 hours ago, Anela said:

    I think protecting her grandchildren was more important than anything.  She has the same attitude as Kristen, when it comes to the evil in the church.  

    This is what doesn’t track for me and why I need more backstory on her. She’s orchestrating the apocalypse, torturing people, and assisting her boss (the literal devil) with creating the Antichrist from her own child’s body. I can’t understand how that person cares much about anything. She just kind of turned evil and then grew a (semi)conscience at breakneck speed.

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  9. I love this show, and Christine Lahti is a definite high point, but Cheryl’s arc is just confusing. I was shocked by both her descent and her turnaround. For a stretch, she has been so evil that I’d say she was completely irredeemable. I buy her in any role, but I wish the writing gave us something to help reconcile these two opposing parts of her personality. I’d love a Cheryl-centric episode. Oh! Also I was screaming at them just returning that baby. 

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  10. 11 hours ago, mammaM said:

    FYI, if you like one of the nicknames and have a child, name them that, don't name them Elizabeth and assume they'll like the same nickname you do. I've known many Elizabeth's (including the one I'm related to), and its never happened, not once😂😂😂😎

    That’s so true! My daughter is Elizabeth, and we called her Beth. She’s now an adult and has gone by Ellie since grade school.

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  11. 21 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

    Ooh, Casey (they said they were non-binary) being Alice's child from the future would be interesting. They have interacted with others onscreen, both Kat and the lady that owns the restaurant, but that doesn't mean they aren't a time traveler. 

    But, they did mention being asked to represent the Goodwin family at the Founder's Day thing, so that lady running it would have reason to trust them. Plus they were all upset about the Goodwins from 1800s doing bad things. So they do seem to be from that family line. There is something odd about their storyline though, maybey they'll be more important later.

    Ah! Thanks! Clearly I’m only half-paying attention. I just feel like someone will be repeating this cycle from the future, and Casey seemed modern enough/vaguely from “out of town” to be a contender 😉

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  12. On 2/26/2024 at 9:01 AM, jmonique said:

    I also don't get what's up with the Goodwin kid and Alice's new love interest who just sort of pops up every now and then.

    Do we not think the girl is from another time? The way she pops in and out and has unconfirmed connections to the town reminds me of Alice, so I’m assuming it’s her daughter. Unless anyone else has been shown to interact with her, and I missed it (likely…this season has been a snooze for me).

  13. 3 hours ago, Anela said:

    Oh my god! 
    I know he was involved in a cover-up, but Prior’s shooting was a clean one.  He was going to kill Liz.  

    I got the impression he wasn’t going to kill her. Worse and more cowardly - I think he forced his own son to shoot him by pointing the gun at Liz. Pete Prior is characterized as kind, dutiful and self-sacrificing, especially in this episode, so Hank had to know Prior would do the right thing. The confession immediately before he raised his gun seemed like final words. 

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  14. 15 hours ago, Pi237 said:

    lol @ Heather for this, too:

    ”If this is part of the job, then maybe…”

    (maybe the show is not for you?🤣)


    ”…..then, maybe… it shouldnt be part of the job”

    lmao No way she’d leave this show willingly.  

    Ha! You could really see those wheels turning as she was trying to get that thought out. 
    I enjoyed Heather’s bit about how this bullshit D-list celebrity job would be so perfect if only the negative social media/gossip aspect - the very thing that powers the entire franchise - would go away. Then Housewives could really flourish! Don’t we deserve the money for nothing, all benefits/no drawbacks life? You know that you’re exposing yourself and your children, and this is exactly why normal people don’t go on these shows, Heather! And from a woman who wrote a literal book about family members who wronged her and put out her own press insinuating people, who are anonymous and get no benefit from the spotlight, of something that would cost them their livelihoods. 
    And not to defend indefensible crazy Monica in any way, but that whole thing did smack of snobbery/classism to me because she is truly easy to write off. They’ve all slandered each other on camera to keep the gossip churned up, but that coming from an outsider was a different kind of unforgivable. 

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  15. 6 hours ago, SHERMDOG said:

    I KNOW I'm in the minority but STFU  Olivia! Can't STAND her..I'm really not a fan of any of these people ...well except Craig


    Is that the minority opinion? I thought Olivia was awful and Taylor looked sympathetic because of it. I also thought Rodrigo seemed reasonable, but I may have missed him saying STFU? I heard Olivia hurl that. And even though I’m not a fan, the cast’s treatment of Taylor is misogynistic and gross. How is she the most villainized? From what we’ve seen, Shep treated her like garbage and even now acts like she’s a fragile child while also semiprofessing his love for her now that she’s in a relationship. If he cared about her at all, he wouldn’t dangle that. He’s only angry with Austen because of his ego and that weird competition they have over who’s the bigger catch (neither). JT appears obsessed with some image of her he’s created, and he’s constantly putting her in the most awkward spotlight when she’s been clear she has no feelings for him. And Olivia’s treatment of her is a stark contrast from her vacationing with Austen. The bro code/girl code bullshit is for kids. 

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  16. 20 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

    Olivia is so stupid she outed herself as Ravenel-lover!  🤮

    Then she called Taylor a c***, I saw the uncensored peacock version.

    Time for Olivia to go.  Her parents have been trying to buy her a career as a “famous” “actress” since she was young!  It isn’t working!  She makes grass growing look exciting.  She sucks so bad.

    Yeah! And her hair looked like crap too! 😜 But it really seemed to me like an attempt to ramp up the drama, get people talking about her, and make Taylor look she’d turned on her yet again…when Taylor just sat there. Ugh, Go ahead, Taylor! Why don’t you just tell everyone about how I lied on my taxes and kick dogs and spread VD all around Charleston! I can’t believe you’re such a backstabber! 
    ETA: I’m kidding…I have no scoop😉 

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  17. I don’t like any of them - to be fair - but the Olivia reveal seemed like bizarre backhanded manipulation on Olivia’s part. I heard Taylor say something vaguely religious, as she does, with that “forgive as you would want to be forgiven,” and then Olivia comes in hot with her “why don’t you just say it…I hooked up with Thomas.” She didn’t have to cop to that! And then she stomped around like Taylor outed her when she did that herself. Not to mention Madison had already dropped it at the last reunion. I noticed that Olivia also mentioned that Taylor told “somebody” that she was never in a real relationship with Austen. I think she didn’t mention it was Taylor’s brother because he’s also recently passed away. No sympathy was shown regarding that. 

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  18. Dumbfounded. How was this child failed by every single person she  encountered? Even the seemingly well-intentioned neighbors didn’t call authorities on this girl who, even if she claimed to be an adult, could not care for herself and was mentally unwell. The people at the GED school didn’t have any questions? No competent adult professionals to be found at the mental hospital or in the Indiana court system? I work with disabled children & young adults, so my radar pings a little faster and louder I assume, but what kind of bizarro world is this? 

    Another baffling thing: you can’t talk about watching your spouse abuse your child and claim any immunity. Your responsibility is to the child, and nobody cares if you’re (implausibly) afraid of your wife. Women are prosecuted when they turn a blind eye to boyfriends/husbands injuring their children. They go to jail. What the fuck. Another failure is Michael and Kristine walking around free on the planet. Anybody know what happened to her?

    ETA: Of course he could be fabricating that. But if true, he would be equally guilty. 

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  19. On 11/17/2023 at 9:13 AM, mandymax said:

    I, too, would like to know exactly how Prince Charles and Camilla came to be friendly enough with Patricia, of all people, to have her over to Buckingham Palace for dinner and send her a piece of their wedding cake.  I'm not getting it.

    I did enjoy Whitney being neurotic over the dinner and the guys messing up the house.  And I liked that it was Patricia who finally said she didn't understand why this group was all sleeping with each other when there's a whole city full of other people.

    Can I ask why Austen and Craig arrived at Patricia's in a golf cart?  Whose golf cart was it?? Who in downtown Charleston tools around in golf carts???

    Gotta admit, that meal looked fabulous. But I've always wondered why, with Patricia's house being so grand and over the top, the kitchen is hardly bigger than a closet.  That never made sense to me.

    She was probably married to philanthropist/banker/art collector Arthur Altschul at the time. Does anyone remember a brief mention about her being engaged again a season or two ago, or did I dream it? I thought there was a ring. Maybe it was a joke? 

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  20. I can’t wring any sympathy from the VF article. How can a person admit that they knowingly entered into a contract to compromise themselves for fame, status and money, and then blame the company when they’re damaged by their pursuit of fame, status and money? Would you ruin your reputation, your health, and irreparably damage your family for a million dollars and a seat on WWHL? Hell no, right? And these people were not starving or financially desperate to begin with. The housewives are confusing being coerced under threat of financial ruin or legal action with succumbing to pressure to act against their best interests to secure a multi-season deal. If they hadn’t been cut, we wouldn’t hear a word from them. Except for Bethenny, who’s a toxic opportunist.

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  21. On 8/24/2023 at 1:46 AM, quarks said:

     This was all stuff that I think would have worked much better if a) the show didn't have this ridiculous timeline (like, it's been a little more than one year; how on earth has George managed to earn an associate's degree which is usually a two year program? Lots of AP classes?) b) we'd had one more season (allowing everyone to either take more classes (George, Ace, arguably Nancy, arguably Bess or earn more money). 

    Here I was wondering how George even got into law school with just an Associates degree, but I’m here for the happy ending. I kind of half-watched this season, and I’m not sure if it’s just because it had lost some of its shine or maybe just because I knew it was ending & it seemed like they wouldn’t be able to wrap it up. In the end, I was surprised that I found the goodbyes so touching. They really were all characters to root for. 

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  22. I think it would have been a more respectable ending had Aiden actually broken up with Carrie without the 5 years bullshit and the not charming snap. That’s a full-circle moment and a far better play on the “expectations” speech. My kids are in their late teens, and I adore them, but even I winced at the “he’s only 20” re: his oldest. I don’t even like Carrie, and I think she can do better than that. Yuck. 

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  23. 7 minutes ago, PurpleTentacle said:

    Well she certainly has multiple millions. Shouldn't come as that much of a surprise when you look at how loaded Big was and where she lived with him while still keeping her apartment on the side.

    Apologies, because I’m sure this has been discussed at length, but HOW loaded are they all supposed to be? I’m a Texan with little understanding of NY real estate, but I watch home tours on design sites, and I’ve never seen anything like Harry & Charlotte’s apartment. What is that? Like 5k square feet in Manhattan? An attorney can afford that? Or is this a little unrealistic & just more fun to watch? 

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  24. As much as I’m sure the show runners would hate to admit it, they’ve clearly done an about-face in response to viewer criticisms. Now I can’t see an endgame for Miranda (who’s now basically her old self) and Che at all. Plus real estate, plus fashion, plus light storylines. It was like last season was a dream sequence. There are still plenty of nitpicks, dragged-out storylines and eye rolls, but it’s still an improvement.
    My guess for the LTW plot is she’s not pregnant but Nya is. I wish I had more interest in either one of them. 

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