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Posts posted by LittleCabbage

  1. Maybe it's just the Canadian thing, but I do get a serious early Norm MacDonald vibe from Daniel's delivery. That almost befuddled-seeming deadpan followed by the little twinkle in his eye as he enjoys the absurdity that comes out of his mouth.

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  2. Am I making this up, or do I correctly remember that Evan was a pastor at one point? I can see that, actually. His kindly nerdiness seems a little different when you look at him in that context. I feel like he probably is the nicest person there and that Carly has more of a catch than some people realize.

    Also, Vinny is better-looking than Lamp and seems to be a decent sort besides. Izzy has gone down in my estimation from being a down-to-earth sort of person to a befuddled adolescent who doesn't know what she wants. Good luck with that 'finding a mate' thing. 

    • Love 4
  3. I hate the term 'shipping,' but I am shipping Carly and Evan. Hard. Their relationship trajectory so far is really so much more believable than the usual "Ermagad, my soulmate just showed up on the beach!" storyline that we get. As I see it, Carly has liked him all along and is only beginning to accept that-- no coercion involved. They're the only couple I care about on this wretched show!

    • Love 9
  4. I guess I'm in the vast minority (me 'n' Diablo Cody both), but I actually enjoy Evan. It's refreshing to see someone who's not completely ripped and has an  IQ higher than of a bowl of mashed turnips (I'm forgiving him for his little Thoreau transgression a couple of weeks ago).  And I think he and Carly are similar in a lot of ways-- I hope they go the distance. 

    Then again, I used to have a huge crush on Crispin Glover as George McFly and am married to a guy who has been compared to Crispin Glover, looks-wise and mannerisms-wise... so there you go... ;)

    Seriously, I love the heavy-handed editing in this show. The editors have given up any pretense of this being a serious matchmaking show and  milking the comedy. I'm into it.

    • Love 5
  5. Some very questionable math came to the surface last night. Tony said in an early segment that he and Elizabeth had been together for about eight years. Then, a little later, he said he'd been with Alyssa for eight or nine years (before Elizabeth). So if we are to believe that Tony is 26, does this mean he started banging the ladies at age 8 or so? Given how weathered he looks in certain lighting, I'm guessing he's more like 36. 


    Other shenanigans: Is this IMDB page Madison's, or just a lookalike with the same name? 



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  6. I have to say that I love Matt MacAndrew now. I always thought there was something unique about the kid, but he happened to pick one of my favorite songs of all time last night and didn't butcher it. His voice is imperfect, but it is pure and compelling and got me a little choked up. Also, weirdly, his mannerisms during the performance somehow reminded me of Crispin Glover, whom I've had a crush on for ages, so now I'm hoping he sticks around for a long time. 


    I'm impressed by the showmanship and professionalism of Craig Wayne Boyd, who stood out to me in his audition and has been consistent ever since. Country's not my genre at all, but he's good at what he does, and I wouldn't begrudge him making it far in the competition. 


    Everyone else I can take or leave, really. Most of my other favorites got eliminated in the battle rounds and the knockoffs.

  7. I hate country music with the passion of a thousand flaming nuns (to resurrect a little TwOp-speak), but I'll be damned if I didn't like the country dude in the sweet fringe vest who sang that Travis Tritt song. I can't even explain it. He seemed professional but also like he was having a lot of fun, which is a combination that seems hard to come by on The Voice.


    The last guy-- Cracker Barrel-- didn't strike me as being a very good singer, so I didn't understand all the chair turns. But a big guy shaking like a leaf while he holds a microphone is kind of endearing. 

    • Love 2
  8. I thought Blessing was terribly, terribly off key. I was sure no one would turn due to that. Since he seems like such a nice person, I'm willing to overlook the lapse in the judges' taste, but dayum. 


    I felt really sorry for the dancing teen when he started babbling about his goats, cats, and dogs because it really showed how very young he is. Maybe next year, kid! 


    And I agree with those people who have commented on breath control with some of the singers. The chick who sang "The Story" and the black-haired woman who sang "It Ain't Me" both sounded like they were hyperventilating into the mic at times. Good gravy, the only music training I've had is high school chorus, but even I know how to control my breathing.

  9. I didn't even realize the new season had started-- ack!-- but I managed to catch up on the first two battle rounds this weekend. I don't know much about Pharrell's work, other than the ubiquitous 'Happy,' but he seems really lovely, and I am looking forward to his coaching more than anything. Gwen's, not so much. I frankly thought it was insulting when she brought up her four fashion lines and tried to bribe that one contestant (who could actually sing) with the promise of handbags and shoes. I would have told her to eff off. Moreover, I'm really not sure how effective she is going to be as a coach when she isn't a very good singer herself. When she mentioned that she had no control of her own vibrato, I thought that was very telling.


    I wanted to like the girl who did the version of "You're the One That I Want," but I didn't like her singing. I like the idea, though, of redoing "You're the One That I Want" as a dark, moody, stalker-y song. I liked the reggae guy's voice a lot, though he does seem full of himself and "Santeria" is pretty played out. Danica has an amazingly controlled voice, but boy, was I shocked to hear she was in her 20s. I would have pegged her to be at least 20 years older than that. I'll be curious to see what she does next-- I wish she'd pick a jazz standard.

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  10. I think Abby looks kind of like a spider monkey. Her ears are too large, her nose is on the blobby side, and somehow her eyes and dyed hair do not match. Normally I would not be one to pick apart another woman's looks, but since the show seems bound and determined to pimp her as being 'breathtakingly beautiful,' I feel compelled to say otherwise. 

    • Love 6
  11. On a whim, I did a Google search for 'Days of our Lives' clothing and found this site that features some recently worn outfits as well as purchasing information. I LOL'd when I saw Jennifer's leggings with the leather panels; somehow I missed the epi that featured that little monstrosity. When you see some of the actresses side-by-side next to the models wearing the garments, many of the actresses do not come out favorably in comparison.





    The wardrobe person seems to love putting Sami and Nicole into tight, bodycon dresses with garish prints. Both actresses are slim, fit women, but that kind of silhouette can easily create the 'linebacker' effect that someone above mentioned. I would love to see either or both of them in an A-line once in a while.


    The overall problem with the wardrobe, as I see it, is that most of the characters' clothes don't tell a story. Kate is a unique exception to this; she has a distinct personal style, and her clothing reflects this pretty consistently. Most of the other actresses have styles that are all over the place. I would love to see the wardrobe people's notes on the characters and see how they justify some of the choices they purchase for their actresses. (I'm assuming they don't wear their own clothes??)

    • Love 5
  12. I intensely dislike everything about AshLee, from the spelling of her name to her superficiality to her downright unpleasant personality. I don't see her as lacking in confidence regarding her attractiveness; she seems to spend a lot of time preening, looking in mirrors, and favorably comparing herself to the other women (like that time when she fumed that Clare 'wasn't even pretty,' for example). I believe her insecurity comes from the fact that she knows she has nothing else to offer other than her looks. I know a lot of pretty young women with very little going on upstairs who have this kind of insecurity, knowing that their only assets will erode in time. (Speaking of assets and erosion, I do wonder why her face is so weirdly tight. Did she get some work done already?)


    I feel sorry for Graham. I didn't watch the season he was on at all, so I really don't know him from a hole in the wall, but he seems like a nice enough person. Oddly, he reminds me of Clay Aiken. I think it's just his speech patterns, really. Of the women, I think Clare is coming off well; she's a dimwit to be sure, but at least she knows how to enjoy herself. I wish there were a better match for her than Zack (whoever the hell he is).


    i see Jackie as very plain, and certainly far less striking than Danielle was. She has toned thighs, I guess, but what's going on above the neck is not special. Danielle lost out because she had a really bland personality and had little to say. Is it too much to ask that the people cast on TB franchise actually be interesting and able to articulate a thought now and then?

    • Love 1
  13. Regarding the alleged 'slut-shaming,' I really don't think this is a feminist issue. Fact: It's a lousy thing to sleep with someone when you know they care about you more than you care about them. This applies to both genders. Sleeping with Nick when she knew from day one that Josh was for her was a dick move, and I think Nick was well within his rights to ask her why she would do such a thing. Was she test-driving both of them to see who was better in the sack? I've always hated the Fantasy Suite part of the Bachelor/Bachelorette because I think sleeping with more than one person mere hours before you choose a prospective spouse is about as tacky as it gets. I laud those who consciously (and publicly) refused to use that time as an excuse to get laid.

    • Love 13
  14. I don't think Shawn Christian (Daniel) is a bad actor, and I don't even think Daniel is a bad character. He's really only skeevy when they attempt to pair him with women, but when he gets to be a problem-solver and is given action-adventure type stuff to do, he's kind of entertaining. Maybe he should have been written as a detective-- preferably a celibate one.


    Supah-unpopular opinion: I can't say I hate Jennifer either. I first started watching the show when Missy Reeves (in her pre-Reeves days) was still a teenager about my age. I grew up with her, kind of, so there's a sort of nostalgic affection there. It's true that she is sickeningly santimonious much of the time. But sometimes she is also right about things. (hides)


    I'm kind of liking the idea of JJ sleeping with Eve because it allows me to have some inappropriate cougar thoughts about JJ, who is a nice-looking young man. I like that Paige is written as a responsible young woman, but she bores me. However, JJ sleeping with Eve would be way better if Eve were actually played by Charlotte Ross.


    I've been pro-EJami for a long time but do not like the Abby affair storyline at all. It makes me not care about them as a couple anymore. I would have liked it better if EJ had had an affair with Will, as played by Chandler Massey. Ah, what could have been.


    I think Ali Sweeney is a really fun actress. Maybe not an Oscar caliber actress, but I always thought her timing and delivery and acting choices were interesting to watch. The show is going to lose a lot of its luster for me once Sami's gone.


    And one that hasn't been mentioned lately but that used to get brought up at TwOP sometimes: I don't think Kristian Alfonso (Hope) is anorexic. She is very slim, but I think she looks great. 


    Also, I thought Nick was hot.



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