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Big Mother

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Posts posted by Big Mother

  1. I am crazy over this show but this episode was thte most difficult to understand, and it depended way too much on coincidence and happenstance. The four humans couldve burst out the truth at any moment - the fact taht all four of them kept quiet the whole time was incredible. Eleanor figuring out the elaborate clues in his roast was just absolutely miraculous. It couldve just as well not happened and they wouldve gone to the bad place and that wouldve been the end of it. Vicky may have not tried to take off the handcuffs. Janet may have been unable to summon Derek. Shawn giving up looking for the four humans and taking all the demons along with him on the train makes the least sense to me. where tdid they go? Whydid he leave Michael there all by himself - wasnt he getting promoted? Won't Shawn return next week and see he was duped? I'm all kind s of confused.

  2. I stopped watching after the episode "Existential Dilemma" or whatever, but tonight I caught up on the last 3 episodes and am so glad I did, just in the nick of time! Now it's all fresh in my head and I'm super excited to see waht tomorrow brings :)!

  3. It was a surprisingly heavy episode for Christmas, and it seemed a tad disjointed, like it'd been written / filmed before any of the other stuff happened. THere was no explanation for Adam's absence, Patrick's absence, Victor's condition... I kind of want to know if Patrick & Christy, ahem, you know.

    • Love 1
  4. I'm watching this weeks later, and my first reaction was... Stephen Weber... he's been in like, every show, and played everyone's straight man, dad, romantic interest... he's like the male MIssy Pyle :D :D. But it's always a treat to see him!

    Though isn't he REALLY old to go for Christi???

    • Love 2
  5. It's so much fun to see Kelly Stables' character  - I loved her as Eden on The Exes.

    The chemistry between Kelly and Jonah seemed very natural. I think theyre a much better match than cranky, crabby Amy.

    The scooters were a hilarious gag. But... no Uber i nSt Louis? really?

    • Love 2
  6. There's 'vocal fry' which is when your voice drops into raspiness at the end of the sentence and then there's 'uptalk' which is when you alway seem to be 'asking a question' while youre speaking. I think michele the winner of S33 had more uptalk than vocal fry,

    • Love 2
  7. I just wanted to pick up that poor crying baby!

    Holding and rocking a baby should be parental instinct... it makes no sense that Erica was just sitting and staring mournfully at her crying baby instead of holding her.

    Oh well, that's why it's a farcical comedy show.

    • Love 4
  8. also, a sick visit for an ear infection costs about $50. Instead of having a jar for a health fund for everyone, Mateo couldve just borrowed 10 dollars from 5 colleagues and paid them back later. The antibiotics, however, wouldve been a problem :-\, although with a prescription I'm sure he couldve gotten an employee discount. Or sometimes doctors have free samples. Nu, I'm just nitpicking a funny episode.

    • Love 2
  9. Two way easier routes for them to take would be to 1) go to the ER, they cant turn anyone away regardless of insurance coverage.. I think. Or find a free clinic.  2) maybe their efforts shouldve been directed to talking to corporate about changing the health plan?

    The episode was hilarious though. very farcical :D

    • Love 1
  10. The whole dead body thing creeped me out. That's one thing I don't like to see, ever.

    Wouldnt a body decomposing for a year look a lot worse? and wouldnt the smell be unbearable? and the flies? and the rats? okay, I'm graphicing myself out here. ugh.

    Also, I LOVED The Exes and am so glad to see "Eden" getting work.

    OMG that stabbing shocked me!! I didnt realize it was a gag for a minut there. whew.

    • Love 1
  11. I would like to know how they suddenly had a working car, with usable gasoline, in Mexico, from one moment to the next?

    Also.... Carol!!! Youre almost having a baby - a hospital crawling with bacteria is the last place you should be, and you certainly shouldnt be touching bacteria-infested medical supplies!!!! Yeesh!!!!

    This is like 2-3 years after the virus ended, right? Those 'bodies' in the hospital should be skeletal by now, like the bones on the beach - which was super creepy to begin with. and Jeremy munching on one! yipes.

    This was a great exit for Pamela and Glenn, at least we won't know their fate for a long time (like with MIke).

    Zijutaneo or however it's spelled - is 32 hours by car to San Diego, 33 to LA. I dont know where Glenn's family is from though. How many weeks on the road will it take it for them to make it to glenn's hometown???

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