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Posts posted by AnalyzeAndCritique

  1. I adore all things Team Arrow. I'm a sucker though for the theme of team be it sports, law enforcement, or people who adopt their own "family." Team Arrow is a win in my book. 


    The stunts are always fantastic on this show. 


    I liked the Oliver and Moira dynamic. The conflict of loving someone while knowing they were doing horrendous things was well-written and acted. 


    I like what Diggle and Felicity bring to Oliver's life - steadiness and light. They balance him out.


    I like Diggle.


    I like Felicity.


    I enjoy Thea. I'm excited for Thea and Malcolm. 

    • Love 4
  2. One of the things which bothered me about Laurel seeing Oliver for the first time and her response was Tommy was standing right there. Oliver's best friend, Tommy, who was overjoyed to see him. Laurel may have had a right to her anger, but she could have saved her response to a time when it was just her and Oliver. Instead once again it was all about how Laurel was feeling and what Laurel wanted. Instead Tommy stood witness to the reality the woman he cared for and his best friend would probably never be in the same room together. Oliver didn't know they were together, but Laurel did. Her response was all about her which is pretty much the only consistency going for her character.


    I'd equate it to a friend marrying someone I think isn't good enough for them. I'd be happy because they are, but I'd have reservations. No need to rain on their parade. 

    • Love 2
  3. I've never seen Supernatural, been waiting for it to end so I can binge watch it, was she really that good as Ruby? TBH I'm not too familiar with KC's work which I find is normally better for me when I start watching a show because I don't have any preconceived notion about the actor or any expectations so it's usually easier for me to see them as the character rather than the actor. I don't know what went wrong with Laurel, though because all I see is KC and I'm usually pretty good at getting caught up in a fantasy world. I can't even blame the interviews, I looked them up afterward to try to make sense of what was going on in the screen and all it confirmed for me was that that's pretty much how KC is in interviews.


    Meant to reply to this earlier. 


    I was watching SPN and posting at TWOP when KC was Ruby. There was an outrage over Ruby because fans felt Kripke was being forced to add female characters. At the time female regulars were pretty much hated. Fans didn't want love interests. Only original Meg was welcomed without reservation. KC was decent but not memorable. A lot was going on in the SPN world when KC's Ruby was on.


    I liked Harper's Island. I liked KC on Harper's Island. Harper's Island was in KC's wheelhouse. She played a spoiled, rich girl marrying a peasant. She dressed up and bitched out a former boyfriend. She had a few scenes where she had to be happy with her fiancee (Chris Gorham) and then all hell broke loose on the island. She proceeded to spend a lot of time bitching before 

    she eventually was killed by the fiancee.

    The character wasn't a stretch for her. There was automatic sympathy because people around her were being impaled and her 

    father was split in half with a whaling knife.

    She didn't have to work to get sympathy. Elaine Cassidy did far more with her character though. 


    Harper's Island is also why I don't believe Katie's excuse for not having chemistry with Amell. She rode Gorham like a jockey at the Kentucky Derby in a deleted scene. She also had intimate moments throughout the show which didn't hit the cutting room floor. He has more children than Amell and has been married longer. Also it wasn't just the sex scene which was lacking with Amell. Pretty much all their scenes together fall flat. The air is sucked right out of the room.


    Katie also had a bit part in Taken. She played a teen who goes to Europe to follow U2 around. Given her friend's financial situation and the family apartment she was staying out, I'd infer she was from a upper class family. She didn't make a splash but she managed to convey she was a rich girl willing to party with the cute boy she shared a cab with. 


    Are you seeing a trend? Katie does well in roles in which she is rich and spoiled. She at least handles those roles without too much effort.

    • Love 3
  4. I convinced a lawyer friend of mine to watch Arrow (in exchange for me watching Hart of Dixie), and every time a legal scene comes on, I receive a flurry of angry text messages. When I told her about Laurel

    becoming the DA

    , she nearly had a rage blackout, haha.


    (In all fairness, she's super critical of all fictitious legal proceedings, but she doesn't like Laurel, so her rants about Arrow are extra hilarious.)


    You got the short end of that stick. I watched almost two full seasons of Dixie. I had to stop. You want to talk about poor writing.


    To keep it on topic. Zoe Hart might actually be more of a self-absorbed character than Laurel Lance. Although it would be a photo finish.

  5. That's where I'm at. Nothing they said or released so far sounds interesting to me, most of it is making me not want to watch. More Laurel is one of the bigger issues for me. I know she's sticking around but I don't have to get used to it. I can just stop watching. 


    There are limited portions of S3 which sound interesting to me. I want to see if the reasoning for Felicity and Oliver to go on one date and then decide they can't be together is complete BS or viable. I hate they are introducing Ray Palmer for a new love triangle because I abhor love triangles with the heat of a thousand suns. I want to see David Ramsey with a baby, but I don't know how I feel about Daddy Diggle and Oliver being at odds. I don't want to play which episode will Sara die in. I want to see the continued stunts and what Malcolm has in store for Thea. I want to see Roy and Oliver figure out the Thea situation.


    I don't want to see anything to do with Laurel. At this point they need to retcon her or have a third personality appear. They can't keep rebooting her. If you attempt to watch Arrow from the beginning it is ridiculously obvious how inconsistent Laurel is. It is painful. While the writers have struggled with every character, Laurel is clearly the weakest link. It isn't because I ship Olicity or because I prefer Sara. I do prefer Olicity to Lauriver. I do think Sara is a kickass BC. It's because I don't enjoy the character of Laurel She has no compassion despite her supposed caring personality. She's selfish and makes everything about her. Her "dead" sister came back to life and Laurel threw things at her. I don't have sympathy for her regarding Oliver cheating on her, she never gained perspective on the situation.  


    If my sister "died" on a boat with my boyfriend, I'd be pissed until the grief overtook me. If he came back to life, I'd immediately want to know everything about my sister's final moments on Earth even if I had to speak to him. I might be upset he made it back and she didn't, but I'd come to grips with it. I'd never wish anyone death. If my sister came back to life, I'd be a mess. Spontaneous crying would probably happen. My immediate response would never be about how my life was ruined because she died and came back to life.


    If Laurel had ever had what I'd call a reasonable response to any of the situations we've seen her in, I might like her enough to care. Instead I don't care and her presence is making me indifferent to others on the show. I might give it two or three episodes, but if lessons weren't really learned from S1 and S2 then I'm out. Arrow isn't must watch TV, it isn't rewatch TV, and it isn't own the DVDs TV. I watch to see a couple of characters, but most episodes become easily forgettable. 

    • Love 8
  6. You know, I've been thinking about it, I've seen many people say that Felicity is the least developed/ 'flat' character on the show and some go beyond that to say that she's a mary-sue, I'd argue that she's more developed than people think she is.

    When I think of a developed character, I think of different elements such as a backstory, solid characterization, consistent personality etc. This can be done through both explicit (writers tell the audience what the character is like) and implicit characterization (where the audience understands a character through speech, actions, appearance etc.) While a backstory or a rich history is important in seeing an evolution of a character and how they became what they are right now, I don't believe it's necessary in order to have a well-developed character.

    Backstory: Should play a role in enriching a character as well as fortifying characters personalities and characteristics.

    So looking at it from this perspective, I don't think it matters that we don't know Felicity's backstory, what we do know though, is the fact that she has one and we'll be privy to it in a matter of a few weeks. What we know of Felicity's past is that she comes from Nevada and her mother was a cocktail waitress and that her father walked out on her when she was young (probably causing some abandonment issues). But what we also know from this is Felicity's strength and determination by defying all expectations and going to MIT possibly financing her own schooling (through scholarships and possibly having multiple part time jobs because there's no way a cocktail waitress could pay for this). From what we can see just from a few sentences about her past, we can see that Felicity doesn't settle for less. So while we're told of Felicity's past and not shown it, it's easy to deduce Felicity's characteristics from those few sentences because we know who she is today.


    With Felicity, you can immediately see that her backstory sort of reinforced what we already knew about her. While much of her characterization is implicit, we know that Felicity is an emotionally strong character who is determined and has issues with losing people who are close to her. We see her strength when she vows to stay by Oliver’s side during the undertaking, when she accepted being bait in the season 2 finale, etc. and with this we also see her determination whenever she’s behind a tablet or a computer screen. We see Felicity grapple with her abandonment issues when she wars over telling Oliver the truth because she can’t fathom losing another person who’s close to her. But her characterization goes beyond this. We know more about Felicity than people think.

    Felicity has been shown (and sometimes through EBRs stellar acting) to be quirky (self explanatory), insecure (about her position on the team), jealous (Isabel, Shado), is sometimes blind to consequences (when she goes by herself to find the cure in the van, when she goes to the bank alone), loyal, compassionate (cries for Oliver at Moira's funeral), good, honest, is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve her goals, and there’s a lot more. This list encapsulates just how far away Felicity is from being an under-developed/flat character. She's actually quite complex as you see she sometimes goes against her beliefs (she lies to Roy about what he did when he went crazy in order to save Starling) in order to achieve something bigger.

    Though some people see Felicity to be a perfect character that can do no wrong, you can see that she has faults and has suffered the consequences of these faults (The count). You could even say she even learns from her mistakes because after Tockman, you didn’t see Felicity follow any leads by herself, not only that, Felicity has become more confident over the past season and this could be seen how she’d been less ramble-y. This is growth on her part, something that you never see in a flat character.

    Also, I’d like to say that Felicity is still growing as a character. In season 3, I hope to see Felicity understand that she has to have a life outside the team and Oliver, and I hope with that we see a lot more characterization from her. I honestly don't think we've seen the best of Felicity Smoak just yet. I just really hope season 3 does her justice by further mapping out her character.

    This was long. I apologize :p Have a cupcake for finishing this little essay!

    Word. I've never understood the argument "we don't know Felicity because we don't know a out her before she met Oliver or outside the Arrow cave." We've been given plenty of information about her. Enough to be able to guess what her response might be or if she is OOC (TOD).

  7. I think they are invested in Dinah Laurel Lance becoming Black Canary, I don't think they had any "idea" or conception of who Dinah Laurel Lance should be on this show and it....shows. The idea that they had any "idea" for her beyond donning a costume with fishnets sometime in the life cycle of the show is not plausible to me. I don't think you pay someone lead actress prices if you want her to do the work of a fifth tier supporting character. I think they feel *obligated* to Katie Cassidy/CW because of that contract, in terms of what KC was sold on to take the part, and because she's a CW pet. I think they expected everyone to love Laurel and embrace her, based solely on her name, her future persona, and some belief that KC is a wildly popular actress. When all of that blew up in their face, when bad writing, and poor planning, and miscasting, and weak chemistry all collided to create the void that is Laurel, they wisely latched on to the surprise chemistry and acting bomb they had in EBR/Felicity.

    I think they want to give KC's Laurel every opportunity to win the audience over, but have learned NOTHING in three years about what that might take. I mean I hope I'm wrong and they can fix her, but there is so little evidence they actually think she's broken, they just think the audience is dumb and confused and will eventually embrace her, if they tell us enough times both on screen and off how awesome she is. Know when to fold them for fracks sake Team Arrow producers/writers.

    Agreed. The larger issue is you can't keep rebooting a character. Arrow doesn't hold up well under marathon watching. Why? Because the whiplash is far worse when just twenty minutes ago the character was going a different direction. It will hurt them in the long run too.

    • Love 3
  8. Oliver/Sara/Laurel broke the sister code. Oliver/Tommy/Laurel broke the bro code. Although I didn't hold it against Tommy and Laurel since Oliver was dead.

    Oliver and Laurel redux was ridiculous. Oliver's penis has no shame and it is an equal opportunity dick. Pun intended.

    Honestly Oliver and his manwhore ways were the reason I didn't want Olicity to happen. However, Felicity redeems Oliver IMO and I do like them together. I just dislike the revolving door he has marked for Lance women in his bedroom.

    The Lance girls is what made the Oliver and Isobel hook up ridiculous to me. If we hadn't have had sister swapping, I think Oliver banging his father's mistress would have come across far worse than it did. Instead I'm waiting to find Thea and Tommy once played 7 minutes in heaven together.

    • Love 2
  9. Isabel and Felicity still make me LOL. Though I think thats because the EPs and SA head cannons were so different.


    I doubt there was any planning involved. Some one probably just thought it would be funny - which it was. But don't just throw something like that in for laughs. I need back ground.

    Are you referring to the EPs saying Isobel just hated Felicity because some people rub us the wrong way and Stephen saying it was because Oliver was thinking of Felicity while banging Isabel? 


    Isabel literally became the biggest waste of dialogue and film. They completely butchered her. As much as I hated her presence on the show because of her attitude towards Felicity, I hate how impotent she became. She stole the company only because Slade pulled the strings. She was never a viable threat despite her name being in the book and Moira's warnings. 

  10. In 2b? I think it was jarring considering 2a but 2a was too fast as I've said.

    Saying Felicity brings out the best in Oliver is ignoring Diggle (as s2 did) and how he was Oliver's go to guy for opening up, for getting his crap called on etc.

    There was minimal that in s2 (I could count the significant Oliver/Diggle moments on one hand)

    When one character has to be minimalized to help Oliver/Felicity get momentum...it's not working. 


    I don't think Olicity needed help getting momentum. By the end of last season there were plenty of viewers who had purchased their ticket for the Olicity train. Personally I think the train was running on the coal of Lauriver. 


    There are plenty of people in my life who bring out the best in me. However, we are talking about a romantic relationship. I don't think Diggle and Oliver will be bed buddies anytime soon. The discussion was geared towards Felicity and Oliver and the progression of their relationship. I do think Diggle is good for Oliver, but in different ways. Diggle was accepting of the killing as a soldier. Felicity helped Oliver see he didn't have to kill everyone. Sometimes Oliver has to kill and Digg can be his support when he has to. Everyone plays a different role because no one wants to watch a show with only a cast of Oliver. You need a Diggle and a Felicity to be partners. You need a Moira and Thea for family. The list goes on.


    2b had too much going on. Most of which was a cluster. In an attempt to right the early decisions made by the writers and EPs, we muddled through a lot of useless filler. Effort was made to fix the dynamic of Oliver and the Lance sisters which brought them front and center. I don't think Olicity marginalized anyone so much as retconning to redeem Laurel took over. The focus became trying to fix the chaos and choose a Canary. Oliver became a pawn in his own journey because the writers won't commit to a Canary. 

    • Love 6
  11. Sure...I think in s1 he really didn't have much interest in Felicity even as  a friend. She made him laugh but so did Dig, Thea and Tommy at various times IIRC.

    In s2 the relationship was moving at a breakneck speed in the first half in a very non-subtle way. They even had him kill when she (not his mom, not Thea) was in danger. But we were never really given or shown a reason why or when. It was just s2 started and all the Olicity.


    I think the writer's actually stumbled upon making Olicity a viable couple versus planning for it which is why it works.


    IMO Felicity does more than make Oliver smile. Honestly she makes him a better person. While others in his life also contribute, Felicity has consistently pushed Oliver to be more than he thinks he is. Felicity was the first to challenge him not to kill. When Tommy learned about Oliver's second life as a vigilante, it also furthered his desire not to kill. Felicity introduced Oliver to an alternative way. She also challenged him to not just target 1% but to pursue other criminals not on his list. She pushes him to be a better person.


    In S1 Oliver had a focus which was right his father's wrongs and maybe have a chance at a normal life. Initially I think he wanted it with Laurel, then he realized Tommy and Laurel were together, there was some blah blah blah in between,  and then he and Laurel slept together. He thought he could hang up the hood and be Mr.Laurel Lance. I don't think he was thinking of Felicity romantically. However, sometimes that is how the best relationships start. While she verbalized her appreciation for his body, she also pushed him to pursue McKenna if it made him happy. Therefore while she might have been attracted to him, I don't think she was crushing on him. It made for a fun and playful dynamic. A trust was built as well as a friendship. I don't believe Felicity was ever an obligation to him. He cared for her. She cared for him. Their partnership began out of necessity but it grew and became more than just vigilante and IT support.


    In S2 we see Diggle and Felicity bring Oliver back from Lian Yu. There is obviously a trust there as well as a friendship. Otherwise Felicity would have taken her million and splurged on shoes. Oliver comes back and wants to be different. Felicity basically tells him "be different then." She also believes in him otherwise she wouldn't have bothered redoing the lair. She would have upgraded her systems at home and lived a quiet life. They work together with Diggle (not ignoring him but focusing on the Olicity parts) as a team. It requires trust, honesty, and respect. Something Oliver doesn't have with Laurel or any other woman in his life. He's lying to everyone, but Diggle and Felicity. 


    As S2 progresses I do think the natural chemistry between Stephen and Emily sped up the Olicity train. Their friendship strengthens the relationship of the two characters. It is evident they enjoy working together which I believe a lot of the audience has picked up on. The character of Felicity Smoak brought something to Arrow which was sorely lacking, a bright spot despite the overdose of angst and manpain. Stephen plays off of Emily with a lightness neither Katie nor Caity draw from him. 


    I don't believe it is all Felicity though being good for Oliver. Sometimes we don't know our potential until someone knocks us out of our comfort zone. Felicity has a skill set and a natural empathy for people. She cares because it is her nature. Her IT skills allow her to help people. She is never going to suit up and parkour her way through SC. She is support for someone with those skills. She complements him as much as he complements her. Oliver gave her an alternative to Sci-Fi marathon TV viewing on the weekends. Each push the other to be more than what they are and see what they could be.


    Why did Oliver kill the Count when he threatened Felicity? There are probably lots of theories. Was it to give Olicity a beat at the end of the episode? More than likely. However, Oliver had dealt with the Count before and it hadn't proven successful. I'm working off distant memories of the Count's time on Arrow. Wasn't this the third time he made an appearance? The Count was responsible for the vertigo Thea got her hands on. The Count was an imminent threat to Felicity. You could argue the Count was threatening/had threatened two women Oliver deeply cared for. Therefore he may have been dialed up an extra notch or twelve. 

    • Love 8
  12. Well it was just one person. And yea we're left to assume...I don't have a problem with that...I like to fill in dots myself sometimes (I know many don't)But I thought the reaction to Malcolm's return was mostly positive. 


    Relationships thread.

    Didn't Oliver think he killed Deadshot too?  I thought there were at least two or three when Malcolm suddenly appeared. There was a lot of talk about it at TWOP.

  13. Because Oliver killed Malcolm and he magically reappeared. Most fans weren't thrilled with the Houdini act and the non-answer when asked by the writers and EPs. We are left to assume how he lived. Also it negates Oliver's abilities because he keeps killing people who are then "magically" alive. 


    Olicity is working far more than any other pairing for Oliver IMO. If you want more information, I'll happily reply in the relationship thread. 

    • Love 3
  14. I watched roughly 1.5 season of TVD. I have a soft spot for Ian S. I gave up because it was just horrible. They established a love triangle early on and they've never gotten rid of it. They just trade out the players. TVD is as teen soap as you can get. 


    Arrow has more going for it because its existence isn't completely dependent on love stories. There is action and adventure (which is done quite well) and a variety of characters so almost every viewer can find one to root for. 


    I do believe Arrow is taking advantage of Olicity because it has managed to find a couple which has resonated with viewers. Olicity also brings in TVD crowd who want heart eyes and kissy faces. 


    Also I suspect. They know what they are going to do with Olicity. Last interview I read made it sound like they weren't sure of the direction of the second half of the season in regards to villains, Thea, Malcolm, and the rest. I don't think you promote Laurel because depending on how the beginning of the season goes, she might not make it to the end. Do you promote

    Roy as Arsenal

    ? A lot of fans groaned when they Daddy Diggle reveal happened in S2. A lot of fans voiced their opposition to Daddy Oliver and Daddy Diggle. I don't think they want everyone playing the S2 game of in which episode is Sara going to die. 


    Olicity keeps the buzz going. Fans and critics alike have embraced this aspect of the show. Everything else has been shredded. Slade's motivation as the season villain. Malcolm's return. Laurel's supposed journey to becoming the Canary. They are trying to run with what is working. I can't blame them. 

    • Love 4
  15. Arrow is full of weak storytelling. It is most notable in the relationship department.


    A) They determine Slade is going to be the villain of season 2. They've established in season 1 he and Oliver are on an island together and have teamed up. They must drive a wedge between them, but they fail to choose a wedge before they break the partnership up. Suddenly they throw Oliver's motivation for getting off the island in S1 (Laurel, his great love!) out the window and he's banging the only available chic on the island who Slade also happens to be in love with. Thus creating motivation for animosity.


    First. I don't see why Shado would choose to bang Oliver. He's barely tolerable when she meets him. She endures him. Did a great love grow between them? Why would she choose him over Slade when she essentially could choose? Oliver is a child in comparison to her and Slade. Are we to believe Oliver and Shado loved each other? Were they just FWB? Did Laurel's picture float away one day while Oliver was bathing? Did it fall out of his pocket while he was stripping for some sweaty island sex?


    B) Oliver and Laurel 4eva! The ending is written for them. Oliver is Green Arrow. Laurel is Black Canary. Green Arrow and Black Canary 4eva! *Yes, I realize the comics have them in a tumultuous relationship, however ever argument I've heard for Lauriver is "they belong together" because the comics say so.


    Every OTP/endgame couple has obstacles to overcome. No TV series has ever presented a couple from episode 1 and kept them together until the final curtain call. However, you can't give them a highly toxic history and expect anyone to pull for them. Whether Sara or Laurel is your Black Canary why would you want Oliver with either of them? Regardless of which one he chooses he's still banged her sibling. I personally believe people can accept Oliver and Sara because she's the less abrasive of the two. However, both Laurel and Sara were horrible to each other and used Oliver as a conduit for their animosity. It wasn't that he wasn't willing to be used, but he wasn't much more than a weapon for each of them to hurt each other. I don't believe either girl actually loved him. There isn't reason to believe either girl had feelings more than caring a bit for him and reaping the benefits of his plentiful practice in the sex department. Laurel wanted to be a trophy wife (of sorts since she had the aspirations for a career) and Sara wanted the hot boy. I can't see an instance where either one of them showed a sacrificing love for him. It really came down to who was going to get the "w" this go around.


    C) Oliver and Isobel. While they weren't in a relationship, they had relations. I do believe their hook-up was poorly planned and executed. It cast a negative light on Oliver. I might have believed Isobel seduced him if they hadn't addressed the rumors about Oliver and Felicity earlier in the episode. It would have played a lot more powerfully if Oliver and Isobel had screwed and then Isobel's line about taking the night off was thrown out at Felicity and shock had been written all over Oliver's face. Instead we have Oliver essentially proving he's a playboy who would sleep with a female coworker. Isobel has no reason to believe better. It undermines the relationship between Oliver and Felicity since he did nothing to combat Isobel's belief in him thus dragging Felicity down.


    Isobel's motivation for hating Felicity and the affair with Robert were WEAK. I think it would have played out better had Oliver never slept with Isobel and she stole the company from him. When he stares at her in disbelief, she responds something along the lines of "your father wouldn't leave his family for me so I am leaving them with nothing." Instead the audience is taken out of the gravity of the situation when Isobel reveals she banged father and son as they are repulsed by the knowledge Oliver banged the woman Robert said he'd leave his family for. Isobel could have also offered a line about Felicity leaving Oliver because he was no longer CEO of QC.


    The writers are building a house on a watered down foundation. They seem to have the materials but couldn't mix them properly.


    My fear is they will ruin Oliver's one relationship with a female which has worked. They weren't concentrating on a relationship between Oliver and Felicity. It appears to have happened organically and surprised everyone. When they turn their attention to writing it, I'm almost certain it'll go the way of all Oliver's relationships. Why? Because they don't have a system of checks and balances. They use gorilla math and believe with blind luck they'll get the right answer. 

    • Love 12
  16. I don't think Laurel knew the Arrow was Oliver. Oliver lost his best friend. If she had an inkling they were one and the same, her bitchiness extends beyond her facial expressions.

    Personally I don't see how Laurel could know Oliver was the Arrow. It wouldn't have benefited her through most of season 2 therefore it wasn't on her radar.

    • Love 2
  17. Her role in those last couple episodes of the S2 finale was hard to figure out. Her only role was to be a red herring in the finale. And the episode before that was more about Sara then anything to do with her. I think this has been mentioned before, but they could have reversed Felicity and her roles and given her the hero moment and the romantic beats. They made the choice not to go that direction.

    Another interesting thing: the episode prior to all this, was a big Laurel episode. She had the Blood plot line, Intro to the Arrow Cave, speech to Oliver, tagging along after him. You would think they were actaully building towards something. I wonder if they were just trying a appease the KC/LL fans because they knew they would be sidelining her for the finale.

    I think if they had switched Felicity and Laurel's roles in the finale they would have lost a lot of viewers. Lautel's narrative has been such she doesn't make sense in most of the plots without a shoehorn. It is crazy enough Oliver is declaring his love to Felicity after banging Sara but to declare his love to Laurel (or vice versa) in the short timeframe would disgust me enough to quit watching.

    Laurel doesn't have Sara's training. She doesn't have Felicity's loyalty. She doesn't have Isobel's buckets of crazy or work ethic. She doesn't have anything to offer. She detracts. I don't even know if she would make a good villain. She has no motivation. She has no drive. She exists because she is in the comics and it isn't enough in my opinion to save the character. She can't keep searching for motivation unless that is her story which I have no interest in watching.

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