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Posts posted by PaperTree

  1. 6 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

    Sandys girlfriend didn’t look that excited by the proposal.

    Too much botox?  The thing wasn't as bad as I anticipated.

    Ellie is just insufferable.  She whines more than a toddler.  I can't imagine anyone hiring her for a yachting job after seeing this performance.

    Bri seems to have pulled it together.  Jono too.

    Carrie seems to be under no illusions with Joe.  She just wants to have fun.

    Hilarious how he got so hammered he couldn't perform.

    Nathan and Gael make a cute couple.  Would be nice if they;re still together.  I loved how she put Joe in his place awhile back

    Iain gets more weird all the time.

    Sandy annoying as always

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  2. 16 hours ago, ZettaK said:

    Joe was not aware he was not really a lead deck hand, and Ellie didn't realize Carrie was not really a floater. 

    As I said upthread this rank stuff is ridiculous, BUT

    Aesha did say something to the effect that "The 2nd stew is in charge when I'm off the boat or on break".  OK.  Somebody has to be.

    So why not just rotate that duty?  See who can handle what.  Tougher with Bri as the only alternate, but why not give her a shot.  It may be something she's good at (somerimes I'm too optimistic😎) and Carrie is obviously qualified, but it's a bit late.

    Joe just gets more annoying every week.

    Sailing into finale week!  See ya'all there!

    • Like 5
  3. 5 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    This "take your flint if you're the losing team" crap is BS. I hate that. It just further disadvantages the weakest tribe and makes it that much more likely they will keep losing.

    Would be funny as hell if somebody on the dimwit tribe had actually prepared and could make a friction fire with all that dry bamboo laying around.

    Screw you, Jeff!

    • Thanks 1
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  4. 2 hours ago, ChristmasJones said:

    WHO DOES THAT??????????????????? (And if someone does.... who says it on a reality show in front of a bunch of other people?)

    At least one person.  LOL.😎

    I've always thought "You never know what turns you on; until it turns you on", but that's some weird poop.  The end of the digestive system seems to fascinate her.

    • LOL 3
  5. Mom was raised in NE Louisiana and Houston, but after a few years in New Jersey, lost most of the Southern.

    But when we would go down to visit her family, it came right back.  It was like Mom turned into a different person to a little kid.

    She always kept the "ya'all", which I picked up.  Sounds better than the "youse" the locals here use😎.  (It's "yinz" in Pittsburgh.  lol)

    T'kor's accent just comes across as phony, whether it is or not. 

    And someone please burn those hats

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  6. Great F3!!!  

    Dan was always my favorite, but Ky or Fernando winning would have been fine.

    They all seem like genuinely nice people and Ky is tougher than nails.

    Such a pleasure to see Jeff and Gary sent packing.  Patrick had also become quite tiresome and obnoxious lately.

    May our screens never be cursed with Jeff again😎

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  7. Ellie is just a bitch and a half on wheels.  I certainly wouldn't hire her for any yachting job after this performance.

    She really needs to get over herself and this rank nonsense.  The whole concept is silly.  Aesha is the boss, the rest are equal.  Do what the boss tells you and STFU.

    "Put out your candle.  ssst"  😁  Go Aesha!

    Surprised this color system seems to be working.  Just seems like extra work.  (I'm very lazy.  Iain might be lazier😎)

    Gael and Nathan seem to have worked it out.

    The guests seem like fun and easy to deal with.  Poseidon Temple was way cool.

    Carrie was great on WWHL.  Slammed Ellie oh so nicely.

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  8. 55 minutes ago, Rodney said:

    T'Kor's done a hell of a job conditioning them.

    It's that mesmerizing flexible accent (barf)

    eta: A mid-season thanks to all you feedwatchers😎

    • Like 1
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  9. 13 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

    Because, you just know, the moment Angela breaks out her emotionally manipulative waterworks on Thanksgiving or Christmas is the moment her kids pack up their belongings and head home in order to avoid a family fight

    I finally kicked my manipulative family to the curb in 2016. Holidays are so much more peaceful.

    Could she win a F2? Scary thought.

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  10. 19 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

    Leah is obviously used to dealing and managing man children who hit on her.

    Big time! Sorry Q, and Moustache is so pathetic.

    Cam is reverting to a piece of furniture, Angela is so annoying, but she's a great goat.  Bring out the horns.

    Team Leah!  Pitt graduate from NJ.  Had a blast there!

    Sorry about Jack.  It's always hard.


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