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Posts posted by threebluestars

  1. On 11/15/2023 at 8:48 PM, MerBearHou said:

    1000% I was worried Jake was having a pre-seizure brain freeze moment.  I watched him with my breath held.  

    I am hoping that medical has evaluated him after each incident he's had, because it's getting worrisome. At this point I would not be shocked if he reveals he's been diagnosed with some chronic health condition at the reunion or something.

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  2. I have no idea how I missed this show when it was on. It has everything that attracts me to a crime solving show, and I love Eric McCormack. So far I'm part way into S1 and really enjoying it! I'm happy Disney+ suggested it.

  3. Michael is so completely spineless it's hilarious. First he goes to take down Sonny and then can't do it, now he gets dirt on Nina and can't do that either lol.

    I almost wish Tracy knew about this because she'd roast him and I'd love to see that.

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  4. I think if they'd sent Esme to jail for even 6 months they'd be able to have her released having "learned her lesson" and we'd be in a far better situation with the character not being totally useless. I don't know if the writers thought a baby would make her likeable or redeem her in some way, but it's lazy writing. She needs to get her memory back stat.

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  5. So I just started watching and ... it really is a bit too dark for me, vibe-wise, which is saying something. Reid missing makes a huge impact on the team, but he was missing from a lot of episodes in the final seasons of the original run, but it didn't seem as glaring as it does here. Not sure why.



  6. 26 minutes ago, fishsanwitt said:

    I thought Cody was grossly overacting, going nuts in the interview room. Then, finally, I got it - Cody is trying to get committed. It took me forever to get it, though. D'oh.

    Same! I was like "this guy is a really bad actor." lol.

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  7. I guess since the strike is on CBS Radford sets are up for grabs? lol. I actually loved the fact they were filming on different sets. I've thought for a LONG time that BB needed to have a separate "arena" where all the comps take place so they always have backyard access.

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  8. Anything with liquid - so OTEV, anything involving slime or goo dumped on you, slip and slides, rain falling during an endurance challenge - hearing aids have to come out. He won't be able to hear any chat, announcements, warnings etc.

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  9. I wish they could have had Carly and Nina working together to figure out what's up with Sasha because they see something weird or something. Carly sees Nina truly cares about Sasha and can see she could be like that with Willow. Nina feels more and more awful about the SEC stuff. They become closer ... even friends ... THEN they blow it up.

    It's not interesting watching two people that hate each other hate each other bigger. There's no stakes.



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  10. Has Cody actually said "Hey, I think Gladys is gambling Sasha's money away?" or no? I mean ... if he's afraid people will know he's gambling at the same game ... I don't think anyone cares about him that much. All I've heard is Gladys is "hurting Sasha" but I don't pay close attention when I watch because it's dull, so maybe I missed it.


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  11. Too bad we didn't get an actual Hetty appearance, but I am thinking she set up going missing so Sam and Callen could find her, like some twisted present lol. It was nice to see Nell and Nate. Meh on Sabatino lol.

    The Kensi pregnancy was expected, but I thought the actors did a good job in the scene.

    Overall I think the show went off the rails years ago, so the finale was pretty underwhelming as it feels to me like it should've ended awhile ago.

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  12. This is the second time in as many weeks we've had a character from JAG show up on this show not playing their JAG character. I mean ... that was senator Bobbi Latham. Last week it was JAG lawyer Sturgis Turner. These were characters that were on the mothership a lot.

    (I think they should reboot JAG with Bud as the JAG and new young lawyers as the main characters. Harm and Mac can pop in a few times too. And Bud is mentored by a retired Chegwidden whose granddaughter is one of the main character Navy lawyers.

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