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  1. Honest question: If Cody and Nicole did have a pregame agreement, would it really change anything? Janelle and Kaysar or Bayleigh and Da’Vonne could’ve been the duo that steamrolled the competition, but they didn’t win challenges and they didn’t make the right alliances, so they were evicted. Cody and Nicole suck as television personalities, but I don’t see their potential pregaming as having any serious impact on the outcome of the season. Now, Cody having that unfair advantage in the very first HoH on the other hand...
  2. That was my point. Lol. Dominique is a woman who Christmas spent three weeks with, three years ago. Yet she somehow confused her with Da’Vonne, whom she just spent two months with, because she also happens to be a black woman whose name begins with D.
  3. If you’re referring to the clip that peachmangosteen posted upthread, Dominique is a black woman that appeared on Christmas’s first season.
  4. So I’m not the only one who mistook him for Blair St. Clair!
  5. She just turned 34. I actually don’t think she looks that old or unhealthy, especially compared to BB8. She just has a very... harsh-looking face. I don’t think sunblock or weight gain can fix that. As for her zing being sexist, I tend to disagree — off the top of my head, Tyler and BB13 Adam also got zinged for their looks. (Not that those were acceptable either. I believe you shouldn’t make fun of somebody’s appearance unless it’s something they can fix within 15 seconds.)
  6. I don’t think she harbors Aaryn/Gina Marie levels of racism, but I think she has a racist thought process. I don’t recall her ever worrying that Cody the marine or Mark the bodybuilder were going to physically assault her during BB19, yet Day and Bayleigh made her feel like she needed to lock her HoH room door at night? Hmm...
  7. Isn’t it wild? I also started watching at BB3 when I was a freshman in high school. If I were on the show now, I would be the senior citizen of the house. Lol. It blows my mind to think that, at 34, I’m now older than Roddy, Danielle, and Marcellas were during that season.
  8. “Hate speech will not be tolerated” in the Big Brother house?
  9. Does anyone know what kind of donuts Daniele got on her HoH basket? They looked really good in last night’s episode.
  10. Sorry, I don’t watch the feeds: Do we know for certain that Tyler was threatened by production? Or is it still speculation?
  11. You’re absolutely correct. Let’s not forget that while America was given the opportunity to vote for SOME of the BB7 participants, it was up to CBS to place players like Will and Danielle in the house since the viewers opted for Jase and Erika instead.
  12. Am I the only one confused by the concept of “old school” versus “new school”? The show varies so drastically season by season (BB3/BB4, BB9/BB10, BB14/BB15, etc.) that I don’t think it can be divided into eras so simply. There have always been seasons where people waited too long to make waves or cut throats (the failure to nominate BB3 Danielle/Jason, BB5 Diane/Drew, and BB7 Will/Mike comes to mind), and there have been recent seasons where the house didn’t hesitate to dispatch power players early in the game (BB15 Nick/Jeremy/Kaitlin, BB17 Clay/Shelli, BB18 Frank). As far as the contestants being overly conscious of how’re they’re being portrayed, I think that can be attributed to the rise of social media. If YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram had existed in the early days of BB, I’m sure we would’ve seen the houseguests quickly become just as inhibited as they are now. I don’t think casting changes will fix that, except to make the show worse by showcasing flagrantly, shamelessly awful people like Dick, Aaryn, Paul, etc.
  13. Somebody started a rumor that there’s a graphic video of Victor cheating on Nicole.
  14. Bring back the “America’s Choice” votes! Janelle’s continual rewards from the audience in S6 were so satisfying. They had that one week last year where Jackson, Christie, and Analyse(?) were punished by the audience, so we know TPTB has the ability to do it...
  15. Tell me why I read “Dom” and my mind immediately jumped to BB19 Dominique. This season has already broken my brain.
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