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Posts posted by FurryFury

  1. Okay, you may hate me for it, but I loved Root and I didn't care about Person of Interest until it stopped being a generic case-of-the-week show. And Carter was boring.

    And anyone who saw Angel S5 and the way Amy Acker transformed from Fred to Illyria can't seriously agree that she's a bad actress.

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  2. 19 hours ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

    Maybe I'm just getting cantankerous in my old age, but with each passing year, I lose more patience with how characters carry a torch for someone years, decades, or even centuries (depending on the character) after they should have just let go. Don't think me too callous; loved ones come and go in our lives, and it's hard when we lose someone. That's easy to sympathize with.

    My problem is when said characters knew their ONE TRUE LOVE for... I dunno, maybe a long weekend, and then just rule out the possibility of a new love from then on. I get that everyone copes with loss in their own way, but at a certain point, surely it's time to move on and take off the figurative widow's weeds and chastity belt?! Especially if you didn't even know that person for very long? This has been a recurring theme in movies for ages, and I know plenty of TV shows are guilty of it, as well.


    Unfortunately, this one does happen IRL. When I was about 16, I had an online friend (male, 23 or 24). At some point, we met (I was 17) and he tried to confess to me (or at least I took ti that way). I wasn't a super mature 17 year old, so I just ran away, lol. I never met him or talked to him again, but even 18 years later, he occasionally tries to contact me via social media (I never reply and recently blocked him). I do feel really weird about that...

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  3.  That finale seemed pretty uninspired. I expected better. Personally, I would have still killed Teresa at the end - some anvils need to be dropped: you can't really play with fire (well, drugs) and not get burned. Another nice idea would be her going full circle and ending up alone in Mexico without money or connections (which realistically would most likely also mean death).

     It feels like there was a weird unexplained change of her personality mid-season: she was getting all ruthless (which makes sense after Tony's death) and then she's all "I'm getting out" and exchanging "I love yous" with James. Maybe the writers got a heads-up that they were getting canceled and had to wrap it up? Or was Kelly Ann's pregnancy supposed to influence her view of the world? If so, that wasn't translated well on-screen.

    But yeah, the first three seasons of the show were much better, overall. I think there was a showrunner change somewhere around that time.

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  4. I'm sorry, but no Russian will ever call their kid Samara. I know Americans can call their children Dallas, but it sounds so damn stupid in Russian (Samara is a big city and you simply don't name kids after cities in Russian). 

    Still, I give the show kudos for having Kostya talk in unaccented Russian. Doesn't happen that often on US TV.

    After the lackluster last season, I'm surprisingly invested in this one, even if things aren't happening as I would prefer them to happen—but we'll see.

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  5. On 1/27/2021 at 6:53 AM, Ambrosefolly said:

    I hate Andrew from Buffy. They did a real shit job of redeeming.

    It really should have been Johnathan. I've always had a soft spot for him. I even loved Superstar.

    On 1/27/2021 at 6:53 AM, Ambrosefolly said:

    I ended up really hating souled!Spike on Buffy, season 7. (Weirdly, I really liked him on the final season of Angel).

    Spike worked perfectly on Angel (especially with Angel himself—that was a bromance for the ages). Actually, he was perfect before the chip thing on Buffy as well. He's just not a character who should have ever been defanged, and being chipped and (especially) in love with Buffy made a number on him. The main love interest role is quite restricting, and shoehorning a former villain into it requires a lot of work and skill. I don't think Noxon, Espenson and co. were up to par (although, judging by Once Upon A Time, Espenson has a thing for villain romances with abusive undertones).

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  6. I'd never call The Boys grim or realistic. It's quite over the top and has a lot humor (black, that is). It's also surprisingly political (mostly in S2, though). I'd say they're walking a fine line between a straight up deconstruction and a fun-filled romp mocking modern society.

    I also really love that they have a few relatable characters who aren't assholes. 

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  7. On 9/13/2020 at 4:52 AM, Morrigan2575 said:

    Interesting but about Stormfront/Liberty. Makes me wonder why Edgar put her in the Seven? What's his angle?

    I wonder if she's related to Vought's founder mentioned by Edgar on top of being one of the first supes. 

  8. It wasn't bad, but I expected more. It didn't feel as if there was an actual interesting idea behind all this, just an excercise in cleverness and playing with puzzle pieces. The characters were flat, as I've come to expect from Nolan (I actually do like most of his movies, but there is a clear trend with this issue), but I found the lack of chemistry between the actors (and lack of charisma from anyone except Pattison) especially jarring. The blank slate protagonist really required someone with a lot more charm, I think.

    I didn't have any problems following the plot, it all made sense. Also, it was nice to hear actual unaccented Russian when the plot called for it, unlike how it's usually done in Hollywood.

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  9. On 5/17/2020 at 2:43 AM, Kel Varnsen said:

    Or the same way I don't need an explanation beyond "Gandalf has wizard powers because he is a wizard". 

    Funnily, there is an explanation for Gandalf's powers (not in the movie, but the books). Magic still has to make sense, even if so many of show writers don't get it or care about it.


    17 hours ago, Winter Rose said:

    There are ships out there where I can understand their merits, even if I personally don't agree. And there are certainly those where I can (reluctantly) still admit when I think there's chemistry. But Sawyer/Juliet is something I'll go to my grave never understanding.

    A classic "Pair the spares" case. I liked both characters a lot, but the pairing didn't work for me in the slightest. But hey, at least they got away from the festival of suck that Kate and Jack were.

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  10. 15 hours ago, BlackberryJam said:

    I never watched Mad Men because the very sight of Jon Hamm makes my skin crawl. I don't know him. Never met him. But something about him screams, "RUN AWAY BEFORE HE LOCKS YOU IN A BASEMENT AND SKINS YOU ALIVE." I have the same reaction to Derek Jeter. It's visceral. 

    I guess the creators of Kimmy Schmidt had the same feeling, then.

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  11. I liked the beginning of the season, but not the end. Was surprised to see Sabrina and Nick to break up so quickly after building up her love for him so much (I don't really care about them, but they're still better than Sabrina and boring Harvey). Never expected to enjoy Ambrose/Prudence as much - more of that, please. 

    The pagans were super lame as villains. Hopefully Elder Horrors will work better. And I agree, Blackwell has been played out.

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  12. 17 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    He and Bobo bonding over jazz music was weirdly awesome. 

    It was Robin who bonded with Bobo over jazz, not Charlie.

    Doc is clearly possessed by Maeve, and thank God, because otherwise, him killing Charlie would have probably be the point of no return for many of the characters (and the fandom). I did enjoy Maeve possessing Nicole and her and Doc's little investigative duo.

    Wynonna refusing to sacrifice Waverly felt taken straight from Buffy season 5, with Buffy and Dawn. Hope it wouldn't end the same way (although Waverly is 100x more fun than Dawn ever was).

    I don't trust Anna Silk's character (wonder what's her real name is), but maybe it's just the actress. She felt a bit too smug at times.

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