23 -
35 Excellent-
S11.E11: Top 10 Perform + Eliminations
ThirteenthJuror replied to Bella's topic in So You Think You Can Dance
Hilarious! My typo took on new meaning. I meant "stop" that, but it was worth seeing that hilariously bad video! -
S11.E11: Top 10 Perform + Eliminations
ThirteenthJuror replied to Bella's topic in So You Think You Can Dance
Best dance of the night and the only dance of the season I watched immediately after goes to Jasmine and Emilio. Whomever said Jasmine is not a Hip hop dancer needs to inform her body and all the top Hip Hop choreographers constantly hiring her in the industry right now. She's multi-talented/trained in Contemporary, pointe, Tap and Hip Hop. She murdered that to the point that I was only watching her for parts of it. Sad that Emilio left on a night where his dance was so damn good. Who's voting for Rudy? No seriously; stop that. He gets more and more painful to watch every show. That Cha Cha was a mess to me. A whole lot of looking for the camera and mugging from Jenna and lost in the sauce from Rudy. I swear it looked like he caused Jenna to tumble at the end. Are the judges paid to not give him any real criticism? I just don't get it. He's becoming that celebrity on Dancing With the Stars that outstays their welcome with the mediocre dancing, knocking out better dancers. Tanisha is my favorite girl and she can do no wrong in my eyes. That Argentine Tango was my second favorite dance of the night. Tanisha just embodies every dance to the fullest. I'll take her over any of the the other "Vibe Tribe" girls any day of the week. Kathryn was gorgeous as always and reminded me of an old Lana Turner movie. She and Casey were great together, but I still get nothing when watching him. Superb technician that he is. Nigel is becoming offensive with calling Ricky a Hobbit. We get it. How would he feel if someone continuously called out those "Old Yeller" teeth of his? That being said; I didn't really care for he and Lauren's dance. It just didn't seem to go anywhere for me. Jacque and Chehon again did nothing for me.Loved seeing Chehon back though. It just seemed like a whole lot of start, stop. pose. I equally felt nothing like I suspect I was suppose to for the Zack/Amy dance. It was nothing new for me. I felt like it was another manipulative piece these choreographers try to evoke an emotion out of you with these stories. It was danced great, but Amy always turns me off with her over wrought emotion. Again, whomever is voting for Rudy. Please top that. -
S11.E10: Top 14 Perform, 4 Eliminated
ThirteenthJuror replied to radishcake's topic in So You Think You Can Dance
I think Nigel didn't appreciate that Misty forced he and Mary to talk about technique and performance value and didn't play the producers game. Look what happens when she leaves. Mary's crying. Christina's crying. A show full of unnecessary standing ovations. He probably blames Misty for the low ratings when in actuality it's because of a lackluster group and poor choreography this season. Misty was correct when she said the boys were at a different level this season. Nigel just hates when he can't call these young girls he lusts after each season the beasts. My favorite routines of the night were again the group numbers. The mini ones that is. That seems to be a running theme each week with me. I just think this cast is better collectively than individually. I actually liked the girl's routine best. The synchronicity was divine. Zach and Ricky were definitely the stars of the boys group number. I know Ricky is nauseating pimped, but he's so good in the group numbers. Btw, Nigel. How does Travis scrotum taste? I can go the rest of my life without hearing them carry on about him each show like he's the King of choreography and seeing Travis face cheesing after. I surprisingly liked Ricky and Valerie's Hip Hop the best tonight. It's the most I've liked Valerie this season. I thought she inhabited the character great. That side elevated-split on the ground sold it for me. The dancing could've been a lot sharper, but for the most part I think the choreography fit their capabilities. I think Carly should have been saved of the girls. She's shown far more versatility than Jessica ever did. They keep trying to make fetch happen with Jessica. I liked her at the beginning of the season, but she's faded each week for me. If her only big moments are going to be emotional Contemporary pieces where she can pull face, then she doesn't need to be there. Casey is just a non-entity to me. He's an excellent technician, but I feel nothing when he dances. I suspect he'll be the first out in top 10 for the guys. Love the shake up with the AS. I love Robert, Allison...etc, but I get tired of seeing them every season. I'm sure they're rotating the AS each week and they'll be back. Love that they brought Jasmine Harper back. The show lacked without a contestant like her this season. Twitch with Jessica should be interesting. Hopefully, he can make her rise to the occasion. Ricky and LoFro was a surprise pairing and I'm interested to see how that shapes up. Jenna and Rudy has the potential to annoy me with the faces they pull. Jenna has that bad habit of looking like she's chewing on cud when she dances ballroom. Between that and Rudy's OMG face I might have to turn the channel. -
The career of a working dancer can be pretty short due to demands on the body, so if you can as much work as possible in your prime it's best. They also mostly move onto a career of choreography and artistic areas eventually. Ellenore and dancers like her making their companies young is smart. She can still work as a dancer on her own when she wants, but still has her company for security and fulfillment of her own creative endeavors. Doing teaching conventions and classes is also a good avenue when jobs are sparse.
The only reason I can see them bringing this show back after the poor ratings this season is for the Emmy nominations it gives the network. They really need to retool if it comes back. First suggestion is eliminating Nigel. His heavy handed influence on the show is starting to affect it, IMO
Sasha immediately became one of Madonna's tour dancers after the show with Kupono and other notables. She then did a few awards shows. She did some choreography thing with Tiffany for a China dance show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RI_hYMukGv8 She also became part of a dance company with several Sytycd alumnus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTXY_CRLwZs ETA: She's also been assisting Sonya Tayeh this season with her routines
S11.E08: Top 18 Perform, 2 Eliminated
ThirteenthJuror replied to Mya Stone's topic in So You Think You Can Dance
It actually gave me more respect for Brooklyn when she did that. Too many times Nigel has misrepresented these dancers to the general public by claiming they're untrained in something. All one has to do is look at the internet and see that Brooklyn is from the Arnold dance studio and part of the cross-trained "Vibe" tribe. If we know that on the internet; Nigel sure as hell knew it as a producer. He's always trying to push this "look at how progressive we are" narrative to the audience. It backfired on him (IMO) when Brooklyn corrected him and admitted to having training in Jazz. She even further admitted in after show interviews that she knows her technique isn't great and that she and Casey were working on it all week. I really liked her honesty and maybe even naivete' after that. She's not affected yet. She still does absolutely nothing for me on the dance floor and I wouldn't be sad to see her leave next week, but I really liked her as a person after that. On the subject of Emmy submissions I saw being discussed, it is true that the choreographers are able to submit 3 of their pieces for consideration themselves. -
S11.E08: Top 18 Perform, 2 Eliminated
ThirteenthJuror replied to Mya Stone's topic in So You Think You Can Dance
I must say I liked this episode the best of the season so far. Group number again is my favorite routine this week. That was sick. Loved the new blood. I thought it was Chris Scott, but was pleasantly surprised and happy to see new blood. Favorite routines: Carly and Serge. First girl so far this season to really dance Hip Hop and nail it. Liking her more and more each week. Serge did a good job as well, but Carly sold this. Rudy and Tanisha: They are great together and I think the perfect pairing. Rudy really surprised me in this. My only problem is when he's off the dance floor and starts to talk. Less of that Rudy. Emilio and Bridget: The technique wasn't great, but they sold the performance of it. I didn't really outwardly hate or dislike any routine tonight, but those are the only ones I would go back and watch again. I thought the praise for Ricky/Valerie's VW was way overblown and certainly didn't deserve a standing ovation. Laying it on thick there Nigel. It was good for two non specialists, but nothing that special to me. I also need Ricky to tone down the overly humble act at the judges table. It will start to turn people off later and have viewers saying he's disingenuous. I still love him though. If i hear "Say Something," one more time I'll scream. Enough. Stanley did not deserve to go home tonight. I don't get the love for Teddy. I really don't. Not impressed with Nigel calling them (Stanley/Jourdan) out as being the lowest vote getters and that they were going to stick with the audience votes. Since when has this ever mattered to him. Just be truthful and say you were ready for them to go. Misty continues to impress with her straightforward and on the nail critiques. She made Nigel and Mary raise their bar and stop fawning and actually give these kids something they can work with, so they can grow every week. Welcome back Dee Caspary with your deadpan staring into the camera describing your piece. Also, your wonderful world of props! Add Umbrellas to his list. Never change Dee. Never change. -
S11.E07: Top 20 Perform, 2 Eliminated
ThirteenthJuror replied to Bella's topic in So You Think You Can Dance
I won't get too deep into this because it will start a debate that I'm not interested or willing to have. When I spoke of personal issues with Wade, the MJ thing was only part of it. Wade was having issues in the industry before that. Also, harping back to the previous issue there are people in the industry who don't support Wade in his allegations, so it's not about a code of silence. That's all I'll say on the subject. -
S11.E07: Top 20 Perform, 2 Eliminated
ThirteenthJuror replied to Bella's topic in So You Think You Can Dance
Bella, for me, Brandon is one of the best dancers to ever set foot on that stage.Why they insist on only using him for Disco as an AS baffles me, but that's a conversation for another time. He was constantly challenged and rose to the occasion every single time. Only to be personally attacked every time he stood in front of Mia. You know it's bad when even Nigel tries to subtly stick up for Brandon, admonishing something Mia said. I wasn't a big fan of Adechike, but he didn't deserve that treatment she gave him either. None of these dancers do. I've just had a bad taste in my mouth for Mia for a long time now because of her behavior when judging certain dancers on this show. -
Loved Ryan & Kathryn "Put Your Hands On Me". I think Ryan was the absolute best partner that season and he was the reason that routine went off so well. It shows you how much better Latin ballroom dances can be pulled off when you have one partner in the specialty to help the non specialist out. Ryan doesn't get enough credit from this show and I still find his treatment when he came back as an AS deplorable. They should use him more often.
S11.E07: Top 20 Perform, 2 Eliminated
ThirteenthJuror replied to Bella's topic in So You Think You Can Dance
No. It will never happen, so people keep wishing for it to will just further disappoint themselves. He hasn't had any noteworthy jobs in years because of personal issues and now he's pretty much a pariah in the industry. He won't be asked back. I wouldn't mind Mia back occasionally as a choreographer, but she can't ever speak at the judges table if she does. The way she treated Adechike and Brandon is unacceptable to me. I lost all respect for her during those times. -
S11.E07: Top 20 Perform, 2 Eliminated
ThirteenthJuror replied to Bella's topic in So You Think You Can Dance
Bring back Dee just for the rehearsal footage and I'll be happy. I live for Dee and his deadpan delivery to the camera when explaining his piece to the viewers. Then to see his reaction after the dance in the audience as if he were at a funeral. I swear he's in a competition with himself to see what they'll let him get away with as far as bringing in props on stage. He's had a piano that served as a casket; a bathtub, ladder, lightbulbs, pillows, apples...etc. I do love him for being different and not making his pieces about angst and loss all of the time. I forgot to mention Misty in my critique the other day. Loved her. I think the reason why she would use "fierce" and other other adjectives before giving them pointers, was a nice way of tempering her critique. She knows as a ballerina what it's like to be constantly critiqued, so I think she was trying to really help the dancers with useful information, but she didn't want to destroy their confidence in the process of doing that. she's been my favorite guest judge they've had so far. -
Chris Scott and Nappy Tabs have the best group of dances submitted. Mandy Moore messed up with that Jazz in her group. Travis chose two routines with blaring errors. Derek had better dances that he should have submitted.
S11.E07: Top 20 Perform, 2 Eliminated
ThirteenthJuror replied to Bella's topic in So You Think You Can Dance
I hate that I'm going to end up sounding like Debbie Downer a second week in a row, but I just wasn't enthralled yet again. I'm just going to break it down by routine. Opening number: Miles better than last week for sure. I could actually pinpoint certain dancers this time, whereas, last week they were all just one big blob to me. I thought Emilio and Nick stood out. Tanisha/Rudy: I thought this was the best routine of the night. Other than the group routine that is. I wish Tanisha would just call herself a Jazz dancer that happens to dabble in ballroom. I think her Jazz is far better than what I've seen of what she's calling her specialty. Her technique is much sharper and precise in Jazz. I thought Rudy partnered her well. Serge/Carly: It was ok for me. Carly is going to slide right under the radar and next thing you know she'll be in the finals. She's the female darkhorse that will escape the bottom. Surprised Serge was in the bottom with all of the internet support of fans and dwts pros I've seen. Never underestimate teens and their will to vote the "cute" boys. Malene/Stanley: Totally hosed. They got the one of you is in the bottom, so we're giving you crappy Broadway choreography to send you home. I usually love Spencer, but seriously wtf was that? Jourdan/Marquet: Did nothing for me actually. Nothing Jacque/Zack: See above. Rehashed Sean Cheesman theme and choreography. I mean it was just last season Sean. At least wait until next year to be so obvious. Ricky/Valerie: I'm really bored with Travis' choreography and Nigel stroking his scrotum about how great his work is even when it's mediocre like this. There was a whole lot of stop, stop, pose, stretch and elongate going on. I need to see Ricky do something totally different next week. Valerie was nothing more than his prop in this routine. Nick/Jessica: Well that flopped. Which is a shame because I really was happy to see Benji back. Everything looked labored; the lifts, the steps, their faces. Everything. I sensed no joy that comes with a WCS. Nigel saying the choreography was too hard is BS. Why dumb down the choreography when this is supposed to be the most talented group ever? Like I said last week. A lot of them aren't elevating the routines. They're just doing them. Brooklyn/Casey: Better than I expected, but still not good enough to me. An AT can be easily faked with mood. Technique can sometimes be overlooked because it's such an entertaining dance. I would've liked to have seen a more mature pair like Malene and Serge do this. Now onto the dreaded Hip Hops. The only person I liked out of these 4 was Emilio. Still not buying Teddy as a H/H dancer. I also need the makeup department to ease up on the makeup on Teddy. He's like 3 mascara coats away from appearing in "Cats" on Broadway. Both girls were horrible and were coddled in the critiques. I suspect H/H will not be good until the AS come on and elevate the dancers. Not shocked Malene was sent home. This show has a bad rep when it comes to mature ballroom dancers. She was by far the best female in her specialty and if we were going by last week Brooklyn should have went home. Casey or Nick could've left.