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Posts posted by Philbert


    Lee is at the very least unprofessional. I always liked Barbara. She is/was quite a mess. Her becoming an villain would be fun, I think. I'm sad the Ogre is dead. He was very compelling.


    I'm with you on Barbara. I didn't exactly love her in the beginning but now that they actually seem to be doing something with her, I'm very interested in seeing where they go with her. Probably Arkham. And who's in Arkham? A certain young man named Jerome. It's quite possible that we'll see another rewrite of the comics/animated series and Barbara takes up the Harley Quinn role. We'll have to see next season though. 


    Prediction: At some point Jim made a deposit at a sperm bank in case something happened to him in the line of duty. Psycho!Barbara gets hold of it and ...



    She might not need it. Insane chicks are sexy....


    StupidLee suspected Barbara had some kind of residual trauma when she kept pushing her to get counseling.


    Yes, but 'residual trauma' doesn't necessarily translate to "I have a Crocodile Dundee knife and I'm not afraid to use it!" Could Lee have been more cautious about seeing here? Yes, I don't think anybody is arguing that point. Is she stupid for wanting to help out her boyfriend's ex? I'm one of those who took his eyerolls to mean "Oh Just go head and talk to the hot mess for 30 minutes." In that context Lee looks far less stupid. Your mileage obviously varies.

    • Love 1

    Psychiatric hospitals have 2 kinds of physicians: psychiatrists and 'general medical' physicians. The shrinks take care of the psychiatric problems. The general medical physicians take care of medical problems like diabetes, high cholesterol, asthma,  sore throats, runny noses, etc. I presume StupidLee was a general medical physician at Arkham,  taking care of the patient's general medical problems, not their psychiatric problems.


    I think you're right there but really, what reason would either Lee or Jim to have to suspect Barbara of going full out psycho on her? As far as anybody knew, Barbara was the victim in all of this (and to be honest, I'm still not sure if she actually slashed her parents-I think she's internalizing her own guilt for having served them up on a plate to the Ogre) and since Jim had a relationship with her, why not a quick little informal counseling session with a referral to an actual counselor down the road.  Of course WE all knew she was going to snap because hey, it's Gotham and that's what people do here. The characters in the storyline....not so much.


    In the comics Martha was heavily involved in philanthropic and charity work in Gotham. She handled all of Wayne enterprise's charity functions, so I assume that the charity ball a few episodes ago was done because of her. Thomas was always busy with the business or the hospital.


    I think this has actually been referenced on the show but only in passing...


    I can't imagine why Lee though it was even marginally appropriate for her to council Barbara.


    I don't think she did. She was clearly trying to back out of it and Barbara insisted on it. IIRC Jim was also giving her the "oh, go ahead and listen to the loon for an hour or so" look. Probably both felt it was the least they could do for her considering what she had just gone through.


    Little did they realize :)

    • Love 1

    Jim's comments to Falcone made him sound too much like he was too complicit with this mob boss.  "Gotham needs you".  Really?


    Oh trust me, he wasn't wrong. Don't believe me? Remember that little country called, I..R...A...something or other? The one that was under the heel of a brutal criminal regime? The one that got knocked over by a certain would be crusader? Go poll the people of that particular desert country and ask them if they are better off now that they were when "Don" Hussein was running things. Penguin was correct in his 'dying' speech to Jim in the pilot. The city is going to run red with blood in season two and Gotham's gonna burn. The various Falcone and Maroni capos are going to be knocking each other off right and left while Oswald keeps lighting matches and the corrupt police commissioner and Mayor fiddle while Gotham burns. Nobody's in charge anymore. The Wayne's are dead. Maroni is dead. Fish is dead (or as good as) and Falcone is out of the game. We are well on the way to the descent into Hell that Gotham became before Batman was born.

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    Penguin as Mob King of Gotham is a little too easy. He went from being an umbrella boy to big shot inside of a season, all because his rivals are dead, presumed dead, retired. I'm betting the first part of the next season will be full of mobsters who didn't get the memo about his new position. I hope his reign is as much fun to watch as his journey to get there.


    There is a reason why Falcone didn't fear Oswald. He's got no crew of his own really, just Butch and that one other guy...maybe a couple of small time hoods. None of the remaining Falcone capos are going to be interested in working for him and one assumes all of Maroni's guys are going to shoot him on sight. No, all he's done here is engineer the beginnings of an all out mob war (like the one that went on in Philadelphia in the early 80s). His best bet is to play all the factions off against each other until he's the last man standing. Could make for an interesting season or two. Oswald is VERY good at playing people off against one another.

    • Love 2

    Wow.  That was one of the worst season finals I have ever watched.  It really jumped around all over the place.  God-awful.


    Apparently you never saw the series ender of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" That one is still the reigning champion of suck....12 years later.

    • Love 4

    No seriously. What the hell was this episode?



    Either it was the most brilliant piece of avant garde film noir crime thriller meets a really bad acid trip I've ever seen....or it was an utter bag of shyte.


    I'll let you all know when I decide.

    • Love 3
  10. OMG. What the hell was that?


    I'm speechless...uhh, err, ummm, gack...WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST WATCH?


    Gonna take me a bit to process all that. Needless to say, that is NOT what I was expecting to see tonight.


    Btw, can we all agree to stop calling Barbara boring now? Cause...that ship just sailed.




    • Love 7

    Having no Batman knowledge other than the campy TV series with Adam West from my childhood, I have no idea who Lucius Fox is.


    He's in all three of Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy films, played by the great Morgan Freeman. He's Batman's tech expert in those.


    Nygma couldn't resist with the clue, could he? And neither could Oswald properly pitting Maroni and Falcone against one another,



    The Riddler and the Penguin are easily the most interesting characters on the show-and both played extremely well. I expect that we'll all be impressed with "The Joker" when he makes his reappearance. The one thing this show does to perfection is the recurring villains.


    Orge is dead and Barbara is back to her useless self.



    Maybe not. It's pretty clear that something broke in her tonight. Where the writers take her next year is anybody's guess but I have the suspicion that it will be down a very dark road...assuming they just don't jettison the character. I don't think they will though.

    • Love 2

    I would be more shocked about this  if the art gallery itself had ever been shown on Gotham. As it stands.......



    I know, right? At least on "Daredevil" not only do you get to see inside Vanessa's art gallery, she and Wilson (and Matt now that I mention it) have discussions about the paintings and you actually see them. And she sells at least one to Wilson. So, yeah yet another reason why people are raving about Daredevil over Gotham.


    ::the preceding snark was brought to you on behalf of all Gotham fans getting sick and tired of being told that Daredevil is sooooooooo much better::


    Even if it is :(

    • Love 2

    I think it's possible that were desperate for something for Barbara to do but couldn't figure it out. They seemed to be bouncing all over the place.



    Yeah, they seemed to have dropped Renee' Montoya and her partner like a hot rock. Too bad, I kind of liked them. I'm hoping we see more of the MCU (and indeed other divisions of the GCPD) in seasons to come.

    • Love 1

    Erin Richards was very good during this one, in fact I've noticed that she has decent chemistry with every one except Ben Mackenzie and I wonder if they even screen tested them before the show got off the ground. Or maybe she was always supposed to be unlikable with Jim.



    I'm wondering if you're not absolutely correct here. I've been trying to figure out what the writers have been doing with her since the beginning of the series. The conventional wisdom (never a good thing) here has been that the writers merely screwed up and didn't know what to do with her. I am wondering now if they have always planned on taking her down a very dark path. Obviously Erin Richards can handle the job so I'm looking forward to it.

    • Love 2
  16. I'm scared, I actually really liked Barbara in this one. Oh, and I pretty much called it with regards to the introduction to The Ridder. Ed really did commit murder to avenge Kristen...just not her death. I'm also quite happy that they appear to be doing a 3-4 episode arc instead of the current 2. They need to seriously reexamine the 'crime of the week' format and start doing more complex and interesting police investigations. So far, this is a giant leap forward, for me anyway.


    Fantastic episode-and no Fish Mooney so even better.


    Barbara found her soul mate. Please don't save her Jim!


    Save her? I think Jim and Harvey might end up having to save the Ogre. Barbara scared the hell out of me tonight. There's something desperately broken in her...and I have no idea where they're going with her. Well done, writers...for once.

    • Love 7

    Yep, and I'm disappointed in Stanis, who sees himself as an honorable man, for not respecting this vow. But other than that, I love Stanis and I don't even know why.


    To be fair to Stannis, he doesn't really have much of a choice. He needs a Stark in Winterfell if he's going to be able to rule the North (the letter from the Mormont girl made that clear) and Jon is the closest thing to a Stark he has. Honor is all well and good but it doesn't mean anything as long as the Boltons have their arses firmly planted in the Northern Capitol. Then again, as bad as Stannis has it, the Boltons are in a far worse situation. The Northern families merely don't know or trust Stannis or feel any kinship with him. To them, he's just another pretender to the Iron Throne. The Boltons (and the Freys)-they hate with the fiery passion of a thousand suns...

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