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Posts posted by mwell345

  1. On 10/13/2018 at 12:32 PM, Emkat said:

    I wonder if his parents are citizens.

    They are.  So are his siblings (having been born here). The article I read (People, I think) assumed his parents became citizens after he was 18 or 21 (I forget which age) because if he had been younger, he would have automatically received citizenship when they did.


    ETA:  Have either Joe or Melissa Gorga made any statements about the deportation? 

     I know Richie Wakile did, but have seen nothing from the Gorgas, or Rosie for that matter (who always seemed to have a good relationship with Joe Guidice.

    • Love 1
  2. This won't win me any popularity contests here, but I agree with Caroline Manzo 100%.  

    I just don't see what is accomplished by deporting him. What good comes out of taking a father away from his daughters?

    Hasn't everyone recently been screaming about families being separated?

    (And I get that the family could move to Italy to be with him - which means removing the girls from their extended family and the only life they have ever known).

    Yes, he committed a crime - yes, it was serious, and he served his sentence.  Yes, I get that a some point he should have applied for citizenship.  I'm not making excuses for him.  

    I think it's sad.  I feel badly for him and his children, and I doubt the appeal will go through, but I hope it does.

    (Now I will go sit at my special table for 1 by the kitchen door.)

    • Love 20
  3. It didn't take "sources" long to put the Kardashian spin out there.


    "Although the Kardashians have been an unwavering support system to him, the source says that “the entire family is at the end of their ropes, and stuff like this won’t help.”

    “They’re trying to help him get things where they should be, and it’s going to be that much harder now,” the source adds. “It’s a sad day.”."

    • Love 5
  4. 16 hours ago, nexxie said:

    I heard the word “jealous” when Kourt and the glam team were talking about Kim - she probably hated that she had to wear Kanye’s Krazy Klothz and didn’t get to wear the see-through skirt!

    Bingo!  Kim didn't seem happy at all to be walking around in that Krap, and even seemed annoyed at Kanye when she was talking to him on the phone. 

    I think she's pretty much over Kanye anyway.  The bloom is definitely off the rose.

    • Love 10
  5. The only thing more boring than that crew in Japan was Lady Bountiful's gift of a face lift to her friend.   That's the best they can do - a Yeezy fashion show, and a face lift?   Oh, but lets not forget Tristan tearing himself away from his partying long enough to call Kris and ask about a "push gift" for Khloe. 

    I was all in with Kourtney telling Kim off until she used the tired old "I have 3 kids and a full time job..." excuse.  You also have nannies and assistants, hair and makeup squads, and a boatload of money. It's not like she works 8-5, then runs home and cooks dinner for the kids, cleans the house, does laundry, etc.

    E! really needs to cancel this mess.  Not even remotely entertaining anymore.

    • Love 18
  6. these women are even boring in Japan.

    And Kourtney must be the most disciplined person on the planet for not smacking Kim.  She and Khloe  look a whole lot better in whatever they’re wearing than Pink Hair looks in that Yeezy crap she’s parading around in.

    • Love 13
  7. Apparently North wants Kim's gold cross Versace dress when she gets older.

     “And she said, ‘Mom, I just want that gold cross dress that you have.’ And I was like, ‘Do you wanna wear it to the prom? You can wear it to your [prom]. Whatever fits you. You better hope that you’re somewhere near my height.'”

    Her butt better be the size of the moon, too.




  8. 8 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

    Kim, who already has a ton of money, felt the need to discuss with her husband the business opportunity of promoting a brand that supposedly knocks off his creations....why is that even a conversation? Are you so hard pressed for $1M that this would even be a discussion? Wouldn't a good partner have the business ethics and familial loyalty to say 'no' without discussion given that neither one is in a position where money is an issue? Instead, she took the moment to demonstrate how ride or die she is that she would consider giving up money for him and in the end, she gladly accepts a gift of money from her husband that more than compensates for the money she lost out on for what should have been an easy, ethical decision to make.

    And to make it all worse is that she described Kanye as the best husband ever for doing it. Not the best husband ever being supportive or being a good partner, or for always making her a priority...he's the best husband because he gave her a percentage of his company. Her desire for money and fame genuinely has no boundaries it seems.

    This. 1000 times.  

    And why not take the million dollars and donate it to a charity.  I bet the homeless that the K’s were all so concerned about a couple of seasons ago could have used that money, along with countless other charities.  Bet it never even crossed her mind.  

    • Love 8
  9. Seriously?  First of all, I can't believe the check didn't bounce.


    "When Kim Kardashian West was offered the opportunity to do a sponsored post with a clothing brand for $1 million, she wanted to know what husband Kanye West thought before taking the deal.  

    “It is great money, but the brand was typically knockoff Yeezy, so I said let me ask Kanye how he feels about it,” Kardashian West, 37, tells Ashley Graham on her debut episode of her podcast, Pretty Big Deal.

    West, 41, told his wife to turn it down and she obliged. But to make up for the lost business opportunity, the Yeezy designer sent Kardashian West a $1 million check for Mother’s Day two weeks later....."

    She goes on to say that she did cash the check, and he also gave her an ownership percentage in Yeezy. 

    “In the rest of the envelope, it was a full, thick contract to be an owner of Yeezy to my have my percentage,” Kardashian West says."

    I hope he's not holding his breath waiting for her to return the favor by giving him a percentage of her KKW line.

    • Love 5
  10. E! has some info about the SNL show last Saturday, and Kanye's role in it.


    He claims he was "bullied" into wearing the MAGA hat. Yes, Kanye West claims he was bullied.  The same Kanye West who interrupted Taylor Switf's acceptance speech was bullied.

    "They bullied me," West said during his controversial comments over the weekend. "They bullied me backstage talking about, 'Don't go out there with that hat on.' They bullied me backstage."

    SNL says  no one bullied him

    "As far as West wearing his red "Make America Great Again" hat, the source says no one at SNL told Kanye not to wear it despite the rapper's claims that he was bullied by the show. In fact, West wore the hat during the show's promos with host Adam Driver and cast member Kenan Thompson."

    As far as his Trump remarks:

    "A source tells ET that the plan was for 41-year-old West to perform three songs, and he kept performing the third song -- "Ghost Town" featuring Kid Cudi and 070 Shake -- even after the show went off the air at 1 a.m. West then called the cast back on the stage after they left as he continued performing, which is when he began his rant. At that point, the show had been off the air for several minutes.

    The source says West's wife, Kim Kardashian, as well as sister-in-law Kourtney Kardashian and their kids were all in the studio after the show ended. During West's unexpected comments to the crowd, the source says Kim just stared at him and didn’t seem fazed by it, although he did receive audible boos from the crowd. Other celebrities in the audience included Chris Rock -- who posted West's comments on his Instagram Story -- as well as Aziz Ansari and Jonah Hill."

    • Love 4
  11. CDAN blind this morning (Granted, CDAN is not always accurate, but since we're discussing it...)

    "This A list reality star spent two hours on a conference call yesterday with the same lawyer who handled her previous divorce. All totaled, there were six people on the call all discussing steps to be taken and how they can be implemented on short notice. The writing is on the wall with her celebrity husband. "

    I'm sure everyone can figure who the guesses are.


    • Love 8
  12. 7 hours ago, RoxieBear73 said:

    Is it just me, or is kim trying to set the groundwork for leaving Kanye?   Seems like tonight's show was the first time she really said anything bad about him in all the years they been together.  Or it could be just for show. Lol 

    It's  not just you.  I posted this in the Kim thread, but I'll include it here as well. 


    The gist of it is how Kim is a saint for putting up with Kanye's "exhausting" behavior.   And while I have no doubt that Kanye can be a handful, I don't think it's anything new.  He's always been controlling in terms of her clothing, etc.  The  band-aid story was a little much, though.  I don't think it's for the show, other than making sure she has it out there so when she does leave him, it will be all about Poor Kim. 

    But really, how exhausting is Kim's day?  There's a nanny for the kids, probably a chef/cook, housekeepers, assistants, makeup and hair people - I guess taking selfies and posting on Instagram is more tiring than I thought.   Kim should try trading places for a day with the mom of 3 who has a full time job and no help. 

    And I found it funny that Khloe was giving Kim advice on how to handle Kanye - yes, Khloe, she should baby him like you babied Lamar.  That worked out real well for you (not to mention the current guy is cheating on you, so that relationship will probably go down the tubes as well). Not exactly someone I'd be listening to on that subject.


    Is anyone duller than Kendall??????????

    • Love 15
  13. 6 hours ago, TaraS1 said:

    I’m not familiar with the main actress playing the sister/cop, but I found her performance to be...not great, Bob. You need a really strong cast to sell a show like this and I’m not sure they have one. 

    That's my take-away.   I thought the acting overall was sub-par.   However, I usually give the first episode of any series a pass, so I'll see if it gets better.   It will need to, because I'm not sure I want to get sucked into another show that gets cancelled before they can come up with a plausible ending (I'm looking at you Colony).

    • Like 1
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  14. 8 hours ago, druzy said:

    Get on the floor with Gabanna and hold her and love her. She's having convulsions and you just drink your tea? Cold mother fuckers. 

    Based on the preview and first couple of minutes, I figured out what was going to happen with Gabanna, so I decided not to watch the rest of it.  I did hear Khloe say something to the effect that Gabanna belonged to Kylie and Kendall, and then when they moved out, she was the "family dog", then when Bruce and Kris split, neither wanted Gabanna (she didn't actually say that, but it was implied). That right  there made me sad. 

    My dog is a rescue - we have had him for 8 years now, and it still makes me sad when I think about the fact that at some point, he was not wanted. 

    But for the most part the Kardashian dogs are nothing more than Instagram props anyway. 

    • Love 15
  15. ^^^^^^^^And again, they look thrilled to be in each other's company.  TMZ published a piece - "don't believe the rumors, all is fine in Khloe-Tristan land", "bogus cheating rumors", blah blah blah, along with that picture of them attending some party for a friend of Kylees. 


    CDAN immediately followed up  with this blind:   "The online tabloid can spin it all they want, but this A-/B+ list pro athlete cheats every chance he gets on the A- list reality star."

    • Love 4
  16. 16 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    I understand no woman wants to break up with their boyfriend when their child's still an infant, but this guy's not going to change. If she was so concerned about picking a high-quality father for her daughter, she probably should've chosen someone other than a 25 year-old NBA player with a history of running out on his family. 

    Her first clue should have been his cheating on the other woman with her (Khloe). Obviously she learned nothing from her disastrous marriage to  Lamar.  She has a "type", for sure.

    • Love 11
  17. I'm going with Dede too.  She impacts almost everyone - even Manny seemed to have a good relationship with her.  Phil's father only impacts the Dunphy's, and Cam's sister really only impacts Cam and Mitch and Lily.

    It's a long shot, but it could be Jay.  I read some time ago that Ed O'Neill was tired of the show, and he is in his 70s.  But I only see that happening if this is truly the last season, because I don't know how the show moves on without him. 

    According to this article, season 10 will be the last season:  https://www.forbes.com/sites/rebeccalerner/2018/01/13/modern-family-to-end-next-season/#8a019f23a622

    "If we can leave with most of our audience wanting more, I think that’s the right way to do it,” Levitan says to The Hollywood Reporter. “Never say never, but I just can’t imagine that we’d go past that.”

    Honestly, I think that ship has sailed.  MF has not been funny in some time.

    • Love 1
  18. 15 minutes ago, Wings said:

    Where?  youtube is the only place I saw the early seasons offered and they appeared to be a cell phone recording from a TV set.  Terrible!  

    Bravo ran a marathon of season 3 episodes a few weeks ago.  Not all of them, but quite a few.

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