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Everything posted by DAngelus

  1. Technically, her HoH week ended with Alex's eviction. But close enough.
  2. Four cams on Shelby crying in Yoga isn't great, either. But it's Shelby, so at least it's pretty. :)
  3. It's the Veto. That's all it is. And "bring back the duos" was planned long in advance (to protect Jeff and Jordan, not Rachel/Jordan, as it turned out), and didn't affect the game at all, really. Neither Adam nor Shelly would have voted Jordan out that week, anyhow. Whichever one Porsche put on the block to replace Rachel would have gone. (It would have been Shelly; Porsche/Adam had a secret F2.)
  4. Once Shelby and Morgan leave, the only rooting I'm doing is for a sinkhole to swallow the house, with the F5 inside. Or possibly a plague of locusts. I could live with locusts.
  5. I didn't say the slogan was the whole reason…but it didn't help. And go on blaming the result on people being "racist" and crap like that. Because those sort of sneering insults helped so much during the campaign. To quote James Carville, "It's the economy, stupid." Republican voters may have idiotic ideas about getting rid of regulations and cutting corporate taxes and such, but the idea that they were just sitting around waiting for somebody to pledge allegiance to the KKK is as stupid as you seem to think they are.
  6. She's done nothing strategically, put a target on herself with a showmance, and then couldn't save her boytoy. She's at the bottom of her alliance, and never even tried to reach out to the other side. She stupidly put her neck in the noose last week, and was only saved by Jason's winning the Veto. Jason's a piece of shit, but he's won as many comps as she has, and he's run rings around her in the non-comp game. And you'll notice who got a CP, and who didn't.
  7. Morgan should eat food. A penalty vote isn't going to make any difference.
  8. Yes, but the alternative is watching the ShitFits, so… Just nominate Justin alongside Whitney. Morgan/Shelby get rid of Justin, Danielle breaks the tie. Simple as pie.
  9. Haha! Morgan's insult of Danielle is what Whitney predicted Zingbot would say to Dani! But of course, Whitney is sweet and lovely and much better than those petty girls the ShitFits mock. Fucking HypoKridiots.
  10. Poor Shelby is clinging to the idea that the CP could save both of them, since it should be more powerful than Jason's co-HoH was, which gave him safety AND a nom AND a shot at the tie-break. But of course, it's only a Veto. Not much use, in these circumstance. One of them stays. Which would happen anyhow.
  11. Shelby points out that Danielle got some extra time to do her addition, even when the others had shown their totals. Not "30 fucking seconds" as Shelby complains, but still. Oh, so the DR leak was before the eviction, was it? Great, just…great.
  12. Tie break is simple addition. Nobody even came close, nor was anyone near each other. Morgan was completely off-base. What the hell?
  13. And everyone gets Q7, too. Four-way tie. Shit, way too easy.
  14. Justin messes up (throws?) Q3. Four-way tie now. Everyone gets Q4. Morgan hesitated for a sec, though. Everyone gets Q5, as well. Q6, too. (Too easy for a Q6, IMO.)
  15. Morgan really studied. She's very confident in most of her prep work with Shelby. Lots of detail remembered. Mind you, BB will probably fix it against them. But she's running the specifics nicely. Kryssie said "Oh, my god!" when Rachel came in. Of course, she has no idea who Rachel is. And that's why you're the biggest HypoKridiot of all! (Yes, partially a fat joke. But she deserves them, so…)
  16. Yes, I'm still waiting for when she leaves and (I presume) we get something like "by the way, if you all hadn't had your heads so far up each others' asses, you might have noticed that Alex is my sister. Bye, HypocrIDIOTS!" Of course her not leaving would be even better. But, just in case…
  17. It wasn't audible in the kitchen, where the ShitFits were all gloating together. No reaction, so no harm. Another lovely Golden Edit for Whitney, I see. "This is the first celebration I haven't been a part of." Yeah, that's because when Alex walked to the storeroom, you chose to stay with Justin, even though you saw her go. Backstabbing Bluegrass Bitch. That said, it was almost all worth it to see Shelby's face at "celebratory dinner." Very disappointing they didn't show the "Ballsmashers share their secrets" footage, though. I don't know why Jason isn't jumping up and down and blocking Morgan's view of the screen while they're trying to study for the upcoming HoH. It's not as if Production wouldn't let him get away with it. Dickless must be so disappointed…you know he wouldn't miss a chance like this. Even Andy could probably think of it.
  18. I just realized that you can blame the election on a Republican man…Hillary's dad. If Hugh Rodham had not named his daughter "Hillary" (not after Sir Edmund Hillary, despite Clinton's repeated lies about this), but say perhaps "Diane" (her middle name), we would never have had that awful "I'm with Her" slogan (which basically translated to "me, me, me! Cult of personality!" to much of the electorate, and left open the door for Trump to say "I'm with YOU" to the voters) or that ridiculous "H" logo that looked like a Hospital sign. Because you know that the only reason some genius came up with "I'm with Her" is because "Her" and "Hillary" both start with "H". Oy vey. Not that they couldn't come up with stupid stuff on their own (don't get me started on "Stronger Together"…ask the UK Labour party about "Better Together"), but at least it wouldn't have been "I'm with Her". But, of course, old Hugh wanted his girl to have his same initials. 69 years later, and Hugh's penis issues bit the Dems right in the butt. Way to go, dude.
  19. Emails that showed she was more corrupt than Nixon (he didn't make no $116,000,000 off of his corruption, and that's just Doug Band's estimate of what he'd done for Bill, that doesn't include other revenue streams), sold the national security of the USA for $$$ ($500,000 "gift" to my "Foundation", Algeria! What do you know? You're off the Terrorist Watch List!), and should be in jail. Minor details like that probably matter, too.
  20. Gee, too bad Obama didn't want to spend his "legacy" on Electoral College Reform, instead of Welfare-for-Insurance-Corporations (aka "the ACA") or remote-control murder of children all over the Middle East. (30 civilians dead, including women/children/infants, as a result of a pointless airstrike in Kunduz, Afghanistan this past Thursday. They were trying to hit "senior Taliban commanders", which leads to two important questions: 1) Do you not realize that "decapitation" doesn't work? Kill the "commander", the next guy takes over. Aren't you watching Designated Survivor? 2) Who gives a fuck? It's been FIFTEEN GODDAMN YEARS. Let's go home, already.) But how could Obama/Clinton/the DNC/GoldmanSachs/the Bush Family (yes, your "progressive" coalition, Dem sheep!) have expected this result? It's not as if we had an election in 2000 where the Democratic candidate won the popular vote, but lost the electoral, right? Oh…wait. Way to go, Barry. Way to go. I mean, I might have liked bank reform or an actual jobs program or something to grow the GDP/median incomes, rather than eight years of kissing up to Wall Street. ("I'm going to shield you.") But getting rid of the Electoral College could have been classed as "fairness" and wouldn't have affected the people to whom you'll [no doubt] be giving very expensive "speeches" next year, at least not directly. Maybe you could have done something for, oh, I dunno, the American people? I know, I know, crazy lefty dreamer. You just keep being your "cool" neoliberal warhawk self, you sack of shit.
  21. From Lamb18, in the previous week's thread: Well, it's only going to be 4-1 against, that's not impossible. Especially as 1 of the 4 is Kryssie. (Yes, she's already won a HoH and there's no reason to think she couldn't win a questions comp, if that's what the next one is. But I just despise her on general principles, so…)
  22. From the Steve thread, last year: I would like to take this back, please. Jason's vile screamfest at the BS in the backyard after backdooring Morgan combined the abusive scumminess of Joshuah Welch with the sanctimonious judgmental condescencion of Dustin Erikstrup. (I'd throw Dickless into the mix, too, but Jason would run and hide if he ever got within 100 feet of him, so fuck that. I wont even dignify him with the comparison.) At least Andy didn't go into screaming ragefests. He was disgusting and misogynistic and a rat and a backstabber, but he didn't scream like a raging asshole just for the sake of TV time. And what's with the fake "y'all" shit, anyhow? You're from Massachusetts, douchebag. Go eat a dick or something, you sack of crap.
  23. That's the only the tip of the my girls' reaction to the shitpile that's infesting the house. And all of Jason's "only weak players take people to the end that they can beat" crap is such nonsense, because he knows that Kryssie is a goat. And even if he didn't, he knew that Scott considered her to be one. So to act smug and superior is as ridiculous and pathetic as…well, everything else that Jason does. Both in the game and in his shitty little basement-dwelling life. Also, there's a comment from last year that I'm going to be bumping soon. Keep an eye on the contestant threads.
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