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  1. Amber is lazy. She wants more time with Leah, but can't be bothered to play with her at the park, instead pawns her off on some rando kid and goes off with Matt to sit and whine. Then leaves her with a grandparent. I think her only interest is in collecting the Teen Mom paycheck, and she needs the kid for that. 

    And yes, a judge *will* ask a child where they want to live. I was asked at the age of 7 where I wanted to be. The judge took me and my brother into his chambers and asked us. 




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  2. My husband walked in on my watching the last five minutes of the second episode - Farrah reaming her mother out while asking her a huge favor - and pronounced this "the worst thing on television." I'm pretty sure he doesn't respect me quite as much as he did yesterday.


    I just read this to my husband and we both cracked up, he said "yup, I'm pretty much with him." He has sci-fi friday where he watches all his crappy space shows with people wearing bad make up and spandex, and I have my trash talk TV. It works. 

    • Love 5
  3. What is wrong with these people? I don't understand why Leah and Kail are so possessive with their children. They should be thrilled that the dads love them and want to be involved and want more time with them. I was a child of a nasty divorce where my brother and I were used to manipulate and hurt the other parent and it was horrible and painful for us. We loved both parents and wanted to see both of them. I'm sick of Leah and Kail acting like they have some special right to them that the fathers don't. Stop being so selfish and think of your kids. It's not about you.

    I give Chelsea a pass because Adam is a petty criminal who brings nothing to the table. I would not want my child to spend time with him alone.

    Also why on earth do these people feel compelled to run off and have more kids? Kudos to Chelsea for knowing one is more than enough right now.

    • Love 8
  4. Did anyone else notice that Aubree went over to Cole for protection during the Pete the Pig meeting? She's adorable and I'm glad she finds safety in him and he's a good father figure to her. And her poor little throat injury. :( But the pig acquistion? Wtf?

    Leah said something tonight about how hard the last four years have been on her. Did I miss something? She's a woman getting MTV money living in a tiny town (I've actually driven through Elkview and had lunch there...ugh) I'm pretty sure she could afford to buy a nice house, go to school and go on vacations like Kail does. I understand having three small kids is challenging, but she resists every opportunity to lighten her load in that respect. I feel bad that she married some dude who was never at home, but I also don't feel bad that she decided he was good father material and added to her load by having his baby. Her only raison d'être is to be someone's wife and mommy -  not saying that's a bad thing, but clearly it doesn't make her happy.

    And Jenelle is such a liar about what did or didn't happen with Nathan being abusive to her. But Barb's story about being abused by her husband gives insight to why Jenelle is the way she is. Instead of getting her life together so she could be a good mom to Jace, she's forever seeking the same kind of losers her mom had. I understand Jennelle in a way because I made terrible choices about men for the longest time. It wasn't until I dated the most effed up guy around that I decided I had enough and took a break from that for like 5+ years and just invested time in myself. Then I met a good guy and we got married two years after meeting and have been together ever since (7 years) for my longest relationship in my life. I don't think that would have happened without me taking that break and learning that it was okay to be on my own. 

    And wtf Kail, you and your son are SO BLESSED to have a man who wants to be close to his son. Stop being so ungrateful and dramastical all the time.

    • Love 12
  5. Am I the only one who was bothered by the way Cait treated her assistants on the bus and at the vacation house? I'd have to go back and listen to her exact words, but there was a moment on the bus when her two assistants/friends were sitting apart from the rest of the group and talking about Cait's possible interest in Candis and Cait looks over and says something about "you Cis women can just stay over there." It's as if she thinks one one hand she's different from them, and somehow special, but still wants to be considered a woman and fit in. It reminds me of some drag queens I have met who turn on women and announce that they are "more women than you" just because they are dressed extremely feminine and lots of women are happy to wear jeans and a t shirt. 

    I've known transgendered people and I am accepting with who they are, but when you start looking down your nose at the gender you are claiming to be, that's messed up.

    Also, I don't define myself as "cisgendered." I've never even heard that word until just the last year and I don't identify with it or want to be labeled that.  

    • Love 6
  6. Is it just me or does anyone else find Tyler's interest in children a little unusual? How many young men do you know that are just dying to settle down and have a boatload of kids?

    • Love 4
  7. Yes, and I'd agree that is not unprofessional. And sometimes they will say things like your therapist did in order to get you in touch with your own anger at the person.


    But crying? Totally unheard of. I'm always in awe of that fact that therapists CAN keep it together even when you tell them horrific things. 

    Yeah the crying is a bit out there. Also, I hate it when people make it about themselves. It's Jenna's story and pain, not Dr. Jen's and she should be Jenna's rock in a moment like that, not looking like she needs comforting herself. 

    • Love 1
  8. What is with this "Doctor" Jenn?? Tearing up during Treach's apology? (I know she also had a breakdown after the one-on-one secret session with Teen Mom and that was insane too). I have never, ever seen such a thing and i've been in tons of therapy. I've tried my damndest to make my shrinks cry, but no dice.


    Maybe she's a 'therapist' the same way Patti Stanger is a 'matchmaker who comes from a long line of matchmakers' (spoiler: she's not). 

    I once had this fabulous irish therapist who said to me once when I was telling him about some of the mean things my dad did to me when I was a child, "Your dad is a fooking arsehole!" I thought he was bang on and extremely professional...he was just extremely honest and blunt.

    • Love 2
  9. I'm starting to think that Barb needs to transition Jace to living with Jenelle. While I appreciate that Barb felt the need to take on the responsibility of Jace, I also feel that she helped enable Jenelle to not take responsibility for parenting. I've always been a Barb fan but when she started talking about Jace in front of him and threatened him with no home to live in if his behavior continued, I was really disappointed in her. All the times where Jenelle has cried about Barb keeping Jace from her I'm starting to see some truth to. Not that I think Jenelle would be parent of the year or anything, but I'm starting to believe that she can't do much worse than Barb at this point. Barb could probably transition Jace to her with a social worker paying visits to see how things are working out. I am not surprised that Jenelle got pregnant again, as much as she should not be a parent, her history of jumping from one man to another and getting pregnant so young indicates that she has a strong desire for connection and love, but chooses the wrong partners because that's all she thinks she deserves. Where's Jenelle's dad? It seems she's recreated the exact same thing with Jace, who has an absent daddy. I also believe Barb uses Jace to exert some control over Jenelle, and with Jenelle moving onto a new baby, the amount of fucks Jenelle is going to have for Jace is probably going to be nil, and Barb will lose the upper hand. 

    On a personal note, my brother got his GF pregnant when they were too young to be fully responsible for a child...they weren't teens but they were still living at home and not financially capable of taking care of a child. After a year or so they split and baby mama took my nephew, until she wanted to move on to a new guy and then my brother took over. He was emotionally immature and incapable of being a good parent and ended up giving my nephew to his maternal grandma to be raised. I was always disturbed by this because of how her own daughter turned out, who went on to having 2 or 3 more children, all by different fathers. I am not sure she raised any of them. Years ago she friended me on Facebook and to be polite I accepted but had to unfriend her when I saw her posts stating how much she loved her kids and those awful inspirational "A Mother is..." photos. As far as the job his grandma did raising him, he turned out okay as in he's not a criminal, but he lacks drive and seems to be going absolutely nowhere with his life. Sad. 

    • Love 4
  10. This is the weirdest show. I don't think I've ever watched a show before where everyone was so unlikeable from the start. The ony two decent people are the kid brother and twin sister, and the old boyfriend with the long hair has started rubbing off on me. But Carter is awful. She's rude and self absorbed with a massive ego, and only pulls out the tears and sweetness when she needs something. Her cop mom is a humorless bitch. Her dad is slimy. Her kidnapper mom is a kidnapper who raised her to be a snotty selfish brat. I keep watching because I'm waiting to find out why the woman abducted her. It's kind of sad because I think the premise is really interesting and they could have done it justice by actually exploring what it would be like to go home to strangers after all that time apart.

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