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  1. That "put your nose in a corner" is just weird. My husband tells our dogs all the time to "find a spot" when they are being finicky, and I asked him where that came from. He said his dad used to say it to their dog. I bet that UBT grew up being punished like that. 

    • Love 2
  2. I felt so bad for the kids this show. 

    When my parents divorced and we didn't live close to my dad, when I did get to see him it was always the most tearful stressful time for me. I would get anxious and sad about leaving my mom for the summer to go see my dad. I'd feel guilty about leaving her. When I would get to my dad's it would take me a few weeks to get settled. I would miss my mom and cry and want to go home. As soon as I would bond with my dad again it would be time to start preparing for going back home. I would have separation anxiety and cry before and after. I did this a few summers and then I stopped going. It was too hard on me. My dad lived in another country and was busy with his new family. I saw him maybe twice a year. It was devastating for me. 


    Also I wish MTV would have paid the kids instead of the parents for being on the show. A trust fund for when they are ready to go to college. The parents should not have received anything that rewarded them for getting knocked up as teens. 

    • Love 18
  3. 4 hours ago, Miss Chevious said:

    Drink if anyone's seat belt isn't fastened properly. And drink if Leah's vehicle is still full of random crapola falling all over the place.

    I kept thinking that she would return to her car after class to find her car window busted in after well meaning passers by thought she had forgotten her babies in the car, only to discover they were realistic looking life-sized dolls.

    • Love 8
  4. 58 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

    How do we know when "before" was?

    True, But it's likely he was just experimenting with drugs when 16 and Pregnant was starting. I never took him for rocket scientist material but he did seem sharper several years ago. I'd say the serious drug use kicked in when he started appearing bug eyed all the time. 

    • Love 6
  5. 5 hours ago, CofCinci said:

    She is sober and marrying a drug addict. Mackenzie does not lack decision-making capabilities but Ryan does. She made sure she got him to marry her before he sobered up because she knows that a sober Ryan can do much better. 

    You're joking right? He's always been a dim bulb with the personality of a doorknob. The only thing he ever had going for him was being cute and that was a very long time ago. He does nothing, aspires to nothing, is a terrible father and has always been checked out emotionally, even before the drug use. People are asking what her endgame is in marrying him when she knows there's something wrong. A lot of women feel they need a man to have any kind of status. Look at Amber. She's so terrified to be on her own that she won't cut things off with Matt even though she knows he's a grifter. 

    • Love 18
  6. I want to reach through the screen and shake Amber. 

    I was her once, the only difference was no one was with me because I had money or a TV show, they were with me because they were as dysfunctional as I was and that meant I would likely put up with their crap. 

    Amber is never happy with him. Granted, it appears that she's not the happiest person in the world in general, but that man is dragging her down. Amber needs a man to define her, and that's why she stays with him. She doesn't need him to take care of her financially, she needs him to complete her because she doesn't just know how to be on her own. Being alone is scary. Consider that she does not have custody of Leah and if Matt wasn't there putting a dent in the sofa with her, she would be ALONE. She knows this and she can't bring herself to be okay with that. She also knows that being alone would require some hard work on her part to fix her life and maybe get into a position where she could have Leah half the time and also find someone who actually cares about her and wants her to be happy and well. The even though she claims to want Leah, like Jenelle and Jace, she does nothing to improve her chances to get her back. 

    It took me someone like Matt to finally get the balls to be on my own. My ex makes Matt look like a saint. My ex had drug and alcohol issues, was addicted to porn, and I would say he probably cheated on me, but he was more interested in porn than pretty much anything so I'm not sure that he wanted to be with other women. He stole from me, lied to me, and was emotionally and physically abusive. When I finally got the guts to draw some boundaries, and he crossed them and I followed through on my promises, he kicked my door in and threatened me with a knife. The police came, and all the rest of it. That was the end for me. I spent many months on my own, not even hanging with friends, just going straight from work to home. I didn't want to meet someone who could smell my fear and desperation and loneliness and be drawn to me and destroy my life again. I spent several years on my own, and eventually met my husband who is a decent hard working guy that takes great care of me and was by my side through cancer. We have issues, like every marriage, but I trust him and feel like I finally chose well. We've been together nine years. 

    I also think part of the problem is MTV money and the show. She doesn't have to work, she has no purpose, Matt fills the void because he too has no purpose and doesn't work. They really are perfect for each other in their dysfunction. Thing is, if the money and the show go away, so will Matt and she will be left with nothing. I hate Farrah but at least she's investing her money and didn't hitch herself to the first slob that came along. Isn't she the only teen mom that's been single pretty much the whole time? 

    • Love 15
  7. Is it just me or does anyone else think that Jo kind of betrayed his wife when he spoke to Kail about custody? He totally buckled to her needy self centered BS about how she is on her own now and needs extra help, and didn't stand up for Vee when Kail expressed that she now had bad feelings about her. I like Jo, but grow a pair dude. Also, Javi should have called the police when Kail refused to let him come back to his own house after he returned from being deployed. Why do all these people keep caving to her? 

    • Love 20
  8. 13 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

    So - no one with kids should ever sky dive? That seems extreme to me.

    I have friends with three young kids, and they love to ride their motorcycles. I have seen several friends who are motorcyclists die in the past decade, very experienced riders. I wish my friends would stay off their bikes, or at least enjoy them on a track or something where they have less risk of getting killed on them. 

    • Love 3
  9. God I hate Farrah. Who wants to bail me out if I get arrested for flinging a flaming bag of dogshit at her Los Angeles house when I drive past it every few days? 

    I kid, but man, she's an awful person. If you were so victimized by your mother, why are you spending time with her? Get over it and move on, or end the relationship. The only people I have ever seen her be civil to is Daddy Derrick's family. To anyone else she's an total bitch. 

    • Love 16
  10. I've been watching this show for several years now and I have to say I think MTV has done a great disservice to these young women and also to their audience. 

    I used to work as a photojournalist and a documentary photographer. First of all, you don't pay your subjects to document them. Obviously money is going to alter the reality of the people or things you are documenting. Even just being there with a camera can do that. 

    Documenting these people when they were 16 and pregnant is one thing, but to continue following them over the years where you can clearly see the influence and effects of money in their lives is unethical. The message was supposed to be "don't mess up your lives by getting pregnant as a teen." But any teen watching this would fairly think, wow, these girls own nice homes, cars and attend MTV movie and music events. They've published books and been on the covers of magazines. People and businesses give them things to promote. They have fans on social media. They can afford to go on spendy vacations, own multiple properties and have glitzy weddings. I'm not sure most of us would see a downside to this, and if all it takes is getting pregnant and making questionable life choices for years on end in order to create a dramatic story line for multiple seasons, then so be it. MTV by paying them has essentially created lives for them that would not have existed otherwise. Out of all the TM's who do you think would have had the chance for something better without help from MTV? I'm thinking Chelsea and Farrah. Possibly Maci. They all seem to have fairly supportive families with a little bit of money. And out of all these women, who is doing the best? Chelsea. It seems she has made smart decisions about how to spend her money. She doesn't seem to live outside her means. She appears to have a close loving relationship with her dad and her mom (to a lesser degree.) And she chose a decent man to marry who genuinely seems like a good guy who loves her and Aubree. Everyone else on this show are like the big jackpot lottery winners you hear about who go from rags to riches back to rags. 

    Also, almost everyone on Teen Mom shows a lack of creativity or passion for their life. Amber gets fatter more depressed and fused with her sofas because having been freed up from the day to day responsibilities of parenting by Gary, instead of going to college, or moving to a bigger city and finding a job or even just traveling for awhile to learn about herself, she chose to shack up with an older grifter she met through Twitter. Catelyn and Tyler's talk about getting an education and doing something with their lives to someday show Carly that there was a good reason for them to place her with a family of adults who were ready and prepared to raise a child was just that - talk. Instead they fired out another kid who they barely seem to have interest in and they both sit around eating fast food and smoking pot all day. No wonder Catelynn is depressed and anxious. She should be just finding out who she is as a person, instead she's 24 going on 40.  I think it's cute that her and Tyler are childhood sweethearts, but after giving up Carly they could have decided to go their separate ways for awhile to enjoy their youth and explore life a little bit. Instead they dove in head first into adulthood. It's depressing that with all the opportunities any of these people were given by their easy MTV money, none of them have done a single exciting thing. And Farrah who seems to be the most entrepreneurial of the bunch doesn't count, she's a fucking train wreck of a human being and her experiences of the world have done nothing to ground her as a person. Porn? Frozen yogurt? Btw, I felt compelled to find her pornos the other night after the show and I have to say, perhaps she needs to go back to it. She sure seemed happy and pleasant with James Deen. Froco and the swirly sunglasses? Not so much. 

    The other thing about documenting people is that you aren't there to be their friend. These producers enabling them and acting as therapists is bullshit and unethical. Your job is to stay out of the picture, document things as they unfold and avoid steering it in any particular direction. This is really hard. I have spent years documenting the same people and the minute you cross that line into being friends with them, everything changes. Suddenly you feel bad for showing honest moments that might not view them kindly or favorably. Or they put pressure on you to edit things out. In the end, you will never tell the true story about them because you got too cozy. And that's the paradox. You need to gain their trust, you need for them to be open to being vulnerable around you. Sometimes that just happens when you are there all the time and they kind of forget about you. But other times you have to prove you aren't there to make them look bad. In the end, you have to develop a relationship with them where they understand you are going to tell the truth and they don't get a say in the final edit. 

    Imagine all that with Teen Mom. A bunch of teenagers who got pregnant and kept their babies, or gave them up for adoption, or aborted them or abandoned them. Imagine them with no paychecks from MTV to buy Hummers and houses. Imagine what that would look like. Imagine no dress up movie premieres to MTV events, invites to Sia concerts or verified Twitter and Facebook accounts. Imagine a documentary following them through their actual lives as they struggle to put food on the table or scrape together enough cash for the gas bill to keep the heat on. We could have an interesting show that might have an actual impact on teen pregnancy. Instead we see a bunch of entitled young people with their asses fused to their couches creating fake drama so that their series gets renewed and they live to see another paycheck. 

    Except for Chelsea, kind of. I think she is smarter than she lets on and she understands that eventually this is going to come to a screeching halt and she best have all her ducks in a row. So far having sex with Adam and getting a pig have been her only bad choices. At least Aubree is the best part of the whole Adumb thing. Not sure what the pig has to offer. 

    Oh and PS, how the hell does Amber afford a house with a pool? 

    • Love 17
  11. On 10/17/2016 at 6:36 PM, CofCinci said:

    She didn't call because she didn't want the appointment with this new psychiatrist. He/she would most likely requires a drug screen.  Catelynn got high on the rocks with her friend after the "panic attack", the day before this new psychiatry appointment. Her drug use would reflect in the screen and this private practice psychiatrist wouldn't keep her as a client. Blowing off the appointment buys her a little more time for her to resolve ambivalence and figure out what the hell she wants to do. 

    Often therapists will view things such as tardiness to appointments as the patient playing games with them and an indication that they aren't really ready to do the hard work required to get better. Some therapists are very strict when it comes to this. I can imagine dealing with people who have addiction issues as well as mental illness - people who may be self medicating and in denial about the severity of their problems - are pretty draining to work with. I think it's good that they sent her away, you could see the shame of her self sabotage burning away in her face afterwards. She knows what's up. 

    • Love 6
  12. I've been trying to post the opening shot of Ryan sitting on the sofa with the crazy eyes, but can't seem to do it. Regardless, I think Maci dodged a bullet. 

    The scene with Ryan's folks was a little heart breaking for me. I think Ryan is likely suffering from some type of mental illness, at the very least depression. Possibly using drugs. And that's draining on families. What Larry said about Ryan was cruel, but it seems to me that they're good parents, although I can't speak to what Larry was like to Ryan as a kid and how that might have affected him. 

    I am personally dealing with my brother, who is now a 55 year old single man, living alone in an RV after a stint of homelessness. He's been a pothead since his teens and my mom never drew the line anywhere with him and he walked all over her. She supported him well into his 30's and rescued him whenever he got into any trouble. He never grew up and learned how to take care of himself and now he is paying the price. He got tired of being a parent and dropped his son off with his son's maternal grandmother and she raised him with zero support from my brother. His son wants nothing to do with him, in fact, my nephew had to have open heart surgery a few years ago and when my brother got wind of this he drove up to the hospital and caused a giant scene and security had to remove him from the hospital. His partner of 17 years left him years ago because of his laziness, lies and drug use. Then she died unexpectedly and he has never mourned her loss properly and he spends his days talking to scammers on Facebook who are promising him love if he sends them money. He has no money so he doesn't even get scammed, they just move on when they realize he has nothing. My brother blames everyone for his problems, nothing is his fault and we have had to keep distance with him because he is abusive no matter how we try to help. I bet that is where Larry is, and Jen to a lesser degree. I hope they charge him rent wherever he's staying and that he doesn't get a free ride, because it will destroy his life. He needs help and he needs to grow up. Larry was too hard, Jen maybe not enough. Ryan used to be a good looking kid with girlfriends and now he's lost his looks and he seems more isolated than ever. 


    • Love 10
  13. On 9/27/2016 at 9:50 AM, Snarky McSnarky said:

    It is very close to Universal Studios -- technically in Hollywood Hills but just barely.  Still vacant.  Simon will rent it to you for $5,000/mo if you are interested.  The "job" in L.A. she was talking about was her stupid weekly podcast, which abruptly ended after the broadcast where she falsely accused an Uber driver of trying to rape her.  She also thought she should be close to Universal Studios because she was going to be cast in lots of movies.


    I thought it looked familiar. It's not far from where I live (near the Hollywood Bowl) and I drive past it a few times a week when I go out to Burbank. 

    • Love 3
  14. Karl looks terrible. Her lips are stupid and gross. She's wearing too much make up and trying way too hard. She worries about Jo wearing sweats and yet she's covered with tattoos. And with all the MTV money and career goals and her good co parenting with Jo, she looks miserable. Complaining about how hard it is to be married and be on TV, I have a solution for that, don't be on TV!

    • Love 2
  15. Karl and Javi are so selfish. Did you ever think before you decided to make a baby together and hitch your wagons that you might want to discuss things like how many kids you want, career goals, and any other thing that might become a deal breaker? Instead these two idiots are headed for divorce and how much you wanna bet that Karl hooks up with some rando in the not so distant future and pops out another kid? She has to keep the TM2 gravy train on the tracks. 

    I don't like Javi but he treats Issac like his own and that's going to be a really sad connection to break. And since Javi's been an ass to Jo, it's not like Jo is going to create a pathway for him to have a relationship with Issac. 

    Also, just playing the devil's advocate here, but maybe Barb needs to allow Jenelle to step up and be a mom. I loathe Jenelle but if they went to court and hammered out some kind of agreement that they can start transitioning Jace to living with her full time with supervision and Jace gets visitation with Barb. I don't think this tug of war is good for him. Barb needs to disengage in the fighting with Jenelle and stop talking shit about Jenelle to Jace. She's a total POS but Jace is part of her, and I have no doubt that it hurts him. 

  16. Jenna might not be the most progressive person ever, but a little kindness to her while in the house and she might actually grow a little out of her shell. Chris is a bully. All of them are bullies, but he's the worst. 

    • Love 3
  17. I so needed a laugh. Thanks, Skippy. :D

    I could barely stay awake during these two episodes but came away with a few thoughts:


    Way to shove Nova's face into that cake there Butch.  I guess since your no contact order prevents you from being around April and shoving her head into something, you shoved the one year old's face into her cake.  Five bucks says iCarly didn't get her little face shoved into her first birthday cake.  Dude is messed up and I hate the way he tosses that baby around and constantly mauls her.  She's a baby Butch, not a snack, get your damn mouth off of her.  I'm sure his face smells like grease and ciggies.  Poor Nova.


    Second thought, Tyler can have several seats.  How about you leave poor Cate alone about her anxiety for 5 minutes there Skippy?  How 'bout that? Is there really nothing else you could be doing other than stalking and harping on that poor bundle of nerves that you married?  And of course the one scene where Catelynn seems content and productive and is calmly and happily working on her photo album, here comes Tyler...prancing in, and within 3 minutes the poor girl is in tears and chewing her hand off.  I'm no Ph.D. nor do I have a fancy office in the copy room, but I'm thinking that Tyler is the source of Catelynn's anxiety.  Deep down she knows he sucks and her future with Mr. Potato Head Hair is bleak.


    Farrah's ass is comical.  Her face is comical.  She's comical.  Simon clearly winces every time she comes near him or touches him.  Sophia is the devil's spawn and Deborah is unhinged. UN. HINGED.  I actually feel a little scared when she's on the screen.


    Lastly, usually I like Amber.  She's really come a long way since her addiction days and I feel bad for her that she's being taken for a big time ride by Matt. However that scene with her yelling at the producer (the one who calls her Ambie) was disgusting.  She doesn't want to talk about Gary, custody, or Matt every time the cameras are there?  What should they talk to you about?  Your job?  Oh wait... All of your friends?  Oh wait...  How far along you are in your college classes?  Oh wait... What exactly do you think you get that big check for Ambie?  And Gary and Kristina really should have a seat with all of their condescending talk about custody.  Just no because we all know Kristina does not have custody of her older daughter because she chose Gary and the show over her own child.  They can both have a seat next to Tyler in the therapist's copy room.  And for the life of me, what is UP with Amber's mother's voice?  Like nails on a chalk board.


    That is all...

    • Love 3
  18. I have to admit, I feel a little sad for Tyler and Cate. These are kids who have never gotten to be kids with their dysfunctional families, so they rushed into adulthood. They might as well have kept Carly with the way they squandered the opportunities given to them by putting her up for adoption. I remember when they were saying how giving up Carly would allow them to go to school and grow up first, and that someday Carly would see that and understand why they did what they did. Instead they sat there in that little town, pushed out another kid and turned into a pair of thirty somethings overnight. If I was Carly I would be pissed. Really, after her adoption they should have broken up and had some experiences as individuals, like travel, relationships with other people, and just fun. It's no wonder they are depressed as hell. 

    By the way, I think taking part in this show has been the worst thing that could have happened to these girls. I think the only one who has done anything with herself and seems remotely healthy emotionally is Chelsea. And technically, if these kids are being paid by MTV to take part in this, it's not a documentary series, it's a non scripted "reality" show. The money the show has provided for them has allowed them to sit on their sofas all day long and accomplish nothing. Sad. 

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