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9 Neutral-
I never said life was white and black. I said that we all have our journey - nothing about that suggests that I think anybody's path is either A or B. Those aren't my words. The thing about it is this story was never pitched as a coming out story. This story is about their friendship. This show would have been just as interesting exploring how they as friends move forward. Amy being out would not damper that at all. Jeesh.
The thing is, no one is trying to say you're not a REAL lesbian. Nobody is attacking you for saying you didn't know until later in life. It happens. We understand. People say it's common again that's fair. Our complaint is not an attempt to devalue you or your journey. What we are saying is that our journey, those of us who discovered who we are earlier on in life or without a man is rarely ever seen or shown. I think everyone is taking the show to heart, some one way and some the other. I'm not the nasty sort that says you're faking it (Ha.) or you're bi or that you are not a REAL lesbian. That's ludicrous. You know who you are and I think that is the most beautiful part. The end of the journey and yes everyone has a different one. However, yours seems to be the one that always takes center stage. I respect yours and apparently so does the media, but mine....mine doesn't seem to matter and i'm sorry but it really grinds my gears. This isn't about Karmy, or this show that will in 2 years or less be nothing more but a blip in the history of pop culture. My anger is at the fact that the theme in Hollywood is to show your story as the ONLY story when that is simply not true. I kissed a girl and knew - I just knew and my life changed. My parents hated it (another common theme), I was lost at times, I've had my set backs. And now everyone is saying well if Amy just came out the show would be BORING. Again I respect everyone's journey but mine isn't boring as Hollywood would have you think, I've had my share of drama. Your path just happened to include men. Mine didn't. I don't want other lesbians warring with one another when the real culprit is standing by. Divided we fall ladies. Divided we fall.
What I don't understand is how you can have such optimism and be actively watch Glee? I still don't get how people think this is about 'Amy' and her sexuality and where the writer is taking it? This is not about Amy, or Karma nor Liam. This is about the trope. The same old sliding scale sexuality that all females must have when navigating the confusing waters of sexuality. They must always slip-slide onto a penis. That's it. It's not about his vision - it's about false promises of something new. This is NOT new. It's old. It's so old, it's molded and nearly decaying. I'm not giving up on this show, this show gave up when it rested on it's laurels instead of being innovative. The reason why I cannot continue myself is because the show has nothing new to offer me. I won't sit through another Glee, eating up crumbs until I'm full. Maybe it's because I'm gay, maybe I'm a little ticked off that on TV my sexuality is always realized after riding the baloney pony. When that is not the case all the time. Maybe I'm just sick of seeing the girl get the girl after a season of angst and confusion. I think this show would have been much more entertaining if one of them was already out and the other played along since they were already so close.That way none of this even had to occur. I wish please stop with 'it's for the drama' schpill, it's played out. Just saying. And lastly, fandom. That's what keeps people coming back for more. To see what happens next, well me personally I don't tolerate someone who belittles me in real life. When I've had enough of your 'antics' I either distance myself or cut you out completely. The same goes for this show. I don't play games - you're in or you're out. Faking it, is out. And I guess maybe Amy? Don't ask Rita or Carter - they haven't worked out the details yet. They kind of remind me of the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz. "OZ is thatta' way!", they say while pointing in opposite directions.
This so much! The fact that anyone is still defending this is so confusing to me! There is just another way. No disrespect to the (well written) fan fiction earlier but how about just no. Just no. Let Amy not spiral out of control, why can't she just be rational and hurt. I know it's not the most entertaining outcome but this was so obviously done to sucker you in to see what happens next. I really want the joke to be on him when no one does, alas the draw of two pretty girls in a ship will always win us over...no matter how trite it is.
Exactly. That would have been new and fresh to me. And not done to death like a love triangle. My goodness, I haven't ever seen this in television!! How ever did he come up with this idea??! It would have steered clear of the trope and helped Liam in getting over with the fandom. May I ask - how long did it take you to think of that? They need to hire you asap. For real, I mean you just wrote out the most sensible and interesting conclusion I've heard to save what was otherwise an excellent episode.
Dohe I couldn't agree more. The interview was pretty PRedictable. This is his 'fresh' and 'new' twist. He just threw a bunch of buzz words on the same plot regurgitated on television over and over again, slapped two very gorgeous girls on the front - threw a 'hunk' in the mix and slapped an MTV logo on it. What a crock to me. Not to mention the way he's trying to spin this on Twitter. This 'Oh don't worry girls Karmy has hope' when this is not what people are tweeting about. *sigh* Also AfterEllen will be all over it I'm sure of it. Fawning over it. Telling us girls we need to wait it out. Just like they've done with Glee and just recently someone wrote a post about letting it go when the show should have been put down for it's offensiveness a long time ago. What did we do though - we threw GLAAD awards at it. - _- As a black woman this equates to giving Donald Sterling an NAACP award. What a shame. Anyways, that's why I say I've found a new home here. Normally I'd be refreshing the page there but the writers just aren't putting these shows in check anymore and it's because we are so thirsty for visibility. Not to mention they'll spend more time deep diving for subtext than looking at actual things that are real and affecting the queer community. There are some good things and at times it can be fun there still but for me, I think I like it here better. People know how to form opinions without raging out or calling you out of your name. It's fair here. I like that. I like that people use facts to back up how they feel and I like that I'm not being preached to. It makes me more open to the opinions and while I still have my own on the matter, some of the other's I've read put things into a bit more perspective. I won't be watching Faking It anymore but I will check out what you guys say. A forum with people who make sense and no trolls - whodathunkit"? I guess I can at least thank the show for bringing me here. Haha.
Agreed but how long are we going to allow people to get away with certain behaviors because of youth? I understand where you're coming from and I know people can be very protective of things/people they like. I too apologize if I have offended you in anyway. : ) I could agree the stars thing could come into play - I'm just not going to buy it as anything less than back-pedaling at this point in my opinion. Lastly, I know people and stars and shows come out and say all the time they don't want to be role models. I get it but look who they are catering to. Impressionable youth. Not myself, I'm way past role models but there are kids watching this show. Whether they like it or not they have some responsibility to them and to tell this story in a way that is not problematic. They've already failed once in that department IMO (If they go down the route of Liam and Amy sleeping together - which I'm sure is/was the original plan). Hopefully, they can be better for those who choose to continue to watch. I'm so glad we are able to have a healthy discussion on this, I think I just found my new favorite TV forum.
JaM I've been respectful towards your opinion please do the same for mine. I am not a 'hater'. Nothing I have said has been remotely hate it has been my opinion which you seem to be hellbent on spinning into it. But if that's how ya' feel - carry on. If you don't understand there are ways to ask for an explanation, one's that don't make you sound like a juvenile fan-girl. Also, nothing about my journey (a male-less one mind you) has been easy. Nothing about my journey was 'perfect'. You can't seriously be gay right? There is no way you can be and think this kind of thinking and speaking is right or okay? Shocking. There are hardships in everyone's life so I'm not playing the violin here and by no means stating my journey is better than anyone's. I've said that several times before. A lesbian that has not slept with a man is not perfect - it's just another version of a sometimes difficult journey that I'd hope to see with this TV show. I hope that's simplified enough for you to understand. People sending hate and being rude need to calm down in all honestly. There are ways to express your disagreement without being insulting. People are upset and this Katie girl is trivializing it with crappy logic. As for Rita, she is doing the best she can and I think fans will go easy on her. She's a pretty girl and very likable so I can see why. Hopefully the above didn't make it seem like I 'hate' either of them. I don't and I don't condone anything any upsets fans maybe doing or saying but hopefully the air is cleared and both sides get to explain why they feel the way they feel. It's just that this girls (Katies) twitter feed is just off-putting atm. I don't even have a twitter, people were sending me her tweets and she's ranting like a 15 year old girl. She's got to get off the gas and ignore the crazies. Some of the things he's said and done though and his whinyness - how could they not expect him to be slightly disliked amongst lesbians. Also he isn't as disliked as you would think which to me is the real shocker. Wasn't this show supposed to be a comedy?
Your sister I believe is right on the money. What most people don't notice is that this type of behavior displayed on TV shows trivializes lesbianism. It plays into this belief that lesbians can be coaxed into sex with men given certain circumstances. It plays into lesbianism being a phase and I am shocked so many of us are baring our fangs and defending this show. I know people are afraid to be that 'angry lesbian blogger' and are terrified that if we pick apart every show that tries it that eventually people will stop trying. This may be true but all visibility is simply not good visibility. Not to mention they spoon-fed the two female characters to the male lead who had sleeping with a lesbian on his bucket list. Wow. Wow!! This show is problematic. Seriously. This is such a let down. Such a shame they gracefully jumped over so many boundaries only to fall smack-dab on their bottoms. The damage control for this episode has been handled very sloppily. And someone needs to take that twitter account away from that Katie girl - she's letting a few rabblerousers get to her. She's got to grow a thicker skin and they both should have been prepped for this in the long time frame when the leak occurred. Who is managing this thing? That's not to say offensive things being tweeted to her should be condoned, i'm just saying I've seen bigger celebrities take on worse. The interview had terrible timing. Terrible. And I feel like they think this somehow satisfies us when really, it's only fanning the flames. Now it confirms the trope, it confirms the un-orginality and the cliche 'commercial' coming out process. The bottom line is this, Carter should not use words like 'fresh' for something that is so incredibly stale. And I don't want anyone here to get it twisted, if it is revealed that Amy and Liam did not have sex next season it is not because it was planned. It is because they are backpedaling faster than John Mccain - and you have to be incredibly fast to do that. Based on the tweets from Katie - Liam and Amy got busy. I hope people aren't naive enough to think this is going to be interrupted or stopped next season. And back to her this is what she put on Twitter: When watching the finale tomorrow, before you tweet, ask yourself: Did you have everything figured out when you were 15? #fakingitfinale I was utterly shocked that any of her handlers let her keep this up let alone release it. A valid question yes but one that seemed to add more kindling. Someone on tumblr posed the question - how many girls did she have to sleep with to determine she was straight? That is a very valid question as well. She needs to be more careful. Then this whole 'victim' act. I am trying so hard not to dislike her as a person - but she's making it incredibly hard. : / Not to mention, I think they are trying to use Rita's popularity to keep the fans in check. More manipulation - well done sirs and madams. Well done.
I suppose...I won't be watching personally nothing against those who do in anyway. Lost the appeal for me. I don't like the fact that people say this is a normal process. It is for some but not for all. I respect everyone's thoughts on this but I still just don't agree. The fact that tv shows perpetuate this is disturbing to me. It's so done to death and not everyone's journey. I wish someone would get it right for the 'gold stars'. Where's our representation? Where's our visibility? Jokes on me for thinking it would be on MTV though, for real. Again this is not to say that my journey is better than someone who has had any type of sexual interaction with a male. I'm just saying why can't for once the journey just NOT include a male. Why is that so hard to put into writing? *shrugs*
Agree 100%! They are in the first season, they aren't bound by much in regards to how they want to end it. This ending was not compelling...it was typical and heavy handed. Also, this is a show about girl's pretending to be lesbians and their is nary a lesbian in sight the entire first season. Ha.
I understand how you got that and again I saw what they were trying to convey but there's a bigger picture here that you have in all your responses yet to acknowledge. Who are you trying to convince? Me...or...? There is nothing wrong with adding another layer to a character but turning her vengeful only plays into more tropes already existing for women as well. There were some other points made above about what they could have done instead of going the route often taken that would have been just as effective. This is lazy.
I suppose but in regards to these types of storylines, has there ever been someting to be optimistic about? What's even more maddening is that he tried to set himself aside from a show I believe his show may have more in common with than he thinks. The thing is, they shouldn't have to make 2 seperate endings. They should be able to write and produce quality material the first go round. The only mistake about the finale, in my opinion, is the complete assasination of Amy's character and her cliche road to discovery.
Amy's sexuality has never been confirmed however, there are tweets from the director saying things like 'never give up' 'anything is possible' to the fanbase. Who. Does. That. Sound. Like. The thing is Jamz I get where you're coming from and understand where they are taking it but I don't agree that this is new and fresh. What my issue is, is that this has BEEN DONE. Repeatedly. The journey for a 'fluid' character nearly always begins or intercedes with a penis- angry/drunk or not. And after I gave this show a chance, after reading about two girls actively pretending to be lesbians for popularity I watched. We watched hoping they would get it right - but they just didn't. This was an epic fail and what's so sad is that like the creator of this thread said - this episode was perfect! As for Liam - I'm not a fan and not because he slept with Amy. I dislike him because he reminds me so much of other men they've jammed into these situations and try to make use either like or feel sorry for them. He was such a jerk and then they ruin the two female leads and what happens to him?Then I read comments like this on the internet: 'Oh, he was hurt. How could she lie to him? Poor Liam. ' 'Amy's a b**** she slept with her best friends love interest!' 'Kharma got what she deserved!' Look at the above sentences and tell me that isn't foul. What a terrible spin to put on the two female leads and have Liam the lesbian hunter seem like the lesser of evils. Not eveyone is thinking like the above examples, but some people are feeling as if Liam has no wrong doing in this. That is messed up. I feel like I've been kind of queerbaited. They lured the 'queer' audience in and they just gave me Quinn/Rachel/Finn with actual text and not fan pandered subtext. Had I had known that Liam would be so very front and center - I wouldn't have bothered with it in the first place. I signed up to see where the friendship would go naturally. That isn't to say I signed up to see them together. I wanted to see what twists and turns would be made but not Liam bedding them both. It's something just so wrong about that. I wouldn't be suprised if Amy isn't a lesbian, bi or into women at all. Which again is fine. I don't want her to be a lesbian at this point because then it would be just another stereotype of lesbians trying men first or being with a man to repress feelings or yadda yadda yadda. I didn't. I know other's that havent. I'm sick of hearing that whole 'MOST LESBIANS DID' crap. That's a tired argument suited for this tired trope. And now people are calling lesbians who are against this show - biphobic. Amy has no label right - so how can we be biphobic? If people can assume Amy is bi - can't others assume she's a lesbian or will become one? I can't place it because I'm not as good with words as the author of this thread - but it just left a bad taste in my mouth. They are going to keep Amy 'fluid' mostly so they can appease both audiences I think. As a convenience and a gigantic cop out. Either way - I'm done faking it (ha) for writers. I'm done supporting things I don't like in the name of visibility. If this is good visibility I don't want it. The worst thing that can happen though is if he comes out being defensive. He needs to ignore the crazies and speak to the people who are presenting him their thoughts respectfully and speak to them in kind. I don't want him to explain this to me because I'm over him and this show but he owes the women watching this who disagree at least a chance to air their grievances. What sucks worse is that this backlash is nothing but publicity for him and the show I bet ratings rise slightly and visibilty to the GA increases. And once the Finchel, excuse me, Kiam fans emerge and drown out others interested in aspects outside of shipping well...we know how that goes...