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Posts posted by MsPH

  1. 19 minutes ago, announcergirl said:

    I'm not seeing where Ashley's sister is interfering or doing anything. She asks questions; don't we all ask the same ones? I do see Anthony showing that he doesn't like her. It's a personality difference that he is justifying with the interference accusations.

    She was sending Ashley articles of shark attacks while they were on their honeymoon and Ashley herself admitted a lot of her fears have to do with her sister. She was already saying she wants them to move next door the morning after the wedding, telling Anthony not to take Ashley away from her and asking Ashley when they can hang out. Literally less than 24 hours of the wedding, and she's still trying to get them to move into the same building. I hope Anthony puts a stop to that ASAP. He said his last relationship went wrong because of too much interference from other people, so I can totally understand why he's concerned. Lauren clearly envisions hanging out with Ashley every day, since she was trying to sell their building by saying their friends or whoever live there as well and they have parties on the patio every night. Every night? Holy codepence! I would not want to be nervous around my house just waiting for that knock on the door and having to think of excuses why I don't want to spend all my free time with my in-laws. I feel anxiety on Anthony's behalf just thinking about it. Keep a healthy distance!

    I'm totally with Ashley on the name issue. I don't care if it means a lot to the man, it's still the woman's decision, because it's her name. I don't know if I could change mine either. I've had it for 30 years, so suddenly being called something else feels so foreign. Not to mention all the trouble involved. I think she'll probably end up hyphenating or having her maiden name as a middle name though, if they last.

    Cody is hopeless. I can't believe he was complaining about the lack of sex in the previews for next week. Now whose fault is that? She tried showing the green light so many times and he decided to tell her they need to slow down their already sluggish pace. I think all the talk about needing an assertive man is basically code for wanting a man who can make a damn move. Cody needs a written invite and two week's notice. How frustrating for her.

    I love dogs but Danielle's would drive me crazy as well. If you're gonna have dogs that size you definitely need to train them. I mean you should train small dogs as well, but at least you don't have to worry about stuff flying off walls and tables and clothes being ruined like you do with bigger dogs who are out of control. Hers make me anxious just watching them on TV. Maybe it's all the cameramen and other strangers making it worse. I can't see how she's managed to live with them in the city otherwise.

    I'm also shocked her bestie and Cody's brother are still dating. Isn't he 24? And she looks at least 30, probably older unless she's just addicted to sunbeds. What a strange pairing. Maybe Danielle should've been married to him. Seems like he can make a move at least.

    I'm giving Nate the benefit of the doubt right now. He does seem to really like Sheila, so perhaps he's genuinely trying. I liked him stepping in when her father kept going on about the wedding drama. I'm totally in Sheila's corner there. She didn't exclude family if she excluded her sister's boyfriend she barely knows. The sister was still invited, she just didn't show up. Her dad can just pipe down. It was her big day and she could invite whoever she pleases, end of.

    • Love 8
  2. I really liked Rachel as well, but the "best ever" love fest makes me laugh a little, because it feels like it happens after nearly every premiere. I guess people suffer from Bachelor/ette fatigue by the end of each season and then after a little break it's so refreshing to have a new lead and the lead him/herself is still alert and excited at the start, so they seem very personable and on top of things. Give it a few weeks and tiredness kicks in, editors focus on the drama instead of relationships and the format starts to feel stale again. Then it's downhill from there. Hopefully Rachel can keep her momentum, but it remains to be seen. She does seem more intelligent than usual and very kind and easygoing. I wouldn't have known what to do or say when Lucas showed up, but she handled it very well. Good for her.

    I thought there were quite a few legit options this time, unlike last year, so that's promising. I really don't get why they cast the openly crazy these days though, because it's not funny. It's interesting when seemingly normal people turn out to be crazy or otherwise dysfunctional, but when they act like total clowns straight out of the limo, it just makes the whole show seem like a joke. And no, no one believes Rachel wanted to keep Lucas over some of the others no matter how many times she says it in interviews. I don't want forced drama.

    Josiah's story was so tragic and inspirational at the same time. I like him so far, though he may be a bit cocky.

    Peter is very easy on the eyes and I loved his reaction to Rachel saying she doesn't like chocolate. Also, what's wrong with you Rachel?! How can you not like chocolate?

    I disliked Dean's comment at ATFR, but he's actually pretty cute. So smiley!

    Alex, the vacuuming Russian, got my attention, because not many fit guys like to code for fun. I also appreciate a goofy sense of humour.

    Kenny seemed very sweet and mature which I wasn't expecting from a wrestler I guess.

    Fred, the "bad kid" was also pretty handsome and I loved Rachel's reaction to him. How weird would it be to date someone five years younger who you knew as a kid? I don't think I could ever get past it.

    Bryan didn't impress me at all. All the Spanish speaking seemed like such a player move and the kiss was just disgusting to me. I guess she liked it though since she went for seconds, so good for her... I guess. I nearly lost my dinner. He also reminds me of Josh, not only in looks, but the fact that people keep referring to him as good-looking while I don't see anything I like. He just looks odd to me. Plastic surgery?

    • Love 7
  3. I'm really happy Rashad won! I wouldn't have minded Normani either, but truth be told, I do find it more impressive when someone with no previous dance experience shines than when it's someone who's danced since they were three. If this show was strictly about dance technique, they might as well give a ringer the trophy after the first week. Obviously if all the non-ringers suck, then it's a joke if one of them wins, but Rashad was actually very good and not just for a rookie. He clearly has natural talent and I'm all for rewarding him for it. David should've placed behind Normani (and others), but Rashad deserved his win in my opinion.

    • Love 2
  4. 3 hours ago, SerenityNow721 said:

    Ashley and Anthony seem like a good match.  There may be drama ahead but they seem to be looking out for each other's best interest.  The family stuff is hard to navigate when you are close to a sibling and have always told them everything (previews)  Some guys are not a fan of "girl talk", but I always say the guys come and go - girlfriends are forever.

    But shouldn't the guys, or rather a guy, be forever as well in an ideal situation? I know that's not often the case, but I don't think the mentality that your SO is temporary and friends are permanent is a good thing to have. It seems like a self-fulfilling profecy for many people. How committed can you really be while holding your friends in higher regard than your SO? Maybe I'm just odd, but I don't think it should be like that in a good healthy relationship. Obviously, if you're dating/married to some abusive or untrustworthy jerk then that's another thing, but talking won't help much with that, only leaving does.

    • Love 9
  5. Well that was nice and (mostly) drama free, for a change.

    I don't know why so many women have so many shoes. When do they even wear them? I don't remember seeing Danielle's collection, and that makes me like her a bit more. 

    I think Cody's a nice guy, just utterly clueless about everything. Communication is important, but sometimes less is more. Danielle's head must be spinning trying to decipher what it is he really wants. And men who confide in their moms about everything creep me about. Reminds me of a short-lived ex, who wouldn't accept my decision to go our separate ways and when I finally answered one of his desperate calls, he told me he'd been talking to his mom a lot about it. Way to make me 100% sure I did the right thing.

    I'm glad Sheila was acting civil and gets along with Tyrique so well, but I feel like she's still on the look out for red flags 24/7. It's only a matter of time until she starts picking on Nate again. She was itching while they were talking about their spending.

    Nothing much to say about A&A, they get along so well. I loved the place the decided to move into! So light.

    • Love 2
  6. I don't think Danielle is after some over the top macho man, just someone more like Anthony. He doesn't look like a stereotypical "manly man", but he seems quietly confident and comfortable in his own skin, instinctively knows what to say and do at any given moment to impress his new wife and gets her hints. Cody looks like a deer in the headlights and it's getting worse over time. Danielle doesn't really help with her silly tests like the fish eye thing, which she didn't actually want Cody to do. She said she wanted him to say no to her, so he failed that as well. I think Cody's just super aware of the age gap at this point and feels inadequate because he knows Danielle is judging him. That relationship is going nowhere. I really don't get why they cast such young and inexperienced people. Honestly, what do they expect will happen? Relationships aren't easy in the best of circumstances, let alone on this show. The least you should require is some experience and maturity.

    Anthony and Ashley are still adorable. I don't think she sees him as a sperm bank or anything, even if she wants kids yesteday. They are always smiling and joking around with each other, and that's the most important thing in a relationship. Getting each other and enjoying each other's company. I think they're a great match!

    • Love 3
  7. 3 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

    I think Ben really would have married her right then.  I always thought he truly fell in love with Lauren, but she just wanted to win. 

    I'm basing this on things like Ben saying that when she stepped out of the limo, the world stopped, and on their first date, which seemed to last for four hours, he just couldn't stop kissing her.  Now, I know that's all superficial, more lust than love, stuff, but lots of men marry because the woman is his absolute ideal from head to toe, and go on to be happy for the rest of their lives.  Some men are just that visual.  I think Lauren wasn't in love but just wanted to win and get the ring and go on to have a perfect house and a perfect wedding, with the perfect $8000 dress. Some women are just that materialistic.

    Ben's the one who cancelled the wedding plans, so seems like his adoration wasn't the lasting kind. I think he just fell in lust/infatuation, because Lauren seemed like his dream girl, but once they actually started living together it became apparent that they don't have much in common. I don't know if you watched the stupid Happily Ever After show, but it was pretty painful. I lost all faith in them watching that, because I just didn't see the natural chemistry and friendship I see with most couples who end up working out. It seemed like an uphill battle and Ben getting cold feet was the final nail in the coffin. I mean it's lucky they didn't get married, but it's hard to convince someone you really do want to marry them one day, when you've just told them you don't know each other well enough to marry. How was she supposed to trust his word after that? I also think Ben did little to compromise. Lauren changed her whole life to be with him, while he changed nothing apart from his decor (which he wasn't happy about either).

    • Love 5
  8. 3 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    Sheila, you need to learn to SPEAK.  Nate thinks she disrespected him, but she doesn't think she disrespected him.  So TALK ABOUT IT.  Ask him, "why do you think I disrespected you?"

    Sheila is blaming Nate for all the previous men in her life.  But Sheila, Nate IS THERE, he's not walking away, he DOES see you Sheila.  He didn't walk away SHE did.  

    WTF is her problem?

    Seriously. I'm no fan of Nate, but I think he's been pretty patient so far. I found the way she talked to him after the ping pong match disrespectful as well and I wasn't on the receiving end of it. Yeah, he was taking the game a bit too seriously. So what? You're gonna see things you don't like about every single person you spend more than a few hours with. It doesn't give you the right to attack their character in a condescending manner and act like they wronged you somehow, when really you just disliked something you saw. She would drive me batty as well. One minute she's loving life and falling for Nate, then she gets tired and/or Nate does something less than ideal and she's suddenly sullen, talking to him she doesn't give AF about his feelings and then goes mute. I don't really blame him for thinking WTF did I just get myself into. It was stupid of him to say it out loud, but she's also said she's done and doesn't see a future and whatnot several times, so why's it an unforgivable crime when he says it? I guess it just hit a sore spot, but she needs to realise Nate barely knows her at this point. He doesn't know the ins and outs of her past dating life or her personality and what's normal of her and what isn't. He can only go by what she's shown him in the few days they've been together and it's kind of bipolar so far. You can't expect people to love you at your worst before they've even seen you at your best. I can be moody as well at times (which I hate about myself), but I can definitely keep it under wraps when I'm only just getting to know someone. It always kind of shocks me how quickly some of these people show their worst qualities to their stranger spouse. I guess it's the pressure of the whole thing getting to them, but still. If you can't stay civil for a few days even, then that doesn't bode well for the future. People aren't mind readers. You might be a nice person 99% of the time, but if you're not acting like it at the start then how the hell are people supposed to know that?

    • Love 5
  9. I wouldn't be that surprised if Ashley was pregnant. There was couple on the second season of Finnish MAFS who had a spark from the beginning and I think they got pregnant during filming already, since the baby was born 9 months later. I think it was the first MAFS baby ever born. Last I heard they were still a happy family. A couple from the first season has a baby too now. 

    • Love 3
  10. To think I was concerned about Cody never having lived with a girl, now it turns out he's never been in love either. Great. What happened to this show matching people "who've tried everything to find love" and failed? I mean obviously most of them haven't tried everything, but Cody seems like he hasn't tried anything. He just decided now's the time to get serious and marrying a stranger is the way to go about it. I feel for Danielle. Cody just sounds like one of those first year students who suddenly think they're experts because they've learned some theory (observed grandparents), while Danielle is a graduate who's been working in the field for 5 years (had serious long-term relationships). How can she take him seriously? I also find it odd how he went from talking about wedding night sex and trying to climb on top of her with cameras in the room to acting like an awkward virgin. I can only assume she turned down his advances after the wedding and now he's too scared to try again. Or being in the company of an adult woman while sober is killing his libido, I don't know. There's just a lot of awkwardness there right now and if it goes on much longer, I'm afraid it's gonna be hard to overcome.

    I don't know what to think of Sheila and Nate to be honest. I'm a low-energy introvert and being stuck with a hyper extrovert would be my worst nightmare, but I don't think Nate did anything that bad aside from the jet skiing. Maybe he did and it wasn't shown, but it's kind of hard to comment on what I haven't seen and I'm not gonna make up imaginary scenarios. That said, I found Sheila straight up rude at times. I can understand being exhausted and moody after all they've been through, but I didn't like how she was insinuating Nate should be able to read her mind after a few days and kind of blamed her own moodiness on him. Most people would try to cheer up a person who's acting quiet and annoyed, it doesn't mean they're tone deaf or unwilling to let said person be themselves. She can't expect him to know her enough at this point to know when to step back and when to be concerned, let alone how to get her out of her apparent mood. I also don't think being tired gives you permission to act plain rude, like give someone silent treatment and looks that could kill. I thought Nate handled it all surprisingly well. I would also understand Sheila more if she'd just been in a mood once and got over it, but it seems like a recurring thing. She was moody and pissed off after the jet ski, they talked about amongst themselves and then with Rachel and she seemed fine. Then she was even worse during the dinner, it's like he'd killed her puppy in the meantime or something, but he managed to draw her out of her shell and all seemed well again. In the next episode she's crying and blows up. That kind of emotional rollercoaster is far more exhausting to me than anyone's hyperness.

    Ashley and Anthony are adorable together! She's definitely neurotic, but he seems to able to handle it and hopefully will manage to loosen her up a bit. I love that they have such effortless chemistry and neither of them bug me at this point. That's what I hope to see on this show!

    • Love 8
  11. 2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

    Did you guys see the video from inside the court room the day Chris was arrested, the one with him sitting, wearing the jail jumpsuit? Now the reporter who took that video is facing contempt of court charges as she was "not allowed" to film that. She is facing a $500 fine and six months in jail for it. This is another move by Chris's lawyer team, saying journalists are "selling" Chris out and biasing the public against him. This was just reported on the local 5 p.m. news ... which showed the video in question. Ha ha!

    Those lawyers are doing a better job at biasing me against Chris than any journalists. They sounds like immoral money grabbers who are doing their utmost to distract everyone from the main issue, which is Chris's criminal actions. Pathetic all around.

    • Love 6
  12. 3 hours ago, KateHearts said:

    Wow; now it's required to live with someone to determine if you're marriage-ready? I've got to heartily disagree with that one.

    Not when it's a normal marriage where you know and love the person you're about to cohabitate with. But I would imagine being stuck with a stranger is hard enough as it is, let alone if you have no experience with sharing your private space with the opposite sex (apart from your mom). And I'm not saying it's required, Cody just seems very young to me and I'm not sure he knows what he's gotten himself into.

    • Love 1
  13. On 28/04/2017 at 6:02 AM, Racj82 said:

    I would never ever go on this show. I would be petrified that my looks wouldn't hold up to some great standard by the potential wife but also every part of me would be picked apart by viewers of the show. I feel like guys always get it the most. It's the least shocking thing ever to me that the women in these marriages mainly have the issues with looks out the gate. I think men get dragged a lot for being shallow but I see the reverse even more in real life. I'm glad Ashley still seems genuinely into the guy. 

    It's everyones prerogative to date whatever and whomever they want but I would hope people on this show would be much more open in terms of attraction.

    I could not care less how any of these people look personally. Last thing on my mind. My fear based on this episode is how much outside forces and actual intellectual attraction may get in the way. The physical seems to be there. But, relatives drama and different lifestyles may be the real kicker here.

    I don't get the excessive scrutiny of these people's looks either. I know we're all used to seeing perfection on TV, but the participants on this show are all regular people. Anthony may not be a Ken doll, but he's cute enough IMO and I'm happy that Ashley seems to agree. I'm one of the few who also found Doug pretty cute (with a beard) while most were acting like he's a hideous troll who, IMO average, Jamie shouldn't have to settle for. I'm more bothered by Cody shaving his beard to end at his chin line. It just looks so odd and like he's got a tiny chin, but it should be easily fixed.

    I'd be concerned about Ashley's sister too if I was Anthony. She seems a tad overly attached. For once I thought someone on this show gave good advice, when the pastor told them to keep their issues between themselves. I so agree! Of course if your partner is being abusive then you should talk about it with others, but normal relationship issues are something that should be solved between the people in the relationship IMO. It feels like betrayal to me to negatively talk about your partner behind their back. I know I want my friends and family to think well of my SO, so I'm not gonna bitch about him to them. I always feel super uncomfortable when others complain about their partners to me. It makes me want to stick up for the partner most of the time, since they're not there to defend themselves. It's also hard to forget all that stuff even if you try. All this is kind of moot though, since these people's issue are broadcast on TV for the world to see and strangers will still be harping on them years down the line. But that just proves that it's the negative stuff that sticks in people's minds.

    I just can't warm up to Nate at all. Since the casting special, he's struck me as the kind of person who uses religion to try and keep their assholish tendencies in check, which usually doesn't work nearly as well as they think it does. Good people are good even if no one's watching or judging. If you need someone else, be it a god or a parent or a spouse, to keep you in line, then I for one will pass. It needs to come from within. I don't think he's over his player ways, let alone ready to be married considering he still had some random woman's shoes in his trunk during casting. I can't believe Pepper just laughed about it, but then again she seems to love casual sex, so it'd be a first if she saw something wrong with it, even if it's weeks before getting married. I feel for Sheila, because she seems like a bit of a prude (and I don't mean that in a bad way) while he's constantly trying to seduce her rather than get to know her. Add the live-in brother to the mix and I'd be running for the hills.

    Not really seeing it with Danielle and Cody at this point. He's just too young, especially for a 30-year-old woman. I don't know why this show keeps matching younger men with older women. Has it ever worked? Women already mature faster and have a deadline for having kids, so it's just asking for trouble IMO. He seems like a horny teenager compared to her and the fact that he's never even lived with a girl before is a concern. I'll be surprised if healthy eating habits are enough to bond them for life.

    At least they all seem somewhat attracted to each other, so that's a nice change! I don't want another season of people unable to even hold hands with their spouse, because it's so pointless.

    • Love 4
  14. From what I gather, the red truck he was picked up in is also his, since it was found at his home and they still hadn't identified the driver two days later. Surely if it was someone else's truck they could easily find the owner, not to mention it wouldn't have been parked on Chris's driveway if the driver wasn't there anymore when the police showed up. Unless the driver is someone who works for Chris and drives that truck during the day and just happened to be doing so at the time of the accident, it all seems pretty calculated to me. Did they pick Chris up in his own truck so they couldn't be identified? Surely phone records will reveal who Chris called though if he did call for a lift.

  15. 1 hour ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

    Is Chris really a farmer or does his family just own a lot of farmland they lease out?  I got the impression from his season on the bachelor that he's more business end of things and not getting his hands dirty.

    Yes, he is. I mean obviously he has people working for him and he's not out there all the time getting his hands dirty, but he does do actual work as well, especially during harvest. I've seen him do Snapchat videos from the cabin of whatever machine he's operating in the field many times. I just think he should know CPR especially since he's the boss and responsible for the safety of the people he employs.

  16. I'm surprised a farmer who lives in the middle of nowhere doesn't know how to do CPR. Accidents can happen when working with heavy machinery. You'd think it would be helpful to know CPR, since it could take ages for help to reach you.

    So much for the theories that Chris was in shock and didn't know what he was doing by fleeing the scene. Seems he was in sound enough mind to call 911 and a lift for himself, probably an attorney as well. He must've had something to hide.

    • Love 1
  17. 19 minutes ago, fib said:

    From the article:  "For Chris, what happened was just a freak accident.”

    No.  Not if he was drinking.  "Freak" accidents that are the result of terrible decisions and breaking the law are foreseeable.  They dont happen everytime, but they do happen eventually and are completely preventable.  There is a reason that drinking and driving is illegal.  Its because it kills people.  And rarely the drinker. 

    Even if he wasnt drinking, he was clearly operating his vehicle at a speed too fast for the road conditions (ie, spring planting when there are tractors on the road). So even if he wasnt speeding, he was driving recklessly.  Again, not a "freak accident".  

    This kind of defense infuriates me.  It perpetuates terrible behavior.  

    ITA. I hate all the sympathy Chris is getting for screwing up his life while another man DIED. I hate that everyone seems to know a drunk driver or a victim of a drunk driver. It doesn't make me think "oh well, it could happen to anyone", it infuriates me that anyone could lose their life over someone else's idiotic contempt for law! It's truly upsetting to me how many people think it's not that big of a deal to drink and drive until someone dies. Chris has like a dozen driving related offences already including a DUI. He should by now be the safest driver there ever was, yet somehow he managed to get a tractor off the road while it was still twilight outside and went into hiding for 5 hours. I refuse to give him the benefit of the doubt, let alone make excuses for him. He should know better by now, period.

    • Love 14
  18. 23 hours ago, Fanny Mare said:

    Lots of photos of Jen and Nick. But then as I said upthread, he's down with any photo's!?

    Photos of them where? They were in the same place once between the filming and airing of BIP and that's when Jen was in LA. They didn't even post any pics together, just separate pics with the same background, so not sure what pics you're referring to.

    As for Nick and Vanessa, this is them last night and they seem pretty happy to me!

    (I saw that bum stroke, Vanessa.)

    • Love 1
  19. Standouts:

    Rashad - He's just a natural dancer and it's so lovely to watch. I wish he'd win, because he is what this show is supposed to be about. Interesting story as well.

    Nancy - Beautiful dance second week in a row. She's very graceful.

    Simone - Definitely her best dance so far. I almost forgot I was watching a gymnast.

    I also didn't mind Heather this week, but she's far from a fave. Normani danced beautifully, but I agree that it wasn't really a rumba. Way too fast.


    David - He's a nice guy, but seriously?! Wiennese waltz is supposed to be smooth and he was skipping around awkwardly the whole time. No way was that worth 8s. Len and Bruno seem to really love him for some reason.

    Bonner - He was better than last week, but boring and I still don't like him. I also feel like he's actively trying not to pay Sharna any attention ever since that hand placement scandal. 

    Erika - It's not often you see the male pro literally dancing circles around the female star and that's what happened this week. She is so stiff and seems to have zero warmth or personality. Hope she's gone next week.

    Not stellar, but scored fairly:

    Nick - It wasn't perfect and his hip action could've been better, but it was his best dance so far and it was nice to see the scores reflect that. Cute ending.

    Mr. T - He was as stiff as ever and walking through the dance, but I like him and was a bit sad to see him go. I think he might've been relieved to go home though.

    • Love 4
  20. On 05/04/2017 at 1:11 AM, Artsda said:

    Exactly. There's no way in the world Amanda posed like that and didn't know the paparazzi were there. She was in on it, but now she and her group want to act like she's innocent mom of the year. 

    I believe everything about Josh. However, it doesn't make Amanda the innocent wallflower. Since back in BIP when everyone in the world warned her about him. From the second Nick said what Andi wrote about himself was true, why would Amanda think that the entire Josh part of the book was fiction? She instead put on a fake family show for her career, moving Josh into her house and not thinking at all what everyone/Andi said could be true. 

    Well to be fair, Amanda never read the book and everyone was being kind of vague about what was said exactly. Yes, she should've read it, but I'm sure Josh convinced her that it was just petty breakup drama and a one-sided account and it would be disrespectful to him to read it. He is very manipulative as we've seen time and time again. I'm not saying Amanda isn't an idiot, but that's exactly why she's easy pickings for a manipulative person. It's easy for us to say Josh is full shit and she should've seen it coming, but when you're a not-so-bright single mom of two little kids, who's been told by her ex that she'll never find anyone else, and a dreamy (according to some) man tells you everything you want to hear, it might not be so easy to just walk away. She chose to believe the best because he was acting like her dream come true in the beginning and he claimed to love her kids. I wish she'd dumped him before the finale, but I think she really did want it to work out. How many women stay in abusive relationships even for years, despite everyone is telling them to get out? Is Amanda automatically an accomplice rather than a victim because she was getting something out of the mess, as in fame and money? I don't know. Letting him move in and use the kids for attention and letting him repeatedly disrespect their dad was wrong of her definitely, but I'm sure those were also the conditions of him moving to LA in the first place. She's made a lot of mistakes, but I don't see her as a malicious person, so I can't put her on the same level as Josh, not even close. I'm sure Josh has been spinning all kinds of BS to RS to make it seem that way though.

    • Love 4
  21. I feel bad for Nick, he was really underscored. I thought the original premise of this show was to take amateurs and turn them into dancers, so you'd think improvement would be rewarded, but I suppose not. What I like about Nick is that he really listens to the criticism and comes back visibly improved in those areas. Like the first week he was criticised for his small arms, so last week his arms and lines were way better even if the rest was awkward. Then last week they mentioned his nervousness and lack of breathing, so this week he seemed way more relaxed and actually performed the routine. They all said he'd improved and then scored him exactly the same apart from Len who still scored him too low. What is the point?

    David getting 31 was utterly ridiculous IMO. Good on him for trying his hardest in that embarrassing routine, but there was barely any dancing involved, even for a jazz number. Half of it was standing with his feet apart hip thrusting. Even I would nail that routine. 

    Bonner was pretty awful. There was no energy, his feet were a mess and his upper body as stiff as ever, yet he got the same score from the male judges as Nick? That's just plain stupid. At least Mr. T is charming, but he walked through his already simple dance, so there should be a difference there with the scores.

    Rashad I enjoy watching even if he's not perfect, because he seems to really enjoy himself on the dancefloor. It's easy to look past small issues when you're able to sell the dance. I hope he makes it to the finals.

    Nancy did great! I really enjoyed that and Artem freaking out over Ricky Martin. LOL.

    Heather danced fine, but it didn't really resonate with me. Maybe I expect more from her since she's practically a pro herself. Wasn't a fan of the outfit either.

    I don't know what it is about Simone, but I just can't remember anything about her dances, except that there's always some gymnastic move in there. I guess she danced well in comparison to most, but it was just meh to me.

    Normani was great again. I think she'll win, because she's the best performer IMO. I guess she should be, considering what she does for a living, but she just keeps me engaged unlike Heather and Simone. I was happy she got the highest score.

    Charo was better than last week but I'm so glad to see the back of her!

    The housewife just bores me. There's something very cold about her and that jive didn't have enough kicks.

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  22. At this point I'm less bothered by Nick's inspirational quotes than I am by Sonia. She said she would stop talking about him after the IG live a week ago, yet everytime I check her Twitter there's some obvious shade there towards Nick. Seriously, if you're so at peace and happy then why are you still so bothered by everything your ex does? And why is she being flirty with that man Nick accused her of cheating with or whatever? When I look at his account I just cringe.

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  23. Lauren not so subtly accused Josh of calling the paps that night to take those pics, so I don't think Amanda was in on it. YMMV of course, but I'll believe Amanda any day and twice on Sundays over Josh. She still didn't speak to the media after they were released, it was Josh giving a long interview playing coy (and shading Nick and Andi as usual).

    Josh's mom didn't say she was Josh's mom, but didn't deny it either and sounded just like her (and had 0 posts and followers and followings on all three accounts she made on the spot). She's done it before to JJ and other people who've dissed Josh on Twitter, so it's how she operates. Oh and she was saying Lauren isn't a good Christian for drinking with her fiancé's exes, so it was either her of Josh. That woman is the biggest "cyber-bully" there is, she's shamed people on her public Facebook page before and made her nutty followers go after them. She constantly finds and replies to negative comments about Josh on Twitter even ones that aren't directed at either of them. It may seem crazy for a 60-something woman to be acting that way, but I guess it explains how Josh turned out the way he did.

    Amanda may not be mom of the year, but she seems like a sweet, if dim, person to me. She doesn't deserve to be lied about by this narcissist and his minions and she certainly doesn't deserve to be threatened into silence. I do feel bad for her, because people who haven't been paying attention to what's really been going on will believe his lies and he'll get away with his insane BS once again. I want that creeper buried, and by buried I mean I want him to crawl back into the hole he crawled out of so I never have to see his fake smile and misogynistic behaviour anywhere again.

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