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Posts posted by novhappy

  1. The problem with the Roddy Mcdowell episode may be in the script. They never developed the "sell the company to a conglomerate/keep daddy's company" plotline. So all we have to judge is Roddy's character's personality.  But  it wouldn't have taken much to make case for the conglomerate angle as a greedy sell-out thus lending righteous motivation to the crime. Perhaps it was in the culture at the time that conglomerates were "bad" so it was assumed. They also could have changed the scene wherein Roddy takes over the office-instead of being rude about it (turning down the dead man's photo) the script could have called for him to simply re-hang his father's picture. Al little heavy handed of a script, for a show that tells you in advance who the killer is. 

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  2. I have to think you are right about the Roddy McDowell character, milburn. Many villains in columbo have a sympathetic angle and perhaps this character was supposed to be appealing in his desire to keep his fathers company intact. While immature and annoying, perhaps we were to see his cause as right and worthy. Didn't come off that way tho.

  3. Just watched the one with the young scientist (Roddy McDowell?) who is childish and annoying. I think some people don't like that one cuz he is sooo annoying but I must say that the scene where it is cutting back and forth from the car driving up the mountain and the young guy in the bar is really good. The club music that plays over the scen is good and really gives a great attitude to the scene.

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  4. Hey, a good episode with minimal sob stories, interesting food, no injuries and two utter fails in the dessert round! Where was the dessert napolean?  i would have liked to hear the debate over whether that is a sandwich. Also, I don't watch that often anymore but it's not often that the judges actually say the an ingredient (green curry paste, in this case) just does not belong in the basket and may not be able to be worked in.

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  5. I believe they do a lot of work in the editing room for her. On the steak Oscar program she blends the hot coffee with the chips and the eggs (by the way, what? Has anyone ever heard of this- does is work?) and when she finishes blending it's clearly still grainy. ON the crazy-ass meatloaf when she mixes the 12 whole slices of bread that has been soaked in milk into the ground beef there is an edit and then it is perfectly incorporated. I believe that would not really work- even soaked in milk whole bread slices would be difficult to evenly blend in. I would think one would have to tear up the bread before soaking it.

  6. I don't often watch but holy shit this morning. What is the matter with every single person associated with this show?  This sort of ignorant absurdity would get a prime time host fired, rightly so!  UNBELIEVABLE. You all have said it better but that whole "discussion" about race was offensive, stupid, untrue, smug and self-righteous and conducted by people who were all born into the front row.  How does MSNBC let this shit stay on the air?  Why?  I literally wanted to violently lash out and set something on fire.

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  7. Chefs Gilbert 's dessert looked really really bad. Once that was served he had no chance of winning, even if his gang brother had cancer, needed teeth and was an orphaned, crippled war vet.

    Of course I was rooting for the lady who was playing because she likes.to.win. No sob story just wants. To. Win. Too bad she screwed up the pork chop.

    Does anyone know if there is a time lapse, even a few minutes, after they see the ingredients and when "time starts now"? I can't believe they can come up with full blown ideas that fast!

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  8. Once again, the whole plot made no sense. none. zero. zilch. Ridiculous.  To flush out an anonymous poster who outed a lottery scam, killer sets up this game but doesn't start trying to find his target until the 9th installment. And then he tortures and kills whoever he finds there and he's going to keep doing it until his guy shows up.  And this accomplishes what?  It's not like the lottery is going to go back to having the scammable games if the guy who pointed it out is dead? so...revenge?  Whatever.  This show started out as competently written but is very poorly written now.  And having Joan out of the brownstone removes the only fun part of the show- the funny one-liners and awkwardness of them living together.  

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  9. "Dessert is probably the second highest source of PYKAGs in the game, right behind "not respecting the protein."

    I thought scallops or risotto were one of the top two sources of PYKAGs! And now we have another scallop elimination- proving once again It's Not Top Scallop.

  10. I just watched the one with the female tv exec, sleeping with her boss whom doesn't promote her when he gets promoted so she kills him.

    It is a great, classic episode. The woman is an excellent villian, she kills out of a carefully controlled and focused rage and she maintains that control the entire ep. She doesn't try to solve the crime for columbo. She says "I don't know" to many of his questions.

    I also enjoyed that columbo catches her in a lie about her jacket, and the car and he still puts the gun in the elevator ceiling to truly trap her.

    The whole scene in the abandoned childhood home with the killer and Columbo was creepy and odd and interesting.

    I think this is a great episode.

  11. I don't think that it is a waste of flowers in reality. As noted, the whole tv audience was able to enjoy them and learn how arrangement was made and the production crew probably got to take sections home.

    But it is the TV illusion that makes it seem wasteful. The pretense that "Michael is coming over to show me how to make a centerpiece and I'm making lunch". The illusion that someone would show up with hundreds and hundreds of dollars of flowers and hours of free time. Actually it is work for both of them and the Tv show paid for the flowers for our enjoyment.

    But it is a "good" tv show!

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  12. Cooks country just made the strawberry pretzel pie on their show. They called it strawberry salad for some reason. The ground the pretzels fine, whipped cream, and gelatin made w puréed frozen strawberys and another lb of sliced strawberys added in.

  13. I saw the meatloaf ep again ( I have a depressing amount of free time). Why not add the "scrumptious" sauce to the actual meatloaf? Would it change the "soft and pillowy" texture?

    Also how does she get the bread all mixed in evenly? It doesn't seem possible.

    She should call that dish meat soufflé.

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  14. God Blais is gross and his smug is strong. Has he been at JT every episode? Cuz I thought we were spared his repeated opinions and prouncements at JT?

    The editing was a bit weird tonite. The restaurant guy was wonderful but if a team wins based on writing a menu show people making the decision. It was hard for me to understand exactly what was going on at first.

    Food looked delish tonite. The dress Padma wore into the restaurant had a triangular patch of design over her private area. Weird

  15. ok I love Ina but I just saw the re-run where she has friends over for bridge and makes sliders and corn salad. Talk about phoning it in and filler- she defined "sliders" 5 TIMES! (small hamburgers). Like who doesn't know that - 5 TIMES!  Then she was clearly mocking the whole cooking show vibe by saying to her friend "These are going to be the juicest, most delicious sliders that anyone has ever had!"  She was almost openly laughing while she said it.  I wonder when that one is from- she seems kinda over it but I still rather watch her than almost anyone else!

  16. Is that a legit meatloaf recipe? 4lbs ground beef 12 slices of white bread, 2 cups of milk 8 eggs???? I've made a lot of meatloaf in my time and I can't imagine what those proportions would turn out ! Not to mention the package of bacon she put on top of each loaf!!

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  17. "At least she wasn't the unloved fat girl"

    I'm sure that cliche is coming. I never watch much',if any, of this type of tv but the reviews were so bad, the professional reviewers sounded shocked at how bad it is so I gave it a look on a rainy Saturday morning.

    And...wow. Who DOES write this stuff? Why is it so cliche, up to and including we have a kidnapped child, held hostage and two weirdos from a stalking unit "we mostly consult with other departments" are the only ones there. They tell no one else no SWAT team. Stupid.

    I think the writers actually think that by having Maggie wear open blouses they are empowering her and showing women should be able to wear what they want. But reality is in a workplace most women are more comfortable in slightly less revealing clothes because less chance of lots of things not the least of which is a wardrobe malfunction.

    And yeah the curtain thing is the worst. Terrible writing! The reviewers are correct in my opinion.

  18. What are people's favorite methods of injury or death? Mine are the eye-pecking in Birds of Prey. And the force feeding of poisoned pesto pasta in the one w the rich nasty woman who is converting the beloved town garden to a tea shop. I believe it is called Garden of Death.

    (The Garden of Death ep was a missed opportunity to have a crossover with Rosemary and Thyme)

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