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Posts posted by geekamonggeeks

  1. 3 hours ago, Tatum said:

    I don't even know if she dislikes Cate personally. Think Kim might be one of those moms that just sees every potential partner for their son as competition for his affection.

    She's always going on about how Cate has no ambition and isn't doing anything meaningful with her life while her son is actively not doing anything with his life and has even said that he considers getting a regular job to be beneath him. I agree that her dislike for Cate probably isn't personal, and she may feel the same towards any significant other Tyler has. The hypocrisy is just so bothersome. Every negative thing Kim has said about Cate can easily be applied to Tyler. And unlike Cate, who has geniune mental issues, Tyler doesn't want to work because he thinks he's too good to get a regular job. 

    • Love 13
  2. Kim's dynamic with Tyler is interesting. She really does coddle him while also simultaneously expecting him to grow up and be an adult. And the way she always comes to him when she has an issue with Cate is annoying. Cate doesn't do anything, so chances are she'll be home if Kim needs to talk to her. So talk to her instead of using your stupid son to relay your messages. But, seriously, I do think Kim is meddling way too much in C&T's marriage. She's not the first person to dislike her daughter-in-law, and she won't be the last. I sincerely doubt Tyler would've done anything remotely decent with his life even if he had broken up with Cate. 

    • Love 11
  3. Kim lost me when she started validating Tyler's shitty attitude towards Brandon and Teresa. When B&T first asked them to stop sharing Carly's photos online, Kim agreed with Tyler that they were way out of line and it was pointless to make such a request because people would recognize Carly anyway. Instead of even trying to understand where B&T were coming from as concerned parents, Kim threw them under the bus and continued to prop Tyler up as he went on his rants about how disrespectful they were being and how much he regretted choosing them to be Carly's parents. And she completely ignored poor Catelynn when Cate pointed out that B&T had every right to make their rules and it ultimately didn't matter if the rest of the world got to see Carly's face. All that mattered was appeasing the golden prince because he got his fragile ego bruised. Screw you, Kim. You reap what you sow and now your golden prince is a lazy douchecanoe who refuses to get a job, go to school, or even take care of his child. In other words, he's essentially Butch Lite. 

    • Love 8
  4. 11 minutes ago, ava111 said:

    Leah saying to Kristina "you are my everything" was so sweet. I wonder if she ever said that to her birth mother. I can't even call Amber her real mother as she was never a real mother to Leah but Kristina is. I bet Amber must be fuming that it was shown on TV.


    I really think that Kristina and Leah have a very close relationship and Leah holds her stepmother in high regards. I also realized that after he and Amber broke up, Gary primarily dated young single mothers. A couple of his in-between girlfriends had kids, and we all know that Kristina has a daughter a few years older than Leah. I don't know if it's because he felt that single moms would be more likely to date him, or if he was specifically searching for somebody maternal for Leah's sake. Either way, it worked out because you can tell that Leah has a lot of love for her stepmom. 

    • Love 11
  5. 10 hours ago, poopchute said:

    For someone who was so upset over the loss of their first child you would think he would be cherishing every moment instead of playing on his phone but he's a shitbag.

    That's what gets to me about this whole thing. Tyler bitches and complains so much about missing out on Carly that he doesn't realize he's missing out on Nova. I don't doubt that Catelynn and Tyler will feel Carly's absence for the rest of their lives---that's just the nature of the beast---but that doesn't mean Ty should ignore Nova in favor of the child he placed. He and Cate have completely romanticized the notion of what parenting a child would've been like, and it's infecting their relationship with the child they're raising. Carly has her own family. Let her enjoy her life and hope that she'll want a relationship someday. That's really the only thing Cate and Ty can do at this point. 

    • Love 10
  6. 1 hour ago, Christina said:

    I think Maci and Taylor are so conceited, they expected the venue to waive all fees in exchange for it being shown on MTV and for them mentioning the venue on their social media. There isn't any reason for a venue that is constantly booked to do that, since they are already maxing out their rentals. Maci's photographer was already booked on the wedding date, but ended up bailing on the other couple with the excuse that the bride didn't like her. That is the behavior Maci expects from people. 


    Ah, I totally forgot that Maci is using another bride's photographer. She's going to be stuck in a rut when the show ends for good. Wasn't she living in a little shack when the show returned? Then she got paid and bought that house she didn't even live in for a full year. She really does think she's better than everybody else. You can tell she still considers herself the franchise's golden child because she was the first ever girl featured on "16 and Pregnant". And you can tell that everybody in her life---including her own mother---are sick of her attitude. 

    • Love 4
  7. Tyler has no clue on to be a father. I've said it before and I said it again. I also think he doesn't like all the hard work that comes with being a parent and that's why he's having such a hard time with Nova when she's already over a year old. It's one thing to struggle taking care of your kid when your partner or spouse isn't around, but Tyler's never helped out with Nova period. He's the guy who had to tell Catelynn to ask him when she needs his help with the baby and tried to justify his lack of support by claiming that he was letting Cate do everything by herself because she missed out on parenting Carly (of course, douchecanoe had no answer when Cate pointed out that he missed out on raising Carly, too). Tyler likes having Nova around so he can take cute photos of her and act like he's Father of the Year. When it comes to actually taking physical care of her, he'd rather be anywhere else. 

    • Love 15
  8. I was rolling my eyes when Maci said that she'd be totally fine with a courthouse wedding but her and Taylor's families wouldn't approve. At this point, I think they'd be happy with a quickie wedding at the courthouse so Maci can finally shut up about postponing this wedding and how stressed she is planning it and all that jazz. I personally think that her family and friends suggested she and Taylor go to the Justice of the Peace to nip this thing in the bud, but Maci shot them down because she wants a big-ass wedding in Florida. Which is totally fine, but don't act like you're okay with something else and other people are forcing your hand. It's annoying. Just admit this is the wedding you want and go with it. 

    • Love 15
  9. 6 hours ago, NikSac said:

    For that matter Nova'd probably be better off in real daycare than bouncing around between family members who've already been pretty dysfunctional in the pas

    Nova should probably be in daycare or any kind of play groups to help her socialize with other children and see that there's a world outside the orange living room and Grandma April's liquor-bottle cluttered kitchen. The adults in charge of such groups would probably give her more stimulation than any of the so-called grown-ups in her life right now. 

    • Love 9
  10. Tyler really has no idea how to take care of Nova, does he? He pens her with the dog, he changes her diaper on an airport floor instead of taking her into the bathroom, and he's completely over having her in his care. Dude straight-up has no idea how to be a father, and it really shows in tonight's episode. 

    • Love 18
  11. 10 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

    But I believe Farrah kept the baby to spite Debra instead of placing her for adoption like Debra asked her to. 

    I think Farrah kept the baby to get back at her mom for not allowing her to get an abortion. Farrah was a scared teenager facing a huge, life-changing event, and her mother forbade her from making her own decision because it went against Deb's morals. Farrah's a fucked-up person, but you look into this kind of shit and realize why. Like Sophia, I don't think she ever stood a chance at a normal life. 

    • Love 7
  12. 9 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

    Who's the random older black couple? And why doesn't Amber have a single person in her age group around her. Matt has surrounded her with his family and friends. His isolation of her is almost complete and any hope we had of her getting out from under his sell will be lost.


    The sad thing is that I don't remember Amber ever having friends her own age. She's always hung out with Kousin Krystal and her brother and sometimes her mom or dad. I know that Farrah had those paid friends who disappeared after a season or two, but I can't recall Amber even having that. I think there was one this one woman who checked out a house with her, but that's it. She really is an easy target for a scumbag like Matt. She had already more or less isolated herself by the time he showed up. In one of the recent episodes, Amber admitted that part of the reason why she wanted her costars to be her bridesmaids was because she didn't have any friends of her own. Then she went on to say that she wasn't super-close to Maci or Farrah. She was already a lonely sadsack when Matt came around. I don't doubt for a second that he's intentionally isolating her from what little interaction she has with other people, but Amber has always been cut off from the rest of the world. 

    • Love 11
  13. 6 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

    I just don't see it like that. If she wants to quit and have a quiet life she would have to get a job or even jobs. She couldn't shill for adoption/Bethany without the show for long. She has done nothing to prepare for a future away from the show, imo. I agree that Tyler is the attention whore but I don't see Catelynn wanting out.

    She can't quit because of Tyler. If Cate leaves the show, then Tyler is done as well because nobody will want to see him without Catelynn. It's called "Teen Mom" not "I'm With A Former Teen Mom". As for the job thing, Cate is pretty frugal and can probably do well on her own. She also seem to thrive when it comes to working; i remember when she got a job at that boutique (because of MTV, but still) and seemed to really like it even if it was just a few hours a day. I just can't imagine she likes filming anymore. You can tell she's over the whole thing, and probably has been for a while. 

    • Love 6
  14. 8 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

    Sadly most of the positive affirmations Catelynn receives are due to being on reality TV and from being in a relationship with Tyler so I can see why it would so hard to quit. She has so little going for her that she can't see that being on reality TV and married to Tyler are not good things.

    Somebody on Reddit posted a photo of Catelynn from around the time the show went on hiatus and she looked really good. Her skin and hair were glowing and healthy, and she seemed quite happy and vibrant. Now she doesn't even look like that girl anymore. It's not even her physical appearance that's changed; mentally she's nowhere near the level she was at when the show was cancelled the first time. Given her past traumas, Cate's never been the happiest girl, but I think she had a sense of purpose just a few years ago. She was helping girls and other birth mothers, she lost a shit-tone of weight, and seemed to be handling the adoption a lot better than she is now. 

    I don't think Cate is the one who wants to be on reality TV anymore. I think she may have realized that being on MTV is part of the reason why she has so much shit going on in her life; airing her dirty laundry for the cameras is clearly getting to her, given her recent perchance at covering up the dashboard cameras and her claims that she isn't watching this season because she doesn't want to relive such a tough time in her life. Plus, her and Tyler's choosing to be on TV is creating tension with Brandon and Teresa, so Cate has that weighing on her mind. I personally get the impression that she's done with MTV and just wants to live a quiet life with her daughter and her family. Tyler, however, has admitted that MTV is his full-time job and he's not leaving anytime soon despite his claim that the producers are manipulating his storyline and using him and Cate as a pawn. People will definitely want to see Cate without Ty, not the other way around. Catelynn will never quit the show because she'll definitely incur Tyler's wrath for throwing away such easy money, dignity and mental issues be damned. 

    • Love 7
  15. 13 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

    If his visits are filmed I will vomit.

    If the rehab stay itself is filmed, I'll be pissed. Cate needs honest-to-God therapy away from the cameras and she's not getting it. She'll never get it if it's being filmed and she's scared to say the wrong thing on tape. 

    • Love 11
  16. Why is Tyler already visiting Catelynn at therapy? What was the point of her even going if he's going to show his weaselly face whenever she's trying to get help? Cate only stayed for a month, and we know from social media that Tyler visited her several times during. I've never been to a therapy/rehab center, but don't they usually discourage visitors until the patients show vast improvements? I think it's safe to say that Tyler is one of the main reasons behind Cate's depression and anxiety, and maybe he visited her to keep an eye on her and make sure she wasn't potentially spilling her guts about how awful he is to her. He did the same thing when she spoke to Dr. Drew on the phone and when she was crying to the producer about going away. He's such a control freak. 

    • Love 12
  17. 41 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

    I can't quite get a read on the Taylor/Bentley relationship. While I think Taylor does have feelings for Bentley, I can't say if I believe he'll come around when he divorces Maci. And they will divorce. I don't think he'll do more than a polite pat on the head when he drops by to pick up Jade (Jayde?).


    I don't think Maci and Taylor dislike each other greatly, but I get the feeling that they're only together out of convenience. I don't think Maci ever once mentioned marrying his scraggly ass until he got her pregnant the first time. Then she was all about doing right by Grandma and getting a ring on it and even telling Taylor in front of their friends that he should break up with her if he wasn't planning on marrying her right away. Of course, he didn't propose until he knocked her up with miracle baby #2, and by then Maci knew they had to get married or else she'd look like a desperate idiot. She knows she'll look bad if she breaks up with him after oh-so publicly begging him to marry her for the last year or so. Taylor only stays with her because of the ~fame and fortune~ he gets by being with a D-list "celebrity". It seems like they've settled with each other. A divorce is pretty much inevitable. It's just a matter of when. 

    • Love 5
  18. If Maci isn't careful with all this moving, then she's going to end up living in another glorified frat house trying to pay off taxes all over again. Weren't she and Taylor living in a very small, very modest home when "Teen Mom" came back? Then the season is over the next thing you know they're expecting and moving into a bigger place so Taylor can have his "man cave". And they're moving once again in less than a year. Moving is fun and all, but I don't see the point in doing it so much when you're living on very limited funding. What was wrong with their "old" house? It seemed big enough to me for all three kids. 

    The juxtaposition between Jayde and Nova was interesting and sad. Jayde is laughing, babbling, being encouraged by her parents and brother to make weird noises and having a grand old time. Then there's Nova, sitting blank-faced in the living room and gnawing on car keys while both her parents almost pointedly ignore her. I know some of it can their personalities emerging and taking root right now, but I also think it's obvious that Jayde probably gets more stimulation from the adults in her life than Nova does. Jayde is lively; Nova is passive. Jayde is curious; Nova is cautious. It's actually kind of neat to think about. 

    • Love 9
  19. 10 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

    Tyler really knows how to turn it on for the cameras don't he? See, those acting lessons in New Orleans really did pay off. 

    Crying on cue in the car taking Cate to the airportrip? Yeah right. He wouldn't  give a damn if she never came back from Arizona.

    Yeah, he would. Because who would take care of Nova? April and her weirdo husband can only keep the kid for so long and Kim has no time or patience to be a full-time nanny. Plus, without Cate around, B&T would cut Tyler off without a second thought. He needs Catelynn like he needs to breathe. 

    • Love 11
  20. If Tyler is indeed threatening to quit, then he's only doing so because he's no longer getting that golden child edit, and more and more people are calling him out for his BS. All of a sudden he's claiming that he and Cate are MTV's pawns and that the producers are editing their storylines a certain way. He's never done this before because he never had to worry about looking bad on the show. Even at his worse, the show always portrayed him as the selfless boyfriend who stuck by his girlfriend's side after they oh-so bravely put their child up for adoption. Now that MTV is airing all of his Cate's dirty little secrets, he's suddenly had enough of them. The thing is he'll never quit of his own accord because he needs the money. If he does quit, then he'll probably pull a Maci and come back a couple episodes later with some lame excuse about why he really left. 

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