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Posts posted by ramble

  1. Thanks guys for the words of support. I appreciate it! :) Things are in a holding pattern for the next 6-8 weeks & than life will head one way or the other. Limbo is not a place I like to be. I'm a planner & the last 3 years have freaked me out quite a lot. I've used that, some family problems & a few bad relationship choices as excuses for far too long. My butt is expanding proof!

    I have two big dogs & they really don't care if I'm on the floor working out. They prefer the bed or the sofa. They're a wee bit spoiled. I have hardwood floors & it's a little too hard for the softies to want to stretch out on that often.

    stillshimpy thanks for the info on videos. I forgot that I even marked a few on YouTube a few months ago. Stress gives me serious sieve brain. I've told myself on Monday I'm going to suck it up & start working out at home. I can't be at the gym right now so I'm going to have to do this on my own. Eeeeekkk!

    RescueMom, first, good for you on the running. I hate running. I really wanted to love it, but after trying off & on for a couple of years I admitted defeat. I'm impressed! Second, sorry to hear about your insomnia. I struggle with it in waves. At times I have to give in & use pills, which I hate, but I try my best not to. I use melatonin at times & that helps, but similar to you I have to aware of light at the wrong time of night. I use some of those amber glasses to block certain light spectrum & they actually seem to help. That is when I remember. Sieve brain is everywhere!

    Bastet the idea of your former kitty doing curls is precious! I'm crazy allergic to cats, so I can't have them, but my youngest & I watch silly cat videos together pretty often because they're stinking cute.

  2. But what if the Blunder Twins were actually Troubled Triplets? They could even make it a female, and have Sam Underwood play her in drag. It will be a tour de force not seen since Flip Wilson (look it up youngsters). The show would finally get its long deserved Emmy.

    Oh my goodness please let this happen! If I were a man I'd give my left nut for this, but I'm a woman so I can't. How about a Fallopian tube? Heck, take 'em both!
  3. and Alphas

    This made me ridiculously happy & slightly sad.

    Because it can't be said enough "Dear god what is up with Pete's hair?"

    It's almost a character into itself. Hey look there's Pete & there's Pete's hair.

    This episode was just ok IMO, but since it's the farewell tour & I'm nostalgic, I'm happy with it anyway.

    • Love 1
  4. For the life of me, I can't figure out who picked up the twins at the end. It would have to be an existing character, otherwise, what's the point? Oh fuck it. I don't give a shit anyway.

    This, this, a million times this. I realized as I watched this that I just don't care at all. Kill then all, set them all free, move them to an island & start a new civilization. I don't care. This has gone on for so long & no one is that likable anymore. Joe has never done it for me as a psychopath. I've been close to one & Joe pales in comparison. Ryan is ok to me only because he's under the Kevin Bacon grace law. I kind of like Mike but I think much of that is transferred care from his brother on Warehouse 13. Sigh. Stupid show. Why do I watch?
    • Love 1
  5. Interesting! Where are the free ones? If you don't mind sharing. I have been bad, bad, bad for many, many months now due to a long list of pathetic & hideous life crap, but prior to that I always worked out in group settings. I love classes. Any of them, except cycling, I've tried a bunch: BodyPump, BodyFlow, Pilates, Yoga, Barre, Kickboxing, Dance & Lift, Belly Dancing, TRX, Zumba, Plyometrics, I'm probably forgetting others. I've also worked out in small groups & found that I love lifting. I've done boot camps as well, but don't particularly like them.

    Now, due to that life crap mess, I need to try working out alone at home for awhile. I have a few DVDs & a set of weights. I just need to figure out the all by myself thing. I've started a new n=1 experiment with some dietary changes so trying a new fitness regime seems to make sense now as well. I miss the old sweaty endorphin high.

    • Love 1
  6. I watched the Bares All special that had new scenes & contestant comments the other night. I think Sabrina matched him pretty well in the jerkathon. After the fact, once she was home, they gave her a video of him describing that once he quit he found out he had three diseases: malaria, a tick borne illness & some other tropical thing. He was his usual butthead self about his announcement & took credit for teaching her, but afterwards she pretty much said that she still didn't care & it didn't give him an out. Wasn't she the one who had massive stomach cramps & had to leave but recovered after a couple of days of fluids & food? These two sound like an unpleasant match made for each other.

    • Love 1
  7. Vogue creative director talks about Kim's cover. She's quoted as saying she's fascinated by Kim the way she's fascinated by people on the subway. I don't think Kanye sees his sink queen as a simple subway rider.

    describing Kim as “very professional,” and baby North as “very well-behaved. We did millions of pictures and she did not cry once...

    Millions? Literally? No wonder she's fascinated by Kim. They speak the same language.
  8. I hope the Royals think she is the woman that was with Nick and Renard that they are looking for.

    I absolutely love that idea. Get rid of two unfortunate story lines in one killing. I imagine though that HexenMama is going to rat out GrimmMama.

    Have they shown Adalind talking while woged before? I don't recall. Either way it needs to stop. It made the whole effect worse. Is that all CGI or is it make-up? I kept hearing Glenn from FaceOff in my head asking if the actor can move their face through the make-up. Umm, kind of, no, sort of, oh whatever.

    • Love 1
  9. My dad actually did the car with the giant bow for my mom. It was a 20 year anniversary gift. I suppose by then he knew her pretty well. He knew the make/model she been wanting for awhile & got it completely loaded. She loved it & drove it more than 10 years. So it can work in the right circumstances I suppose.

    • Love 1
  10. My kids saw that & didn't get the set-up, especially since they didn't know Penelope Cruz, so I explained it to them. My oldest's response, "So they're trying to sell coffee by showing you how a stupid person is seduced by it to the point he can't do his job?" It would seem so. I didn't point out that I found the idea of the "star" serving a random reporter coffee ridiculous as well.

    • Love 3
  11. Featuring Mike Weston as Aquaman.

    Poor Mike. No one ever appreciates Aquaman.

    Teaming up to save Claire seems inevitable. Which leads me back to the point that she should've stayed dead so we wouldn't have this crappy possibility. Can the twins just kill all three & then drive around the country on a sightseeing tour with Ryan & Joe in the backseat?

  12. I just can't imagine anyone being OK with climbing a narrow rocky path in a wet, slippery environment and then up several STAIRS to get to the doorless outhouse. Imagine as a woman coping with sanitary necessities in that situation!

    My goodness I agree! I thought it was odd how far away the outhouse was. Was it not a composting toliet & that's why it was such a distance? Besides basic monthly issues what about if you has a bout of stomach flu or simply needed to go in the middle of the night?

    I missed the very beginning & didn't understand how they were paying for anything either. It sounded like they wanted to be alone & not have a 9-5 job, which is fine, but where were they getting the $350 a month for rent? The guy mentioned something about less money in the off season so maybe they had a plan.

    I did like the treehouse cottage, although at $1,000 plus utilities I can see how that would be a totally different experience. I had a brief moment of thinking how I'd like to go there for a few months of solitude, but then I remembered how much I like having internet & cable & seeing my friends & decided I'd last maybe 2 weeks.

    I've been enjoying the difference of the Off the Grid shows. I wonder if it was just the one week special or they're going to start making it a more regular thing?

    • Love 1
  13. I love me some Grimm just because it's Grimm, but when Teresa said "they call me Trouble" I wanted to punch the writers. Really? People call you that? It felt like a cliché hit me in the head as it bounced around my living room. I'm not sure how I feel about a Grimm apprentice when I feel like Nick still has things to learn, but I'm willing to wait & see.

    shapeshifter when Trouble was in the back seat I noticed how hot Nick looked!

    • LOL 1
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  14. Totally random, but since we can do that in this type of thread (yea!) I just want to say that I like the word whoosh. It's Friday night, my kids are at their dad's & I'm watching a cable rerun of one of the X-Men movies. Little things like whoosh are a big deal on a Friday night like this. :) I also like the word swoon.

    • Love 4
  15. Metal Hurlant Chronicles. I'll watch most sci-fi, but holy crap such suckage as this should really generate a black hole. I only watched two episodes & they are separate, unrelated episodes each time, but the last one I watched had a bunny morph into a giant rabbit that was the savior of the humans. The first one I saw had close to 50 percent, of a 30 minute show, in slow motion. Ugh.

    • Love 2
  16. I'm a woman and the term "Cougar" doesn't really bother me.

    It doesn't bother me either & I've done the whole dating younger guy thing in spades. I tried to watch the show once & was bored. I also tried to watch Modern Family & found it boring as well as not very funny. Also, as sacrilegious as this is to many, including my entire family who is horrified by my opinion, I can't stand Sherlock.
    • Love 2
  17. I'm finding it hard to find someone to root for! I'm not crazy about Russ, but other than that, they are all kind of meh.

    I agree with you. They seem pleasant enough but no one really stands out. My favorite part of this show so far is Brian Henson & his bits of info. The tip about sunscreen & talking about big bird having to fly in first class is just fun stuff to hear. It also made me laugh when The Dude (perfect starri) name dropped & called himself on it.
    • Love 1
  18. Wasn't Rafa on "Rockstar"? I thought when I saw him the other night that that was what he was on.

    Yes he was! That's how I know him as well. I had/have quite the tv crush on him & his lovely guitar.
    • Love 1
  19. I read a warning that said the pilot was everything introduced at lightning speed & it settles. I'm not sure I believe that, but I'll probably try again & see. The music soundtrack of her hyper sexualized state annoyed me the most. Could it be more overt? We get it she hears music & wants risky sex. I want this to be better because the brain fascinates me & I've spent more time than I care to admit researching mood & personality disorders after having been involved with the spawn of satan.

    • Love 1
  20. I also thought it was funny (and telling) when Ryan read the tweet from Carrie Underwood complimenting Caleb & Jena. Caleb sat there, calmly and maturely, while Jena was making her face and pumping her arms like a cocky idiot.

    It's so funny how perception colors things. I thought Caleb came off smug & entitled while Jena looked dorky & camera-aware. Of course I've moved from not enjoying Caleb to actively loathing him so I am admittedly biased.

    So I read this band is the band from DWTS and I think the AI band is now on that show?

    I hadn't heard that. I am familiar with the guitar player Rafa from a different competitive show, but I didn't think he'd been on DWTS. Huh.

    Once more the winner for me was Grumpy Cat, although Keith in a suit was a close second, I just didn't care for his tie much.

    • Love 1
  21. I FF'd through most of the music. I was really hoping for more from the songwriters & background info. I would've just deleted the whole thing once I realized the info was sparse, but I kept hoping the Stella sisters would sing. I like country music & like some of the songs being performed, but I'm not crazy about some of the singers. I didn't catch if they told us why Connie Britton was absent, but I've always thought she had the weakest voice so I wasn't surprised.

  22. Ok I watched. First catty thought: I agreed with the magazine, I thought Tori's skin looked odd too. If this is real, a big if with these people, the therapy moments were uncomfortable. I've done the marriage therapy thing & Tori had the keep your distance, avoid eye contact & talk around issues routine down well, if she truly is hurt & distrustful. Dean looks rough. Like week long bender & woke up in jail in Mexico rough. I imagine I'll keep watching because in that sick, slow down & stare at a wreck fashion, it's interesting.

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